our of single blessedness but Miss Laura Brown and Miss Ruth Walker proved to the entire satisfaction of the audience, who judged the debate, that it “was not good for man to live alone." This interesting and amusâ€" ing- debate was followed by a “music- 31 contest†and the musical ones were rewarded by a box of chocolates. Following refreshments the two In- stitutes separated, both feeling that the time spent together had been time well spent. On Saturday afternoon, February 2nd, the Victoria Square Jr. Women’s Institute was splendidly entertained by the Junior Women’s Institute of Buttonville. After the several items of business were satisfactorily dealt with and a committee appointed to assist in the Relief Work of Northern Ontario, the meeting was left in char- ge of Mrs. Geo. Kelly, Jr., President of the visiting Institute. An inte- resting programme was given consist- ing of instrumentals, a reading and a debate “Resolved that the bachelor gets more enjoyment out of life than the married man.†Miss V. Walker and Miss E. Craig conscientiously stated all that was to be said in favâ€" Mr. Cecil Pryer, Who has been in the General Hospital, Toronto, for five weeks, is home again and is enjoying better health. The mild weather of the winter has made trouble in the turnip cellars. Many root cellars contain more de- cayed than sound turnips this early in the season. Mr. H. Klinck, of Sbouffville, gave a very interesting address at the Young People’s meeting on Sunday evening. His subject was “Peace among the Nations.†Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Casqley atâ€" tended the golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, the latters parents, a few days ago. Mrs. George Schell is spending the month with her daughter, Mrs. Bert. ram Boston. Mr. Ezra McMulIen has let the con- tract for a new steel barn 80’ x 40’ and an up-to-date implement house. He expects to have it erected in the sum- mer. We are living in times when new methods of municipal government are in the making. In the past our Coun- cil has appointed auditors. Last month they followed the usual custom but behold, other auditors have the work done. Now we are wondering “Who’s who ?†Could we not get a- long without the Council and save much expense? We are wondering if our council will also appoint a doubâ€" le set of school attendance officers. Are they aware that some boys and girls in this township from well to do homes are attending school only one day in ten? PAGE FOUR Western Grain Company Limited (Dominion Charter) will acquire the assets of six different companies some of which have been established since 1901. The Company will own in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and at Fort William, either by freehold or leasehold title,complete facilities for the buy- ing storing, selling and shipping grain. Combined capacit- ies of all elevators will exceed 11,650,000 bushels. The properties in Saskatchewan and Manitoba include 273 grain elevators and 62 coal sheds as well as annexes, cot- tages and other properties :H-i «(we bment necessary for the operation of an extensive gram. Musings. First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Maturing January 2, 1949 and bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent from January 2, 1929. 38- Shorthorns -38 Victoria Square News Notes Western Grain Company Limited Wednesday, Feb. 20th THOMAS THOMSON Will be sold at his farm 2% miles east of Richmond Hill WE RECOMMEND FOR INVESTMENT AUCTION SALE OF J. R. HERRINGTON, INVESTMENT SECURITIES hmon SILVERSIDES & FARMER, Auctioneers REGISTERED SCOTCH Headford, Ont. The property of at I p.m. l Arrange slices of pineapple on nests 1of lettuce leaves. Cut celery in slender strips, one and one-half inch- es long, and mix with nut meats. Pile in centre of pineapple, and garnish with four sections of orange, free from membrane, laid symmetrically On pineapple. Pass dressing separ- ately. The annual Seed Show of the Rich- mond Hill Agricultural Society will be held in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill on Saturday afternoon next. Ex- cellent prizes are offered for seed and competent judges will be present to make the awards and they will also deliver addresses. It is an annual event of interest and instruction which should comment itself to the farmers ‘of the district and it is earnestly h0p_ ed that there will be a large attend- ance. Speaking starts at 2.30 and it is advisable to be on time to secure a good seat. No admission is charged except an entry fee for those competâ€" ing' in the grain classes. The correct- ed prize list appears elsewhere in this issue and we regret that an error was made in publishing the prize list last week. NEXT SATURDAY AFTER- NOON IN THE MASONIC HALL, [RICHMOND HILL. ‘ 4 slices pineapple; 1A; cup celery; % cup nuts chopped; 2 oranges; Cream mayonnaise; Lettuce. Primerâ€" Lewis Heise 65, Leslie Hart 30. Number on roll 40. lst classâ€"Harry Jones 100, Velma Brillinger 70, Harold Heise 58, Naomi Heise 50, Ruth Steckley 48, Lloyd Johnson 48, Hilda Hilts 40, Dorothy Steckley 26, Bruce Empringham 22, Muriel Sider 20, Gwenith Johnson 18, Melvin Henderson 10, Russell Heise“. Sr. IIIâ€"Helen Winger 70, Alma French 60, Vera Brillinger 50, Myrtle Steckley 25, Kenneth Appleton 15, AI- fred Kaiser 10, Marion Baker 5, Freda Henderson*. Jr. IIIâ€" Reginald McMullen 80, Orval Stec-kley 70, Marjorie Hart 50, Reta Sider 45, Harold Sider 40. Jr. IIâ€"Miriam Heise 64, Grace Bak. er 64, Marion Winger 43. Jr. IVâ€"Thelma Hart 80, Ruth Hen- derson 60, Marion Heise 60, Peter Epp 30, Evelyn McMullen.* Sr. IVâ€"Allen Doner 49, Earl Em- pringham 48, John Smith 44, Blanche Henderson 8. The next; meeting, which is in char- ge of the senior ladies will be held at the home of Miss Marion Agar. Report S. S. No, 7, Markham The pupils of this school had the following standing in Arithmetic in January. Absentees are marked (*). SEED SHOW ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON NEW YORK SALAD Telephone 013.55 B, (Lower grade)â€"Jim Butl- er, Jack Kendall, Fred Leech, Vernon Mitchell, Donald Wellman, Douglas Brown, Robert Abbey, Arthur Abbey, Victoria Beelich, Lorraine Robelard, Jimmy Bales, George Reid, Doris Woods, Henry Richardson. Absentâ€"- Mabel Gilbert, Kenneth Woods. Names marked (*) have missed one or more exams. M. L. McCONAGHY, Teacher Report of Primary Room Class A, (high grade)â€"Clarice Downs, Stanley Haworth, Reta Daly, Ronald Lunau, Douglas Sanders, Harry Bowen, Grace Dewsbury, Frank Horton, Margaret Webster, Dorothy Eden, Sydney Hunt, Alfred Elliot, Arthur Gater, Viola Robelard, Harold Mills, Muriel Barrow, Olga Kozak, Walter Chillman, Nellie Coveyduck, Phyllis Angle, George Leaburn, Mer- ton Linstead, Stuart Hilts, Arthur Williams. Absentâ€"Billie Downs, Olive Durant, Mary Leonard, Edna Fish, Mary Froud, Gwen Holmes. Primerâ€"Jack Evelyn, Ronnie Bur- man, Bertie Dale, Ernest Chillman‘, (Myrtle Kennedy‘, and Evelyn Brill- inger* equal), Ruth Healy,* Evelyn Wade“. First Bookâ€"“B†Classâ€"Stewart Tyndall, Bernice Taylor, Elva. Young, Alfred Brown, Marion Buchanan, E1- gin Barrow", Stanley Housewan', Evelyn Woods‘, Billie Glenn, Mary Guthrie*, Violet Rice“, Laura Rich- ards", Tom Bales.‘ Room VI First Bookâ€"~“A†Classâ€"Billie Hall, Derek Mills, Dorothy Donald, Mildred Holmes. Billie Minnis, Laura Frisby, Bobbie Reid, Josie Clulow, (David Pugsley and Milton Savage equal), Donald Barraclough, Billie Richards. Sydney Seatter‘, Ethel Mitchell*, George Bell, Ilene McMillan“, (Eric Srigley and Evelyn Graham* equal), Margaret Bales', Jimmie Fish*, Thel- ma Leonard.’ ' Marked (*) missed one or more ex- aminations. A Negro preacher walked into the office of a Southern newspaper and said: "Misto Edito’, they is fortyâ€"three of my congregation which subscribe fo’ yo’ paper. Do that entitle me to have a chu'ch notice in yo’ Salday issue ?†“Sit down and write." said the editor. “I thank you." And this is the notice the minister wrote: “Mount Memorial Baptist Church, the Rev. John Walker, pastor. Preaching morning and evening. In the pro- mulgation of the gospel, three books are necessary: The Bible. the hymn book. and the pocketbook. Come to-morrow and bring all three.†Sr. Iâ€"Herbert Gater,. Marie Lin- stead, (Wilson Beresford, Lorna Gill- ings equal) Leland Durrant, Danny Wade, Eric Wilson, Iona Bailey, Gladys Kendall, Billy Wallis, (Nancy McKenzie, Dick Shackleton equal), Margaret Richards, Mac Cooper, Nixie Fisher, Thelma Hilts, Jack Collins, Roy Russel, Floyd Hilts, Stewart Stephens, Dorothy Hawkes, Genevieve LeGue, Etta Donald“. from A Report of Room V. (Names in Order of Merit) Jr. IIâ€"(Ruth Burman, Jack Glenn equal), Alfred Burman, Geoffrey Elliott, Marion Espey, Roy Lunau, George Graham, (Douglas Lowery, Beatrice Rumble equal), Gertrude Kennedy*, Theresa Allen. Upwards of four millions of dol- lars will be expended this season in effecting alterations. improve- moms. and extensions to the Pnllis- tor Hotel at Calgary. Alberta and the Empress Hotel at Victoria, Brit- ish Columbia. 13. W. Beatty, chairâ€" man and president cf the Canadian Pacific Railway has just announc- ed. Four additional floors will be added to the former and an entirely new wing will be extended from the latter, bringing these two famous hosteleries even more up to date. RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT FOR JANUARY Further experiments with super- phosphate from the smelter at Trail, B.C., will be conducted in 1929 by the Alberta Department of griculture in conjunction with the Dominion Experimental Farms and C. P. R. experimental farms. An abundant quantity of this fertilizer will be available to meet demands. Boys at Red DeerkAlberta, earn- ed Christmas pocket money by trapping. They brought in nearly 400 weasel skins in less than a fort- night and also coyotes, rabbit, squirrel and cat skins. SCHOOL REPORT (219) berta gm: LIBERAL, mom HILL, ONTARIO A. M. CORNER, Teacher and There d of be pure bre R .A. WEBB, Teacher stein cattle l herds have )ver The simple mixture of glycerine. buckthorn bark, saline, etc., (Adler- iaka) acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and relieves constipation in TWO heursl Brings out old waste matter you never thought was in your system. Don’t waste time with pills or remedies which clean only PART of the bowels, but let Adlerika give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel. All of us would be polite enough to offere the other fellow the larger ap- ple if he were polite enough to 1-9.. fuse. GLYCERIN MIXTURE STOPS CONSTIPATION Pr. Aâ€"Beatrice Mustard, Olive Martin, Mona Sabeston, Eileen Stiver, Marie Stiver, Bruce Pellatt.‘ Pr. B.â€"Richard Maynard. J. MALLOY, Teacher Jr. Iâ€"June Kennedy 82, Jean For- ester 81, Audrey Maynard 80, Johnny Coulson 67, Howard Stiver 62, Charles Maynard 61, Jack Clements 54, Doro- ‘thy Fuller 46, Reggie Perkins 44, Wesley Clements 30, Marie Forester, Harry Pellatt. Junior Room Sr. IIâ€"Albert Stiver 71, Annie May. nard 66, Lloyd Rudkin 65, Norman MacPherson 64, Murray McKinnon 62, Arnold Court 58. Jr. III~â€" Joan Sabeston 84, Shirley Brown 76, Davison MacKay 75, Nettie Burnham 68, Gordon Fuller 64, James Maynard 62, Evelyn Smith 58, Robert Neville 57, Vivian Graham 42, Norman Pellatt 36. Jr. IIâ€"Lenora MacKay 73, Marga- ret Rush 71, Gordon Stiver 59, Norma Penstone 58, Margaret Gray 53, Rob- erta Allen 50, David Lea 44, Eleanor Parkinson 42, Luella Clements 41. Successful Banquet -â€"â€" A fitting closing of the splendid F0“ sessions in connection with the Short Course Classes in Agriculture and Home Economies that have been in session during the past month in the 91‘: township Hall, was the banquet held on Thursday, January 31st. One hunâ€" F2)“ dred and twenty plates were laid and 0‘ a sumptuous repast served. The genâ€" ial toast master Mr. L. Stiver conduct- ed his part of the event in an able and FOR efficient manner. The toasts given and responded to were as follows:â€"- H. The King, G. Galbraith, response, W Reeve W. C. Gohn; Girls Class, Bill _ Champion, response Jean Stonehouse; FOR Boys Class, Dorothy Valliere, response fa] N.. J, Brown; Our Guests, Alf Dyke, To response, Jas. Simpson. Dr. J. B. AI Reynolds, O.A.C. guest, was the N( speaker of the evening. Also the1 following prizes for general proficien- FOR cy were presented. Boys, 1st Doug. ne. las Gee; 2nd Geo. Boynton; Girls lst, an Laberta Hood; 2nd Dorothy Valliere; De 3rd, Laura Gee. At the conclusion of re( the banquet dancing to the “we small celle) hours†was enjoyed to music furnished , 401 by R. Thompson and R. Brillinger. E1} Monthly Report of Unionville Public â€" School. Senior Room, Alfred FOR M. Hill, Principal cor Sr. IVâ€"Angel Moran 89, George W‘ Foster 86, Dorothy Dukes 83, Marga. an ret Martin 81, Marjorie Wheatley 80, ‘ Ap Adam Hood 77, Fern Kennedy 76, Wallace Harrington 75, Olive Ander- bag; son 74, Theodore Dixon 73, Margaret ency Moore '72, James Walker 59, Grace Perkins 58. l Sr. IIIâ€"Harry Maynard 81, Gladys Dyke 80, Evelyn Perkins 80, Donald Sabeston 76, Ruby Lunau 73, Gladys Stiver 71, Dorothy, Hurrell 70, Eileen Smith 62, Dorothy White 60, Charles Gray 59, Howard‘LaRose 58, Mary Mustard 57, Walter Middleton 43, Dorothy Graham 40. l Twenty rinks met on Tuesday last ‘in the annual Bonspiel held in con- necti'on with local curling club in the Crosby Memorial Rink. The good ice and the splendid fellowship that existed between the contestants left nothing to be desired for a real game, and a. good days sport. The prizes were good ones, the 1st prize includ- ing The Davison challenge cup; also the York League cup. The winners were; lst Locust Hill, Wm. Cowie skip Archie Maxwell vice skip; Sam Hoovâ€" er 2nd; Wm. Forester, lead. 2nd pri- ze, Stouffville, S. Brillinger skip; 3rd prize Locust Hill, Frank Jarvis, skip. The ladies bowling club were also serving the usual good hot coffee and sandwiches. G. H. GLENN i FOR SALE Unionville NEST GILLESPIE SIMPSON, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York in the Province of Ontario, advertisâ€" ing Manager, will apply to the Parlia. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE Pansy Jean VanLuven, of the City of Toronto, in the County of'York and Province of Ontario, Married Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Can- ada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorcement from her husband Harry Esmond VanLuven of the said City of Toronto, salesman, ‘on the grounds of adultery and cruelty. Dated at Toronto this fifth day of December A. D., 1928. Pansy Jean VanLuven, by her Solicitor, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that HARNESSâ€"As leather is advancing, take advantage of present prices. Heavy team breeching harness, made from No. 1 Oak tan leather, guaranteed all hand stitched $70. One set only team breeching har. ness, machine sewn $55.00. Limit- ed quantity best long straw collars $6.75 each. All kinds of harness repairing done, collars lined and reâ€" filled, Isaac Baker, R. R. No. 2, Maple, lot 11, Con. 2, Vaughan. 2 miles west of Langstaff. A. J. ANDERSON, 2881 Dundas St., W'est Toronto, (9), Ontario FOR SALEâ€"â€"1 Fresh Jersey cow, . quiet and easy milker. Apply J. H. Heise, Gormley, lot 3, con. 4. Whitchurch, phone Stouffville 410. If that drug really Will bring people back to life, why not; in this emerg- ency try it on Firpo? FOR SALEâ€"0n account of my con- nection with the Willys.0verland I am offering for sale my Standard De Lux Dodge Six Sedan at a very reduced price. This car is in ex- cellent condition and has gone about 4000 miles. Apply Garfield Yerex Elgin Mills, Phone Maple 289. FOR SALEâ€"Good grain and dairy farm in A-1 condition, in Markham Township. For full particulars Apply at The Liberal Ofï¬ce, phone No. 9. FOR SALEâ€"Registered Yorkshire boar. Splendid type and stock ani- ma]. Glen Don Farms, Steele’s Corners, or Phone Willowdale 78-4. FOR SALEâ€"Ampliphonic Victrola, new. Any reasonable offer not re- fused. Phone Thornhill 6-r-2. FOR RENTâ€"Six roomed house, on Arnold Street, Richmond Hill, furn- ace, Electric light, hardwood floors down stairs. Key next door. Ap- ply E. Charlton, Elgin Mills, Ont. Natural, safe and-wonderfully healing Herbs, and herbs only, are used in Gal- lagher‘s Kidney Remedy which is one of the old, proved, Herbal Household Remedies that the noted herbalist, James Gallagher, compounded himself more than 50 years ago. And these good herbs, Nature’s gift, have great healing power. Even acute kidney ailments like Rheumatism, are relieved by Gal- lagher's. Bad backaches, dizzy spells and bladder miseries soon stop. Try this trustworthy herbal remedy. It is remarkableâ€"and safe. Sold by 34 FOR SALEâ€"One new Massey-Harris separator, 1 Wisconsin incubator, 188 capacity; 1 Daniel incubator, 68 capacity. Apply H. Davis, Mill St, Richmond Hill, Phone 108-W. WANTED -â€" Reliable woman for housework. All conveniences. Ap- ply Langstaff Post Office. Herbs are Best for Ailing Kidneys NOTICE is hereby given th 0R SALEâ€"Coleman lamp, in good condition $7.00; man’s bicycle $10. Would exchange either of these articles for anything useful. Apply at Liberal Office. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING~~MAKII THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst ir sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. AUSTINS DRUG STORE EDITH THEIRSDAY, FEï¬RQéRY 7th, 1929 Classifieci Advertising Richmond Hill, Ontario 11' XM the next Se 1' Divorce frm SIMPSON. c rom hi ion 6 Wednesday, February Nthâ€"Auction sale of Scotch Shorthorn herd, the property of Thomas Thomson, Head- ford, on his farm 21/2 miles east of Richmond Hill. Sale at 1 p. m. Sil- versides and Farmer, Auctioneers. Wednesday, February 20 â€" Credit auction sale of high class dairy cattle, horses, swine, implements, furniture, grain, hay, roots etc., the property of Albert Booth, lot 2, con. 10, Markdale. Sale at 1 p. m. 9 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Tuesday, February 19â€"Auction sale of farm stock implements, etc., the property of William Rowntree, lot 3, con. 7, Vaughan, terms 9 months cred- it. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Saturday, February 16 â€" Aucï¬on sale of ‘household furniture, the pro- perty of Norman Batty, Arnold Street Richmond Hill. Sale at 1.30 p. m. Terms, cash. J. T. Saigeon, Auct. Thursday, February l4â€"Important credit anction sale of High Grade Dairy Cattle, horses, swine and impleâ€" ments the property of James Simpson lot 13, con. 4, Scarboro. Sale at 12 o’clock. 10 months credit. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneers. Thursday, February . l4â€"Auction sale of car load of horses, consisting of 4 matched teams, 22 colts, rising 3 and 4 years, Belgians and Percheron. ranging in weight from 1200 to 1400 lbs, the property of McNelly and Er- lick, lot 23, rear con. 3, Vaughan, one half mile north of Maple. Sale at 1 o’clock. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Wednesday, February 13thâ€"Auction sale of Furniture, etc., the property of the estate of the late Mrs. Badka, lot 13, con. 3, Vaughan. Sale at 1.30 p..m. Terms, cash. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer, r Saturday. February 9â€"Credit auc- tion sale of farm stock and imple« ments the propérty of George T. Gra- ham, lot 31, con. 2, Vaughan. 8 months credit. Sale at 1 p. m. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Friday, Feb. 8thâ€"Credit Auction sale of' 26 head of valuable holstein and Jersey Cattle the property of C. G. Vanstone, lot 59, con. 2, Vaughan, one mile west of Yonge on townline between King and Vaughan, known as the Hart Farm. Mr. Vanstone is go- ing- out of the milk business and this high class herd of valuable cattle will be sold without reserve. J. T. Saige- on, Auctioneer. | Friday, February 7â€"Credit auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., the property of D. F. Wilson, 101: 12, con. 2, King, one and a half miles west of Aurora. Sale at 1 p. m. 10 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. FREE FURNACE INSPECTIONâ€" “If you are having trouble heating your home this cold weather, or are getting gas or dust throughout your house, let our Warm Air Fur. nace Expert inspect your heating plant. Perhaps some minor adjust. ment will give you increased com- fort and save fuel. Absolutely no charge for inspection. Phone 9, Richmond Hill. TENDERS FOR DECORATINGâ€"- Tenders for the painting and decor. ating‘ of the basement of Victoria. Square United Church. will be re. ceived by the undersigned commit. tee until February 13th, 1929. Louis L. Nichols, Fraser Gee, R. F. Boyn- ton. FOR RENTâ€"~63 roomed house on Eliz- abeth Street, Richmond Hill, good orchard, electric light, moderate rent. Apply L. B. Finch, 496-A, Ossington Ave., Toronto, phone Lombard 8511. FOR SALEâ€"Pair of Curling Stones. Apply Box 19, Liberal Office. HAIRDRESSING â€" Marcelling and etc.’ Mrs. Russell, Centre St., West:r Phone 178. FOR SALEâ€"Six good Barred Rock Roosters, guaranteed good laying strain. N. J. Smellie, Thomhill. Wednesday, February 20- Iction sale of farm stock an SALE REGISTER and it it