DeForest-Cmsley 1 RADIO BATTERYLESS MODELS 1 Ask for a demonstration in your home. Bring ioy to your family this Christmasâ€"â€" Buy th =m a Radio. Fidelity Scyi CS F.Y.W. Brathwaite 91w Obo “‘56 AKK “’4 I SALVATION ARMY PAGE EIGHT SfA’T’fléN RICHMOND HILL,ONT. .: :j-_ HONE13 . “ “Be Ready with Reddy Power" THE wise old owl will advis: you to use care in the selection of the correct fuel and lubra. cation for your motor. There’w a difference â€"~ and if you uSr: PEERLESS gas and (‘ASTROL oil the difference will be im. portant to your pocket book. HALL’S g SAND â€"- GRAVEL From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE by '1‘ WM. MCDONALD, SEEM/@E with which is amalgumuxuu IITHE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Phone 18 RICHMOND HILL. ONT. RICHMOND HILL COR Lieut. Whiteher Officer in Charge less Meeting .. .' . . . . . v Ltion Meeting . . . . . . . . . . THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE $213.00 up DOUBUNG THE ARGUMENTS for SAVING ALL that can be said in favor/of op- ening a savings account in the Comm- erce Bank may be repeated with greater emphasis as regards a joint 'savings account. Joint accounts are primarily for convenience of depositâ€" 01‘s, but where two people are bound together by‘ common interests, the moral as well as the practical value of working together, planning their financial betterment with the aid of a joint hank account is clearly evident. The Commerce Bank solicits your joint savings account. with which is amalgamated Thorn} PS I‘ruc Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and Mr. and Mrs. D. Middleton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Devins of Wood~ bridge. Mr. and Mrs. I" Mr.‘ Potter’s sist Suï¬day.‘ Mrs. Wm. Baker, of Grand Valley‘ visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Patterson this week. Several from this vicinity attended‘ the Royal Winter Fair this week. Mrs. Lewis Clement and sons, mot- ored to Grand Valley on Sunday with ‘friends from Toronto, and spent the day with the formers parents, Mr, and Mrs. Baker. We are glad to report Mr. Baker, who has been quite ill, is improving. Thg Y.P.S. will be held in the church, Friday evening at 8 o’clock. Miss Sadie Middleton and Miss Cathie Wen-1; meetir We are very sorry Mr. Norman Bone had such a painful accident last Friday morning while cranking his car, it back fired and broke his wrist. Mr. Earl Graham who was success- ful in bringing home a deer on his re- cent hunting trip has sent the head away to be mounted. We regret to report that Mr. Geor- ge Campbell of Albert Street suffered a stroke on Saturday night. His idaughter Olive had just arrived home from Sarnia. A large and sympathetic audience gathered to hear the Harringtonâ€"â€" lSmith recital in the Town Hall, Tuesâ€" day evening. The program was giv- en in three parts. The first by the‘ pupils in violin and piano, all of whom ‘ performed with great credit. In the second part Mr. Harrington Sr. demonstrated what can be done by the ‘clever manipulation of the harmonica, Allan Harrington accompanying him. The third part present presented a musical evening in a city appartment which introduced some masterpieces i‘of Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Schuâ€" -bert and some songs by the Misses Harrington. The thunderous applau- se which followad, showed the apprec- iation of the audience. m m CARRVILLE re in charge of this weeks MARKHAM Municipal Statistics for the Year By the Bureau Yorkâ€"â€" Etobicoke . . . . . . . Georgina . . . . . . . Gwillimbury, East . Potter visited with sister at Hamilton on Gwillimbury, North King . . . . . . . . . . . . . Markham . . . . . . . . Scarborough . . . . . ‘ Vaughan . . . . . . . . ‘. Whitchurch . . . . . . York . . . . . . . . . . . . York, East . . . . . . Forest Hill . .. Holland Landing Markham L . . . . Sut Swansea Woodbridge .. Aurora . . . . . . Leaside . . . . . *Mimico . . . . . *Newmarket . *New Toronto Weston . . . . . . Municipalitie Totals. Rural rk, North 1f Totals. York County *Denotes m hmond Hill Lffville . . . . rt Trinity Church Held Successfuf Birth- day Party. One of the most delightful events n‘F the season was the Trinity Church of the season was the 'l‘rmlty bnurcn W. A. Birthday party held at the resi- dence of Mrs. Frances Simpson on Thursday evening last. Over 100 guests were entertained by an excellâ€" ent concert given by members of St. James Cathedral, St. Paul’s Church, Toronto; Miss Auty, Elocutionist, and Miss Prest, Violinist, of the Toronto Conservatory of music, etc. Mrs.‘ Noble gave an interesting sketch of the founding of Trinity W. A. Branch .at the Rectory in 1899. She read the ‘minutcs of the first meeting held and gave figures showing the great work which has been done by the W. A. sin- ce it was organized. Dainty refresh- ments were served in the Fining room which was tastefully de orated with roses and Chrysanthemums which Were donated by a generous friend. Mrs. J. W. Breakey one of the original members made the birthday cake whi- ch was enjoyed by all. The proceeds amounted to nearlx $100., and the W. A. wish to thank the many friends inâ€" cluding Mrs. Frances Simpson who made the birthday party such a suc- CESS. Young People Held Successful Meeting ' A very enthusiastic meeting of the Young People’s Society of the United ‘Church was held in the Sunday school room last Monday evening, when a in- l teresting debate was put on by mem- bers of the two sides, the subjects be- ‘ ing “Resolved that the freedom allow- l ed modern young people is good for them.†Messrs Bryan Sharpless and Neil McDonald upheld the affirmative side while Mrs. Ede Luesby and Mr. Alex Fee the negative. All speeches were well prepared and very eloquent- ly delivered. The judges, Mrs. Geor- rm amuldinm Newtonbrook. Dr. Lillian munici palit H. I. A. T. Club Meetings The H.I.A.T. Club held their Week- ly meeting at the home of Mrs. F. Simpson, Saturday afternoon, Novem- her 15th. After spending most of the afternoon in seWing and making pre- parations for the coming bazaar, a hot :hos: dinner was served by the hostess whi- ch was greatly enjoyed by all the girls present. The meeting this week was held at the home 0f Mrs. Stewart Will- cocks. Township Township Township Township Township Township Township vanship Accident on Thornhill Sideroad A very serious accident was narr- owly averted last Sunday afternoon, when two car loads of joy riders were racing on the Thornhill Sideroad. As they approached the bridge near Dufferin Street one of the cars struck the concrete post, throwing the occu- ‘pants to the pavement, one receiving at broken leg while the others received {gashes about the face which required several stitches. They were attendâ€" Township Township Township Township Thomhill District News illage 'fllage ’illage ’illage Village illage 'illage Assessed Pepulation 134,168 166,417 which THE LIBERAL. RICHMONP HILL. ONTARIO 4,459 3.168 8.982 L610 9,006 447 893 3,448 700 315 32.249 306 vho in a few well ared the affirmative Miss Elizabeth Bak- 10 solo which was 29 080 O 76 for the Year 1927 in the County of York as Published the Bureau of Municipal Affairs. )1 56 assessment Assessed Acreage 59,030 31,668 88,711 67,699 40,785 66,930 60,186 5,050 3,694 36,827 43,965 10,059 1,815 440 468 601 461 169 ‘00 [ed to at Dr. Wesley’s Office H. I. A. T. Bazaar The H. I. A. T. Club of Trinity Church will hold a bazaar at the home of Mrs. Robert Fee, Saturday after- noon, December 8th, Fancy-and use- ful articles for Christmas gifts will be on sale. Afternoon tea served. All weléome Bazaar in United Church Sunday School A bazaar under the auspices of the Women's Association of the United Church will be held in the Sunday School room next Saturday afternoon,‘ December 1st. The Bazaar will beopened at 3.30 o’clock by the Rev. W. 1 E. Baker. The booths will consist of Embroidered pillow slips, fancy‘ and useful articles, aprons and towels homeâ€"made baking and candy, fish ‘pond for the kiddies. Supper serv- led from 5.30 to 7.30 p. m. Adults 40 ‘cents; children 25 cents. Instrumen- tal music during the evening. All I lwelcome. Social and Personal Mr. James Wells is visiting with friends in Rochester. U.S.A. Mr. Elmore Hooper is visiting with his aunt Mrs. Trent in Toronto. Mrs. W. E. Baker and Mrs. N. J. Smellie attended the 25th anniversary of the Victoria Women’s Association of Victoria College held at Annesley Hall last Wednesday afternoon. Rev. H. L. Partridge, of Fairlawn Urited Church will preach in the United Church here next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. 11 I Mrs. Len. Roberts is spending this iweek with her daughter, Mrs. Ross l.Gowlamd, of Markham. who has been seriously ill with fluâ€"pneumonia, dur- ing the past Week. Baker. 46.298.028 4,995,675 653,000 1,364,362 1094,000 2,594,952 3,772,871 4,537,193 3,077,050 1,689,670 9,851,946 6.155.724 6,511,585 Miss Ila Baggs, Ronald Baggs, and] Mervyn Summerfeldt were Toronto Visitors attending the Royal Winter Fair on Tuesday. Regret to report that Master Halver‘ Lunau is on the sick list, this week. 1 Mr. Harold Harper, Frank Roberts ‘and a few more of the “deer†hunters from our locality, returned home on Monday morning. As the saying igoes. “They stayed until the last dog ‘was hung.†All were successful in bringing home a bouncing supply of ivenison. Let’s see how many of their ifriends will be remembered. | Mr. and Mrs. R. Lotton have been spending the past few days in Toron- to. Land Miss Flossie Roberts spent a few days of last week visiting friends in Rosedale, Toronto. ~ Glad to-see Mrs. Givigell in our Inid- st again. We congratulate them on the birth of a daughter. Mr. Ernest Appleton and Mr. Fred Thibits were Toronto visitors this .week. ,030 51,964 114,000 300,240 131,195 143,075 ‘053 Thornhill UNITED CHURCH REV. W. E. BAKER, Pastor ‘. m.â€"â€"~Rev. H. L. Partridge. B. A., of Fairlawn United Church 2.30â€"Sunday School I). m. â€"â€" The minister , Rev. W. E. 974 CASHEL Buildings 1,462,550 45,127 388,250 28,186,318 40,171,600 1.548,174 2,882,015 previous year. Population is that take 1,658,616 345,980 691,385 650,700 1,266,685 1,524,465 2,314,626 964,300 742,491 10,012,120 5,468,900 2,546,050 11,985 484,295 411,560 421,950 1,146,370 216,065 975,045 166,275 1,751,130 1.570.435 Assessment 282 Business 20,740 400 564,518 983.656 32,125 6,000 16,816 1,100 12,680 27,922 32,525 11,500 2,400 194,975 203,600 141,325 308,911 185.541 90.739 )Z 70,554 13.920 22,87 5 550 300 509 R95 Income 1,438,503 RICHMOND HILL BRANCH 1.443 58,680 6,745,096 1,000 1,005,980 3,400 2,075,963 ,400 1,746,200 1,000 3,875,317’ 4,050 5,329,308 27,095 6,911,439 .500 4,0533,350 . . . . . . . 2,434,561 729,250 20,788,291 141,878 11,970,102 471,250 9,551,760 Business Accounts 2597 Yonge 58,680 1,000 3,400 ,400 1,000 4,050 27,095 SHEPPARD’S SHOE STORE SOLID COMFORT SHOES 74,399 23,566 )7,085 4,200 7,919 1,296 1,000 1M PE .-."'-?:.. _ $75 Choice of 1w01922 FORD COUPES. FORD TOURiNG â€"â€" with Winter top- mnmr nvorhaulpd 592 512 Total Taxable Assessment 102,428,791 en in 1926 76,487,367 4,712,808 97,491 531,620 805,004 576,351 582,534 5.941 305 367 Ford Sales and Service. RICHMOND HILL 147 We have watched many small bus- iness accounts opened in this Bank grow. We could cite instances when the small business has grown to be the leading industry in the commun- ity in which it is established. The service of the oflicers of this Bank may assist your business to become a leading industry. 3, 424 THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 29th, 1928 29 Branches at Nev/market and Aurora Municipal Rate Amount Mills . 18.7 17.1 14.93 15.3 18.5 HUdson 1485 North Toronto motor overhauled. 29.1 TERMS 1.360 3,1 307,404 16,199 31,479 35,982 73,892 81,526 303,959 74,275 40.280 4.029.879 Taxes Imposed 856.668 If you want to stand on a foun- dation of solid comfort every hour of the day, day in and day out, wear our common sense shoes. We have them in many models and in all sizes and widths. Our shoes for men are made with the solid object in view of giving entire satisfact- ion. You can’t walk in a betâ€" ter shoe for the money. 27,466 19.814 47 3,211 1,540 1,451 ,049 .710 151 ‘920 576 788 542 35) 339 Rate Mills 10. 16.23 8.15 20.4 19. MINNIS, Manager. 9R 11.2 Schools HIGH VALUES Amount 2,089,842 1.691196 216,682 11,596 23,009 5,239 30,588 39,795 225,691 35,569 24,356 655,074 303,645 398,646 119,952 31,382 2,242 6,566 18,882 8,348 4,252 24,293 15,573 77,371 44,172 79,592 040 D'IZ