This week we 01 quality Stove pipes and Elbows PAGE FOUR Everything In The Line Of Hardware, Stoves Second Hand Cook Stove In Good Condition HALF PRICE ’ HARDWARE Richmond Hill I‘arn Davies’ Dry Goods Store P HONE 119 Everybody an equal chance to win the beautiful Electric Floor Lamp or Cushion we are giving as a consolation prize and shown in our windows from tn-rlav Nov. 29th to Christmas Eve Dec. 24th Our show room now has a Christmasy effect with a large variety of merchandise and fancy articles suitable for Christmas and New Year presents, and we would appreciate your co= operation by making your purchases early, which we will as here-toâ€"fore pack for postage, or lay aside until required. MICRANT YOUTH WINS HEGHEST PLACE SPECIAL NOTICE COOPER! Aizat offer finest from ito-day Nov. 29th to Christmas Eve Dec. D-epartment, and placet :11, near Kingston, by th Colonization Association .lntario OAK RIDGES WOMEN’S INSTI- TUTE MEETING The December meeting of the Oak Ridges branch of the Women’s Insti- tute will be held at the Parish Hall on Wednesday, December 5th at 2.30 o’clock. The answer to the roll call is a Christmas shower. The Rev. C. F. Heathcote will give a Christmas ad- dress. Mrs. Wm. Cappell, a Christ- mas tale. Christmas music by Miss Alexina Mortson, L.T.C.M. Re- ports of the convention will be given by Mrs. Carlisle and Mrs. Fletcher Thompson. All are cordially invited to be present. The hostesses on this occasion will be Mrs. F. Wilkins and Mrs. R. Brown. A. C. HENDERSON THORNHILL, ONTARIO PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs Oak Ridges .on Santa Claus wed year he stood contest in the Date and time of arrival Will be an- nounced 'in this space next week. makes his annual Visit to Richmond Hill batâ€"lardiaflvï¬ational Railways photograph. Vaughan Township Tuesday, Dec. 4th: You needn’t be a fundamentalist to believe an ass talked in Bible timesâ€"â€" not if you have a radio. J. B. McLEAN, Clerk Maple, Ont., Nov. 29th, 1928 Strange how old words retain their meaning. Even in the beginning, “candidate†meant white or pure. The Regular December Meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore, on Modernism: Riding in a closed car, buying an exerciser and a violet-ray lamp to take the place of a walk in the sunshine. I RICHMOND HILL 11 a.m. for the transaction of general business. THE LIBERAL, 2.5133021? HILL, ONTARIO OII Citizens of Richmond Hill, To-morrow night (Friday‘) at the Masonic Hall, I hope to see you in goodly numbers to welcome Branch 66 Canadian Legion Minstrels and en- tertainers. We are going up to give you an evening of unadulterated fun and entertainrï¬â€™ent and the proceeds will be used for the relief of Veterâ€" ans distress. Branch No. 66 (North York Township) has achieved quite a reputation for their high class conâ€" certs and on November 15 this troupe played to a packed audience in Will- owdale after refusing nearly one hun- dred admissions. Rich. Thomas a versatile Toronto comedian and Com. Temperton, Tor- onto’s famous one hand pianist will be with us and we can assure you if you do your part, there will not be a dull moment from “Reveille to lights outâ€. Richmond Hill played her part well during 1914-18 and we confidently ex- pect her to continue to play her part when and as needed for veterans wel- fare work. Turn out Friday night, pack the hall and enjoy an evening ‘ with us, Letters From The Peopie purposes: To consolidate a floating indebted- ness of Thirteen thousand, three hunâ€" dred dollars ($13,300.00) of the said Corporation and to authorize the Cor. poration to provide, by By-law, to be passed without submitting the same to the taxpayers authorized to vote !on money By-laws: for borrowing up- Highâ€"pressure salesmanship consists in sending undertaker's limousine lit- erature when a gang leader is bump- ed off. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Corporation of the Village of Richmond Hill intend to apply to the Legislature of the Province of Ontarâ€" io, at the next Session thereof, ‘for'an Application to Parliament Act of on debentures of the said Corporation the said sum of Thirteen thousand, three hundred dollars ($13,300.00) to pay off the present floating debt of the Corporation. The existing debenture debt of the said Corporation is as follows:â€" Debentures issued for general purposes $123,515.00 Debentures issued for school purâ€" poses $118.020.07 Debentures issued for Local Im- provements $5,187.94 The Corporation ofvthe Village of Richmond Hill, by Naughton and Jen- lkins, Room 508. 85 Richmond Street, ‘West, Toronto, its’ Solicitors. Yovember1 APPEALS ON BEHALF OF VETERANS CONCERT year The 3rd Fiv )8 ï¬Ã©ieavii‘f'vl‘grgflto: {his 20th day of ‘ Bowma November 15 3:13;? If’arliamentrfor the fdllowing NOVI CARL E. HILL, M. D. President Branch No. 66 Instalment es is due on 1928 MI Lansing November 29, 1928 he the current FOR SALEâ€"Quebec heater, Price,$7 Apply George Allison, Phone 1-122] FOR SALEâ€"1 Library table, 1 com- bination book case and writing desk, 1 oil heater, all in first class condition. Apply W. A. Wright, Chui‘ch St, Richmond Hill, phone 142. FOR SALEâ€"A number of grade FOUNDâ€"Pig, owner may have same by proving property and paying for expenses. Apply to Bert Woods Stop 18, Yonge Street. FOR SALEâ€"One fresh milch pure- bred holstein cow, with a seven day record of 553 Tb milk, with 22 lbs. butter, 9. 305 day record of 11438 lbs. milk, with 455 lbs. butter, both official tests. R. E. Sanderson, rear con. 4, lot 24, Markham. FOR SALEâ€"Two Igood fresh milk cows, also pure bred white pekin ducks, for keeping (large kind). Apply Fred Johnston, lot 29, con. 5, Markham. Phone Stouffville 5220 FOR SALEâ€"Young pigs, phone Map- le 1564. FOR SALEâ€"3 Geese and 9 ducks, cheap. Apply E. Cooper. on the 2nd of Hunts farm, Stop 24 Yonge Street. FOR SALEâ€"5 hens, 3 pullets and cockerel, also bicycle in good con- dition. Apply to box 5, Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"Dining room suite, oak, in good condition, divanette, wash- stands, kitchen table and chairs and smaller household articles. Apply FOR SALEâ€"Used warm air furnace, nearly new, reason for sellinng, not large enough and will arrange for installation if desired. Apply Box 35 Liberal. NOTICEâ€"We have 15 storm sash, as- sorted sizes which we are offering at greatly reduced prices. Apply Jones Lumber Co., Richmond Hill. breeding ewes, young, apply phone 4506, Richmond Hill. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERT]SING--MAKII THE MOST OF IT†NOTICEâ€"Radio Batteries with rental. 75 cents, batteries. Apply Mr. L ' Stop 19, Langstaff, Ont. FOR SALE 01' RENTâ€"Six roomed house and two acres of land, at El- gin Mills, immediate p’ossession. Apply W.H. Legge, Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"3 roomed cottage, on Centre Street, east, must be moved from its present location, price right. Apply Jones Lumber 00., Richmond Hill, Ont., phone 27. FOR RENTâ€"6 roomed house on Eliz- abeth Street, Richmond Hill, good orchard, electric light, moderate rent. Apply L. B. Finch, 496â€"A, Ossington Ave., Toronto, phone Lombard 8511. HAIRDRESSING â€"â€" Marcelling and etc., Mrs. Russel], Centre St., West, Phone 178. We have more cedar posts on hand than we wish to carry over and will sell while they last. 3 to 4†posts in lots of 25 or more 20 cents each. > 5†posts in lots of 50 or more 35c each 6†posts in lots of 50 or more 40c each These are yard prices. Tax Free JONES LUMBER C0., Bargain in CEDAR POSTS to J. S. Straw, Quantz Division, R R. 1, Langstaff. Richmond NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that Flor- ence Jane Sheppard of the Town of Newmarket, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next sittings thereof for a Bill of Di- vorce from her husband, Deston Syl- A N A R I E Sâ€"Guaranteed singing canaries for sale at moderate pric- es, make an ideal Christmas giftâ€"â€" call and see them at Mrs. W. B. Graham’s, Dufferin St., Richmond Hill. Sick birds restored to health and song. Telephone 78-W. Classified Advertising NORMAN L. MATHE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 charged also car Midgley, Ontario WANTEDâ€"Written applications will’ be received by the undersigned for the position of caretaker of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Address applications to J. E. Smith, FOR SALE â€" 100 acre farm, good bank barn and brick house, driving shed, pig pen, hen house, and straw shed, 10 acres good hardwood bush. Apply to the owner George Prentice SALE BILLS The Liberal reaches the district you want to cover in advertising your auction, sale. Our Job Printing deâ€" partment turns out that better class of sale hills which attracts and brings results. If you are considering hav- ing a sale consult us and we will' ‘gladly assist in arranging your bills and advertising. AUCTION SALE On Saturday, December 15th, 1928, at 1 p. m., at West half lot 24,‘5th con. Vaughan, (Residence of late George W. Murray), live stock, farm imple- ments and tools. Terms, cash. Also the farm, being the West half lot 24, 5th Concession Vaughan. 100 acres more or less, on which is situate good frame house, bank barn, pig pen, garage and drive shed. Also West half lot 26, 5th Conces- sion Vaughan, 100 acres more or less, of which about 40 acres is timber. These parcels will-be sold in separâ€" ate lots, subject to a reserve bid. sale For further particulars and condit» ions of sale apply to Fasken, Robert- son, Aitchison, Pickup & Calvin, Solic- itors, 36 Toronto Street, Toronto, Ont. Auction Sale of House and Houseâ€" hold furniture at Lot 16, Concession 1, 'North York: 30th Avenue, Lansing, on Saturday, December lst at one p.m., the property of the late Mrs. William Johnston. Terms: Household furni- ture cash; house will be sold subject to reserve bid, 10 per cent cash at time of sale; other terms made known days of sale. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Public Auction Sale â€" On Tuesday, December 4th. N. L. Martin & Co. Trustee in Bankruptcy will sell by public auction the goods and chattels of Preston Alexander Mills, on Lot 33, ‘Con. 1, Whitchurch, at Bond Lake, at the hour of one o’clock. Terms, cash. F. N. Smith, Auctioneer. Milliken, Ontario. Saturday, December 8thâ€"Auction sale of two farms, ‘stock and imple- ments and houshold furniture, the es- tate of the late Geo. W. Murray, on west half lot 24, con. 5, Vaughan. Terms cash. There will also be offâ€" ered at the same time and place, 100‘ acres more or less. This is one of ‘the best farms in the Township. Also- 100 acres more or less on lot 26, of which about 40 acres in timber. Sale at 1 p. m. J. T. Saigeon, auctioneer. Saturday, December 8thâ€"Important credit sale of high class Jerseys, farm stock, implements, furniture, roots, hay, grain, etc., on lot 1, rear of 10th con., Markham townline the property of Reesor Bros. Sale at 10 o’clock. Lunch provided. 11 months credit. No reserve as the farm is sold. Prent- ice and Prentice, Auctioneers, 415 {Balliol Street, Toronto. Tuesday, December Nthâ€"Import- ant credit sale of farm stock, impleâ€" ments, hay, grain, etc., the property of William Pellatt, lot 14, rear of con 6, Markham. Sale at} o’clock. 11' months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Termsâ€"5 per cent. cash at time auctioneers [ Friday, December 14thâ€"Auction sale of horses, harness, implements, vehicles, and gardeners outfit and household furniture on lot 10, con. 4, Markham, Brown’s Comets, the prop- erty of Edward Bee. Sale at 1 o’clock. No reserve as proprietor is giving up business. Terms, cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. SALE REGISTER aturda December 15th 22nd. 1928 re d for luable Mr