Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Apr 1929, p. 1

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fiHUDson o 2172 __ "THURSDAY II o 0 [DA 1 Hm a EVamshmg West FRSAT_YM111(‘;01:JLYnd MONDA Y TUESDA Y WEDNESDA K VOL. LI. A Flaming Youfih Story of 1929! ' 7/// I/lllflflfllmfl/IIAAWM 7”/ 1/1 a 7COEIe§g «m Aflili'iifilli- - Richmond Tailors “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER” McLaughlin-Buick Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty Goods called for and delivered. snappy. The very spirit of Spring and Summer is re- flected in the hand tailored suit values that we are offering to discriminating men. Gay, bright col- ors as well as conservative shades, all with that nattiness that makes one feel well-dressed and Single and double-breasted models, with two or three button coats, as you prefer, and all from the choicest material obtainable. Jaunty, Springy, Dapper, Stylish Models in the latest weavesâ€"priced Within your reach. Extraordinary quality of workmanship and material is evident in these suits, which are offered at prices which invite comparison. Spring and Summer Suits That Have Real Pep ! §BaLnkingAge J. A. GREENE Telephone 5j or Residence 49w THEATRE April 29, 30 May 1 7 FRIDAY SATURDAY April 25, 26, 27 omedy- Ruby Lips E NEIL HAMILTON _.___ : Mg 6 with uh? 9mm 0 _ , RONALD H I'" LIMITED “‘I\ H ATWATER KENT and ROGERS BATTERYLESS RADIOS Capitol News :0] Yonge at I] Castlefield g “In Essentials, Unity; In [Yon-essentials, Liberty: RICHMOND HILI: ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1929 MR. PIPHER THE NEW PROPRIE- TOR TOOK 'CHARGE THIS a I WEEK HOTEL RICHMOND A real estate deal of importance locally was consumated this week when the Hotel Richmond which for the past number of years has been owned and operated by Grant Bros. was sold to Mr. W. Pipher. The new owner toak charge this week and to him and his family The Liberal extends a very hearty welcome to the village and extends sincere good wishes for the best of success in their new undertaking. Mr. Pipher who comes from New- market is an experienced and well known hotelâ€"man having been in the business for over seventeen years. In the tobacco and pool business the new proprietor has had even a longer ex- perience having been associated with this line of business for twenty-three years. Under the new management some important and notable improvements are planned which when completed will improve the facilities of the house for catering to the general public and especially the great tourist traffic, which passes along Yonge Street. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art and family to our community. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark, of Richmond Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wellman and Mrs. A. Henricks last week. Mr. Fred Leuschner has returned home after spending a few days vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson, of Aurora. Death again visited this community and claimed as its victim Mr. Walter Thompson, who had spent the winter with his brother Mr. Nelson Thompâ€" son. The funeral took place at Sprucedale. We extend our sincere sympathy to Mr. Thompson in his bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rutherford, Mr. F. Rutherford. Miss Kathleen Ruth- erford, and Miss A. Legge, of Toron- to, Visfted Mr. and Mrs. C. Comisky and Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith on Sun- day. The regular monthly meeting of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian W.M. Aux- iliary was held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Robinson, Main Street on Tues- day last. Mrs. Stanley Robinson pre- siding. The program was an interest- ing one. Mrs. E. Clark giving the Bible reading from the 91st Psalm; Mrs. Glenn, the chapter from the Study Book. “The Royal Road," on the Chinese in Canada; also an ad- dress by Mayor Burch, St. Andrew’s Scarboro, who in an enthusiastic and inspiring way presented the problem of “The Church vs Organized Labor; a duet, “Sunrise in Heaven” by Miss Sommerville and Rev. W. H. Fuller was appreciated. At the conclusion of the program, a social hour was en- joyed and afternoon tea served by the ’hostess, Mrs. Robinson in aid of the lexpense fund. We are glad to see Mrs. C. Boyn- ton out again after her illness. Mr. T. Glover, of Victoria Square, is hired with Mr, H. Smith for the summer. Mr. H. Sanderson is doing some remodelling to the exterior of Mr. N. Brodie’s residence. Mr. H. Smith received a shipment of trees from the Forestry Depart- ment this week. The Village Caretaker will make the rounds of the Village during the Sec- ond week in May for the purpose of collecting Dog- Tax and delivering tags for 1929. Owners requested Caretaker CHANGES OWNERSHIP HEADFORD MARKHAM DOGS ’ or harbourers of dogs are to be in readiness for the when he calls. A. J. HUME, Clerk Seeding is in full swing in Our dist- rict this week. Let’s hope the weath- er continues to keep fine for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Lotton spent Friday and Saturday in Toronto, where they attended a dance recital given by Nora Griffiths in Massey Hall last Friday evening. Miss Ruby Forrester, of spent the weekâ€"end under the roof. Master Arthur Rogers Was a Toronâ€" to visitor this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Salt and family, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Barnett. Mr. Allan Myer, of Toronto, spent Saturday visiting in our neighbour- hood. Mr. Roy Appleton, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Appleton. Glad to report that Mrs. Mortson is able to be up and around again after having been ill for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gpwland and daughter, Shirley of Markham, visited Mr. and Mrs. Len Roberts last Tues- day. Sorry to report that Irene, daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brilling: er is ill with measles. Friends and neighbours wish her a speedy recovery A dance given by the Unionville Ladies Softball team will be held on 'Friday evening, April 26th in the Township Hall. er is ill with measles. Friends and The Y.P_S. of the Richmond Hill neighbours wish her a speedy recovery United Church held their regular A dance given by the Unionville weekly meeting Monday evening, 'Ladies Softball team will be held on April 22nd. The meeting Opened Friday evening, April 26th in the with the hymn “All the Way My TOWHShip Hau' Saviour Leads me.” Miss Nelda Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and family, Davis had charge of the program. Mr. and Mrs. Monger and son, all of Mr_ Walter Steckley read the scrip- Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tomlture Mn peter Savage on behalf HObbSIaSt Sunday- 1of the Society then presented Mr. Mr- 30b Lee, 0f Peterboroughv Paid ILewis Sims the president of the club a flying visit to the home of Mr. and -with an eversharp pencil, it being his Mrs. Len Roberts- before leaving for a birthday papers on Robert Burns trip abroad to Visit with relatives and 'and William Woodsworth two dis- friends in England and other points tinguished poets were read by Miss east Isabel McLean and Mr. Len. Rice. Glad to see Miss Verna Summerfeldt They also read some of the works of in our midst again. after having spent the poets_ Mr, Arthur Walker then the last three months living at Gorm- favored the meeting with a beautiful- ley with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heise. 1y rendered piano solo. The meetâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Lea Wagg and son ing Closed with hymn “Lead on John motored to Sharon on Sunday. OKing Eternal" and the Mizpah Ben. Mrs. Harold Harper visited her edietiom Next Monday night will mother. Mrs. John Taylor, of Union- be the dosing meeting- for the season Ville this week- ' There will be a musical program and Miss HUtCheson: 0f Toronm» ViSited refreshments will be served. A cor- hel‘ aunt. MI‘S- George Love last Sun- dial invitation is extended to all to day' come and make this meeting the best Mr. Clarence ‘Summerfeldt spent lof the season, Mr. and Mrs. Lea Wagg and son John motored to Sharon on Sunday. Mrs. Harold Harper visited her mother, Mrs. John Taylor, of Union- ville this week. ' Glad to see Miss Verna Summerfeldt in our midst again. after having spent the last three months living at Gorm- ley with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heise. Mr. Clarence 'Summerfeldt spent Sunday over on “the second” as per usual. Mr. J. P. pair has made a decided improvement on the frontage of his farm by trimming the hedge during the past two weeks. Glad to report that Dorothy Gingell who has been ill for the past two weeks is able to attend school again. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Summerfeldt visited at the “Bonds” home at Unionâ€" ville last Sunday. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Daylight Saving time becomes effective in Richmond Hill on Sunday, April 28th at 2 a. m. The change is made to conform with the city of Toronto which changes to “summer time” at this hour and it is understood that the new time will be generally effective in the North YOnge Street district. Loc- al church services on Sunday will be on Daylight Saving time and if a person walks into church nearly an hour late on Sunday it will be because the offender either has a poor.memory or else does not read The Liberal. Ad- vance the hands of the clock one hour on Saturday night before Miss Albena Lotton, of Toronto, is spending a couple of days with Miss Flossie Roberts of this burg. Mr. Mortson has at last succeeded in locating one of the timbers belong- ing to the bridge which leads to his farm which was washed down to Mr. Len Roberts pasture field by the re- cent floods. you retire and then go to bed with the happy satisfaction that from then on for the rest of the summ- er you are going to save one hour of precious daylight â€" and then the first of the week just try to convince some people that they are saving daylight. CASHEL In All Things. Charitv." Toronto, parental Young People’s Society {he Village Treasurer is authorized to allow a discount of The First Installment of the current year's taxes is due MAY lst next and to persons making payment athis office on or before BEREQERLI “ THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT - YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 RM. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. Pâ€" NO ADVANCE IN PRICES ' THE SAME PICTURE AND THE SAME REALISTIC SOUND EFFECTS THAT PLAYED AT THE PRINCESS COMEDY NEWS EVENTS Special Matinee Wednesday 4 o’clock SEE THIS AMAZING DRAMA OF HOOF BEATS AND HEART SADDLES ===o=o=o=lo=o=lo===o=o Mon., Tues., Wed'y, April 29, 30, May 1 BRIMMING OVER WITH EXCITEMENT BEATS ROMANCE ‘THRILLS Collegians 9 WITH ' CLARA BOW wmrsmmmomks \ RICHARD ARlEN GARY COOPER SILKS Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 25, 26, 27 WITH SOUND EFFECTS FIVE PER CENTUM TAXES MAY 15th, 1929 AND A. J. HUME, Village Treasurer ontlac WOMEN’S INSTITUTE MAKES APPEAL Mr. Putman, Supt. Women’s Instiâ€" tutes for the Province of Ontario is appealing in the interests of needy families at Englehart who have been burnt out. Crops in this district were very poor and there is a great need for clothing. Anyone who wishes to as. sist kindly communicate with Mrs. Phipps as soon as possible as it is de- 'sired that the same be collected to- ‘gether as soon as possible. per year. MAY LOUISE McAVOY FANZENDA WOW ! What a thriller â€"It keeps you tight in your seat from start to finish. ' Terror Subscribe for The Liberal York 'ounty’s Newsiest Home Paper $1.50 Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE News Events RICHMUND HILL,OHT PHONE 33 THE with No. 43

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