Chicks from trapnested breeders, Sired by grandsons of the famous hen “Hady Marie†with world record of 333 eggs in 365 days. March . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Cents Each March April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Cents Each April 20% Cash with order Balance at least a week before delivery; Barred Rocks and SC. W. Leghorns -Richvale Poultry Farm- BARRED ROCK CHICKS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY let, 19297 Gladys Reid, Soloist, Mehopolitan Church, Toronto Richmond Hill United Church Choir IN THE CHURCH ON CANTATA ‘The Daughter of Jairus’ Good Teams RichmondHillm Annual HOCKEY TOURNAMENT WALTER BONE & SON Stone, Gravel Supplie on Short Notice. Wire Fencing and Concrete Construction Phone Maple 864 [HE (DREW CAR zfall #09 new can“ with every new 1929 reï¬nement 'uesday, March 5 th OU will ï¬nd some of these important new 1929 features on several of the new carsâ€"but the only new car that has all of them is the new Nash "400â€! Each one of these new reï¬nements gives added pleasure to driving a car. And all of them together mean more delightful, carefree, luxuri- ous motoring than you have ever known before. And when you buy a Nash “400â€, Sand and Pea Gravel Leads the Wï¬rld inc/Maï¬ar flargï¬ziue? by JOHN S TAINER will be presented by the S. KONING, Prop. Commences Monday, February 25, at 8p.m. and continuing Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Nights ADMISSION 25 CTS. STOP 22-A YONGE STREET P. C. HILL, RICHMOND HILL NASH MOTORS at 8 p.m. S. C. W. LEGHORNS CHICKS you get all these advantages with. out a penny of extra cost. Every necessary accessory . . . hydraulic shock absorbers . . . bumpers front and rear. . . even tire locks . .. are installed at the factoryâ€"included in tbe factory price. Drive a new Nash "400†today. Compare w/mt_u'e say about the car wit/q what the car says to you. You will ï¬nd that although we make strong statements about the “400†â€"the facts are even stronger! Phone 14 Richmond Hill . 25 Cents Each . 20 Cents Each §\\\\\\\I Mr. W. A. Fydell, newly appointed Public School Inspector for North York, paid his first ofï¬cial visit to the Richmond Hill. Public Schools last week. ’ A rink of local curlers journeyed to Beaverton on Monday and‘ enjoyed a pleasant days curling. They were successful in winning the second prize in the consolation event and the indi- vidual prizes of scarves. The person- nel of the rink was; J. Atkinson, B. Bennett, J. A. Monkman, W. Cappell skip. Mr. and Mrs. A. Grainger, of Tor- onto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Grainger. l A most successful progressive brid- ‘ge and euchre was held in the Ma- lsonic Hal], Richmond Hill on Thurs. lday last under the auspices of the W0. ‘men’s Institute. There were thirty tables in play and a very pleasant social time was enjoyed. The prize Winners were: euchre, high coun_t, Mrs K. Blanchard, Iow count, Mrs. Sayers; lucky draw, Mrs, Thos. Newton, Tor. onto; bridge first, Mrs. Robert Thompson, Langstaff; second, Mrs. Neil McDonald, Thornhill; third, Miss Elizabeth McLean. The proceeds and donations amounted to fifty five dollars and were in aid of the Public Library. The members of the W0- men’s Institute desire to thank all those who loaned tables, donated prizâ€" es and the loeal representative of Whippet cars who donated the 'score cards. We have just received a full car load of Asphalt shingles and roofing and are accordingly reducing the price of the standard 4 in 1 shingles in black, red and green colors, from $6.75 to 86.55 per square, tax free. Richmond Hill was represented in the big Toronto bonspiel by a rink skipped by Harry Thomson. The other members of the rink were G. Moodie, H. Burnett, and C. Hunt. They report an excellent time and scored some notable victories. SHINGLES AT REDUCED PRICES If all those who eat in boarding houses were placed side by side at one table, they would reach. Social and Personal Two Games Every Night JONES LUMBER C0. I'HE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO (9393) IT’S TIME FOR ACTION The request for legislation to legal- ize the T.T.C.! purchase of outside bus lines should be strongly opposed by outside municipalities such as York County. If the present T.T.C. schedule of cars, busses and rates is any indication of what the suburban areas can expect from Toronto, then their powers had best be limited to the bounds of their own municipality. It is time York County municipalities and York County citizens living north of the City organized to demand at least to know what constitute their rights in regards to the Lake Simcoe Line. OFFERING MANY BARGAINS Attractive bargains are offered to the buying public at Godson Bros. who purchased the stock of Mrs. Norman Batty and are now doing business at that stand across from Hotel Rich- mond. A large stock of general dry goods. men’s furnishings and ladies and children’s wear is carried at prices which attract. You are cordially in- vited to visit the new store and look over the stock. The choir of Richmond Hill United church will present “The Daughter of Jairus†by John Stainer in the United Church, March 5th, at 8 p. m. Gladys Read, soprano soloist of the Metro- politan Church, Toronto, will be pre- sent on this occasion. Mrs. Read asâ€" sisted the Mendolssohn choir in Mass- ey Hall last week owing to the ill- ness of Madame Rethberg. Mr. Arth- ur Plumbstead, baritone and MIâ€. Rand Phipps, Tenor will also assist. PULLET LAYS LARGE EGGS An ambitious barred rock pullet ten months old and belonging to Mr. W.T. Pearson, Edgar Ave., Stop 22 Yonge Street has been doing some creditable work along the line of egg production. Mr. Pearson presented the editor with a fine sample of this pullet’s products in the shape of an egg measuring sev- en and a half inches by six and one half inches. This is a record for the pullets of the district to try and beat. COMING Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist at Ausâ€" tin’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill, Tuesday, February 26th from 1.30 p. m. to 8 p. m. See him about your ;eyes. St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill, was the scene of a quiet wedding on Saturday, February 16. when Ethel Eva, eldest daughter of Mr~ and Mrs. W. Kendall, of Elgin Mills, became the bride of John H01- mes Clubine, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Clubine, Richmond Hill. The bride entered the church to the strains of Loheg'rin’s wedding march played by Mrs. Mollett, of Elgin Mills. The bride wore a becoming gown. of white French crepeâ€"de_chene with shoes to match. Her silk net veil was caught with a wreath of lily-ofâ€" the valley and orange blossoms. She carried butterfly roses and maiden hairâ€"fern and was attended by the Groom’s sister, Miss Annie Clubine who wore a pale blue gown with hat to match and carried sweetheart roses. The groom was attended by the bridâ€" es brother, Mr. Walter Kendall. After the ceremony the weddingr supper was served to the immediate families at the home 0; the brides parents and during the evening a reâ€" ception was held at the home of the grooms parents. Later the happy couple left for a short trip amidst shOWers of confetti and good wishes. On their return they will reside on Sellous Avenue, Toronto. DANCING DANCING AT ELGIN MILLS HALL EVERY TUES. & FRI. EVEN- INGS AT 8.30 P. M. SNIDER’S OR- CHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE, FAR. MER BALL, FLOOR MANAGER. ADMISSION, GENTS 50c; LADIES 167 Yonge Street, Toronto's Able Eye- sight Specialist may be C0nsulted about your eyes for glasses at 15c. Coming F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. 119?... Feb. 26th: AI'STIN’S DRUG STORE RICHMOND HILL, ONTXRIO HOURS 1.30 P. M. to 8 P. M. CLUBINE â€" KENDALL CHOIR CONCERT WEDDING OPTOMETRISTS INTERESTING DEMONSTRATION AT DIFFERENT POINTS IN THIS COUNTY Seed Train Stops In York County The Seed Cleaning Demonstration} train under the direction of the Ontarâ€" ion Department of Agriculture hasl commenced its annual tour. Approv- ed power and seed cleaning machines will be in operation daily on the train and practical demonstrations of the proper use of screens will be given by capable men. Experts will deliver addresses each day on the various ‘phases of farm work. The train will llhake the following stops in York lCounty;â€"Agincourt on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 19th; Wednesday, March 6th at Woodbridge; Thursday, March 7th at Stouffville; Friday, March 15th at Gormley; Monday, March 18th at Pefferlaw; Wednesday, March 20th at Concord; Thursday, March 21st at King; Friday, March 22nd at New- market. Mr. James McLean, of Richmond Hill is a member of the Seed Train staff. A meeting of the School Trustees and Ratepayers of Vaughan township was held in the Township Hall, Vellâ€" ore on Friday afternoon last. The meeting was called to discuSS portant question of :‘Township School Boardsâ€. The meeting was well at. tended and was representative of all but three sections in the township. Mr. Constable, of Vellor, very ably ocâ€" cupied the chair during the proceed- ings. There was no representative of the Department of Education present hence the question was discussed from many angles which showed a great diversity of opinion. Reeve Jas. Rob- son and Deputy Reeve J. T. Saigeon spoke in an interesting manner durâ€" ing the discussion. MEETING DISCUSSED TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARDS Owing to the lack of definite data on the question it was decided to meet again at Vellore on Friday, March 8th at 2 p. Do. When a representative of the Department of Education will be preâ€" sent to explain the details of the pro- posed bill and at which a decision Will be made concerning the attitude of Vaughan township. In my opinion the great conflicting point is all School Trustees were noti- ’fied to lay before the Ratepayers and discuss the measure at the election of Trustees held on the last Wednesday of 1928 and to appoint delegates to Trustees convention to be held at Tor- onto. Yet I find on request that only (3) Three School Sections appointed delegates at the same time the whole township shows its interest by assem- bling at Vellore. Editor Liberal, Sir:â€" ] HOCKEY TOURNAMENT ' ON MONDAY NIGHT RICHMOND HILL HOCKEY TOURâ€" NAMENT COMMENCES ON MONâ€" DAY NIGHT AT 81’. M. GOOD TEAMS, TWO GAMES EVERY NIGHT and POPULAR ADMISSION 25 CENTS. Why oppose the only? Why not also oppose it through your delegates to the Trustees Con- vention at Toronto? Surely there are men, enough Public Spirited to represent the various School Sections at Toronto on an important matter such as this which concerns the whole ‘Township. ‘ W’hatever you doâ€"Be Consistant. -I hope Mr. Editor your business will :permit of your attendance at Vellore l [on March 8th at 2 p. m. ST. MARY’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL , Rev. C. Gray Eakins, M.A.. Incumbent SecOnd Sunday in Lent 8 a. m. Holy Communion 11 a. m.â€" Morning Prayer 3 p. m.â€"Sunday School 7 p. m. â€" Evening Prayer ‘ Preacherâ€"Rev. Prof. B. W. Horan, M. A. B. D.. Wycliffe College. THURSDAY, FEB. 28th 7.30 p. m.â€"â€"Evening Prayer Preacherâ€"Rev. C. F. Pashler, L. T., Rector St. Bartholemews Church Letters From the People I am Yours very truh measure at Vellore JAMES W'ARK Admission 25c. Richmond Hill tendered a fitting welcome last Friday to the two yOung adventurers, Kenneth Hulme and Jack Forbes who have performed the marâ€" velous feat of travelling from Timm- ins to Toronto on skis in km than twenty days and thus qualifying to win a wager of $250. BIRTH WETHERALâ€"On Sunday, Feb. the 17th, at Richmond Hill, Ont, to Mr. land Mrs.lJ. G. Wetheral (nee Alma. |Cu1~tis), a baby boy. Extend Welcome To Two Skiers The tw0 skiers were met at the vill- age limits by a committee of welcome headed by William Davies, president of the Board of Trade and were escorâ€" ted into town to the honking of horns and the cheering of the crowd which turned out to join in the welcome. An informal luncheon at which the two skiers were guests of honor was held at the Hotel Richmond at 6.30 p. m. “Mine hosts", Grant Bros. had the hotel fittingly decorated for the occasion and the guests entered the dining room under an archway'form- ed by a pair of skis draped with the Union Jack. Mr. William Davies who acted as master of ceremonies ex- ‘tended a most hearty welcome to Rich- ‘mond Hill and congratulated the tï¬ro skiers on their feat. Short speeches ‘were made by councillors Wes Middle- iton, F. J. Mansbridge, H. 'Davis, A. G. *Savage, Magistrate G. H. Duncan, J.. ‘E. Smith and representatives of the ‘Toronto press who Were following the wroute of the ski trip. Both Kenneth ‘Hulme and Jack Forbes replied in a ‘fitting manner and sincerely thanked ‘Richmond Hill for the warmth of the ‘welcome extended to them. In the evening the two skiers looked over the town and attended the Richâ€" mong Hill High School Grads basket. ball game at the High School. .They were afterwards entertained to a. pleasant evening at the Hotel Rich- mond. Early Saturday morning they start~ ed on the last lap of their journey and they arrived at the City Hall, Toronto about 3.30 p. m. EVERY CITIZEN INTERESTED IN THE DISTRICT SHOULD SIGN THE PETITIONS It has been brought to our attention ‘during the week that some families are contemplating moving from the district on account of the new T.T.C. bus and radial service. We hope that no-0ne will take hasty action in this matter as there is a possibility that 'some headway may be made in obtain- ing a better radial service. It‘s up to every citizen to join in the fight to see that this district does not suffer by virtue of a poor transportation sew- ice. Sign the petitions protesting a- gainst the new schedule. Outside the hotel at 7.30 counciflor Frank Sims introduced the skiers to a large crowd and extended an ofï¬cial Welcome on behalf of the town. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. James Munro and family of Unionville wish to thank their friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy extended in their recent bereavement, RICHMCSND PHONE 33 ‘ 'V v V . 1mm PAGE FIVE