PAGE TWO men. I pray Almighty God that the words I write in this house may be pure and honest-that they be dictated by no personal spite, un- worthy motive or unjust greed for gain; that they may tell the truth as far as I know itâ€" and tend to promote love and peace- amongst DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY Christmas is less than a month away, in fact there are only twen- ty-six more shopping days. No season of the year brings more real joy and gladness than does Christmas. The giving of gifts always a pleasure, is made doub- ly pleasant if the purchasing of these gifts be done quietly and with- out the rush and flurry of last minute shopping. Every year more and more people do their Christmas shopping early, reap all the advantages in variety of selection and leisure of choice and when Christmas comes they can enjoy the Whole season without that Worn out, tired feeling. Make Christmas a joy this year, and shop early. Advertising is a common word in the vocabulary of the busineSS man of today. It may mean one thing to one man and another thing to some other man, bit the word is one which all will recognize and a- bout which every business man has some conviction. The man who believes that advertising does not pay is no longer with us. Examples of success due entirely to advertising are so numâ€" erous that even the man who cares no more for a dollar than he does for his right eye, will agree that advertising can be made to pay. OPTOMETRISTS ' 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) Able eyesight specialist, may be con- sulted atâ€"â€"- ‘ Austin’s Drug Store Because of this commonly accepted truth that “advertising pays,†perhaps more dollars are coaxed out the till for this purpose than re- sults justify. It should be remembered that not every printed adverâ€" tisement will bring back to the business man its cost plus a profit. Unless intelligent thought is given to the preparation of the copy for the advertisement and unless after the copy is prepared it is placed in some medium which circulates among the prospective customers, a lar- ge per cent of the value has disappeared. Then, too, the budget set aside for advertising should conform with the volume of business possible. Often the budget is too large for the size of the business and more often it is too small. If a business man expends more than a reasonable per cent. of his gross income for advertising purposes, he is gambling on futures and may come a cropper. REMEMBER THAT ALL PRINTED ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE NOT OF EQUAL VALUE TO YOU. IT IS THE ANNOUNCE- MENT WHICH IS CARRIED INTO THE HOMES OF THE PEOPLE YOU HOPE TO TRADE WITH THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE TO INCREASE YOUR GROSS BUSINESS. ADVERTISE IN THE LIBERAL, YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST HOME PAPER. RICHMOND HILL Friday, Dec. 7th Business methods applied to advertising insure against disappoint- ment. If you are doing a $25,000 gross business per year, don’t at- tempt to carry as large an advertising campaign as the man with the $100,000 gross business. It can’t be done. Make the advertising build up your gross business and keep pace with the advertising budget. Don’t get out of step. Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL é THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Subscription $1.50 per yearâ€"To the United States $2.00. Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. Coming! DON’T FORGET THIS DATE F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. SHOE REPAIR SHOP in L. Wade’s Old Stand, Lorne Ave. All Kinds Shoe Repairing. Harness and Rubbers Repaired Richmond Hill ShoeR epairs Richmond Hill from 1.30 p. m. to 8 p. m. Just around the corner from Austin’s Drug Store THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1928 A Modern and Up-loâ€"date I. CLULOW ADVERTISE IN THE HOME PAPER IS NOW OPEN THE LIBERAL ONTARIO TELEPHONE 9. Suéh’Tï¬ï¬ 'Bé‘h'en? {5'iioz'x' “€331 Charlton or A. E. Ames. 228 Colleen Street. Toronto 2. Ontario. Not so very-long ego, Henry was very anxious to go into one of the professions. so in order to make enough money to keep up with his expenses, he took up school teaching. Well, teaching isn’t so easy now-a- days as it used to be, and Henry had to work doubly hard to do his dayâ€: work and also keep up with his pri- vate studies. More than that. he had to spare some of his slender earnings to help keep his widowed mother. His father died some ï¬fteen years ago from tuberculosis, and, in time. and long before his goal was reached. Henry, too, had outworn his slender reserve of strength. Now he hns'hud to give up his position as a teacher. and his life's ambition. and enter the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptivee. where a. long- ï¬ght is before him. It may be many months before the ex- erienced medical attention and nurs- ng he is getting at this institution. the last hope of so many unfortun- stes like him, will do their part and put him on his feet again. Wouldn't you like to help in this work? A lugsuription would be most welcome. School Teacher Attacked Ontario NORTH YORK PRODUCERS ANNUAL CHRISTMAS MARKET DEC. let For the Best Display of Poultryâ€"lst prize $5.00. donated by Do- minion Bank, in a saving account. 2nd prize, given by Mr. H. N. Phil- lips, Downsview $2.00. Fort the Best Display of Eggsâ€"Donated by Messrs Reeve Murray and Deputyâ€"Reeve Case, Aurora, $5.00; 2nd by the Association $2.00; 3rd prize $1.00. For the Best Table Display of not less than 4 and not more than 6 competitors limited space.â€"lst prize $10.00; 2nd prize $8.00; 3rd $6.00 For the Best Individual Table displayâ€"A Silver Cup donated by the Royal Bank, to be won three time before it becomes the property of the Winner, a miniature cup presented each year, also $3.00 by the Association; 2nd prize donated by Thos. Wilkins, Wholesale Small Wares, 34 Market Street, Toronto, Goods valued $2.00; Individual dis- play, 3rd prize $1.00. For the Best One Dozen Eggsâ€"Specials, any Varietyâ€"$2.00 d0- nated by Mr. A. F. Lund, Thistletown. For the Best Display of Potatoesâ€"$5.00 worth of Seeds. donated by Steele Briggs Seed 00., Toronto. For the Best Display of Flowersâ€"$5.00 worth of Goods, donated by Wilson & Hargraves, 3419 Yonge Street. For the Best Collection of Vegetablesâ€"$5.00 worth of Seeds, do- nated by Andrews Mountain Seed 00., Ltd., 188 King St., East Toronto For the Best Artistic Display of Vegetablesâ€"$5.00 worth of seeds donated by J. A. Simmers Seed Co., Ltd., 147 King St. East, Toronto. For the Best Pair Dressed Turkeysâ€"Goods valued $5.00, donated by Grey’s Service Ltd., 3471 Yonge Street. . For the Best Pair Dressed Geeseâ€"Goods valued $5.00, donated by H. Whiteman, Druggist, 3448 Yonge Street, Toronto. For the Best Pair Dressed Ducksâ€"Goods valued $3.00, donated by Mr. Thomas, Terminal Lunch, 3454 Yonge Street. For the Best Pair Dressed Chickensâ€" $2.00 Cash donated by the Association. For the Best 5 pounds of Butter in one pound printsâ€"Silver cup donated by Canadian Bank of Commerce, Yonge & City Limits Branch For Sweepstakesâ€"40 be confined to the Producers of the County of York a Silver Cupâ€"Donated by Col. F. B. Robins. For the Best 5 pounds Fruit Cakeâ€"$5.00 donated by Mrs. H. Mat- hews, Richmond Hill. The cake to become the property of the donor. For the Best Layer Cake, one layerâ€"$1.00 donated by Mrs. J. J. Lees, Maple. The cake to become the property of the donor. For the Best Goose in the Showâ€"$7.00 donated by Mr. Hy. Mat_- hews, Richmond Hill. The goose to become the property of the donator POTATOES * CLASS lâ€"For the Best 6 Quart Basket of Irish Cobblers lst Prize . . . . $1.00 2nd Prize . . . . 75c. 3rd Prize . . . . 50c. CLASS 2â€"For the Best 6 Quart Basket of Dulies lst Prize . . . . $1.00 2nd Prize . . . . 750. 3rd Prize . . . . 500. CLASS 3â€"For the Best 6 Quart Basket of Any Other Variety 1st Prize . . . . $1.00 2nd Prize . . . . 75c. 3rd ‘r’rize . . .. 500. lst Prize BUTTER CLASS 22â€"For the Best Slbs of Butter put up Special in 11‘!) prints $5.00 Given by Mrs. Elsie E. Graham, Lawrence Park Manor, 2867 Yonge Street. The Butter to become the property of the Donator. For the Best 5 Tbs of Butter put up in 11b Prints 1513 Prize . . . . $3.00 2nd Prize .. .. $2.00 3rd Prize . . . . $1.00 lst Prize lst Prize lst Prize FRUIT CLASS 23â€"F0r the Best 6 Quart Basket of Dessert or Eating Apples lst Prize . . .. $2.00 2nd Prize . . . . $1.00 3rd Prize .. . . 75c. CLASS 24â€"F0r the Best 6 Quart Basket of Cooking Apples lst Prize . . . . $2.00 2nd Prize . . . . $1.00 3rd Prize . . . . 75c. lst Prize lst Prize ls’c Prize lst Prize lst Prize lst Prize CLASS 27â€"For the Best Individual Display of Extracted Honey lst Prize .. .. $3.00 2nd Prize .. . . $2.00 CLASS 28-â€"For the Best Individual Display of Comb Honey lst Prize . . . . $3.00 2nd Prize . . . . $2.00 CLASS 29â€"For the Best Fancy Cake and Pastry lst Prize . . . . $3.00 2nd Prize . . . . $2.00 CLASS 30â€"For the Best Layer Cake, 3 Layers 1512 Prize . . . . $1.00 2nd Prize . . . . 75c. 3rd Prize CLASS 31â€"For the Best Loaf of Home Made Bread lst Prize . . . . $1.00 2nd Prize . . . . 75c. 3rd Prize CLASS 32â€"For the Best 1 Dozen Buns lst Prize . . . . $1.00 2nd Prize . . . . 75c. 3rd Prize C. R. JAMES. President. Richmond Hill THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIQ PARSNIPS CLASS 7â€"F0r the Best 6 Quart Basket of Parsnips . . . . $1.00 2nd Prize . . . . 750. 3rd Prize CABBAGE CLASS 4â€"For the Best Savoys, 3 Heads . . . . $11.00 2nd Prize . . . . 75c. 3rd Prize CLASS Sâ€"For the Best Hard Cabbage, 3 Heads . . . . $1.00 2nd Prize . . . . 75c. 3rd Prize CARROTS CLASS 6â€"For the Best 6 Quart Basket of Carrots .... $1.00 2nd Prize .... 75c. 3rd Prize ONIONS CLASS Sâ€"For the Best 6 Quart Basket of Onions . . . . $1.00 2nd Prize . . . . 75c. 3rd Prize CLASS 25â€"For the Best Display of Cut Blooms . . . . $3.00 2nd Prize . . . . $2.00 3rd Prize CLASS 26â€"For the Best Display of Potted Plants .. .. $3.00 2nd Prize . . . . $2.00 3rd Prize BEETS CLASS 9â€"For the Best 6 Quart Baskets of Beets .... $1.00 2nd Prize . . .. 75c. 3rd Prize CLASS 10â€"' .. . . $1.00 ATTRACTIVE PRIZE LIST ROBERT POOL, Secretary, Eglinton, R. R. No. 1 CELERY CLASS 11 -â€" For the Best 6 Heads of Celery . $1.00 2nd Prize 750. 3rd Prize TURNIPS For the Best 5 Yellow Table Turnips 2nd Prize . . . . 75c. 3rd Prize SPECIAL PRIZES FLOWERS BAKING HONEY of Seeds, do- East Toronto Vorth of seeds st, Toronto. ;5.00, donated $1.00 $1.00 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c 50c 500 WILCOX LAKE BRICK CO. LIMITED W. H. LEGGE, Manager OFFICE: RESIDENCE NIGHTS & HOLIDAYS RICHMOND HILL, TEL. 92. TELEPHONE 2 r 12 Richmond Street When Building Enquire About Richmond Hill Marbelite Brick Cement, Field Tile, Glazed Tile Cedar Posts. GET OUR PRICES ON CEMENT WORK IT WILL PAY YOU Blocks Made To Order Or From Our Stock At Yards Coal-WOOd-Coke Chicken Feed, Poultry Supplies Lakeside 5280 LANGSTAFF SUPPLY C0., Ltd. Save yourself at our expense Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam» ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve diï¬er- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. We Call In Richmond Hill District TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for. Call up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Liberal Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Telephone Thomhill Nut, Stove and Egg Coal Delivered in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Enquire about Alberta Coal Lime and Builders’ Supplies J. Sheardown Agent for the American Agricultural Chemical Fertilizer 51-r-1 CEMENT MIXERS FOR RENT Custom Grinding G. S. REAMAN MANUFACTURED BY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 291h. 1928 G. H. Duncan. 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. Nights, Richmond Hill 80 Prompt Delivery Richmond Hi1. Ontario