AUCTION SALE OF Implements, Horses, Harness, Teaming Equipment, Furniture,_l§}§_. THE PROPERTY OF ' WILLIAM MCDONALD Thornhill, "Tuesday, March 12th, at p.m. HORSES 1 Grey horse, Percheron, 8 yrs old 1 Grey horse, Percheron, 12 years old 'Above team is well matched and weighing 3100 1 Brown mare, 12 years old 1 Brown horse, aged IMPLEMENTS 1 Masseyâ€"Harris binder, 6 foot 1 Massey-Harris mower, 5 foot 1 Frost and Wood mower, 5 foot 1 Masseyflarris rake 1 Massey-Harris seed drill, 13 hoe 1 M.â€"H. spring tooth cultivator 1 Frost S; Wood stiff tooth cultivator 1 Masseyâ€"Harris hay tedder 1 Set four horse barrows, 5 section, good as new 1 Set harrOWS 1 Frost and Wood scuffler 1 Masseyâ€"Harris scuffler 1 Stoneboat 2 Sets wagon springs 1 Twentyâ€"one Fleury plow, wheels, good as new '2 No. 3 Wilkinson plows 1 Double furrow plow, (Verity) Double furrow plow, (Verlty) Double furrow plow, Frost & Wood Hay rack, 16 ft. 1 Hay rack, 15 ft Flat western rack, 16 feet Flat wagon rack Set sleighs, (sloop), with ice rack Set farm sleighs Sets heavy doubletrees Heavy twin neckyoke Set disc barrows, Frost & Wood Trucking and Hauling of All Kinds Lakeside 5280 - Save yourself at our expense If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, Call up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Liberal Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help 'you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve diï¬er- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. 'We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. We Call“ In ’Richmond Hill District TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS ALSO LONG DISTANCE MOVING. YOUR FURNITURE CAREFULLY PACKED WITH SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PIANOS. FOR ANY ARRANGEMENTS PHONE WALTER' BONE &-SON Stone, GEESI RICHMOND HILL Supplie on Short Notice. Wire Fencing and Concrete- Construction Phone Maple 864 Sand and Pea Gravel CRUICKSHANKS 107-F, RICHMOND STREE‘ 0R J. DAUNT, 111, YONGE STREET TERMS : CASH. with 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. 1 Horse fork, track, pulley and rope, complete, used one season HARNESS 1 Set brass mounted team harness, good as new 1 Set plow harness 1 Set leather fly nets, good as new 2 Pair horse blankets 1 Pair woollen blankets, good as new 1 Large feed bin 1 Water trough 2 Pair oilcloth covers, good as new 1 Pair oilcloth covers 2 Pair feed bags dition 1 Adams hoosier wagon 1 Team wagon, Chatham 1 Farm wagon 1 Turnpike shovel N9. 2 1 Turnpike shovel No. 4 FURNITURE 1 Oakextension table 1 Sideboard 1 Dresser 1 Congoleum rug 12 x 8 1 Coal oil stove, 3 burner 1 Coal oil heater 1 Cook stove, Acme 0., good as new 1 Quebec cook stove, used two months 6 Kitchen chairs 1 Bureau and desk combined 1 Wooden bed and springs 1 Iron bed, with springs and mattress 1 Washing machine FORD TRUCK AND TOURING CAR 1 1924 Ford dump truck McLaughlin touring- car 1922-45 TEAMING EQUIPMENT Adams hoosier wagon, in good con- ONTARIO THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTAIgIg . In your issue of February let I‘ wrote an article pertaining to the op- eration and management of township affairs‘and also stating my views with due courtesy to the men who represent 'us in council. ‘ Now Mr. Editor, personal sarcasm was no answer to my letter and it is quite evident that the sentiment of nonsense and foolishness was the obâ€" jective in the so‘called reply in which ordinary intelligence was quite remote {Furthermore I will not enter into any controversy in the Press to be side- tracked with frivolity. So if there are any more wiseâ€"cracks to explode put them in the wasteâ€"paper basket where they belong with the accumu- lation of rubbish] Editor Liberal Sir:â€" In answer to the question concernâ€" ing Scriptural records I would say, having some knowledge of the wise- men of the east (and of the west) I would sound the ancient warning “Re_ member Haman was hangedIOn the gallows prepared for Mordecaiâ€. paper M Power, performance and luxury pre- viously obtainable only in the big car field distinguish the new Pontiac “Big Six,†latest product of General Mot- ors of Canada, which has just been put on display in the showrooms 01“ S. ‘A. Barraclouéh. COMMENDS COMMUNITY SPIRIT IDEA o Editor “The Liberal,†Richmond Hill, Ont. Sir:â€" The writer was interested in going over your issue of February ~28th to notice the editorial “Community Spirâ€" its what counts.†An inspection of this new car re- veals that to the many features of sound basic design which in three years have brought the Pontiac swift- ily to leadership among the sixes, the ‘designers have added an impressive array of big car specifications which seem to graduate this car above the small car field in- everything but price. With the changing conditions in marketing caused by rural mail deliv- ery, rural telephones, good roads, ex- tensive advertising by larger stores. it is extremely important that each of our smaller communities develop a real community spirit. In view of the interest aroused by the “Big Six†at the national motor shows in Toronto and Montreal, ‘its appearance here has been ‘eagerly an- ticipated, and the local‘ dealers are featuring the first showing as an event of more than ordinary interest. Ekplaining the reason for his enthusiâ€" asm, M1‘.‘Barraclough asserted that the new Pontiac line provides not only new body lines that instantly catch the eye, but a chassis and engine alâ€" most entirely new. New Pontiac Big Six Many Fine New Features ' The engine, accordingly to his auâ€" thority, is more powerful than a year ago, with 200 inches of cylinder dis- placement] and developing fifty-seven horsepoxver. Refinements include a harmonic balancer and counterâ€"balan- ced crankshaft; larger valves, mani- fold and carburetor; sturdier rear axle redesigned transmission assembly and new Hotchkiss drive with tw0 univer- sal joints. Paralleling the new- performance of the power plant are beautiful new longer and Wider Fisher bodies. Over- all length has been increased to 167 inches. On the hood a smart new louvre grouping sets the car instantly apart in traffic. In manner unlike the conventional the louvres all are grouped in one panel, and extend horâ€" izontally across the bonnet. ors harmonizing with the new and beautiful exterior Ducco cqmbinations. Smart low wheels of the heavy art- illery temspoke type, with large hub The Fisher closed bodies, all have adjustable driver’s seats, smart- new sun Visors of all-meta1 construction, tilting beam headlights operated by foot control, ebony finish instrument panel with individual mounting and illumination by two shielded bulbs, smart elliptical windOWS in rear, slen- der ebony finish steering wheel and deep luxurious upholstery in solid col- m‘: harmonizing with the new and Thanking you for the ,space‘ in Your DI It has well been said “We get our aps WISE AND OTHERWISE rd LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE tu‘e and ld flanges, take 29 x 5 non-skid ‘es. The smaller wheels, howâ€" do not affect road clearance, s simple at 8% inches. Speci- ‘pment, consisting of six wire onntable wood wheels and tires, THOS. A. KEFFER Edgeley, Ontario March 5th, 11 Hamilton, Ontario March 5th, 1929 1929 business from our friends, not fromi \our enemies; therefore, we should [have all the friends we can and as few enemies as possible. I sincerely trust that the people in your town will appreciate the need of |working in harmony and develop a ‘stxjong‘ community spirit. With this, any town can be a real sucqess. Yours Very truly Hamilton Advertisers’ Agency Ltd. i Russell T. Kelly, President WOULD AWARD LAST WEEK’S LETTER PRIZE FOR WORST SUGGESTION Editor Liberal, Sir :â€" I hope none of \the council or rate- payers took the suggestion seriously and therefore will not dwell on the many reasons Why the town should not take any such action. The town had an opportunity to take over the Old High School which in many ways admirably lends itself to transform- ation into 9. Municipal Hall. This could have been accomplished without any immediate expenditure and should‘ certainly be a much better “economy†proposition that the one suggested last week by your correspondent. I would like to hear what A Subscriber thinks of the Old High School proâ€" Iposition as compared to his suggestion, Thanking you Mr. Editor and hoping |these few lines will not be consigned I[to the W.P.B. As one of your subâ€" ‘scribers I wish to thank 'you for the \opportunity given to express opinions ithrough your “letters from the peopâ€" le†column.- I enjoy the letters very much. All are very interesting and [some are enlightening. Again thank- ing you, There is much said, thought and done in the name of “economy†but your last issue contained a letter over the signature of A Subscriber which in my estimation Won the prize for the worst suggestion of the year as to ‘how to reduce our: taxes. ' Safety is assured by the new dirt- ,and-water-proof four-wheel brakes, of the internal expanding type. with a useful parking brake on the main driveshaft. Riding ease comes from luxurious upholsfery, improved springs and lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers on all four wheels. with, spares carried in front fender wells, is available at extra cost. Seven models comprising the line are a fourâ€"door sedan, §w0-door sedan, sport roadster with folding rumble vseat, sport phaeton, coupe, and two new typesâ€"a custom like landaulet sedan with a folding top over the rear ‘quarter section for all weather drivâ€" ing, and a convertible cabriolet with rumble seat. Features characteristic of the entire line include larger headâ€"lamps of mod- ified bullet type design with chromeâ€" plated door and narrow rims, running boards bound with polished aluminum moulding, hood catches cadmium plat- ed, new tire carrier supported on stur- ‘dy brackets, VV windshield on closed body types, rear View mirror, auto- matic windshield cleaner, new ap- proved combination stop and tail light, larger motor driven horn and theft- gproof door locks. All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand Yonge St. Montreal Eastern m1 Products [1121' ted} Boot and Shoe Repairer. PRESTON, ONT. GEO. KIDD “* i9 0‘ 0“ e‘ March 5th, 1929 THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1929 CIVIS Toronto 0=0=O=0=l0=0=0=0=10=0 fl Announcement Chicks from trapnested breeders. Sired by grandsons of the famous hen “Lady Marie†with world record of 333 eggs in 365 days. BARRED ROCK CHICKS S. C. W. LEGHORNS CHICKS Aâ€" :1 LA n-4t March Ami] Barred Rocks and S.C. W. Leghorns land Rectory. SIZE OF LOT 82 ft. 6 inches x 330 set. EIGHT ROOM BRICK AND STUCCO RESIDENCE. Furnace, Mantle, some hardwood flooring. Barn in rear. Adjoining property sold at Fifty Dollars per foot, places a land value of $4000. The house is easily worth 33000. THE EN- TIRE PROPERTY MAY BE PURCHASED FOR ONLY $5500 T0 COVER MORTGAGES. Terms may be arranged MUST BE SOLD Apply F. W. HALL or F. J. MANSBRIDGE ' AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Hay, Grain, Roots, Furniture, Etc. The property of ROBT. AGAR Lot 32, Con. 5, Markham Wednesday, March 13th, 1 p.m. 1 Bay mare, H. D., 13 years 1 Bay mare, H. D., 13 years 1 Bay horse, G. P., 10 years 1 Driving mare, aged 1 Bay gelding, H. D., 8 years old 1 Bay gelding, H. D., 8 years old CATTLE 1 Ayrshire cow, due time of sale 1 Holstein cow, bred November 30 1 White cow, bred Dec. 25th, milking 1 Holstein cow, bred September 16th, milking 1 Fat cow ' 7 Fat pigs 4 6 Pigs, 6 weeks old 2 Brood Ol=l0 milking 1 Fat cow ' 1 Bull calf, 8 months old 1 Holstein heifer, 10 months old PIGS 7 Fat pigs 4 Figs, 2 months old 1 Horse rake, Masseyâ€"Han'is 1 Roller, I.H.C., three drum 2 Sets drag barrows 1 Riding plow, Oliver 1 Riding plow, Sylvester 1 Walking plow, Wilkinson, No. 4 2 Gang plows 2 Root scufflers 1 Root Pulper ' 1 Platform spring wagon, Trench 1 Heavy wagon, Trench 1 Truck wagon 1 Trench road wagon 1 TWO seated carriage 2 Pairs bob-sleighs 1 Long Sleigh ‘1 Top buggy, rubber tire 1 Binder, 6 foot, Frost and Wood 1 Mower, Masseyâ€"Harris 1 Seed drill, Massey-Harris 1 Spring tooth cultivator, in shape F. W. Silversides & A. Farmer, Auctioneers TERMS:â€"Hay, Graim Young Pig's, Fat Pigs, Fat Cow, Fowl Potatoes, and all sums of $15 .00 and under cash. over t} 7 months credit on approved joint notes or 4 per cent. st count for cash. -R~ichvaie Poultry Farm- the 'village of Richmond Hill. RESIDENCE 0N YONGE STREET Cart 2 Cutters Ford Car, touring Fanning mill and bagger, Toronto Cutting box, Fleury Farm scale, capacity 1000 lbs. Hay rack Pea harvester and buncher Stock rack 1 Pi: crate SUMMIT GARAGE, JAS. HILTS Oak Ridges Balance UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY to purchase a valuable property in House forSale PROMPT SERVICE ‘ GOOD WORKMANSHIP GAS, OILS and ACCESSORIES TOWING SERVICE Having taken over the business of the SUMMIT GARAGE I wish to announce to the people of this district that we will be equipped to take care of all kinds of CAR REPAIRING, and solicit your pat- ronage. SOWS IMPLEMENTS HORSES . . . . . 30 Cents Each March . . . . . 25 Cents Each April 20% Cash with order at least a week before delivery. 385 Phone Richmond Hill 1964-2 o=o===o=omo=o===o=o . 'KONING, Prop. STOP 22-A YONGE STREET 1 Pig- crate in good Formerly used as Church of Engâ€" 2 Gravel boxes 1 Alsike table, M._H. 1 Bag truck 1 Iron kettle 1 Wheelbarrow 1 Grindstone 1 Cream separator, Primrose, in good order 24 Grain bags 1 Grass seeder 2 Flour bins 1 Chop bin 40 rod wire, No. 9 1 Drain spade 1 Long handle shovel 1 Scoup shovel Forks, Hoes, Shovels, and other articlâ€" es too numerous to mention HARNESS 1 Set brass mounted harness 1 Set plow harness 1 Set single harness 1 Set single harness, nearly new 3 Horse blankets 2 I A number of collars HAY, GRAIN, ROOTS A quantity of mixed hay About 250 bushels oats, O.A.C. 144 About 25 bushels seed barley, O.A. 21. A quantity of mixed grain A quantity of turnips A quantity of early and late potatoes FOWL About 50 hens 1 Gander 1 Davenport 2 Extension tables 3 Small tables 1 Bedstead, mattress and spring 1 Iron bedstead, mattress & spring 1 Cot bed 1 Bureau 2 Washstands 1 Zinc 1 Churn, Daisy, No, 4 1 Butter bowl and print 1 Cupboard 4 Sofas 2 Rocking chairs 2 Arm chair A number of kitchen chairs 1 Hanging lamp 1 Cooking stove, Oxford 1 Box stov‘ 1 Cooking stove. 4 in 1 1 Coal oil stove 1 Parlor carpet 1 Bake tra; A number of pictures FURNITURE 3 Ducks Tow, Fowl, Turnips Lib. over that amour per cent. straight dis 25 Cents Each 20 Cents Each 3 Geese 1 Drake 2 Robes