Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Mar 1929, p. 7

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ifb9‘é’HMONDUHL1/AIR _. tYOURMILKmm" - .We solicit orders for cut flowers for all oc- casions which Will be promptly and cheer- fully filled. FLORISTS Richmond Hill - Ont. ‘John Dunlop & Son C. N. COOPER Richmond Hill HALLS g A Complete Line of HARDWARE “Be Ready with Reddy Power” Pure Hair Floor Brooms and Corn Brooms. Combination Waxes and Polishes. Wall Dusters. FIRE, LIFE, AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE GUARANTEE BONDS uogeqs sopuas 1xau mo; N1 Office in the Post Office Block TEL. 118 Richmond Hill 'HEIEIJ â€" KUS uogmsmAuoa 'IOHJSVO Pl"? SVD SSH'I ll!“ "mod KPPQH "IIO Term) in each of Shaw’s Twelve Business Schools carries into our Summer Session without any forced vacation period. Students who start a course early will qualify for a position in the Autumn. Booklet sent on re- quest. W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Bayâ€"Charles, Toronto. THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1929 'mo JnoA. Jo; Kddeus 1! 932m SPRING A.‘ G. SAVAGE Agent for .mtario B. R. BROWN, Clerk TERMS:â€"Hay. Fat Cows, Pigs, Fowl. Furniture and all sums of $20.00 and under. cash; over that amount 8 months‘ credit on approved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. straight off for cash. R1 NIICE & PREIVIICE, LUNCH PROVIDED V No Reserve as Proprietor has sold sold his farm. FURNITURE 5 Piece Livingroom Suite, Rug 5 Oak Diningroom Chairs 1 Oak Sideboard 1 Oak Extension Table, 4 leaves 1 Oak Hall Rack 1 Bedstead with Springs 1 Folding Bed and Mattress 3 Washstands 1 Dominion Organ, 6 octave 1 Happy Thought Cook Stove, No. 8 1 Acme Cook Stove, No. 9 1 Box Stove 3 Sets Bedroom Dishes 1 Hanging Lamp 1 Portable Bath Tub Number of Carpets 1 Daniels Incubator, nearly new 1 M._H. Separator. 500 lbs. capacity 1 Churn 1 Butter Worker, Prints and Ladle l Butter scales, 4 lbs. 1 Ice Box Milk Pails. Strainers, Etc. 2 snhg Chains 2 Logging Cha‘ins 2 Crossâ€"cut Saws 2 Neckyokes 1 Hickory Binding Pole 2 Hay Knives 2 Wagon Jacks 2 Brooder Houses 2 Model brooders, nearly new, 500 chick Doubletrees, Whiffletrees and numerâ€" ous other articles ‘ HAY and HARNESS Quantity of Real Estate Hay 1 Set Walsh Team Harness, near new 1 Set Team Harness 1 Set single Harness Number of Horse Collars 1 Masseyâ€"Harris Binder, 6 ft cut 1 Masseyâ€"Harris mower, 5 ft. cut 1 M.-H. Side Delivery Rake 1. Masseyâ€"Harris Hay Loader 1 Deering Horse Rake 1 Frost & Wood Drill 1 Cultivator 3 Sets harrows 1 Steel Land Roller 1 McCormickâ€"Deering plow, near new 1 Fleury Plow 1 Plow ’ 3 Gang Plows 1 M.-H. Manure Spreader 1 Adams Wagon v 1 Wagon 1 M.-H. Sloop Sleigh, nearly new 1 Set Bob Sleighs 1 Hay rack, 16 ft. 1 Flat rack, new 1 Top Buggy. nearly new 1 Cutter 1 Lister Gas‘Engine, 5 h.p., in good working order 1 Cutting Box 1 Grain Grinder, Maple Leaf 1 Circular Saw, 30 inch 1 Rubber Belt, 23 ft. 1 Chatham Fanning Mill ~ 1 Scuffler 1 Turnip Drill 1 Root Pulper 1 Platform Scales, 1 ton 1 Cider Mill 1 Force Pump; 1 In 1 Pair Heavy Screw Jacks 1 Iron Pot, 30 gallons Iron Troughs Number of Barrels 4 Hay Ropes 1 set SIei 2 Bay Forks Number 3 Yorkshire SOWS, bred 1 Yorkshire Sow and 8 1 Yorkshire Sow, bred 4 Pigs, 8 weeks old About 100 Rock Pullets 50 Hens ‘1 Black and White Cow 1 Black and White Cow 1 Roan Cow 1 Black and White Cow 1 Black and White Cow 1 Black and White Cow 1 Black and White Cow 1 Black and White Cow (Above cows are supposed to be in calf) 2 Part Ayrshire heifers 2 Blue and White Heifers ‘7 Red and White Heifers 5 Black and White Heifers 2 Part Jersey Heifers 4 Part Guernsey Heifers 4 White Heifers (Above heifers are supposed to be in calf) 1 Red and White B1111 Sale Commences at 11 o'clock sharp HORSES 1 Bay Horse, H.D., 10 years 1 Bay Horse, H.D., 11 years 1 Bay Mare, G.P., 10 years 1 Bay Mare, G.P., aged 1 Bay Mare, G.P., 7 years 1 Brown Mare, G.P., 6 years 1 Black Filly, rising 1 year 1 Grey Filly, rising 1 year Lot 18, Bayview Ave. N.York 1} Miles East of Willowdale Wed’y, Mar. 13th Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Fowl, Implements, Chicks, Hay Harness, Furniture, Etc. The property of Auction Sale of ROBT. HILL PIGS and FOWL 'e Sows, bred 'e Sow and 8 Pigs 'e Sow, bred Feb. 3rd IMPLEMENTS CATTLE 1 set SIeigh Ropes Number of Pulleys 2 Logging Chains _ 2 Neckyokes Auctioneers 1 iron Pump Electrical Contracting House Wiring Electric Signs of Repair Work a all Kinds Specialty, Resi- Estimates Free idential and Store Fixtures ' Mr. and Mrs. M. McDowell, of Uniâ€" onville entertained the Headford peopâ€" 1e last Tuesday evening at a progresâ€" sive card party. The following were the prize winners; first, Miss E. Kirk- patrick and Mr. N. Brodie; consol- ation, Mrs,_R. Giles and Mr. M. Davis After the games refreshments were [served and the happy party returned home appreciating very much the hos- {pitality of Mr. and Mrs. McDowell. . Miss Corner, of Richmond Hill,.spent the Weekâ€"end visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl James. Quite a number from here attended the shower, held at the home of Mrs. R. Endean, Richmond Hill, on Satur. day, for Miss Ethel White who, in the near future is to become the bride of Mr. Wesley Comisky, of Detroit. Mr Enoch Batty spent Sunday visit. ing friends in the city. Freeman is looking forward to the time when the roads are good again and he will be exercising his Durant. The Young People held their weekly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bagg last week. After the de- votional period a social hour was spent in games. Mrs. C. Brodie is in Toronto visit;â€" ing her brother, Mr. A. K. Done. Some robins were seen last week It makes us think of spring. Mr. L. A. Hood has a new Battery- less Radio installed in his home on trial. Mr. J. Cober appeirs to be doing a flourishing business these days. Several of our young people are at- tending the continuation short course in nursing held at Victoria Square. There will be an examination at the end of the two weeks. The Women’s Missionary Society held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesdéy, March 6th at the home of Mrs. D. Hood. The J.W. Institute held ‘another euchre party on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. George Padget. Miss Lumgairvvisited Mrs. R. Cunn‘ ingham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hood visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton on Sunday even- mg. Dr, Kelly ahd‘Walter Craig had a collision west of the 5th line on the good road on Monday night. Walter Craig’s car was badly smashed, but Dr.‘ Kelly is .still able to get arbund in his. The dense fog was the cause of the accident, but nobobdy was hunt. Mr. Robert Rodick had his sister with him for a few days. We are glad $0 see Mr. E. Walton out again after his recovery from the cold. Mrs. E. Walton‘ had dinner with Mrs. D. Hood on Sunday. Mrs. Bernice Padget has her sister with her for a short time. Mrs. R. L. Stiver has returned home again after spending a few days with her friends in Toronto. Miss Florence Craig spent the weekâ€"end with Miss Jessie Thomson. Miss Laura Brown who partly reâ€" covered from an illness a very short time ago, is again confined to her bed. Miss Hazel Pratt, Miss Mabel Wat. son, Mr. Aubrey Pratt and Mr. Charlie Hooper visited the Victoria Square Young People’s Society on Sunday evening, Miss Laura Brown and her brother John visited Mrs. J. Ash of Sharon on Saturday. Mrs. James Thomson, of Dollar, has been staying for a few days with her brotherâ€"imlaw Mr. J. Th0mson,_ of Guelph. Miss Mabel Watson of Thomhill, spent the week-end with Miss Haze] Pratt, of Dollar. The Young People's Society met last Sunday evening in the Church as usual. A very interesting program was given by the Christian Fellowship committee. The president being abâ€" sent, the viceâ€"president, Mrs. Norman Reid took the chair. Interesting talks were given by Mrs. R. L. Stiver Miss Dorothy Brown and Mrs. W. Brooks. The discussion was led by Mr. Wm. Rodick, the convener for the meeting. The Metcalfe Electric Motor and Private Power Line Installations BUTTON VILLE HEADFORD THE LIBERAL, RICfiMOND HILL, ONTARIO At the close of the service last Sunâ€" day evening the pastor presented cerâ€" ‘tificates to the pupils of ‘the Sunday school who passed with honors the ex- amin’ation on temperance, conducted recently by the W.C.T.U. through their paper, The Northern Messenger. Those receiving certificates were: â€"L Misses Cathie Wark, Dorothy Hobday, Masters Lloyd and Wilfred Gane and Roy Clement. The W.A. met at the home of Mrs R. J, Campbell this week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winger, on the birth of a son, on Wednesday, February 27th. Mrs. W. "J. Baker, of Grand Valley, returned home V'on Saturday, after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Patterson. The pupils and teachers of the pub- licuschool, last week presented Donald York with a fountain pen and Jack York with an eversharp pencil, prior to their departure for their new home at Sharon. A number from Carrville attended prayer service at the home of Mr. and ers. Wilbur Keffer at Sherwood, |Monday evening. Pilgrims Gibb and Rowden were present. MiSS Gibb gave an. interesting account of their work in Hamilton during the past five rweeks. Miss Rowden delivered a most inspiring message from the life of Stephen. Rev. A. E J. Bovair on The Young People’s Society will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell on Friday night. Miss Sadie Middleton and Miss Cathie Wark are in charge of the program, Miss Dorothy Bone was the guest of Miss Thora Allen on Sunday. ' PAINTER & DECORATOR H. FORSTER VICTORIA SQUARE Telephone Stouffville 6116 Wall Paper Supplied if Desired PRODUCT OF GENERAL MO CARRVILLE Lunau had tea with Mr Friday. f _" BIG Six . . the car for people who want big- Rm“ car luxury, big-car style and big-car performance Delivered Prim . . at low price. Come in and see its impressive AT RICHMOND HILL, 0} Bodies by Fisher . . its galaxy of appointments‘ . . its big, inviting interior. Inspect its master- ROADSTER - - - - - - $1111.00 ful big-six power-plant . . its accurately-balanced COUPE . . . . . . . . . . $1080.00 rotating parts . . its new, silent, intemal-expand- 2-DOOR SEDAN . . $1101.00 ing four-wheel brakes . . its scores of quality 4-DO0R SEDAN .. $1218.00 features. PHAETON . . . . . . $1217.00 T’S here! At our Showroom! The Pontiac RIC Q:v .1... A-.. 1‘.._.___ul, ,J . I o at Our Shawroom BIG Car Luxury, BIG Car Style, BIG Car Performance at LowPrice TS HERE S. A. Bax Richmond Street RICHMOZV CEMENT WORK IT WILL PAY YOU Blocks Made To Order Or From Our Stock RICHMOND HILL OAK RIDGES ............. DOMINIGN TRE DEPOT No! one Royal Master in a thousand willever puncture. Not one in five thousand will blow on! under two years of service. Royal Master The CEMENT MIXERS FOR RENT MSG. of You are never far away from a GET OUR PRICES 0N G. S. REAMAN P-IZBB The best workmanship is always the most economical. Have a Dominion Tire Depot expert give your tires a thorough inspectionâ€"now. They know hqw a tire is made â€" every inch of it. They are keptfin touch with the newesr methods and devices in tire repairing. They are trained (right in the Dominion Tire FaCtOI'V. OMINION Tire Depot ownâ€" ers are masters of the science of tire care. ' equipment, freight, government taxes. from bumper, rear bum- perenea, spring covers, Lovejoy (hock absorbers, 'spare tire, min: and cove: and full tank of W. G. Baldock Limited Sum I Richmond HiL. At Yards PAGE SEVEN .iarage

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