______â€"â€"-â€"â€""‘ “YORK COUNTY’S Single Copy 5c NEWSIEST l . $1.50 PER YEAR NEWSPAPER†,1 . ,Lr v IN ADVANCE % “In Essentials, Unity; In Nonâ€"essentin/s. Liberty: In AH Things. (7/7ari2v.†VOL. LI, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MARCH 7th. 1929 2 T N0, 36 ' =0=°=O=O=O=O=0=O=° 0=Ol=l0=l0l==OI l *T.I.C. Re Rises i Matinee C Yonge at .g . ( Iei‘ield l T I g i R l: T 2.30 I O I a l l 2172 ’ THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT . . YONGE AND GLEN FOREST S.\'I‘I'I€D.\Y MATINICE .\T 2.30 l’..\I. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 I'. M. Thursday, Mar. 7, Friday. Mar. 8 Added Comedy Feature GEORGE M. COHEN’S â€"â€"THEâ€" HOME Saturday, Mar. 9 For More Carsi I PETITION SIGNED BY 600 RESI- DENTS IS OF NO AVAIL Reeve Lunau and Ex-Reeve T. H. Trench interviewod the officials of the T.T.C. on Thursday last requesting some additional radial car service for . Richmond Hill and district. They " E carried with them for presentation to ‘0 the Commission a petition protesting g .against the present service and asking :_ ‘fnr at least two additional cars per 7 Thursday. Friday, Saturday, Mar. 7, 8, 9 COME ONE! COME ALL ! ;\ RIP ROARING RIVER JOY RlDE A Laugh at Every Landingâ€" A landing at Every Laughâ€"â€" srrnnnonr nu.†COMEDY BUSTER KEATON, Pilot Excursion Deluxe EARNEST TORRENCE, Captain ___â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- LON CHANEY _1N__ WEST or ZANZlBAR There's only one Chaney and here he is at his best. COLLEGIANS NEWS EVENTS Hear the Premier Canadian Tenor RALPH MADISON The Singing Minerâ€"Canada’s Greatest Ballad Singer .‘\ O l] O B [I B . ., r ‘_ day and which was signed by nearly six hundred residents of thendistrict. The deputation was given a very courteous and attentive hearing by the officials who could give no definite answer but promised to take the mat- ter up with the Commission, The Commission under date of Mar.‘ - 5th notified Reeve Lunau stating that they are unable to meet the request. The reason given is “the improved ihighway condition and the resultant increasing use of trucks and private automobiles has so seriously affected the revenue that it was absolutely necessary to make reductions in the service.†The letter received by Reeve Lunau was as follows:â€" â€"WITHâ€" ‘Richard Bennett and Doris Kenyon EVERY SECOND IT EXPLODES. LAUGH BOM BSâ€"THERE’S ONLY ONE GEORGE M. COHEN. AND THIS IS HIS BEST. The Collegians Serial “ The Mystery Rider†Friday Night and Saturday Matinee. TOPICS and FABLES ' Warner Bros. Present i I _ RIN-IIN -TIN land of the Silver fox WIYN lEIlA HYAMS 0 ll ii 0 [I ll ï¬ 0 o g 7 [I ll 1 0 a ii 0 I] 0 fl 0 6 u E warren March 5th, 1929 Transportation Richmond Hill. .Mr. Jacob Lunau, Reeve, Village of Richmond Hill Ontario. Dear Sir:â€" Further to our conversation of the 28th February, at which time you pre- sented a petition signed by various residents of Richmond: Hill and the adjacent district, requesting that the Commission reconsider its recent schedule of radial cars to and from Richmond Hill and Toronto, this will advise you that We have carefully con- sidered this request, and in view of the consistent decline in passenger travel, we are unable to justify adding additional cars to the present service. We regret we are unable to meet this request, but the improved high- way condition and the resultant in- creasing use of trucks and private automobiles has so seriously affected the revenues of' this railway, that it was absolutely necessary to make re- Monday, March 11 Tuesday, March 12 a Wednesday, March 13 Qflmericas Finest Entertainer] ’ Mon., Tues, Wed'y, March 11, 12, 13 A THREEâ€"RING THRILLER OF THE AIR TheAir Circus with LOUISE DRESSER DAVID ROLLINS SUE CAROL ARTHUR LAKO IN THE ° l HERE’S YOUR GREATEST ENTERTAINMENT OPPORTUNITY Erin-EednsidarNisht COMEDY NEWS EVENTS Comingâ€"Uncle Tom's Cabinâ€"March 14, 15, 16 M HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT anonâ€"2“": o=o= i i l l i l l l l l l Thornhill on Wednesday even- mede, Bolton and Richmond Hill T v -=' «a s: a: s: 2: :1: :2 :2 ;_; * ductions in service and reductions ’5 ‘ ' ' ' i i . . ’ . - v The fifth annual High School com- “ H were made at those times of the day “ CONGRATI. LATIONS * _ _ . y P R B A B Y that would least inconvenience the * Miss Anna PhiPpS l'epl‘esem- * mencement mu be held on Fnday 31;: WITH T travelling public .mg the Richmond Hill High >1: saturday, March 8th and 9th at 8. DAVID I Yours very truly, High School was chosen as one * P- m-“m the gymnasï¬umlz, Elder“ _ ROLLINS Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday â€" SIMBA H. W. TATE, Assistant Manager [’5 of the three winners at the obra- : giibt’edT::d(3t::::1 ‘1’): 821%: 11::- ' I t t for subur an ‘ °=0=0=0=0=9=0=0=0=0 =o==o=o â€"â€"â€"â€" 'a torlca con es â€" a: gram including vocal music by the x if 4‘ x I ‘ * * F0)? ' school held on Tuesday evening H_ h S h 1G1 Cl b dj f the """‘** ‘* ~ ***» , ‘ r 1 coo eeureango ° ‘ '* at Vaughan Road High School. 4 g . . r . . T. T. C. BUS UPSET Representatives from Palgmve, * school paper, distribution of prizes, - * A southbound T.T.C. bus up- *1 Vaughan Road Newmarket’ a: medals. etc. Every seat is reserved, Next turned in the ditch south 0f Aurora, North York, Runney_ * gontFOIc; reasrt35c. Plan of ball at ‘ * enns rug ore. Motor Accident One more fatality was added to the long list of accidents on Yonge Street on Wednesday evening, when William Leonard, six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Leonard. Rumble Avenue was almost instantly killed when he was struck by a truck just north of Elgin Mills. The unfortunate lad accompanied by five year old Donald MacMillan were walking south. when the accident oc- curred. According to witnesses both boys took a sudden move to cross the street. but Donald MacMillan quickly jumped back and saved himself, but the Leonard boy was struck. The truck which belongs to the John Shell Car-tage Co.. Toronto was driven by Fred Cole. ‘21 Ontario Street. and was brought to a stop in twelve feet and the driver of the truck took the injur- ed boy to the office of Dr. Langstaff where he was rendered first aid. but passed away in a few minutes. Con- stable S. Barraclough investigated the accident. but after hearing the story of the witnesses and testing the brak- es of the truck attached no blame to the driver and allowed him to go, An inquest concerning the death will be held in the Magistrates office next Tuesday evening at 7.330 p. m. McLaughlin-Buick A'i‘WATER KENT and ROGER. l l The regular meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Board of Trade will be held in the council chamber next Monday evening at 8 p. m. A large attendance of the members and citizens is desired as Mr. Murr of >s Department of the Canadian National Railways will be the Industrial present to discuss ways ‘and means of obtaining industries and to explain how that department of the railway is prepared to co-operate with the Board of Trade in this important work. In view of the refusal of the T.T.C. to grant any consideration of the re- quest of some six hundred ratepayers who signed a petition asking for ad- iditional car service it is likely that 'ti‘ansportation problems will also be discussed. An important recommendation from form of future meetings of the Board will be presented for the consideration of the members. the program committee relating to the ‘ ing. None of the four passen- gers were hurt and all made their way to safety through the door in the top of the bus. It is understood that the driver of bus crowded too close to the side of the road and that when the wheel hit the soft shoulder the bus took to the ditch. ti$**tl\*‘#ttttt..t RICHMO‘ND HILL WON Richmond Hill hockey team visited Bradford on Wednesday night and succeeded in winning from the north- crn village by a 4â€"3 score. It was a real fast game and the local team gave an excellent exhibition. After the game the visitors were entertain- ied with refreshments. The return game will be played in Richmond Hill next Tuesday evening. The local team was; Goal. Patton; Defence. ICowie and White; Centre. Grainger: wings. Grant and Blanchard; Crean and Young. BAD STORM TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO l subs. ' took part in the contest. Miss * For several years the York Pioneer Phipps as one of the Winners * and Historical Society has arranged a will compete in the semLfinals * Musical Contestâ€"open to Church to be hem at East York High ,. Choirs and Boys and Girls of the School on Saturday evening. a. County of York outside of Toronto. The winner of this competition at This is part of the plan of the Society ,3 ed. ing the following rewardszâ€" _ (1) Silver Shields for the best Church Choirs â€"â€" first and second â€" with Silver Medals for leaders of win- ning choirs, (‘2) Gold Medal for the Best Girl Singer, under 18 years of age. (3) Silver Medal for the b Singer. with unchanged voice. The competitions will be held in the United Church at Richmond Hill. on Saturday. May 11th. IVESâ€"An the af- ternocn: Soloists at 1.30 and choirs at 22.30. standard time. Capable and ex- judges ‘pcrienced have to aid in developing the Community spirit in all its phases. were most successfulâ€"last year eight church choirs and 11 soloists compet- The events For this year the Society is offer- est Boy , consented to ; will go into the finals for the championship of Ontario and The Liberal joins with the peo- ple of this district in congratu- lating Miss Phipps and wishing her continued success. urns! OYSTER SL’I’I’ER AND CONCERT An Oyster Supper and Concert und- er the auspices of the Women’s Assoc- l[iation of the Presbyterian Church .will be held in the school room of the jchurch. Wednesday. March 13th. Sup- [per will be served from 5 p. m. to 8 p. m. Anyone who does not care for oysters will be served with a supper equally as good. Admission to supp- . lci' and concert 50c. The following ‘artists have kindly consented to assist in the concert programzâ€"Miss Emma â€"â€" The fierce March blizzard which is act. The public invitedâ€"no admiss- B 1‘ \r .\I 1 War . . ' ' '~ '- ' , . iG, ar 11‘. soprano; . 155 A am - [.\ITED (‘HI'RCH v. w x “11’1"â€? this dame: to-day recalls ion fee. '. . s . - . .- Th v w s .' ‘ i , the bad Smm which visited this sec- Details if thew minnetitions with ‘1‘“? “MUMW M" L Dwnmgi him" A U S e . .A. “lll hold their March .tion of Ontario um.th twent‘. five 1mm“ of “Juneâ€...- tar choir; and 501_ lion: .\Iiss Eleanor Drury. elocutiomst; , meeting on Tuesday. March 12th. at 5â€"93le 900 thi. week ’51: that‘ time Inf}. Emmi); iï¬Ã©dmflflm .he Ricyeiarv ‘MTA J. A. Thompson. violinist; Miss i a i; ‘e 3 - ‘ ' iss .a.‘ L - .~I __ , ,_ . the home of Mr» D. Hart. Arnold st†yyonge Street .md .111 onler rmd‘ \- F Cag‘wu 148 K;ng qt “'93 T0 Effie Bird. celioist: Mrs. J. A. Thomp- RICHM8ND HILL,ONT 8 ‘ ' 0' >ii‘i~.v~x ‘ ‘ V ‘ V“: " ' T ' i T. i“ - ' '... .x- Vrm- : a, 1) p. m' A.“ ihe Mums hm" 3‘“ [were blocked and traffic at a stand- iromo. and entries mav be made with ‘90†l’â€â€â€œâ€œâ€œ Mb“ Lu“ imam Mr" 0‘ pHONE 33 “8 “ome' ‘ 2L, Wright. accompanist. p .l . .>t1.l for several days. ________-.â€"â€" '_,_________â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- â€"---~- -â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" ~â€"._'~_.V.__â€"/- hint at any time. QK. BATTE. __._.____â€"â€"â€" _.__.- XYL Pontiac SS RADIOS i F