Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Jan 1929, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JAJSUARY With close to a thousand people in'colorful entertainment. staged and attendance, with dealers from all parts‘produced by Will J. White. of Canadaâ€"from Glace Bay, N. S., to At the Opening of the program the Victoria, B. C.â€"â€"the annual Durantéaddress of welcome by Phil Duggan Dealer Organization Convention held'was repeated in French by an inter- in Toronto, January 16th and 17th, preter, for the benefit of a large dele- was the most successful in the history'gation of dealers from Quebec. A- of Durant Motors of Canada, Limited,'nother feature of the evening was the according to David Hill and Co., theipresentation of a Durant song, written Local Durant Dealer. by George Mitford. This army of Durant enthusiasts in- Thursday was taken up with business vaded Toronto on the morning of the sessions, in which all phases of the first day of the Convention and after Durant programme for 1929 were dis- the 48th Highlanders Band had escort- cussed. Mr. Kerby and Mr. Duggan ed them in a demonstration march, referred to the phenomenal success which centered around the King Edâ€" that had been achieved especially dur- Ward Hotel, the visitors were taken in ing the past three years and spoke in busses and new Durant Cars to the very optimistic terms regarding the plant at Leaside where they saw the future, not only of the Company but plant in full opeartion. of the entire Dealer Organization. It The trip to and from the plant took was the loyalty, faith and enthusiasm the form of a triumphal proceSSion of the Dealer Organization that, in and color was added by the attendance the opinion of the Executives, was re- of Canada’s leading Military Band, in sponsible for the success already achi- Scotch uniforms. eved and that made it possible to foreâ€" .“ u 1 n ...... e01“ Manager. was cast a brilliant and successful future. This army of Durant enthusiasts in..} vaded Toronto on the morning of the} first day of the Convention and after the 48th Highlanders Band had escortâ€" ed them in a demonstration mar-ch,‘I which centered around the King Ed- ward Hotel, the visitors were taken in busses and new Durant Cars to the plant at Leaside where they saw the plant in full opeartion. The trip to and from the plant took the form of a triumphal procession and color was added by the attendance of Canada's leading Military Band, in Scotch uniforms. Phil J. Duggan, Sales Manager, was Chairman of the banquet held in thel Crystal Ball Room of the King Ed- ward Hotel, Wednesday evening. and in introducing Roy D. Kerby. General Manager. he announced that Mr. Ker- by had just been elected a Director of Durant Motors Incorporated, New York. Durant Progress Reviewed at The Annual Banquet Mr. KerbY ontlined, amid applause/and nothing I eat hurts me now. I the second Progress 0f the Durant sleep fine.”â€"Mrs. Glenn Butler. Company in Canada- comparisonsl Even the FIRST spoonful of Adler- between 1928 and 1927 Showed that ika relieves gas on the stomach and the dealer organization had increased mmoves astonishing amounts of old 31-5 Del“ cent-i Sales in the domes'dc waste matter from the system. Makâ€" market increased 38-8 Pel‘ 091W; “110k es you enjoy your meals and sleep sales increased 422 per cent; export better. No matter what you have tried business increased 42 per Cent: fac' for your stomach and bowels, Adler- tory wages at the Leaside Plant in- ika will surprise you. creased 49 per cent. And while the industry generally, said Mr. Kerby,: G. H. showed an advance of 23.7 per cent, . _ Durant progress had increased 35 per R'Chmond Hm cent; 1.1928 sales showed an increaseâ€"mm of 97.9 per cent, over 1925. | Ontario Other speakers of the evening in-V‘l eluded A. E. Phipps, head of the Can- adian Banker's Association, and Gen.I eral Manager of the Imperial Bank,' who told of the sound financial pesi- tion of the Durant Company; C. W.‘ Buchanan, President of the Rotaryl Club of Toronto, who in a brilliant ad- dress described the prOsperity of Can- ada; George Mitford, Advertising Counsel for Durant Motors of Canada. who dramatically pictured the spirit of fellowship and good-will evident in the company organization; and sever- al dealers from various parts of Can- ada. A score of these dealers from across the continent were introduced to the gathering. Some just made a bow and others brief speeches. The speeches were followed by a most Leads the W'orld in .Tl'otor Car I‘alue IMPORTANT “400" FEATH‘RESâ€"J‘O OTHER (JR ".18 Till-3.71 .alLL Twin-Ignition motor 12 Aircraft-type spark plugs High compression Houdaille and Loveioy shock absorbers (exclusive Nasb mounting) Salon Bodies Special Six “100" Sedan Hum THE “’HEEL and learn why NASH can say: “ Waridfs Eaxim't Driver (bistro! 9’ FFORTLESS steering . . . softness of clutch action . . . quick brake re~ spouseâ€"these are features of the Nash “400"thatgive newdelighttomotoring. Thousa’nds of u400" owners will tell you that to them driving is never tiring. For the Nash "400" has “\V’orld’s Easiest Driver Control." This is a strong claim, but we make it earnestly, and with the firm belief that it is an unvarnished, accurate statement of fact. RICHMOND HILL NASH MOTORS P. C. HILL, Phone 14 Richmond Hill vacflfi‘ififigfl 9 n n..- n u 24, 192g New double drop frame Torsional vibration damper \Vorld’s easiest steering 7-bearing crankshaft (bellow and pins) Muminum alloy pistons (Invar Struts) Gas Forces Woman to Sleep in Chair “Nights I sat up in a chair, I had stomach gas so bad. I took Adlerika and nothing I eat hurts me now. I sleep fine."â€"Mrs. Glenn Butler. The MILL f Alfalfa Wanited All kinds of whole and ground feeds. Phone Mill 139-m. House 82-w Second Cutting J. F. BURR ifiNG NEW We invite you to test it. Ask us for a Nash “400” to drive. Take it through the severest traffic, up to and away from stop~lights. Try parking in difficult places. See how effortless are even the sharpest turns, with what ease brake and clutch pedals operate, how swiftly motor and brakes respond. You‘ll find yourself (fr! v- ing with were driving confidence than you ever bad before. And you'll know what a truly remark- able car the Nash “400” is! Biiut centralized chassis lubrication Electric docks Exterior metalwate chrome plated over nickel Short turning ta Reeve J. Lunau is attending County Council session this week. Mrs. Dellinger, of Arthur, Ont., re~ turned home last week after spending several months with her sister Mrs. W. H. Mylks. On Friday evening, last, Mr. David Stirling entertained the “Zenith” boys club and their lady friends at his home on Richmond Street. A very enjoyable time is reported. About six car loads came out in spite of the unseasonable weather. Miss Marie Cook, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Sterling, Richmond St. Miss Kathleen Shackleton announ- ces the opening of a modem Hairâ€" dressing Parlor at Davies Dry Goods Store on Monday, January 28th. Miss Shackleton is an experienced operator and is well qualified to merit the pat- ronage of the ladies of this district. ronage Miss Dorothy Kirkton, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her friend Miss Marion Grainger. Ex-warden W. H. Pugsley was pre- sent at the election of the Warden of York County on Tuesday. Mr. Pug- sley has not missed this ceremony for many years. NAS H “400” RICHMOND HILL Rev. C. Gray Eakins, M.A., Incumbent Septuagesima Sunday 8 a. m. Holy Communion 11 a. parâ€"Morning Pra§er 3 p. m.â€"Sunday School 7 p. in. â€"~ Evening Prayer Subjectâ€"“The distinctive contribu- tion the Church of England has to make to the religious life of the com- munity.” Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rainey and family, of Langstaff, wish to thank the many friends and neighbours who extended sympathy in their recent sad bereavement in the loss of their dear son and brother, also for the many floral tribiites. RYANâ€"Suddenly, at Elgin Mills, on Tuesday, January 22nd, the result of a motor accident, Alfred James Ryan, beloved husband of Bella Still, in his 49th year. Funeral from his late residence on Friday. January 25th, at 10 a. m. In- terment Port Hope, Ont. (Motors). â€"Port Hope papers please copy. Social and Personal Longer wheelbases Oge-pjeoe Salon {enacts Clear vision from pillar posts Nash Special Design ST. MARY‘S CHURCH from and rear bumpers :ARD OF THANKS I'Hls LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, QNgrAmo DIED Alfred J. Ryan, of Elgin Mills, met death early on Tuesday morning, aftâ€" er being struck by a motor car said to have been driven by Frank Allen of Port Perry who has been arrested and held by the authorities on a charge of criminal negligence. The late Mr. Ryan was walking north towards his home after having visited the post office when the accident occured. He was walking on the west side of the road when struck by the car and carried some 200 feet. Death was al- ;most instantaneous. The driver of the death car did not stop, but con- tinued on his way leaving the dead man on the road. Another Fatality 0n Yonge Street Fortunately the number of the car said to have been responsible was tak- en by eleven year old Ross Robinson, who was on his way to Jefferson school. It is reported that the little lad on hearing a noise turned around and saw the man being carried along lthe road by the car. When the car ldid not stop he took out his scribbler and marked down the number of the car which proceeded northwards. His quick action resulted in the setting of a police net for the missing car which resulted in the surrender of Frank Alâ€" len to the Toronto Police on Tuesday night. Allen appeared in police court on Wednesday and bail was set by the Crown at $9000. An inquest will be held at Richmond Hill on Wednesday next, January 30th. Sincere sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mr. Ryan in their sad bereavement. Only last fall on Armistice day a daughter of the deâ€" ceased was struck by a motor car near the scene of this fatal accident and received painful injuries. Less than a year ago a brother of the deceased met with accidental death in Toronto. The late Mr. Ryan was a war veteran and received wounds in France which partially incapacitated him. He is survived by a widow and five children. The funeral will be'held on Friday afternoon and interment will follow at Port Hope. WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The January meeting of Women’s Association was held at the home of Mrs. C. N. Cooper, on Thursday, Jan. 17th, with the President in the chair. Mrs. (Rev.) Mullen gave a talk on W. A. work as she found it through her experience in different organizations She emphasized unity and co-operâ€" ation with the President and Officers. Secondly she urged every member to vote and express her opinion one way or the other on all matters pertaining to the organization. Thirdly she urâ€" ged the ladies to give when giving and nothing less than her best for the church so there would be no undue criticism. Mrs. Snedden and Miss Heise kindly contributed to the pleasure of the members by singing the Hymn “For You I am Praying.” Tea was served and a pleasant social time “was enjoyed. A social evening under the auspices of the local W.C.T.U. -will be held for the Teachers of the High and Public Schools on Wednesday, Janu- ary 30th, 1929, at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. A. L. Phipps. A cordiâ€" a1 invitation is extended to the Ladies of the Community to be present. DIED MITCHEL â€" January 23rd, Carstairs, Alta, Elva James, wife Charles Mitchel, eldest daughter Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. James, C Stairs, Alta. LOVEâ€"In loving memory of George Love who passed away January 25, 1928, at his home in Cashel, in his 88th year. Some day, some time my eyes shall see The face I loved so long, Some day my hands shall clasp in his And never say goodâ€"bye. The flowers we lay upon his grave Some day my hands shall clasp in his And never say goodâ€"bye. The flowers we lay upon his grave May wither and decay But the love for him who sleeps be- As in 1:1 With out a]: It the love for him who sleeps be- neath Will never fade away. Gone but not forgotten â€"â€"By Sorrowing' Wife In loving memory of our dear son W. C. T. U. MEETING 1N MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM hour he passed away Ietched arms he met his Wid .Weet t world to ' very ‘1' of d con_ COT dead gr?“ ,ten at of )1] THE LIBERAL REPORTED THAT COUNCIL REFUSED TO GIVE GRANT TO SICK CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL AFTER COUNCIL RECEIVED A REQUEST FOR A GRANT AND DID NOT GIVE ONE â€" COUNCILLOR MANSBRIDGE CALLS THIS A CRUDE MANNER OF REPORTING COUNCILLOR MANSBRIDGE COM' ' PLAINS OF COUNCIL REPORT Dear Mr. Editor Your valued paper of January 17th last gives an account of the new vill- age councils first meeting. and I note with no small degree of surprise the very crude manner in which you reâ€" cord the fact that the appeal for a grant from the Sick Children’s Hospiâ€" tal was refused. As a matter of fact it was not refused, as after a lengthy discussion it was moved that the letter be laid over, as you saw fit to record the refusal (which I do not admit) ‘you should in fairness to the council ‘record the reason for not complying with the request. Seeing that you yourself attended the meeting you will no doubt recall the explanation given viz the council had discontinued the grant some years back, in view of the fact that the village are called upon to pay one dollar and fifty cents per day for all cases sent from Richmond Hill for treatment where the patients themselves are not in a position to meet the expense. For your infor- _mation I might state that our charity expense sheet of over four hundred dollars for last year was made up principally in meeting Hospital charâ€" ges. As so many pairs of eyes are now focussed on the new councils actions I feel fully justified in penning this letter in their defence if only to assure your readers that the council for 1929 are mindful of the great boon derived from the splendid hospital institutions. May I in conclusion ask you Mr. Edi- tor to give this letter the same public- ity given to the article complained of. ' Yours faithfully Notezâ€"“No action was taken on an appeal for membership in the Ontario Municipal Association and likewise an appeal for a grant to the Sick Chil- dren’s Hospital was refused.” This Was the sentence used in our last issue in reporting the action of the council on an appeal for financial assistance which is sent to every municipality on Ontario by the Sick Children’s Hospi- tal. Mr. Mansbridge a new member of the 1929 council notes with surprise the “crude” manner in which it is reâ€" corded. In another sentence he says that the appeal was not refused but was laid over. In the next sentence he says he does not admit the refusal but says that we should have stated the council’s reasâ€" on for not complying with the request. The standard dictonaries give many meanings for the word “crude” but we submit that the word is more appli- JOHN BUCHANAN, Director of extension of the O. A. C., Guelph and other speakers will address the farmers of York. The subjects of the addresses will be “The Enforcement of the Weed Act," and the speakers will also deal with the benefits to be derived in the form of increased yields and profits from the use of approved seed cleaning plants. R. S. COOPER, Late Model Fordson Tractor and Plow, both in excellent condition. Bargain FOR SALE 3 LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE “ Know What You Sow ” PUBLIC MEETING x’WasoniC Hall .agsday, February 5th, 1929 RICHMOND HILL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ittle Brothers F. J. MANSBRIDGE Secretary Richmond Hill January 22, 1929 will be held in the at 7 o'Clock. cable to the logic of the writer of this letter than to our reporting of the meeting. Anyway we are at a loss. to understand how we can be expected to give an explanation satisfactory to the new councillor as to the council's reason for not complying with the re- quest, when according to him, the ap- peal was not refused. The facts of the case are exactly as reported in The Liberal of last week- 'A letter was read from the Sick ChiL dren’s -Hospital asking for a grant- The council did not give a grant. We reported that the appeal was refused ‘which is exactly what was done. The reason advanced by councillor Mansbridge that since the village is called upon to pay for indigent patiâ€" ents up keep in hospitals we thought. was such general knowledge in this present day that it was not necessary to take valuable space in its repetitâ€" ion. The Act which made it comâ€" pulsory for municipalities to bear this: ‘cost was instituted in 1912. Since- ‘that time hundreds of municipalities [throughout Ontario continue to give some small annual donations to such: Institutions as the Sick Children’s: Hospital. For “our information” the new councillor states that the charity ex- pense account of last year amounted to over $400. and was made up prinâ€" cipally of meeting Hospital charges- For his information we would point. out that according to the financial statement of the town the Charit)r Account to December 15th amounted to $335.39 and of this $176 was paid for Hospital charges but as far as we have been able to ascertain none of this was paid to the Sick Children's Hospital. For his further information iwe would point out that the village is ‘not called upon to pay $1.50 per day {for indigent patients. This is the rate Ipaid by the County and one half of lwhich is charged to the municipality concerned. The writer is coirect in saying that the public are watching the actions of the new council and we are interestec? in reporting their actions. The pub- lie is not nearly so much interested in excuses and elaborate platitutes in ex- Iplanation of action or inaction. It is what the council does that is import- ant. That is our reason for report. ing that the council at its last meet~ ing refused to give a grant to the Sick Children’s Hospital. We took no issue with the councfi in this matter and had no desire to give any undue publicity to it, but as councillor Mansbridge has asked pub- licity for his letter we are very glatf to extend the privilege to him as to any other ratepayer of the village who desires to express opinions through our columnsâ€"(Editor) A. C LARK PAGE FIVE President

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