Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Mar 1929, p. 4

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The W. A. of St. Stephen’s Church will hold a sale of home baking and candy in the Parish Hall on Saturday, March 30th to begin at 3 p. m. . At a meeting in the school room of'i the United Church on Monday after-1 noon, the Ladies’ Aid Society was re- organized with Mrs. A. S. Kerr as President. Captains of the different} teams were appointed, and team work will be carried on. All the ladies of‘ the congregation are invited to help‘ in the work of the Society. 1 A progressive euchre party was held last Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chapman. There were eighteen tables, and the prize winners were, Ladies 151:, Beatrice Mathewson; 2nd, Frances Mathewson; Consolations, Mrs. Hendry and Win- nie Hadlow; Gentlemens lst, Cecil Walker; 2nd Charlie White; Consol- ations, Mr. Galt and Fred Hadlow. good bargains. A large number of articles will be offered for sale in the Masonic Hall on Saturday. There should be some Mr. D. Doneral was struck by an auto while walking on Dufferin St, on Friday last. After being attended to at the Hospital he was able to re- turn home. The funeral of the late Mary Wat. son, wife of Andrew Carson, took place on Saturday from her home at Teston, and was largely attended. The Sunday afternoon services in St. Andrew’s Church are being well attended. Service is held in St. Paul’s at 11 a. m. Miss Amy Brooks, of Lloydtown and Miss Grace Rumble, of Temperance. ville, visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Crooks. Mr. Geo. Palmer who has been takâ€" ing a course in the 0.A.C. at Guelph has secured a position at Belleville, and will begin his duties there next week. -At the last meeting of the Women’s Institute which was held at the home of Mrs. W. Johnson it was decided to hold a dance in the Community Hall on Friday evening, April 12th. PAGE FOUR A meeting was held in the Masonic Hall on Monday evening, in the inte- rests of the organization of a local branch of the Horticultural Society. Mr. J. S. Hall delivered an interesting and instructive address on “Bulbs, lil- ies and house plants.” A nominat- ing committee was appointed and a Diners out who frequent hotels and restaurants usually find “mock turtle” soup on the menu, showing that the romance which clings to the turtle is sufficient attraction to tempt the patron. Mention of turtle brings visions of Lord Mayor’s banquets on lord- ly style, wonders of plate and rare vintages. However, today turtle is obtainable in the big markets and the illustrations show a cargo of turtle being placed on board RMS. Lady Nelson, Canadian Na- tional Steamships, at St. Lucia, Windward Islands, to be taken to Northern markets for the delecta~ tion of delicate palates and such epicures as desire the rich flavor of the chelonian. " This is one of the instances of . trade being developed by the new steamers operating from 53mg“? étlfmtic po_rt_s {fp‘ Beimuda, the British West Indies and Pomts “1 Bnhs Guiana aid firiéisi‘fiBBEEEéE.‘ The Weekly Liberal is Recognized as the Oflicial Directory of Auction Sales in York County. If You Want a Successful Sale Advertise In The Liberal. our Job Department. Prints The Better Class of Sale Bills At Right Price. We Guarantee, Prompt, Courteous and Efiicient Service. . The Liberal Richmond Hill MAPLE Anction Sale Bills “MOCK” IN THESE TURTLES Telephone 9. meeting to complete the organization will be held on Monday, April 8th. Mr. J. S. Hall will again be present at this meeting. Mr. C. Robeson’s bake shop and store will be closed all day on Easter Monday. A euchre and old tyme dance will be held in the Community Hall, Maple on Friday, April 5th, under the ausp- ices of the 5th concession, euchre club. Euchre will commence sharp at 8.15 p. m. Valuable prizes will be awarded. Dancing will commence at 10 p. m. with the King City orches- tra in attendance. A. Bishop, floor manager. Admission fifty cents; manager. Admls Everybody welcome TRAVEL “CHAMBRETTE” TO MONTREAL Greater Comfort -â€" More Convenience and Privacy â€" At Reasonable Expense Montreal travellers have coined a very descriptive word “Chambrette” for Canadian National’s fascinating Singleâ€"Room Sleeping Cars .on the 10.30 and 11.00 p. m. trains from Toronto to Montreal. Its primary meaning is “a little .room for sleep- ing", but it has come to mean much more than that. Travellers know its extra comfort, its modern and varied conveniences. They are amazed to find that morning comes so soon and that they have reached their destin- ation so fresh and full of vigor. uvuu. .n, __,- After all, nothing we can say Will convince you half as readily as the trip itself, so We merely urge you to going "‘A la. Chambrette” on your next Montreal trip. Information anti reservations from any Canadian National Agent. Rev. munion. Y. W. A. MEETING The Y.W.A. of the United Church will hold their Easter meeting at the home of Miss Olive Mortson, on Tues- ‘day, April 2nd at 8 p. m. All the young ladies of the congregation are lcordially invited to be present. One might add that golf is a game in which the ball lies every way and the player always. ST. MARY’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL C. Gray Eakins, M.A., Incumbent Good Friday March 29th _ 10.30 a. m.â€"Mornjng‘ Prayer 7.30 p. m.â€"-Evening Prayer Preparation for the Eafifiér Comâ€" EASTER DAY March 3lst 8 a. m. Holy Communion 11 a. m.â€"Holy Communion 3 p: m.â€"Sunday School Service for Boys and Girls 7 p. m. â€"â€" Evening Prayer Ontario The Young People’s Society held their weekly meeting on Sunday even- ing. The meeting which was very well attended was in charge of Mr. Charlie Hooper the convener of the Literary Committee. Mr. Ernest Walton visited Toronto on Thursday. Our road has greatly improved sin- ce the stone has been put on it. It is still a little spungy, but if this fine weather continues it will soon be in first class condition. Mr. Wilfred Lunau paid a would be flying visit to Buttonville on Sunday afternoon, but got stuck in the mud before he got tQJ‘liS destination. Since motor cars have come in fashion. Dr. Kelly 51', has evidently lost his talent for driving a horse. He met wigh a minor accident last Friday when the horse he was driving scared at a truck and neatly dropped himlrin_ to a big mud hole. Dr. Kelly is (how seriously considering learning to drive the car, Mrs. C. Burr and Mrs. R. Cunning- ham went to Toronto on Wednesday to do their Easter shopping. We are glad to hear that all of our girls passed their. nursing examinâ€" ation. Each one receiving a very good standing. Congratulations. ‘â€" MrhWise completed the season’s threshing this week, when he finished threshing buckwheat for Mr. J. Young A newsy village is Buttonville With news that fairly shrills If‘ ever you want to get a thrill Come to the village of Buttonville. Signs of Spring The birds are sweetly singing The creek is flowing. fast The wild geese their way are wing- ing, ' Spring is here at last. Flowers will soon be peeping Encouraged by the sun, The grass is upward creeping Spring has begun. Mrs. David Brown is convalescing after a brief illness. I Mr. and Mrs. AlexfiBrown and son Roy visited at‘the formers parents, Mi'. and Mrs. Wm, Brown on Sunday. Mrs. D. Hood, Mrs. H. Paterson and Misses Helen Rodick, Mary Rodick arid Rhea Scott, were guests of Mrs. R. L. Stiver on Tuesday for 5 o’clock tea. Mr. Oscar Cox and Mr. Clark have had their buildings wired for electric- ity. I Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hord treated their friends to a dance on Monday night, it being the twentyâ€"fifth anniâ€" versary of their wedding. Everyone enjoyed themselves to the intermost. Miss Helen Rodick has returned to her work in Toronto much refreshed after her vacation, >Mrs. C. Burr, Mrs. E. Walton and son Raymond visin Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warner Boynton on Tuesday. -'I‘he big event of the season took place last Monday, March 25th, when Miss Drew Kelly celebrated her birth- day. The ladies all enjoyed a quilt. ing party in the afternoon. In the evening the ladies and gentlemen played euchre. The following were awarded prizes, lst for the ladies, Mrs. Jonathan Calvert; lst for the gents Mr. Gladstone Wilson. Ladies consolation won by Miss Eileen Hood. Gents consolation won by Mr. Jack Leaf. Miss Edith Craig spent the week- end in Toronto. Mrs... J. Ash and daughter Doreen, of Sharon, stayed a few days with her parents here. Mrs. Russell Brillinger visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Stevenson on Sunday. Everyone hears the strains of “My old Girl is my new girl now”, as a certain Chevrolet car passes through the village. Mrs. G. F. Kelly sr., Mrs. G. F. Kelly J12, and Miss H. Duncan visited Mrs. Aida Hood of Unionville on Wednesday. Interesting slides will be shown at Young People’s on Sunday night. Everybody try and be present. The Woodbridge Women’s Institute, at the March meeting, celebrated the event of St. Patrick in real Irish style at the home of Mrs. W. 0. Duncan. The Cornhuskers Harmonican Quartet made up of George East, Bert Cous- ins, J. Saylor and Wm. Allen furnish- ed an excellent program of Irish airs. ‘The three great churches were repreâ€" sented by the Rev. J. H. Kidd, Rev. J. ‘0. Davies and Rev. Herbert'Lee who all spoke, sang or told stories. A chorus of Institute ladies rendered. “The Wearing of the Green” and oth- er Irish melodies, While contests and charades galore were in evidence. “Mother, there’s a blind man at the back door.” The Liberal Job Printing department is equipped to take care of the print- ing for your auction sale. You will find our service prompt and the qualâ€" ity of work gratifying. We will gladly assist in preparing your lis‘ “Tell him that we don’t want any.” (Better read this again.) BUTTONVILLE Woodbridge 52 LIBERAL. 9.1mm) HILL, ONTARLO SALE BILLS Saturday, March 30thâ€"Distribution community sale of household furniâ€" ture, etc., the property of several conâ€" tributors will be sold by public auct- ion at Masonic Hall, Maple. Sale commencing at 1 p. m. Terms, cash. Sale will be sold under cover rain or shine. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer; J. Carl Saigeon, clerk. Friday, April 5thâ€"Credit sale of Dairy Herd fresh milch cows, calves by side and springers, near due, lot 28, con. 3, Scarboro, Kennedy Road, Aginâ€" court, the‘property of W. A. Patter- son. Sale at 1 o’clock. 7 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. Saturday, April 6â€"Auction sale of a brick dwelling, antique walnut furnâ€" iture, other furniture, tools and Ford Coupe, will be sold by public auction, the property of the estate of the late Peter McNaughton, at Maple, Ont. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer, J. Carl Saigeon, clerk. IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH DUNCAN, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Duncan, late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of January A. D. 1929, are hereby noti- fled to send in to the undersigned Ex- ecutor on or before the 18th day‘ of April 1929, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 18th. day of April 1929, the assets of the intestate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the Ex- ecutor shall then have notice. "DATED at Toronto this 9th day of March A.D. 1929. Frank Teasdale, Concord, Ontario, Executor Byâ€" WILLIAM COOK & COOK 'Mortgage Sale of valuable Flour Mill, Residential Property and Land in the Village of Whitevale, in the County of Ontario. Under and virtue of the powers con- tained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, April 6, 1929, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon on the said premises, known as the Major Mills,_Whiteval_e, Ont, bx Fred Postill, Auctioneer, following valuable property, being all and Singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Pickering, in the County and Province of Ontario; and being composed of FIRSTLY, Village lots numbers 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, and the easterly 33 feet of lot No. 24, all on the south side of Main Street, ac- cording to a plan of the Village of Whitevale, filed in the Registry Office for the Registry Division. of the Coun- ty of Ontario, as No. 21; SECONDLY lots No’s. 15, 16 and 17 on“ the North Side of Main Street according to said plan No. 21. THIRDLY parts of lots No’s. 55 and 56 on the South side of Church Street according to said plan No. 21. FOURTHLY parts of lots No. 63, and 64, according to said plan No. 21. FIFTHLY parts of lots No. 31 and 32 in the 5th concession of the said Township of Pickering, being the Mill race and the lands under water about 25 feet in width. SIXTHLY Mill Pond. being composed of parts of lots No’s. 31 and 32 in the 5th conces- sion of the said Township of Pickering to the high water mark of said Pond, and the lands under water of said Pond and the Tumbling Dam thereof; TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF WAY at all times for all persons en- titled thereto, over, along and upon a striphof land 30 feet in width. of way at all times for all persons en- titled thereto over, along and upon a strip of land 30 feet in width, lying immediately west of and adjoining the fourthly herein described parcel; TO- GETHER WITH 3. right of way also over, along and upon a strip of land 30 feet in width, lying immediately west of and adjoining the thirdly here- in described parcel; AND RESERVâ€" ING a right of way‘at all times for all persons entitled thereto, over along and upon the westerly 25 feet of lot 15 and the easterly 5 feet of lot 16 on the north side of Main Street, both according to said plan number 21. On the said property is said to be erected a 3 storey solid brick FLOUR MILL, a substantial frame dwelling and outâ€"houses, all in a good state of repair. TERMS:â€"Ten per cent. of the pur- chase price as a deposit at the time of sale, and the balance in fifteen days, or as may be arranged with the Venâ€" dor’s Solicitors. For further particulars and conditions of the sale apply to CAMPBELL LINE, Richmond Hill, Ontario ' » Solicitor for the Mortgagee DATED at Richmond Hill, this 19th day of March, 1929 "EH; property will be offered for sale and subject to a reserve_bi_d. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE Notice is hereby given that Martha Miller Mee,-of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Married Woman, will app- 1y to the Parliament of Canada at the present or the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband James William Mee of the said City of Toronto, on the grounds of adult. ery and desertion. 1 929 Dated at Toronto in the Province f Ontario, the 26th day of February, TbGETHER ALSO WITH 3, right Notice to Creditors SALE REGISTER MACBETH & MACBETH. 45 Richmond St., West, Toronto Solicitors for the Applicant. Mortgage Sale His Solicitors. EGGS FOR HATCHING â€" Bredâ€"to- lay Plymouth Rocks 60c per setting or $5.00 per hundred. Apply to G. Yerex, Maple 249, Elgin Mills, Ont. FOR SALEâ€"Happy Thought Quebec Range, in first class condition. Apâ€" ply J. G. Routley, Centre St., West, nhone 126, Richmond Hill. FOR RENTâ€"Eight roomed brick house, large garden suitable for summer home gardening, beeâ€"keep- ing or poultry raising, one mile and a quarter west of Richmond Hill, moderate rental. Telephone Maple 14â€"49. FOR SALEâ€"Good grain and dairy farm in A-1 condition, in Markham Township. For full particulars. Apply at The Liberal Office, phone No. 9. FOR RENTâ€"Blacksmith shop at Con- cord, Ont. Apply James Fisher, Concord. Phone Maple 1463. FOR SALEâ€"Seed oats, O. A. C., 144 oats, Government Standard No. 1, Germination 100%. Price $1.10 per bushel, F. O. B. Concord, sacks free. Apply R. Page, Thornhill, Ont., phone Maple 1863. FOR RENTâ€"Six roomed comfortable house on Richmond St., Richmond Hill, moderate rental, immediate possession. Apply A. E. Glass, Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"White blossom sweet clover, government tested. First prize at Richmond Hill seed fair. Grimm alfalfa Government tested; six good work horses, five mares, one gelding. Oscar Cox, Unionville FOR RENTâ€"Grain and dairy farm, 133 acres on Yonge Street, known as Bond Lake farm. Good brick house, bank barn, stabling for 30 head of cattle, about 15 acres of fall wheat. Apply W. H. Legge, stop 31, Yonge 813., Jefferson P.O., phone Richmond Hill or King. FOR SALEâ€"Fresh milk cow, part Jersey. Apply Howard Jackson, Maple, Phone 537. FOR SALEâ€"Twenty bushels of O. A. C., No. 21 barley, 300 bushels of oats; also 1 good gelding, seven years old. Apply Cameron Walk- ington, King. NOTICEâ€"To owners of Melotte sep- arators; we will make any needed repairs to your Mellotte separator, free of charge if brought to our store on Saturday, April 6th. J. A. Rose, Maple, Ontario. FOR SALEâ€"Mammoth Pekin and Rowen Ducks hatching eggs $1.25 per setting of 12 eggs. G. Chap- man, Langstaff, Stop 20. FOR SALE or RENTâ€"5 acres good land, cottage, conveniences, close to Yonge Street and Richmond Hill. Apply J. R. Herring-ton, Richmond FOR SALEâ€"Used Implements â€" 2 1 International binders, Masseyâ€"Han: is binders, number of mowers, culti- vators, seed drills, 1 manure spread- er, 1 Speight wagon box & springs, 1 threshing machine, 1 Ford, % ton truck. Apply George A. Prentice, Milliken, Ont. Vaughan Township FOR SALEâ€"10 Chinchilla rabbits, for sale cheap. Apply H. Gater, Oxford Street, Elgin Mills. ANTEDâ€"Sewingâ€"Ladies and chil- drens dresses made, all kinds of plain sewing, household or family mending done, neatly and promptly. Mrs. Edmunds, Roseview Ave. Maple, Ont., March 28, 1929 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that GEORGE KING, of the City of Tor- onto, in the County of York and Prov- ince of Ohtario, Will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the present or next session thereof for a Bill of Divorcement from his wife, JESSIE “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGuMAKIi THE MOST OF IT” RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first it sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. ' GEORGINA KING, of the said City of Toronto, on the grounds of adultery and desertion. DATED at Toronto this 19th day of February, A. D., 1929. GEORGE KING, Hill. The Regular April Meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall. Vellore, on Tues., April 2nd 2881 Dundas St, W., Toronto (9) 11 a.m. for the transaction of general business. Classifieti Advertising ANDERSON & BOURDON by his solicitors J. B. McLEAN, Clerk THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1929 FOR SALEâ€"Eggs for hatching, O. A. C. rocks, 60c per doz. or $5.00 per 100. Apply Pattons, 2nd concession Markham, Phone Richmond Hill 44'- FOR SALEâ€"Alfalfa, Government in- spected No. 2, $20. per bushel; Clov- er No. 1 and No. 2, Government in- spected. No. 1 $18. per bus.; No. 2 $16.50 per bus. Apply Bert Lund, Maple, phone 1149. FOR SALEâ€"One Goodison 20 H.P. steam engine, one Goodison separ- ator, one Wilkinson ensilage cutter. Apply J. & W. Deadman, Richmond; Hill. WANTEDâ€"By May lst, house with six or seven rooms, conveniences, central, for adults, rent not over 30 dollars. Box 86, Richmond Hill. HAIRDRESSING â€" Marcelling and etc., Mrs. Russell, Centre St., West, Phone 178. DUCK EGGSâ€"White Pekin Mammoth strain $1.50 per setting of 11. Prices submitted on lots of 50 or 100. A. W. Harris, R, R. 1 Richmond Hill, FOR SALEâ€"Red clover seed, good' and clean on lot 11, concession 4, Markham. John Boying'ton. WOMAN with baby 10 months old would like to rent ‘house, or will take housekeepers position. Write Mrs. R. Hall, Maple, Ont. FOR SALEâ€"Quantity of seed peas. Apply Robt. Rodick, lot 9, Com 4, Markham, Gormley R. R. No. 2, phone Agincourt 42_r-2. WANTEDâ€"Clucking hens. Apply J. H. Elliott, Richmond Hill, phone F'OR SALEâ€"Two sows and pigs, also 1 hay carrier with eighty feet of track. Apply Jas. Rumble, Mill Street, Richmond Hill. LOSTâ€"Large collie dog, answers to name of collie, finder please notify H. F. Fierheller, phone 102-râ€"6,. Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Chinchilla Rabbits, per pair adults $5.00, bred doe $5.00. 4 months old pair $3.00. Price ‘fery low for ' quick sale. E. Beemer, Garden Ave., Langstaff. FOR SALEâ€"A quantity of Irish cob- bler seed potatoes;'also one brood sow, phone 45-31, Richmond Hill. N. Baker, R. R. 1, Richmond Hill. FREEâ€"I will send one at. a time a number of Charles H. Spurgeons sermons for anyone to read. When read return and get another. No obligation or cost. Try one they will do you good. Elias A. W. Beemer, Langstaff, Ont. « FOR SALE A valuable property in Thornhil], having a frontage on Centre Street of -180 feet, on which is situated a curling 'rink 55 x 152, also a good well with electric motor. This property is sit- uated 600 feet from Yonge Street, on the Provincial Highway. For furth- er particulars apply. J. EDWARD FRANCIS FOR SALEâ€"Quantity of Alfalfa seed $12.00 per bushel. Apply D. W. Clubine, Richmond Hill, phone 45. r-15. D0 YOUR OWN PAINTING " WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF RAMSAY’S PAINTS AND QUICK DRYING ENAMELS GARDEN SEEDS AND GARDEN TOOLS SPRING [S H E R E phone 4532. C. N. COOPER lichmond Hill 46â€"1 1. J. R. HERRINGTON, Real Estate & Insurance Telephone 87 Yonge St. Richmond Hill cash buys a beaut- iful detached brick house with all modern con- veniences. Garage for one car. McCLARY’S 2 BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE $3800.00 Thornhill Jfltario

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