Ali trucks Insured for Public Liabilâ€" ty and property damaged. BONDS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE LOANS J. R. HERRINGTON ‘\ FINANCIAL AGENT Telephone 1535 Hinge St. Ofï¬ce hours: 9 to 11 am. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appointment. Oï¬ice: Centre and Church Sts.. Richmond Hill Phone 24. Express and Long Distance Movng Sand and Gravel Delivered Dumn Trucks for Hire By Hour or Contract IAPLE DR. CHARLES S. DUNNING DRS. LANGSTAFF North Yonge St. - Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH L. I..-\.\IGST.-\FFâ€"â€"~ 05cc ho u rs DR. LILLIAN (Disonses 06cc hours We are prepaifed to conduct sales of every “fliplion. Farms and {arm stock sales 8 Farms bought and sold on commis- mxiultv. . ‘ All sales attended to on shortest notice. and conducted by the most unmoved methods‘ Winowdale 69 HUdson 8679-W Step 5. Yonge Street. Lansing WRIGHT 81 TAYLOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Ofï¬ces Atâ€" HOBNHILL AND UNIONVILLE J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York 811% attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage snlicited £12m? arid Theory. Richmond Hill â€"â€" Tuesday & Friday MRS. MYLKs JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano Tuner 35 Years’ Practical Experience 878 Beresford Avenue. West Toronto Lyndhurst 2821 Telephone Glenn’s Drug Stote, Rich- mond Hill. for appointment $1.50 PER YEAR The Liberal is recognized as one of the Newsiest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelve pages, all home print, it carries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is increasing every weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. M the Toronto Connurvatory of Music. um mom a number of pupils in Pinno. Sloaffville DR. W. SALEM CALDWELL Plowing and Garden Work Sand and Gravel, Concrete Work. *Poymz Ava. Lansing. Willow. 140. Ofï¬ce hours: 12-1.15; 6-7.15. Capitol Bldg.. Yonge St. Bud. 1133: Rand. 2121. Ofl‘ice hours: 8.30; 2-5; 7.30-9. Oï¬co Hoursâ€"8 to 10 a.m. ] to 2 and 6 to 8 telephone 3 FREDERICK M. POLLE’I'I‘ Pupil 0f Ernest Seitz Conservatory Examinations Foes-420 per term (20 lessons.) Hoâ€"Mrs. A. L. Phipps, Richmond Streetâ€"Phone 13W. ‘ WILLIAM BUCK VIOLINIST in open a. studio in Richmond Hill, iotfurther information apply to Adelmo Melecci, Phone 58-J PRENTICE & PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St., K. G. Prentice. Milliken. Toronto. Hud. 1347W. BERT HUMPHREY FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMERS New Limousine' Ambulances TELEPHONE A. STONEHOUSE CARTAGE AND EXPRESS Licensed Auctioneer County of York Live Stock and General Sales Conducted with. Effeciency Phone Stouffville 9003 J VOL. LI. WILSON’S CARTAGE JOHN R. CAMPBELL DR. J. P. WILSON ADELMO MELECCI Veterinary Surgeon TH ORNHILL Phone 87. Richmond Hill. Professional And Busines§ Directory GEORGE KEAYS OAK RIDGES BUSINESS MUSICAL MEDICAL of women and children) 1: 3 pm. Phone 100 C. LANGSTAFFâ€" MAPLE 8:10 run. and 6:8 p.111 ONTARIO Ontario All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand Yonge St. Barristers, Solicuors, Etc. Rooms 503 Northern Ontario Bldg., cor. Adelaide and Bay Sts., Toronto. William Douglas. K.C. Donald Douglas Wilson N. Robinson Money to loan MCGUIRE. T. C. NEWMAN BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON Office, A. Mill’s Showrooms, East side of Yonge Street, Immediately south of Hill’s Garage Phone Richmond Hill 1 25 Money to loan at current rates Toronto Office, 18 Toronto St., Phone, ELGIN 1887 AD. 0177 A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON BA RRIS’I‘ER 511' McKinnon Building, Corner Jordan & Melinda Streets Toronto. Phone: Elgin 4,879 MAPLE Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. (William Cook E. Gordon Cook Toronto Ofï¬ce: 816 Federal Building. 8:; Richmond St. West Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (Liberal Ofï¬ce) over) Thursday forenoun. Maple. Thursday after noon. Woodbridge. Saturday afternoon Monev to loan at Current Rate Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries Telaphone Adelaide 2108 Uï¬ces: 85 Richmond St. We“, Toronto Naughton Block. Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora. Richmond Hill. King, \Vhitchurch, Markham and North Givillimhury. Walter S. Jenkins, Res. Phone Bill. 5048 Dentist Ofï¬ce: Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 32 Barrister, Solicitor. Etc. ’ RICHMOND HILL Office over Davies ley\Good Store Maple Every Saturday. MAPLE HOTEL FRIDAY, 1.30 P.M. T0 8 P.M. Ofï¬ce hours 9 am. to 5 pm. Evenings by Appointment. Telephone 80 NAUGHTON & JENKINS J. Han-y DR. E. J. HENDERSON Dentist Office, Davies Store Tuesday’s:â€"9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday’§:â€"7 to 9 p.m. Gag Extraction at Aurora DOUGLAS, DOUGLAS & ROBINSON HYLAND 1898 MAPLEâ€"EVERY Standard Bank Paperhanger an‘d Decorator. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. Hon. W.H. McGuire, Vincent C. MacDonald L.S.B. James A. Boles, B.A. Adelaide and Victuria Sts. 0l77 Toronto AD. 1 \V. J. [1 £511) Standard Bank Building Thornhill Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Year's Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 1 ring 5. WILLIAM COOK & COOK BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 2135 Yonge Street Toronto. Boot and Shoe Repairer. HAROLD J. KIRBY CAMPBELL LINE Dr. M. J. QUIGLEY DR. L. R. BELL Dr. W. Finlay DENTIST Telephoneâ€"-Maple 3 DENTIST Jenkins. Res. Phone Bill. 5048 y Naughton, Res. E‘ï¬in Mills. Res. Phone 127.2 GEO. KIDD DENTAL LEGAL MACDONALD & BOLES Ofï¬ce Hours and 1900 Building TUESDAY ONTARIO AD. 0178 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13th, 1928 Rev. Stewart pulpits of St. Corners United The Sunday School of Brown’s Cor- ners United Church are holding their annual Christmas Concert on the eve- ning of December 24. As this Sun- day school has the reputation of al- ways presenting first class concerts, good patronage may be assured. “’e regret to report, Mrs. Ada Hood We rec-ret to report, Mrs. Ada and Miss LaBerta Hood ill with flu. I Miss Jessie aunt Mrs. A. weekâ€"end. Mrs. W. A. Young, Agincourt, visit- ed Miss M. Summerville on Wednesâ€" flay last. T‘he . annual meeting of Brown’s Corners W. M. S. Auxiliary was held ‘at the church on Wednesday after- noon. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year. Presi- dent, Mrs. R. L. Stiver; Viceâ€"Presi- dents, Mrs. Brooke, Mrs. Russell; Secretary, Mrs. Craig; Treasurer, Mrs D. Hood; Associate Helpers, Mrs. Leathers; Strangers Secretary, Miss Rodick; Organist. Mrs. Padget, Con- venor .of work com.. Mrs. G. B. Pad- get, Auditors, Mrs. Burr, Miss Hoop- er. At the conclusion of, the busi- ness meeting a quilting was held and tea was served by the following hosâ€" tesses, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Brooke, Mrs. D. Hood, Mrs. R. L. Stiver. l Under the auspices of the Y. P. S. {of Brown’s Corners United Church an interesting illustrated lecture on the \“Life of Christ†was given by Mr. ‘Galbraith, of Newtonbrook, on Wedâ€" fnesday evening last. A pleasing duett ‘by Miss Barker of Thornhill and Mrs. iPatterson was very much appreciated. Bridge Collapsed A miraculous escape from what might have proved a serious accident occurred when the bridge between lot 15 and 16, concession 5, collapsed when Stiver Bros. threshing outfit was passing over it, enroute from J. Bonds to Chas. Becketts. The cause of the accident is attributed to the stripping of__ the threads off one bolt, causing the other bolt to brake letting ithe outfit partially into the creek. Mr. Fred Stiver who was driving the engine escaped with minor injuries. No blame is attached as this bridge was put in repair a short time aga. It is understood that any damage inâ€" curred will be covered by insurance. ' Miss Jessie Haffenbrak visited her aunt Mrs A. Summerfeldt over the The annual bazaar held by the lad- ies of St. Philips Anglican Church on the afternoon and evening of Decemâ€" ber 6th, in the Lorne Hall, was both :50cially and financially a success. ‘The bountiful supper served was all that could be desired and the sale of ‘work included many varities. The ex- “citing moment of the evening was during the announcement of the lucky winners of the lovely tea set and the bean guessing contest, who proved to be none other than one popular Coun- cillor R. L. Stiver and one equally popular townsman, A. L. Brown. A sale of homeâ€"made cooking brought this pleasant event to a dlose. The ladies are to be congratulated upon its success. Mrs. C. H. Stiver visited her daughâ€" ter, Dorothy at Clinton over the week end. The Hagerman Public School pupils are ho‘ï¬ng their Christmas Concert on Thursday, December 2151;. Miss. Effie Stiver, Toronto, spent the week-end at her home here. The December Library Concert has been cancelled, owing to many other Christmas activities. Watch for an- nouncement of the January event. Mrs. G. A. M. Davison and her niece Miss Marion Boa, Montreal were Tor- onto visitors on Tuesday last. Mr. Geo. Myers, Sask, is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt Myers. Mr. Wm. Laird spent the weekâ€"end with Mr, Frank Ash. Miss Hazel Martin spent a few-days in Toronto this week. Mrs. Kincaide, Mrs. Stonehouse, Mrs. Champion were guests of Mrs. Cempton one evening last week, and enjoyed a fine venison supper. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Noble, Mr. and' We are glad to report Dr. E. E. Mrs. A. Empringham motored to 'Braithwaite home, following a pro- Blenheim last week. longed illness at Grace Hospital, Tor- Rev. Cartledge returned to Popular onto.‘ Rev. Cartledge returned to Popular Point after spending a couple of weeks with Unionville friends. Miss Vera Weighill was a Toronto visitor on Tuesday. Mr. Jas. Russel] spent the week- end at his home here. WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT mg absen illness Woods occupied the John’s and Brown’s Church last Sunday, sometime on account vfl yfl ME PI The Liberal pi all kinds of cor printing and cm promptly and at The members of the J. W. I. metâ€"at the home of Miss Millicent Klinck on Saturday, December lst at 2.30 p. in. The meeting opened with the singing of the opening ode, followed by the Lords prayer. The roll call was well responded to by a Christmas recipe. Mrs. Haig gave a splendid address on “Keeping the Christmas spirit ,alive throughout the year.†Extensive preparations are being made for the ,bazaar to be held on Saturday, Decem- ber 15 at 8 o’clock in the public hall. There will be for sale a full line of children’s wear, aprons, fancy work, notions, waxed flowers, home-made baking and candy. There will also be ‘a men’s booth. Remember this date for buying your Christmas presents. Come and enjoy the evening with your friends. The following were ap- pointed delegates to the Women’s con- veJition at Newmarket on Wednesday, December 5th, Misses Lulu Beatty, Laura Gee and Mabel Boynton. A ‘new feature at the meeting was an exhibit of home-made candy by the members. The prize a fancy candy dish Went to Mrs. Stanley Boynton. The sixteen pound of candy was given to the children of the Orange Orphan- age. A dainty lunch served by the hostess brought the meeting to a close Jr. Iâ€"June Kennedy 82, Jean For- .ester 81, Charles Maynard 81, Johnny Coulson 78, Jack Clements 69, Audrey Maynard 61, Howard Stiyer 59, Dor- othy Fuller 55, Reggie Perkins 51, Wesley Clements 36, Marie Forester 20, Harry Pellatt. Sr. IIâ€"Alberta Stiver 79, Norman McPherson 76, Murray McKinnon 68, Annie Maynard 66, Lloyd Rudkin 64, Arnold Court 59. Jr. IIâ€"Margaret Rush 74, Lenora McKay 72, Roberta Allen 65, Marg- aret Gray 60, Norma Penstone 57, David Lea 56, Gordon Stiver 55, Lu- ella Clements 51, Eleanor Parkinson 40. Jr. III Classâ€"Shirley Brown 82, Joan Sabeston 81, Davy McKay 69, James Maynard 67, Evelyn Smith 67, Nellie Burnham 67, Gordon Fuller 64, Vivian Graham 63, Norman Pellat 45. Junior Room â€" Jean Malloy, Teacher Pr. A.â€"â€"Beatrice Mustard, Olive Martin, Mona Sabiston, Marie Stiver, Eileen Stiver, Bruce Pellatt. Pr. Bâ€"Richard Maynard. Sr. 111 Classâ€"Harry Maynard 85, Evelyn Perkins 80, Gladys Dyke 76, Donald Sabeston 74, Gladys Stiver 68, Dorothy White 66, Ruby Lunau 61, Walter Middleton 60, Eileen Shnith 59, Dorothy Hurrel 58, Howard LaRose 57, Mary Mustard 54, Charles Gray 45, Dorothy Graham 38. Rev. H. H. Eaton, Pastor 10.30 a. m., subjectâ€"God takes the ‘ï¬nitiative. 2 p, m.â€"â€"Sunday School. 57 p. m.â€"Subjectâ€"“Bearing the marks ‘of Jesus. ‘ An unique service was held at :Brown’s Corners United Church last Sunday evening. When an interest- ing address was given by Miss Ella LPike who is home on furlough, on her )work as a missionary in Africa. Special music given by the Pike Fam- ily delighted and was much appreci- ated by the audience. Public School Report for Unionville, Sr. Room â€" Alfred M. Hill, Principal Sr. IVâ€"Angel Moran 85, George Foster 77, Adam Hood 74, Dorothy Dukes 73, Olive Anderson 71, Wallace Harrington 70, Theodore Dixon 69, Fern Kennedy 67, Margaret Martin 67, Marjorie Wheatley 66, Grace Per- kins 59, Margaret Moore 57, Gordon Hill 55, James Wallser 50. Monday 8 p. m., Y. P. 8., leader, Rev. H. H. Eaton â€"â€"Subject â€"How a Christians Christmas should be differ- ‘ent. Thursday 8 p. m.â€"Rev. H. H. Eaton â€"Subjectâ€"Happiness of Jesus. Phone-â€"Willowdale 96W POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH W. N. Mabbeï¬ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Victoria Square FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY RICHMOND HILL MOTORS C. Swanson & F. COX A. A. Wall, Minister Richmond Hill United Church Thursday, December 20th WE BUY YOUR STOCK FROM STOCK PURCHASED FROM US. has been premiered by the children of the school and the general. public is cordially invited to attend. Sunday School Concert OFFERS A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR IN THEIR CHINCHILLA RABBITS. Agnew Fox & Fur Co. YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL A SPLENDID PROGRAM OF Recitations, Dialogues, Choruses Christmas Tree WALTER BONE &' SON Stone, Gravel Supplied on Short Notice. Wire Fencing and Concrete Construction. Phone Maple 864 We can fix it for you. expertly and promptly. at a reasonable price. We‘ll diagnose the qase in a jiffy, ment. Our serixice is prompt, c( rates are reasonahle; Just try us! Whatever ails on the case. ' WE SELL ONLY FROM OUR PRIZE WINNING STRAIN Don't let your car go to pieces while you are napping. Sand and Pea Gravel Admission, Adults 25C. (OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SATISFIED) ONE CUSTOMER MADE $500.00 FROM FIVE DOES IN ONE YEAR Commencing at 7.30 p.m. London, Ontario se in a jiffy. and apply first aid treat- is prompt, courteous, efficient, and our . Barraclough, ANNUAL are the Auto Doctors to consult with AND TIP-TOP SHAPE NOW is the TIME To Gel Your Auto into Richmond Hill, Ont. Our Representative in this District A. E. Plewman, Supt. Liberal plant 1 plant is equipped to do commercial and general can attend to all orders at reasonable prices. PRINTING TEL. 69. *. 24