Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Dec 1928, p. 4

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Colds, sore throat and the grippe have taken command in hany homes. Dr. Kiteley and Miss Vrooman of the Provincial Health Dept. spent a busy day examining the pupils of No. 7, Markham. They found every pup- il in excellent condition from stand- point of cleaniness, and many of them presented a robust physical conditiOn The parents who were present at the examination of their children speak in the highest terms of :the work of these young women. Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Avison are en- joying a few days holidays with friends at Orangevflle, The teachers and pupils in the Pub- lic schools are busy preparing for their Christmas programs. M No. 7 on Thursday, December 20, 1.30 p. m. A short session will be held consisting of choruses, pantomines, dialogues, recitations and addresses by the child- ren; also an interesting address, “A- round the world in fifteen minutes" by Mr. C. E. Heise, who has had the pri- PAGE FOUR Victoria Square News Notes This motor develops 46 horse- powerâ€"32 per cent more than its four-cylinder predecessor. The fac- tory states that “speed has been stepped up to satisfy maximum requirements,” Notable features are gasoline pump instead of vacuum tank Davies’ Dry Goods Store when each will be greeted by Santa Claus and presented with a suitable toy from 2.30 to 5.30 pm. This will be his only appearance in Richmond Hill this season.... Everybody an equal chance to win the beautiful Electric Floor Lamp or Cushion we are giving as a consolation prize and shown in our windows until Christmas Eve Dec. 24th PHONE 119 SPECIAL NOTICE vilege of travelling round the world from Toronto, Vancouver, Yokohama, India, England and back to Victoria Square. Mr. Brown of No. 4 has a snappy program to present to the pub- lic on Friday, Dec. 21, Miss vWalker of No. 6 and her pupils are holding their closing exercises on Friday afternoon also. To close each class a visit is expected from Santa Claus. The pubâ€" lic are invited to be present to show .their interest in the work and to en- courage the little folk. Mrs. William Haig delighted the Sunday school with her very appropri- ate address on “The Christmas Spirit” on Sunday afternoon. The Suhday school decided to supply the fowl for the Christmas Dinner at the Orange Orphanage. Next Tuesday evening a visit is ex- pected from the Pilgrims, accompanied by some of their friends from Toronto, Rev. W. A. Nesbitt is expected to ad- dress the Prayer Meeting. Mrs. Thos. Lyon attended the fun~ feed, adjustable driver’s seat, water temperature gauge on dash, and special accelerating pump which operates when the accelera- tor is depressed. Santa Claus The announcement of the new Dec? i: ,1. M m (WW Parents of children in“ the Village and sur- rounding districts are invited to bring them, arrlves m Richmond Hill Next Saturday, eral of her brother, Mr. Fursman, of Toronto a. few days ago. Mr. William Dennie is completing a' new up-to-date garage this week. Presentations to Miss Meek On Thursday evening of last week the Sunday School and the Young ‘People of the Institute met in the school room to show they appreciated the services of one of our young maid- ens who is giving up teaching in the school to take charge of a young man and his new home in Alliston. With Rev. Mr. Haig in the chair, an hour was spent in singing and addresses. and Mrs. Herbert Smith, of Head- ford, with Miss Henrick accompanist, very ably rendered solos. Addresses were read by Mr. Fraser Gee, for the Sunday school and a presentation of a beautiful clock was made by Mr. Cecil Nichols; by Miss Myrtle Avison for her Sunday school class and a present- ation of a silver cake basket was made by Miss Thelma Hart. Miss Meek replied in a few words of appreciation. Then followed a miscellaneous shower given by her friends in the school. The addresses given were as follows: By Mr. Gee, Secretary of Schoolâ€" car reveals that Chevrolet engineers began four years ago the research work, planning and proving ground testing which culminated in the new car. More than 100 different motors are said to have been built and tested. RICHMOND HILL : LIBERAL. BIGND HILL, ONTARIQ Dear Miss Meek, We the members of Victoria Square Sunday School are gathered tomight. having learned‘that an event in your life is about to take place that will make you mistress of a home some distance from here, We realize that our loss is indeed a great one, but the splendid example you have set for us remains and should be Worth more than all some of us will ever do. Your ability Mae has been truly wonderful in every line of our schools endeavours, as teacher, speaker, elocutionist, leader in all our social enterprizes, in fact in every- thing we have undertaken for the past number of years “and is only to be equ- alled by your cheerful willingness to exercise these many God-given talents. Your friendliness and cheery dis- position have made you so popular in this community that to number your friends would simply be to count us all. Knowing the lucky man so well as one who too has ever been a favour- ite in this community and Sunday school makes our wish for a very happy future for you seem really a certainty. Now though it in no way estimates the high regard We hold for you, we ask you to accept this small token of that esteem as a parting gift. We know we need not remind you that Victoria Square isn’t likely to get shifted very far from its present lo- cation and its only a little motor ride back to friends who will always be glad to have you and a Sunday school always looking for a visit from you. We wish you all that could be desir- ed in future success and happiness. Signed on behalf of the Sunday SchooI.â€"Rolph Boynton, R. F. Klinck, Harold Mortson, Frank J. Brumwell, Miss H. Hopper, Vera I. Nichols. Dear Miss Meek:â€" To-night, dear teacher we are here gathered to show you that we are thankful to you for the work you have done in teaching us Sunday after Sunday. You have been faithful and patient in guiding our thoughts in the way of truth. We shall miss you we assure you but we are delighted to be here to offer you our best wishes as you go to your home. We hope that you may ever be as successful in handling your new master as you have been successful in teaching us. As a slight token of our kind feelâ€" ings we ask you to accept this little gift to remind you of a little band of girls whom you pointed and guided to that city whose builder and maker is God.. We assure you we shall have a happy time as we surround the throne, Your Class. Victoria Square W. M. S. At the regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. the following officers were elected for 1929zâ€"President, Mrs. Haig; Vice-President, Miss Hop- per; Recâ€"Secretary, Mrs. Klinck; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. Reid; Treasurer, Mrs. Stoutenburgh; Secretary Christian Stewardship and Finance, .Mrs. I. Nichols; Strangers Secretary, Mrs. Avison; Supply Secretary, Mrs. Denn- is; Associate Helpers Secretary, Mrs. L. Nichols; Mission Band Supt and Assistant, Mrs. Haig and Mrs. R. F. Boynton; Secretary of Temperance Education, Mrs. W. Mortson; Mission- ary Monthly Secretary, Mrs. Bennett; Literature Secretary, Mrs. Flavelle; Press Secretary, MFs. R. F. Boynton; Flower Secretary, Mrs. Caseley; Org- anist, Mrs. R. Nichols; Assistants, Mrs. C. Smith and Miss A, Hopper. Holiness Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 11 a. m. Salvation Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 7 p. In. S. A. Christmas Concert Bring your kiddies to the Annual Christmas Tree and Concert of the Salvation Army in the Town Hall on Tuesday, December 18th at 8 p. m. Silver Collection. SALVATION ARMY Fada and Marconi Radio Used Radios at Low Prices Batteries, Battery Charg- ing and Radio Repairs. Service Station Gasâ€"Oilâ€"Coal Oil Tires and ' Motor Accessories HALL ’S FOR SALEâ€"Two Durham heifers, rising two years old. H. S. Matt.â€" hews, lot 13, con 2, Markham, phone 4603 Richmond Hill. FOR SALE or EXCHANGEâ€"One EXCHANGEâ€"First class used tour- ing car, exchange for sound, clean legged horse, must weigh 1200 lbs. or upwards, be good, all harness, and not over 10 years old, phone Richmond Hill 27. FOR SALEâ€"3 brindle cows, springers Apply Jas. Ash, 1/4 south of Lake Wilcox, on 2nd con. Whitchurch, FOR SALEâ€"Tub stand and ringer in good condition, phone 183, Rich- mond Hill. DAVINETTE AND COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH â€" Exchange for FOR SALE â€" Fumed Oak library table in first class condition. Apply at Liberal Office. HARNESSâ€"I wish to announce the re-opening‘ of my shop for the sea- son, and am prepared to do all kinds of harness repairing, harness made to order, all hand stitched, only best No. 1 oak tan leather used; also have a good supply of best long straw collars. My aim is quality. Write for prices or call‘ and see us. Isaac Baker, Maple, Ont., R. R. 2. FOR SALEâ€"Residence. corner Mark- ham Road and Church Street, Rich- mond Hill, large lot, well protected by trees, good garden with good fruit, house nicely planned, large living room and two sun rooms, Beautiful location, convenient to cars and to Yonge St., all that can be desired in a home. Prospective buyers are welcome to look over the premises on request. Would rent, Apply Box 61 Liberal Office. NOTICEâ€"We specialize in the sale of York County Farms. Listings solicited.‘ Lockhart & Lockhart, 319 Bay Street, Toronto. [C A N A R I E Sâ€"Guaranteed singing i canaries for sale at moderate pric- es, make an ideal Christmas’ giftâ€" call and see them at Mrs. W. B. Graham’s, Dufferin St., Richmond Hill. Sick birds restored to health and song; Telephone 78.W. FOR SALEâ€"5 hens, 3 pullets and cockerel, also bicycle in good con- dition. Apply to box 5, Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"12 Rock Elm doubletrees extra good, price while they last $1., these are very special values. Ap- ply Jones Lumber Co., Richmond Hill, Phone 2-7. We find we are over-stocked with 2 x 4’5. 6 feet long and have reduced the price on this length from $42 to $38. per thousand. These are all good standard stock and every farmâ€" er should have some of them for re- pair work around the buildings, while they are going cheap. Apply Jones Lumber Company, Richmond Hill. auto knitter, in first class condition, will exchange for an organ or other useful articles, or will sell cheap. Apply Mrs. Harding, Stop 30A, Gamble’s corner, near Jefferson, Post Office. ’ l The “Upper Ten” Euchre club met on ‘December ‘7 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malloy. All members pre- sent and a real sociable time spent. The high lady was Mrs. Garrett 'Blough; high gentleman Mr. Chas. Black. After which our meeting was fheld and decided to use our surplus ‘funds in making some little tots hap_ py with a few appropriate gifts at Christmas tide, Lunch was by‘no means the least of the evening’s entertainments, which all enjoyed to the utmost capacity. The meeting then adjourned for the lpresent year to meet again early in lithe New Year. You’ll hear from us (then. RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first i! sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGuMAKIZ THE MOST OF IT" Phone 27. One dollar invested in a years sub- scription to the improved Family Her- ald and Weekly Star of Montreal will bring the farmer better dividens that one hundred dollars in the bank. The farmers’ Wives, daughters and sons, get free, the best magazine extant. Pullets or sell cheap. Albert Harri- son, Rumble Ave., Richmond Hill. Martin’s Barber Shop Have Yonr Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. Classified! Advertising Right at The City Limits North Torento. MAPLE Notice THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13th, 1928 FOR SALEâ€"3 roomed cottage, on Centre Street, east, must be moved from its present location, price right. Apply Jones Lumber C0,, Richmond Hill, 0nt., phone 27. FOR RENTâ€"6 roomed house on Eliz- abeth Street, Richmohd Hill, good orchard, electric light‘, moderate rent. Apply L. B. Finch, 496-A, Ossington. Ave., Toronto, phone Lombard 8511. HAIRDRESSING -â€" Marcelling and etc., Mrs. Russell, Centre St., West, Phone 178. i Friday. December Nthâ€"Auction sale of horses, harness, implements, Vehicles, and gardeners outfit and household furniture on lot 10, con. 4, Markham, Brown’s Corners, the prop- erty of Edward Bee. Sale at 1 o’clock. No reserve as proprietor is giving up business. Terms, cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Saturday, December 15thâ€"Valuable farm property will be offered for sale by public auction, the property of Mrs. E. J. Kane, lot 18, rear 2nd con, Mark- ham. Terms made khown on day of sale. Sale at 2 o‘clock. Prentice & ‘Prentice, Auctioneers. I Saturday, December 22â€"Credit auc- tion sale of farm stock, implements, grain, roots, furniture, automobile etc- the property of A. Gardiner, lot 33, con 3, Markham Township, at 1 o’clock No reserve. Terms, 10 months credit Silversides and Farmer, Auctioneers, C. Hoover, clerk. Saturday, December 22ndâ€"Auction‘ sale of valuable farm in the Township of Vaughan, the property of Robt Mc- Knight, will be offered for sale by public auction on the premises, lot 19, rear con. 5, Vaughan, near Vellore. The property will be sold subject to a reserved bid. Terms, 10 per cent. of purchase price at time of sale, 15 per cent. on completion of purchase and balance may be secured by mortgage lor may be paid in cash. J. T. Saigeâ€" ,on, Auctioneer. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that Flor- ence Jane Sheppard of the Town of Newmarket, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next sittings thereof for a Bill of Di- vorce from herhusband, Deston Sylâ€" vester Sheppard, of the Town of ‘Bowmanville, in the County of Dur- ham, Garage Mechanic, on the ground' ‘of adultery. DATED at Newmarket, in the Pro- Vince of Ontario, this ninth day of No- vember, 1928. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Pansy Jean VanLuven, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York and‘ Province of Ontario, Married Woman, will apply to the Parliament oi Can- ada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorcement from her husband Harry Esmond VanLuven of the said .City of Toronto, salesman, on the grounds of adultery and cruelty. Dated at Toronto this fifth day of December A. D. 1928. Pansy Jean VanLuven, by her Solicitor, A. J. ANDERSON, 2881 Dundas St., West, Toronto, (9), Ontario NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Corporation of the Village of Richmond Hill intend to apply to _the Application to Parlia men t Legi's-lavifi‘réwof the Provincéâ€"of Ontar- io,at the next Session thereof,for an Act of Parliament, for the following pugposes: p1 .- -,;ALLAJ To consolidate a floating indebted- ness of Thirteen thousand, three hunâ€" dred dollars ($13,300.00) of the said Corporation and to authorize the Cor. poration to provide, by By-law, to be passed without submitting the same to the taxpayers authorized to vote on money By-laws, for borrowing up- on debentures of the said Corporation ‘the said sum’of Thirteen thousand, three hundred dollars ($13,300.00) to pay off the present floating debt of 1the Corporation._ _ The existing debenture debt of the said Corporation is as follows:â€" Debentur'es issued for general purposes $123,515.00 Debentures issued for school pur- poses $118,020.07 Debentures issued for Local Im- provements $5,187.94 The Corporation of the Village of Richmond Hill, by Naughton and Jen- kins, Room 508, 85 Richmond Street, West, Toronto, its’ Solicitors. Dated at Toronto, this 20th day of Dated 21 November SALE REGISTER Newmarket, Ontario Solicitor for the Applicant. NORMAN L. MATHEWS,

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