Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Mar 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR In the Estates of George Herbert Hooper and Jennie Bowes Hooper; NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute in that behalf, that all persons having any claims against or entitled to share in the estates of George Herbert Hooper, late of Thom. hill in the Township of Vaughan, Garâ€" ageâ€"owner, who died on or about the 11th day of October, 1928, and Jennie Bowes Hooper, widow of the same, Township of Vaughan, who died on or about the 12th day of November, 1928, are required to send same to the undâ€" ersigned, Administrator of the Estates duly verified, with particulars of the securities, if any, held by them, on or before April lst, 1929, and after the said last named date the Administrat- or will proceed to distribute the Estat- es among the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims or interest of which he then shall have notice. Dated at Toronto this 2156, day of February, 1929, by Rev. Frank N. Bowes, B. A., B. D., 41 Kirknewton Road, Toronto. Administrator Our Eye Examinations are Accurate 52% flTwowandérml fl 9=O=O=0=O=°l SPECTACLES & EYEGLASSES repaired promptly and correctly. ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) Notice to Creditors for ALL ‘ live stock Here’s the one feed that offers profit to every live- stock owner. Quaker SUGARED SCHUMACHER It’s the all-round, year- round farmer’s friend. A perfected carbohydrate feed â€"to make fat and energy. Unexcelled as a supplemen- tary dairy feed with one of the Quaker protein feeds. Fine for your dry cows, young stock, horsesI sheep and hogs. Contains molasses in dry form. ‘Palatable; all animals relish it. Rich in minerals. An excellent "mixer." Come inâ€"talk it over. Learn what this great balanced feed can do for your stock. F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. W. E. LUKE, R. O. l. D. RAMER & SON w. G. Bafik Limitedfi 1 Model 7240 Reg. price $267 a very compact machine Our special price This is a real bargain 1 Model 2340. Regular price $320. This """" machine is a very beautiful cabinet with burl walnut front and double wood tone chamber. Our special price Tnese prices cannot be equalled anywhere RICHMOND HILL, ONT. In Beautiful Walnut Cabinets Radio Bargains OPTOMETRISTS Atwater Kenitr Batteryless â€"ANDâ€"â€" TWO ONLY â€"â€" ACT QUICKLY Phone 68 Richmond Hill A pleasing feature in connection with the evening serviceat St. Andâ€" rew’s Presbyterian Church on Sunday last, was the rendering of two beauti- ful musical selections by Knox Pres- byterian Church, Agincourt, Quartette Mrs. Jas. Muirhead, soprano; Miss Jean Grant, alto; Mr. Bert Kennedy, tenor; Mr. T. A. Patterson, basso. The service was in charge of the minister, Rev. W. H, Fuller, Who gave an inte- resting discourse on “The Doctrine of John Calvin.” The annual congregational meeting“ of Richvale Community Church wasi held Wednesday evening, Feb. 27th.; Rev. Mr. Lunau was chairman and Mr. Cyril Baker acted as secretary. Fiftyâ€"four were present at the meet- ing and a feeling of unity and co-op- eration prevailed. All reports were most encouraging, the Sunday school reporting an average attendance of i52, with 25 members on the Cradle Roll. The following officers were elected for the ensuing yearzâ€"Board of Session, Mrs. G. Huestis, Mr. C. Baker, Mrs. Lambert, Mrs, W. Baker, Mr. E. Rowden; Board“of Stewarts, Mrs. Farrants, Mrs. Pickett, Mrs. Rowden, Mrs. Balbone, Mrs. Leish.. man; Secretary, Mr. C. Baker; Treas- urer, Mr. E. Rowden. A musical programme interspersed the business meeting. Solos were rendered by 'Mrs. (Rev.) Lunau and Mrs. Geo. Masters and a number of the Sunday School scholars took part. Refresh- ments brought the meeting to a close and all are looking forward to another year of progress under the leadership of the pastor, Rev. A. E. Lunau. Please remember April 2nd, when a play entitled “An old Fashioned Moth- er” will be given in the church by loc- lal talent. This promises to be a very enjoyable evening. Standing in Spelling, March 1, 1929 Sr. IVvâ€"Dorothy Clark 100%, Jess- ie Burr 98%, Elizabeth Clark 94%, Sadie McGimpsey 74%, Fern Firth (absent), Della Burr (absent). Sr. IIIâ€"Audrey Gohn 90%, Doris Walton 82%, James Clark 62%. BUTTONVILLE SCHOOL REPORT Jr. IIIâ€"Erwin Gohn 88%, Mae Ten- nyson 86%, William Hood 82%, Harry McGimpsey 80%, William Allen 72%, Ruby Firth 70%, Frank French 68%, Aieatha Thompson 62%. Sr, I~Lloyd Gohn 28%. Sr. Pr. â€" James Hooq 80%, Hazel Cox (absent). We Wish to welcome to our locality Mr. and Mrs. Smith who are new resiâ€" dents of Mill Road. Jr. Pr.â€"Mervin Firth (absent), Russell Cox (absent), Ashton Calvert (absent). iVIEss Ina Simpson and Miss Alice Lanford, of Toronto, were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Percy Reed on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Spark’s baby is a patient in the Hospital for sick children. Martin’s Barber Shop Have Your Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while Waiting for your car. Right VERA I. NICHOLS, teacher MARKHAM Richvale t at The City Limits North Toronto. 0:0 é$245 51W Friday, March 8thâ€"Imp0rtant cred- it sale of a fine herd of Dairy Cattle, Horses, Swine. Implements, Furniture. Hay, Roots, Grain, etc., on lot 5, con. 2 King, just east of King City, the prop- erty of T. A. Ferguson. No reserve, farm sold. Sale at 12 o’clock sharp. 8 months credit. Prentice & Prentice Auctioneers. Tuesday, March 12thâ€"Auction sale of horses, harness, wagons, impleâ€" ments, tools and teamsters outfit, the property of Wm. McDonald, Thornhill Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms cash. No reserve. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. Saturday, March 16thâ€"Important credit sale of fine Dairy cattle, horses, swine, implements, tractor and imple- ments for same, Threshing machine, tools, furniture, hay, roots, grain, lot 5, con.'8, Markham, Box Grove, the property of A. R. Pike. Sale at 11 o’clock, very large sale. Farm sold. Terms 8 months. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneers. Thursday, March Nthâ€"Important credit sale of fine herd of dairy cattle, horses, swine, implements, furniture, hay, roots, grain, on lot 17, con. D., Scarboro, near Scarboro Village, the property of John Buller. No reserve 8 months credit. Sale at 12 o’clock. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Wednesday, March 13â€"Auction sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Robert Agar, lot 32, con. rear 4th, Markham. Silversides & iFarmer, Auctioneers. Friday, March 15â€"Credit auction sale of farm stock, implements, furniture etc., the property of Joseph Cober, con. 3. lot 27, Markham 21/2 miles east of Elgin Mills. Sale at 1 p. m. Terms, 7 months credit. No reserve. Silversides & Farmer, Auctioneers, Chas. Hloover, clerk. Tuesday, March 19thâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, furniture, hay grain, roots, etc., lot 21, 4th line, Markham, 11/; miles south Victoria Square, the property of Wm. Farrow, sale at 1 o’clock. No reserve, giving up farming. 8 months credit. Pren- tice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Wednesday, March 13â€"Extensive & important credit sale of large herd of cattle, horses, swine, implements, furâ€" niture, Hay, roots, grain, lot 12, con. 2, North York, 11/; miles east of Will- owdale, the property of Robert Hill. Sale at 1,1 o’clock. ‘ Lunch. No Re- serve, Farm sold. Large sale, must start on time. 8 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Monaay, March 18â€"Extensive credâ€" it sale of farm stoek, implements, tools, furniture, hay, réots, grain etc., lot 5, con. 2, rear North York, 2 miles east of Bedford Park, the property of Ira Milne. Sale at 12 o’clock sharp. Terms 8 months. Prentice & Prentâ€" ice, Auctioneers. Saturday, Min-ch 23â€"Important cred- it sale of farm stock, the implements are all new, on lot 6, con. 7, Whitehur- ch, the property of Milton Gilham. No reserve, farm rented. Sale at 1 o’clock sharp. 8 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Friday, March 22ndâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc., lot 5, con. 2, North York, west of Yonge St, the property of R. Nattress. Sale at 1 o’clock. 6 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Saturday, March 16thâ€"Executors sale of house, office and buildings, the property of the estate of the late Thos Clark, will be held on the premises Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, opposite {Baldock’s garage, the house is frame, size 30 by 32 ft, and containing- seven rooms, the office is frame 8 by 18 ft, and shed is 13 ft. by 14 ft. Terms and conditions of sale will be announc- ed on day of sale. For full particu- lars apply to the executors of the a- have estate, C. H. Doner or Chas. Hoover, Gonnley. F. W. SilverSides, auctioneer. Thursday, March 14â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., the property of Archie Sommerville, lot 15, con. 10, Vaughan. Sale at 12.30 sharp. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Wednesday, March 20â€"Important credit sale of dairy cattle, horses, imâ€" plements, furniture, hay, roots, grain, lot 11, con. 2, Markham, 1% miles east of Langstaff, the property of Robert Carson. Sale at 1 o'clock. No reserve. 8 months credit. Prentice & Prentice Auctioneers. Saturday, March 30thâ€"Credit sale of first class careful selected dairy cows, some with calves by side, some near due to calve, the property of J.S. Honey. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. Monday, March filmâ€"Credit sale of 1929, at the residence of her daughter, farm stock, implementS, furniture, hay {DITS. Walter Northgrave, 22 Parkwood grain, roots, etc., lot 34, 1 1-4 miles avenue, Mary Elizabeth, widow of the south Sullivan’s Corners, York Town- late George Tyndall. line, the property of Wm, Dunn, 5319 The Funeral was held Wednesday at 1 sharp. No reserve. 8 months at 2.30 p. m., from above address to :redit. Prentice & Prentice, Aucfs. Mount Pleasant Cemetery. ‘ Wednesday, March 27thâ€"Important credit sale of choice high class Jersey herd, fresh milch springers and heif- ers, the property of Wm. Sellers, lot 28, con. 6, Markham, 1/; mile north of Cashel. Sale at 1 o’clock. 7 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. Saturday, March Nthâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., the property of Wm. Nuttall, lot 30, con. 2, Vaughan. J. T. Saigeon, auctioneer J. Carl Saigeon, clerk. SALE REGISTER THE LIBERAL. WON!) HILL, ONTARIO The W. M. S. of the United Church held their March meeting at the home of Mrs. N. J. Smellie. Mrs. J. L. McDonald the president was in the chair. A chapter from the study book was taken by Mrs. E. Francis, Mrs. Johns, and Mrs. Baker, papers were also given by Mrs. S. B. Elson and Miss A. Boyle. Miss Edna Wil"- shire rendered a solo entitled, “The Hymns of the Old Church Choir." The Easter Thank-offering will be |held in April. MEASURING SOCIAL The Women's Association of the United Church here will hold a “St. Patricks" measuring social in the school room, next Thursday evening, March 14th. The program is being prepared consisting of music, contests, etc. Refreshments will be served. Keep the date, Thursday, March 14th, it will be worth while. The Thornhill Women’s Institute have sent a bale of clothing and a cheâ€" que of ten dollar‘s to needy families at Englehart, Northern Ontario. Next Tuesday evening a real treat is again in store for those who attend Prayer Union. Miss Alexander is ex- pected to take part, and a visit is ex- pected from Pilgrims, Gibb, Rowdon and Nixon, who are to spend next Week in their home here for a rest. The pilgrims have held two consecu- tive missions in Hamiltonâ€"in St. Dav- id’s Presbyterian and in St. George’s Anglican with very gratifying results, since New Years. Mr. Jameison Anderson, of Toronto University, spent Sunday with his cousin, Mr. Murray Avison. The Sunday afternoon services at] six good work horses, five mares, the Presbyterian church here, will be one gelding, Oscar Cox, Unionville conducted as usual by the minister, Rev. C. A. Mullen, and a feature of FOR RENTâ€"Grain and dairy farm, the day will began address by Miss P. 133 acres on Yonge Street known G. Lamont, field secretary for Canada as Bond Lake farm. GOOd brick of the Women’s Missionary Society. house, bank barn, Stabling for 30 head of cattle, about 15 acres of TRINITY w. A. MEETINGm fall wheat. Apply W. H. Legge, A meeting of the Trinity church | Stop 31: Yonge St! Jefferson P-O-y Women’s Auxiliary {viii be held at the I Phone RiChmond Hi“ 01' King. The address at prayer meeting- in the United Church was given by Miss Flora Alexander. As Miss Alexander has spent some time in the miSsion fields of India and is a spirit-filled lady, her messages'are always inspir- mg. Mr. Arthur Dennis and MiSS Bessie Ferris. of Toronto, spent Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dennis. A meeting of the Trinity church Women’s Auxiliary Will be held at the home of Mrs., S. Wilcocks on Wednes- day, March 13th at 2.30 o’clock. Mr. Jas. Carrie has been engaged for the summer with Mr. Ross Nichols. MiSS Alexander is again in our midst instructing the fairer sex in a course of nlirsing'. Classes will be in session every afternoon in the Hall fd‘r two weeks. Miss Alexander proved her- self a very capable and« efficient in- structor last winter hence her classes are well'attended. M1“. and Mrs. John Mortson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Neil, Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mortson, of Cashel. spent Sunday with Mr‘ and Mrs. William Mortson. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Robt. Gee is on the sick list. Mrs. W. Haig represented the W.M. S. of this place at the Conference in Deer Park Church this week. IN MEMORIAM _____.__.____________ ESPEYâ€"In loving memory of our ‘FOR SALEâ€"One Wisconsin brooder, dear mother, Louisa Espey, who? practically new. Apply Mr. Youngâ€" passed away March 8th, 1924. 1 man, Thornhill, phone 75-M. l God new she was suffering. IN MEMORIAM ROBINSONâ€"In fond and loving memory of our dear father and bus. band, Rev. Stanley Ralph Robinson, who passed away March 7, 1928. Not lost, not dead, not gone, not even sleeping, Though we have laid thee in the grave with weeping, No sharp despair our chastened hearts again, But, by thy presence sweet, unseen yet near, Our lonely hours to cheer. â€"Wife and Daughter. The hills were hard to climb; So she closed her weary eyelids and whispered peace be thine. Ever missed by her â€"â€"Husband and Family Mr. and .Mrs. Orlando Heise and Bishop Alvin Winger and Mrs. A. Winger attended the Prophetical con- ference in Knox Church, Toronto, on Monday afternoon and evening. For thou art with us still. ill with us, but unvexed by any pain, No crushing care to weary thee TYNDALLâ€"On Monday, March 4th 29, at the residence of her daughter, rs. Walter Northgrave, 22 Parkwood Victoria Square W. M. S. MEETING fill Thornhill DIED FOR RENT or SALEâ€"4 roomed cott. age with three quarters acre of land and well near the door. Apply Wm. Hobbs, Doncaster gardens, Thovm hill, Ont. FOR RENTâ€"Six roomed comfortable house on Richmond St, Richmond Hill, moderate rental, immediate possession. Apply A. E. Glass, Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"1 Brood sow and ten small pigs. Apply J. H. Heise, Gormley, Phone Stouffville 410. FOR SALEâ€"White blossom sweet clover, government tested. First prize at Richmond Hill seed fair. Grimm alfalfa Government tested; six good work horses, five mares, one gelding. Oscar Cox, Unionville FOR SALEâ€"First cléss Durham cow, due to freshen middle of March; al- so three grey geese and gander. Apply Giles J. D. Kerswill, 2nd Vaughan, 11/2 miles west Summit Golf Links, phone King. 3311. FOR SALEâ€"â€"Almo TENDERSâ€"Will be received for the painting and decorating of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sher- wood, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For particulars apply to J. Mont- gomery, chairman of committee, Maple R. R. No. 1. DUCK EGGSâ€"â€"White Pekin Mammoth strain $1.50 per setting of 11. Prices submitted on lots of 50 or 100. A. W. Harris, R. R. 1 Richmond Hill, phone 4532. FOR SALEâ€"1 Daniélls incubator, hot water, 400 egg capacity, new last year; 1 Peerless hot water incubator 140 egg size; 1 Chatham hot air in. cubator, 100 egg size; 1 Buckeye coal broader, 500 chick size; 1 Metal churn, 4 gal. size; 1 Quebec heater, medium size, all articles in best con- dition. Apply E. J. Taylor, Eliza- beth Street, Richmond Hill. FOUNDâ€"Pair of gloves in Canadian Bank of Commerce. Owner may have same by paying for advertiseâ€" ment. HAIRDRESSING â€" Marcelling and etc., Mrs. Russell, Centre St., West, Phone 178. FOR SALEâ€"Your choice of any of the following good used cars for $100., 1 Grey Dort touring, in good running shape, good tires; 1 Ford half ton truck in extra good running order; 1 Dodge touring. Terms may be arranged. Apply G. Yerex Elgin Mills, phone Maple 249. FOR SALEâ€"â€"About 25 tons timothy hay and about 30 tonsâ€"alfalfa hay. Apply Geo. Kozak, Richmond Hill, Box 217. FOR SALEâ€"One Jersey bull, rising 2 years, 8 pigs, 9 weeks old and white Mammoth Pekin ducks. Apply F. Johnston, lot 29, con, 5, Markham. Phone Stouffville 5220. FOR SALE 100 Acres Markham towu- ship 1% miles from Richmond Hill and Provincial highway, 5 bush, the rest under cultivation, 9 fall wheat, 8 aliske, 17 alfalfa, barn! implements, house. hog pen, stray shed, silo, hen house, dairy and ice house, garage, good frame house, the buildings are all in good shape. Will sell as goâ€" ing concern. Josh Homer, R. R. 1, Richmond Hill. FARM MACHINERYâ€"The well FOR SALEâ€"O.A.C. oats, No. 144, 'ANTEDâ€"To rent a chicken farm on or near Yonge Street or on good road, house for about 500 layers. Apply Liberal Office Box 102. Imperial incubator, $9.00; one 188 egg Wisconsin incubator $11.; one 500 chick Solhot oil broader $10. G. Hercker, R. R. Maple, phone 862 Maple. ~ RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first it sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. known line of Bissell implements is carried in this district by John Jarvis, phone 4623 Richmond Hill. Enquire about “Bissell” before buy. ing any farm equipment. "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGuMAKII THE MOST OF IT" No. 1 grade. Government Standard, stiff straw, 96% germination $1.10 per bushel. Bags free, cash with order, you pay freight. Apply Wm. J. Brumwell, Eglinton R. R: 1, Ont., phone Thornhill 45-r_2. Classifieé Advertising one 85 egg THURSDAY. MARCH 7th. 1929 FOR SALEâ€"A few nice young pigs,I bacon type, a holstein cow, fresh on‘ 3rd inst, heavy producer“ Apply L. L. Nichols. Victoria Square. ‘ FOR SALEâ€"Delco Light plant, goo running order, 38 lamps, electric iron, oneâ€"quarter horse power mo or, large size batteries. Selling- t replace with Hydro Power. L. L.‘ Nichols. Victoria Square. We have just received a car load of British Columbia stock, composed o ‘C.X. cedar shingles, 10” cedar ship lap, 1 x 6” to 12” clear fir, dressed, fir base casing, plate rail, moulding etc. JONES LUMBER 00., Rich; mond Hill, Ont. A very enjoyable meeting of the Y. P. S. was held last Monday evenin when the Thornhill young people had charge of the program. Several inte- resting contests were features of the evening, among the Winners bein Miss Irene Routley, Miss Olive Wilson and C. Scott. Miss Edna Wiltshire favored the gathering with a vocal solo and a piano duet by Misses Isobel Farr and Edith Davis was much ap- preciated. Following the program‘ dainty refreshments were served and a; social time enjoyed. An interesting} program has been prepared for the regular meeting next Monday night. ' on the said premises on the east side of Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Onâ€" tario, by JOHN T. SAIGEON, Auctâ€" ioneer, the following valuable proper- ty. being All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Yillage of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, being a part of Lot No. 46, in theFirst cou- cession of the Township of Markham: also being a part of Village Lot No. 7 according to Gibson’s plan No. 481 and now being known as Lot No. 373 ac- cording to plan of the said Village made by c. Reuben and filed in the lRegistry Office for the County of ‘York, on December 22nd,, 1916, and l which said parcel of land may be more iparticularly described as follows: â€"â€" ‘ COMMENCING at a point in the east: ern boundary of Yonge Street which point is the North-west angle of the said Lot 373, and is distant northerly seven hundred and sixty.five feet (765’) three inches (3”) from the southwest angle of said Township Lot No. 46; THENCE easterly along the northerly boundary of the said lot No. 373 one hundred and sixtyâ€"five feet; THENCE Southerly and parallel with Yonge Street sixty.five fe€t (65’) more or less to the southerly boundary of the said Lot; THENCE Westerly along the said southerly boundary one hundred and sixty-five feet (165’) to the Easterly boundary of Yonge Street; THENCE Nor‘thefly '1929. at the hour of 12.30 o’clock noon; along Vibe said, boundary sixty-five feet (65’) more or less to the place of beginning. Notice is hereby given that Martha Miller Mee, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Married Woman, will app; 1y to the Parliament of Canada aflhe present or the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband James William Mee of the said City of Toronto, on the grounds of adult. ery and desertion. 0n the said property is said to be erected a garage. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. Dated at Toronto in the Province of Ontario, the 26th day of February, 1929. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE TERMSEâ€"Ten per cent. of the pur- chase price as a deposit at the time of sale, and the balance in thirty NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that GEORGE KING, of the City of Tor. onto; in the County of York and Prov- ince of Ontario, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the present or next session thereof for a Bill of Divorjcement from his wife, JESSIE \GEORGINA KING, of the said City of Toronto, on the grounds of adultery and desertion. of VALUABLE GARAGE AND LOT IN THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL IN THE COUNTY OF YORK DATED at Toronto this 19th day of February, A. D., 1929. GEORGE KING, Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which Will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered £01: sale by publjc auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 9th Dabec' ’ebruar ale MACBETH & MACBETH, 45 Richmond St, West, Toronto', Solicitors for the Applicant. ANDERSON & BOURBON 2881 Dundas St., W., Toronto (9) YOl' NG PEOPLE’S SOCIETY MEETING MORTGAGE SALE GHTON & JENKINS mond St., West, Toronto, ors for the Mortgagne. t Toronto, this 25th day by his solicitors 1- terms and condition NOTICE

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