PAGE TWO ONCE AGAIN -â€"A MERRY CHRISTMAS Once more the graceJaden season of light and joy, 1 gem in the annual crown of Christian festivals, is about each heart its ray of heavenly gladness. Once more mi] thly voices are prepared to join in the rapturous music of ‘ . n u,y_L.\.... In “now: an Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL g THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO. LTD. ‘ J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Sub5cription $1.60 per yearâ€"To the United States $2.00. Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. f Santa'maus, Lira» .luou, uwrra With all the magic of the imagin ation he spreads his benificence over the entire world. He leaves m town or city or hamlet without making it a better a gayer and a men contented place because of his visit. Let’s all catch the spirit of San ta Claus, and become imbued with his unselfish IDEAL of SERVICE How inspiring is the thought 0 and affectionate bearer of gifts. AN APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFT On every Christmas list there is someone who would appreciate a subscription for The Liberal. Such a giftâ€"informative, entertaining and educativeâ€"will keep alive the Christmas spirit 365 days of the year. It will bring to mind once every week the thoughtfulness of the giver. It is of interest to men and women, young and old. NQ other gift you»can buy‘ for $1.50 or $2.00 if in the United States), will so completely reflect your kindly thought and at the same time pay so delicate a compliment. It is both a personal and im- personal gift. It can‘be sent to anyone. It is always acceptable. It meets one’s needs and suits one’s fancy. . Many of our old subscribers will, as they did last Christmas, give their most cherished friends a year’s subscription to the home paper. :he GEO THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20th, 1928 Here’s a Gift That Will Make the Receiver Think of You All the Year Round A subscription to this Gift. By giving a person enabling him to 1‘e( or moreâ€"according tionâ€"â€"all the news extremer interesti‘ Every time {he friend ï¬ulness THE LIBERAL THE LIBERAL ioor your Try it. TELEPHONE 9 u 0 .0:0g0=0:¢=0g0=0 TELEPHONE 9. )erson a subscription to this newspaper, you are to receive, week after week for an entire year ording to the length-of duration of the subscrip- news of his own home town together with many .eresting special features. thought of SantaiCiaus, that ruddy, happy 5 gifts. With all the magic of the imagin- icence over the entire world. He leaves no thout making it a better a gayer and a more F his visit. Let’s all catch the spirit of Sanâ€" postman brings friend will think'c newspaper make thi s a perfect Christmas newspaper to Your 1 and your thought- your DO YOU REMEMBER This Week of 1907 When after two weeks of intense suffering, little Nellie Strode, of Maple, who was burnt while playing with matches, passed away in the Western Hospital. When the following was the report of Third form of the Richmond Hill High Schoolâ€"Roland Henry, Ada Calhoun, Hannah Hislop, Fred Page,‘ Irving Perry, Stella Murphy, Hazel Welsh, Jean Topper, Eva. Watson,i Walter Scott, Wilfred Redditt, Ever. etc Cox, Joseph Elliott, Ethel Mc- Naughton, Harry. Naughton, Ella Cosg'rove, Gladys Legge, Wm. Ground Marjorie Boyle, Norma Morgan, Fos- ter Hickson, Maud Helmkay, Percy Hagerman, Maud Watson, Jennie Gamble. When at a meeting of the curling club, held in McDonald’s shop the following members were elected skips to select their rinks for the Smith medalrâ€"T. A. Lamon, A. G. Savage, J. Michael, G. Cowie. G. MCDonald, C. P. Wiley, F. E. Sims, J. H. Sanderâ€" SOD. lthen upon the closing of the Pub-{ lic School, Concord, for the Christmas vacation, the pupils presented their teacher, Mr, T. McCormack with a handsome shaving set in a silk lined case and an address. The address was signed on behalf of the pupils by LEdna Fisher and Wilfred Keffer. When Mr. H. A. Nicholls announced himself a candidate for the reeveship. The contest was therefore between Mr. Pugsley the present reeveâ€"and Mr. Nicholls a member of the council. DO YOU REMEMBER This Week of 1909 When the Masonic Hall was packed ‘to the doors when the R.H.H.S. gave their annual entertainment. Mr. D. ‘Hill made an excellent chairman. Mr. (Weatheril, principal explained the 'claSS work that wa being taken at When the Presbyterian Sunday ,School gave a tea and entertainment iwith Christmas Tree in the Victoria lHall. Music was furnished by the [Thornhill Quartette, the choir of the Church and others, and readings were given by Mrs. E. C. Currie, late grad- uate of Alma College. ‘ the High School. Short and approp- riate addresses afterwards were given by Rev. A. P. Brace and Rev. E. C. 1 Curl-1e. ed by honest advertising. 1 THAT common sense in buying \simply means buying advertised goods from reliable home concerns. THAT the irresistible appeal of good merchandise, advertised through the printed page. beckons the buyers :to those stores that are progressive. ‘ THAT well arranged stocks add much to the attractiveness of a store. l THAT the appearance of being up- \to_date does much to give customers iconfidence and helps to make regular customers, especially so when its “ THAT their trade is honestly secur- i D i l When at Maple a quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Byam when their sec- ond daughter Mable was united in marriage to Mr. R. F. Cook, of Parry Sound. Rev. J. W. Morgan performâ€" ed the ceremony. 7 When at Oak Ridges, John E. cm- bine passed away at the age of 53 years. THAT at the stores that advertise you receive persgnal attention\ and, with it, quality goods at the lowest possible prices. THAT this claSS of stores believe that they themselves the better served by serving others best. DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK “WAY BACK IN LIBERAL FILES†to-date does much to give customers‘ confidence and helps to make regular customers, especially so when its looks are fulfilled by service. THAT service pays, and still more service pays better, THAT advertising is the medium which brings the buyer and seller toâ€" ! gether. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO T many people would do more at home if the business con- xf the home city would do more sing at home. When Mr. J. B. McLean, of Maple, Ont, Township clerk entertained the members of the Township Council at a fowl supper at his home. ’1 When the Victoria Square branch of the Women’s Institute held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. C. P. Read, when the following pro- lgramme was given, Music, instru- -- . mL- -nnnud» When Mr. J. accepted the I the Aurora Pu DO YOU REMEMBER This Week of 1911 . When at the Methodist Parsonage, Richmond Hill, by Rev. Dr. Smith, Miss Martha J. Joyce, of Toronto, was united in marriage to Mr. Simpkins, ‘of Thornhill. a. ‘ "7A_J U]. A In); nu...- When at his residence Richmond Hill, Matthew Teefy passed away at the age of 89 years. When suddenly of heart failure at his home, Richmond Hill, Richard Lewis passed away at the age of 66 iyears. A .A LL.‘ ‘Dnlnlin can a When the trustees of the Public school, Maple, were fortunate in se- curing the services of Mr. T. Mc- Cormack, of Maple, as principal, dut- ies to commence after the holidays. When a smoker and progressive \euchre in connection with the Thorn- hill Curling Club was held at Hughes Hotel. The first prize a handsome pipe was won by Mr. B. Ainsworth, the consolation by Mr. H. Hooper. When owing to the deadlock in the County council, the members were un- able to elect a clerk at the session, to fill the position made vacant by the death of the late clerk, Mr. John Ramsden. The vote stood 15 for R. W. Phillips, of King' and 15 for Mr. Wm. Keith, of Newmarket. On mot- ‘ ion of Mr. W. H. Pugsley, Mr. Lawrie _ was appointed temporarily till the 1 .next meeting. â€" . nt‘ 1:1, When the Thornhillâ€"Langstaff lit- [ ‘erary society met at the home of Mr. Simpson, opposite Thornhill switch. 1 When the following was the Thorn- hill School report for December: Sr. IV, Marie Muldoon, Frances Cox, Ver- ‘non Forbes; Sr. III, May Campbell. Hulda Gibbs, Charles Eckhardt, Ver- non Gibbs, Stella Hughes, Agnes Muldoon. Mable Chapman, Harvie Gibbs. Stewaft Charlton, George Watt Ivan Findlay; Jr. III, Frances Hugh- es, Harry Knapton, Nelson Forbes, Lela Bowes, Fred Bowes, Marjorie Farr, Leonard Jones, Wilfred Dean. Jr. II, Grace Norris, Carman Douglas, Lilian Francis, Muriel Dean, Stewart Famnhpll. Hazel Riddell, Kathleen Farr, Leonard Jones, Wilfred uean. Jr. II, Grace Norris, Carman Douglas, Lilian Francis, Muriel Dean, Stewart Campbell, Hazel Riddell, Kathleen Hughes, Beatrice Beasley. Jr. 1, Al- ice Stollery, Birdie Gibbs, Willie Knapton, Lilian Parkinson, Hannah Webster, George Findley, Leroy Farr; Primer, Fred Knapton, Mable Norris, James Webster, Velma Findley. Av- erage attendance 35. G. Gilmour, “teacher. pct. . hen Mr. J. G. McDonald of Maple pted the position of principal of Aurora Public School. $1.35 per gallon car the entire year or drain and use next season $4.00 per gallon The old reliable Glycerene and Alcohol Mixture Will not congeal with cold weatherâ€"makes starting easy and saves battery. Guaranteed not to evaporate, can leave in VULCAN Anti-Freeze Oak Oil For winter driving use When Building Enquire About WILCOX LAKE BRICK CO. LIMITED W. H. LEGGE, Manager OFFICE: RICHMOND HILL, TEL. 92. Richmond Hill Marbelite Brick Save yourself at our expense AgriculturalLi‘me Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve difler- ant kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure A ___.l. Nut, Stove and Egg Coal Delivered in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Order now for spring delivery “ Warm up that sour land †Lakeside 5280 JJ 11-. Avvuv soaps, etc. No markiilg, no starching, and each wash done separately. We Call In Richmond Hill District TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for. Call up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Liberal Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Cement, Chicken Feed, Poultry Supplies LANGSTAFF SUPPLY (10., Ltd. J. Sheardown Enquire about Alberta Coal Telephone Thornhill 51-r-1 ement, Field Tile, Glazed Tile Cedar Posts. Lime and Builders’ Supplies Agent for the American Agricultural Chemical Fertilizer MANUFACTURED BY Custom Grinding THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20th, 1928 RESIDENCE NIGHTS & HOLIDAYS TELEPHONE 2 r 12 G. H. Duncan. 175 Ossington ' Low Prices Nights, Richmond Hill 80 Prompt Delivery Best Grade Avenue, Toronto. for Ontario