PAGE EIGHT ._â€" Agreement re Prop Old High Schoo BETWEEN: THE TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC SC OF RICHMOND HILL, IN THE COUN- TY OF YORK, INCLUDING PARTS OF TOWNSHIPS OF VAUGHAN AND . MARKHAM NOW RICHMOND HILL SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE VI THE COUNTY OF YORK, hereinafter called the “Board†THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL, hereinafter called the “Corporation WHEREAS the Board and the Corporation have agreed upon a position by which the hereinafter described lands and premises, ands he C Old High School Building and l by both the School Board and t Hill. AND WHEREAS the said parties h ing and lands thereto on the terms hereinafter mentione has agreed toe sign a Deed of the s trust by the Canadian Bank inafter contained. THEREFORE the Trustees of th of Richmond Hill, in the County Vaughan and Markham now in Richm of Education, Richmond Hill, and the of the Village of Richmond Hill, covenant, promise and agre That the Deed of the said property, hereinafter described, now (1) osed Transfer of l for Municipal :Hall THIS AGREEMENT made the of Commerce on the terms and conditions here- THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ON â€"__â€"â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€" Thornhill Di Curling Club Meeting A meeting of the Thornhill Curling Club will be held in the Rink, on Thursday evening. December 6th. at 8 n day of 1928, p. in. ed and will every HOOL SECTION OF THE VILLAGE bring 31mm 3 new member. United Church W. M. S. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church was held in the Sunday school room last Tuesday afternoon. With Rev. W. E. Baker presiding during the election of officers. the following were elected for the ensuing year:â€" Mrs. J. L. McDonald. President; 1st Vice-Pres. Mrs. R. A. Nesbit, 2nd vice-Pres, Mrs. Ed. Francis; Record- ing Secretary, Mrs. C. P. Johns; Corâ€" responding Secretary, Mrs. R. Simp- son; Missionary Monthly Secretaries, Miss A. Boyle and Mrs. J. Wells; Supply Secretary, Mrs. F. Hunter; Literature Secretary, Mrs. S. Elson; Strangers Secretary‘s, Mrs: J. David- son and Mrs. J. Davis; Treasurer, Mrs. John Francis; Secretary for SECTION, BEING THE LLAGE 0F RICHMOND HILL, IN OF THE FIRST PART and OF THE SECOND PART pro- being the attached thereto, shall be used jointly orporation of the Village of Richmond ave agreed to transfer the said build- d and the said Board aid property and to Itsve same held in Mrs. W. J. Wesley; Superintendent of Mission Band. Mrs. E. Dean; Pianist, e Public School Section of the Village Miss A. Boyle. of York, including parts of Townships d Hill School Section and the Board al Council of the Corporation e as follows:â€" in Women’s Institute Meeting to be held in Public School The December meeting of the Thorn- hill Branch of the Women’s Institute will take the form of a concert and on M unieip A good attendance is request- advancem member endeavor to was Christian Stewardship and Finance‘ TARIO strict News cipal before going to Alberta. In- spector Aylesworth will be greatly missed as he was profoundly interest- (ed in the cause of education and its V ent. The funeral service held in Oyen United Church, where the casket was covered with floral tributes. Members of A. F. St A. M. attended the funeral. He leav- ies to mourn his passing his widow, a niece of Miss N. Mundey of this vill- age and one son John attending Ed- tmonton University. Interment took place at Olds, Alta. Victoria Square The whole community mourns the sudden loss of an esteemed citizen by the hand of the “Grim Reapers†in the lipassing of the late Mrs. Chas. Dennie. -Mrs. Dennie for some months had not enjoyed the best of health and a week ago her brother, Mr. Jacob Rangel of Toronto, took her to the City to have her examined thoroughly. After exâ€" amination the hospital doctors advis- led an operation which was success- fully carried out. For two or three days she apparently improved but on Saturday afternoon her condition deâ€" manded the constant attention of her physicians and in spite of their best efforts she died about midnight. Mrs. Dennie, a woman in the fifties was a healthy robust looking person, a loving wife, an affectionate mother, a real homemaker, and an excellent THURSDAYLDECEMBER 6th. 1928 ' anloseuimumiuii .___ CONSIDER A JOINT ACCOUNT VERY real service is of- fered by Joint account privileges. Two people may cheque and deposit through one account, and this makes a very convenient family banking arrangement. i-Imiï¬llllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllll A a-.. Any branch of the bank will be glad to open joint account: and explain particulars. IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA A. T. MINNIS, Manager, Richmond Hill Branch. Branches at Newmzrket and Aurora Assets of One Hundred and Thirty-five Millions ,5, .31»usmmummmu if c llllllllllll'll the custody of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Richmond Hill, in trust, shall be handed over and transferred to the Corporation of the Village of Richmond Hill when two additional rooms are built on the? present Public School Building. . (2) The Municipal Corporation .neighbor. She, (a life member of W. M. S. of this place) is the first life member of this W. M. S. to be taken ,by death. As evidence of her place 'in the life of the community a very Essay contest and will be held in the Thornhill Public School next Thurs- day evening. December 13th at 8 o'clock. Music and other entertain- of the Village of Richmond Hill hereby covenant, premise and agree that when the necessity arises for two addit- mth “‘11 be WVVlded- A“ 31‘0 WCI' . _ I . _ come, lai':e number of friends paid their sent Public School Building that the Village of Rich- wo rooms, being its’ proportion ill and ional rooms on the pro mond Hill will pay for its‘ share of the said t of the Public School Section including the Village of Richmond H parts of the Townships of Vaughan and Markham. The Trustees of the said School Board covenant. promise and agree that they will not demand that the said two additional rooms he built on the Pub- lic School building until the same is needed by reason of the increase in pop- ulation and until it is necessary for the actual accommodation of the School pupils so increased. (3) The said Trustees covenant. promise and agree to allow the Village cf Richmond Hill to have the joint use cf the xiiiâ€; building until the Deed of the said School. is handed over to the said Corporation but the management and control of the said building shall remain in the Trustees of the said school until the said Deed is handed over. _ IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Trustees have signed this agreeâ€" ment by the hands of its’ Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer and have caus- ed the seal of the Corporation to be attached thereto and the Municipal Council of the Village of Richmond Hill has signed this Agreement by the hands of its’ Reeve and Clerk and has caused the seal of the Corporation to be attached thereto. lar'; respects to the funeral on Tues- iday afternoon. To citizens who a1- lmort filled the church, Rev. Messrs Haig and Wall gave brief addresses. Mrs. Dennie leaves to mourn her loss, I. her husband, and one daughter, Mis; 5; iMurie, besides a host of friends. The 7 ning. After a sumptuous supper, a sympathy of the whole community is very interesting programme was put Iextended to the bereaved family. on which consisted of speeches, read- Burn and Crop Burned lugs and vocal solos. At this mect- Another unwelcome visitor came to ing‘ the following Officers were Elect- our midst on Tuesday morning, a dis- ed for the coming y'earszon. Presiâ€" astrous fire which destroyed the barn dent, Rev. W. E. Baker; President, N. 'and crop of Mr. Ezra McMullen. A- G. McDonald; Vice-President. Emma 'bout four o’clock Mr. McMullen awake Barker; Secretary, Harold Echlin; and noticed a light on the walls of his Assistant Secretary. Jack Henderson; room. At first 12:» thought it the Treasurer, Willard Simpson; Pianist. light from a car ascending the hill Edna WiltShire; ASSiStant Pianist. but on investigation he was horrified Edith Davies; Devotional Committee. to find his barn sending up tongues Banquet Tendered to Guests Miss E. Barker and her team who were successful in the contest held in the Young People’s Society was tend- ered a banquet in the United Church Sunday school room last Monday eve- 928 FORD TUDOR, Copra color, small $625 1 . . mildge. $400 1926 OVERLAND 51x COACH. $290 [926 FORD COUPE, new tires, good buy SIGNED SEALED and DELIVERED Mm E Bird Evel .. p . _ _. t _ i 1 . . , yn Ellacott, Nancy of tire. Ile huiriedly found his way In the presence Ol :Davis7 Edna Program com_ to tho Stables and Rich/[111161) overhauled. 1923 FORD LlGHT DELIVERY overhauled. 1922 FORD COUPE. Two 1921FORD TOURINGS â€" starter Good tunning order. tires, motor called for help by telephone. Neighâ€" bors were soon on hand and all the mittee, Edith Luesby, Marion Smellie, '_ Marguerite Echlin, Mrs. N. G. Mc-' Donald, Mrs. R. Scott, Berkley Ball. {live stock except a few pullets were Willard Simpson, Ila Brillinger; iemoved from the stables before the Lookâ€"out and social committee. Floyd fire reached them. Davies, Miss Emma Barker and Isaâ€"l The crew and fire engine from bel Farr; Lantern operator, Bert Okc; iUnionvillo responded to a call and all Assistant operator, Hugh McDonald. the buildings except the barn were On aCCOunt of preparations beinglsaved from the flames. The cause of " i KING CITY Mrs. Clarke, of Uxbridge. is ivisit- ing her daughter. Mrs, W. Rolling. Mrs. iiilda Cairns and son Douglas ’oi Snowball, was the guest last Sun- day of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cairns. â€"-â€"-- made for the Christmas and New the fire has not been ascertained as 311‘ and MW‘ C' Smart and son Year’s entertainments, the YounleOt. Mr. Flt-Mullen carried alight in- Frank. of Newmarket, spent Sunday People‘s meetings have 'been \Vith_,su1.ance in the Peel Mutual. Neigh_ hours removed the live stock and are - caring for it until the building can be The Thornhill Orchestra assistcdlrcplaced. the Maple Drziiiiutic Socity in a con-i Mr. Robt. Hopper is enjoying an cert given at Kleinburg last Tuesday iextended Visit in Toronto, gen,ng as evening'- a juror, with his headquarters at the New Ford Hotel. We regret to report that Mrs. W. with Mrs. A. McMurcliy. drawn until the first of the new year. l The services in All Saint‘s Church lwas taken last Sunday by a student 10f Trinity College. Ford Sales and Service. RION HILL A member from here attended the H. I. A. '1‘. Club by the Mission Band of :tca given . iAIH'OTa: in the United Cllurdl EaSt l vThe “Eb heldftgil‘: \\§e:;‘DCIIIlle is under the doctors care. Saturday Those “om Ol‘tSKle pomts meï¬ Ln†:ff 1‘? $0,111.19 01' ‘V li'c .10 Mr. Frank Curtis is in the Hospital 99‘ 3 ES <1 v ‘15 1195‘ ‘13 e n "gt Death of Wm. Forrester Heise 64, Marion Winger 3‘2, Harold Stanley 0*. IVâ€"Velma Brillinger 100, Navmi Heise 100, Russell Heise 96, Harold Heise 88, Melvin Henderson 88. Dor- _ in Toronto h'lVlll been 0 erated on Preparations were made for the bazaar '. .(. g p for appendimties. to be held next Saturday afternoon at Mrs. Fee’s home. Fancy and useful‘ articles for Christmas gifts will be taking part in the programme. were Miss Bernice Manning, of Toronto and Miss Lillian Leece, of King. We regret to record the death of a highly esteemed and respected citizen of this locality in the person of Mr. William Forrester. Mr. Forrester His case, a seri- ous one is being closely watched by many physicians. Miss Mellicent Klinck spent part of DeForest-Crosley a. Mrs. Blough is spending the winter with hei~ daughter, Mrs. J. Burns, of on sale. Afternoon tea will be servâ€" last week with friends in Toronto. othy Steckley 80y Gweneth Johnson suffered a prolonged illness of about Beeton' ed' A“ welcome" Miss Vrooman, a nurse from the 80, Ruth Steckley 72, Lloyd Johnson twelve months and passed away ‘ The Y. p_ S met at the home of Mr. Balmâ€. Decided Success Provincial Board of Health has visit- Gal, Bruce Empringham '60, Muriel peacefully at his late residence on Colin Campbell this week. A very The Bazaar held in the United Churâ€" .ed the SChOOIS here lately' Her WS- Sldel: 4’ Harry Jones 9’ Hllda £1130" TUCSday mormrig’ December 4l’h' l"interesting programme was given, ch Sunday School room last Saturday some of the schools reveal com ‘I Primerâ€" LeWis Heise, Leslie Hart. Loft to mourn his loss are his wife Mr. R. Jones was in charge of the afternoon under the auspices of the dmons that cause some surprise- Ml“ and Mrs-.0- L' Helge left on and “"0 .daughter RUby Of‘TOTOHtO, or meeting. Women’s Association was a decided An interesting (leli‘le, “Resolved Monday for Carlisle PM to attend the mid one so“ Harry' Fi‘ends and . b __ success. Three hundred dollars in_ that a Christian Statesman is a greatâ€" funeral of Mrs. Heisc‘s father~ Who‘nelghboul‘s of this community extend A . The King Mission Band met last iciudmg the sale of the autograph quilt :01' asset than a Christian Minister†died suddenly on Monday morning. ’theil‘ deepest sympathy to the bereav- Sk ff“- 3 demonStrathn Saturday at the home of Mrs. C. 'was realized. The ladies wish to thank was held at the Young People's meet- Revival meetings alrc ii:l Itilrogrtessied family, -‘ ‘1 .v ' v‘ - ..- " S v v ' _ W _1; " ‘ ~cian es1r- In your home. Aichibald. 'lht next meeting “111 :those who so kindly contributed to the 1mg on Linda} 9‘ enmg The affnm ‘gnghillfgirel:121%;th Evangelist1 WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE CHRIST .- suCccss of the aftcriiOUn. ,ative was upheld by Messrs Gerald . i Lyon and Harold Mortson, while the 1R9“. L- ShOaltS 31“ 0‘93th 5‘ deel’l MAS PARTY SOlemnltY in the (‘OmmunitY- l The regular meeting of the Women’s Christian Ministers side was taken by Moesrs 171.330,. Gee and John Frisby.‘ -â€"â€" Institute will be held at the home of )Irs. T. Taylor on December 13th, at - s p. m. It will be a Christmas birth- 3113.; Len Suinmcrfeldt, of L'nionville (lay party and all members and their The judges. Miss Viola Walker, Mr. Keffer. of Purpleville and Mr. Ross Ratcliff‘ of Stouffvillc gave their de- . cision in favor of the affirmative. ii Visitingr llel‘ daughti‘r MT-‘V Raï¬" friends will be made welcome. It is mond Brillinger- requested that each one attending Regret to report that Mr. Bert (3-111 bring a teen aged photograph of herill “'35 2115‘) “n 1110 SlCl‘i 11* all herself, this photo contest and many amily be the election of officers and a full “ attendance is requested. Bring ioy to your f this Christmasâ€"â€" Buy them a Radio. i Reached Objective 115T Mt’nd‘a)’ owning the “mummy It is with considerable satisfaction ica club met at the home of Mrs. Geo. ‘timt the Board of Managers of the Stom“ 51* This being illeil‘ Opt-“lint: ll'nited Church report that the annual meeting many \‘ISICOI‘S were pres '3"? thunkâ€"offering from the members of W OHIO." :1 \"»’1‘.\' fine program iIiVCll the congregation exceeded their objecâ€" b." “19 ‘1101111’01‘5- A “Pl-“t deliglliml llVL-I the amount they had set being “Humor “'3; 11 lllil‘l‘ 51101? Platfï¬l b." $6011 and the sum they received was little Miss Francis Ross and Master 57:,“ Revival services are held every night of the week. except Saturday in Heise Hill Church. The attendance “ 81 i 3. 1.11;. George Armstrong: who played their ,_ - and interest in the spiritual uplift of I'd-‘1 \"C’L‘k - \ “ï¬ber pleasant surprises are part of "â€"fl number :o -_~. ‘1 ‘ "iii on ; single “in :i‘t l’ui'ucv‘." ‘ ‘. :' contest mankind are iii-piling, 311‘. Cl‘dl'é‘m‘t‘ Suml‘llt‘l'feldt in†131‘“ inc interesting program. Refresh- - discord. ‘.\;_: c. .. .13.: I be held in ’l‘ltr‘.‘nhill I" i i: Schwol.‘ School Report S. S. No. 7 Markham LԠ11 lWSl‘Ll“n ill T'Az‘rmlu for the wirl- rxionts will be FC‘IVL‘d. E Y W His-- )1. )lr,_‘.lt;;-. Tlmxsday inning. Ila "‘l‘ll‘t-l‘ liltii. :i: Nuziilvcr on roll 41?. Average zitâ€" 91’ I‘ll'thF- >â€"â€" ° ' ° _‘:.:' ‘ ll‘iiiilH-i' of l"‘i.ii;:. < Lung" .\' :Mrw-k 311d ,IL-udaitce Standii'c :i' 3111 l‘il‘imli Rl'lwl‘b 13115 lllll't’llif'wi 14 Y- P- 3- MEETING i phatâ€: . {if ' t-s l 3 new Ford Tudor. I V’I‘hc Young People’s Soc-int}; of the ' ‘V 3:: ' The (‘mly Corners Public Sch '. tilted churcu will resume its YOU‘IlLlp ‘ lilt'ilMON') llll.l.. ONT. hold their (‘l1i‘isi1’n1i.~ (Wm-er“. “Hints on Monday evening. Dec 1 i " i ’1 l“. - ~1. P‘s/citing of the 21'1'2, of IN" tar. ' /r it] zit H o'clock sharp. after an uh _, 2i: "5 fir-"v wccks ti ih‘ d; ,1 â€"._~ T ntzllflf‘lmillf Ii‘iceilngs (“I‘Mllivte'nl by t l K __, ,1; } 3 John If. litovcn. Au iilirii‘aIG Q " ENE". _ , "' '. ;._ V - .~ . r . "‘."i‘-- will ‘ gin-u on “.‘i Ti'i \ L ‘ v \ ’,. C 1‘ i“- lilr' 1 - Iii Ii "(tliw .‘i‘l v"“~'.'.’.l>lv iticuuoxn llll l. coups i1». r f ....... ,4 i T_ 1‘ . >1 J " " is lâ€"'?ii1r*~1wiwzit 1:4 1L ‘. :.i' ii \ i i ' i i i ' ‘ Il‘i’ A' i i V I ‘2 "'- \\ L‘ ll‘jil" "ri‘ Ill†Hit-1.1 um; i l .. 1V ‘v 1:" ' ii in ‘lk'l‘ ’ :“z‘l 'liillt‘l‘. \'~.l‘.:1'1' v'u p v, '.- ,-~,1;mu.,1 t H" lfj 1 ll: 11.; t r ._Lll; 2*: prim .i' l' _ 5:211. .\ ‘_ ' .~ 1. .32 ;,., " H‘“ g IV V 13 ,'. i _ ’ . i “ H.‘ w" " 1‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ " _ WL" ,‘l'. It the win a j. l .‘p . | .M y i; - ..‘- ‘ w . om ~x mail