Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Apr 1929, p. 5

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‘A / E41421; _ "153$; ;» 1-: O J @222 / , / Willys Knight and Whippet Service Arrangements have been made with Richmond Hill Motors to service all Willys-Knight and Whippet Cars purchared from me. Buyers of either of these popular makes of cars are now assured of courteous and efficient service by most skilled mechanics. Elgin Mills plugs ' - . High compression Houdaille and Loveioy shock absorbers (exclusive N436 mowing) Salon Bodies THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1923 Twin-Ignition motor 12 Aircraft-type spark IMPORTANT “400" formerly operated by Grant Bros. and assures the people of this district of a first-class hostelry catering to local and tourist trade. Wishes to announce that he has taken over the Announcement TIL you have driven the new Nash "400" with the Twin Igni- tion motor, you can have no adequate idea of how much pleasure it has added to motoring. Here are some plain, unvarnished facts and figures which may serve to convince you that you owe yourself a ride in a Twin-Ignition-Motored Nash. With Twin Ignition instead of sin le ignition(two spark plugs per cylin er firing simultaneously, instead of one) MEALS A SPECIALTY. GARFIELD YEREX HOTEL RICHMOND ‘8 Phone Maple 249 ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION Whippet and Willys Knight THE NEW lEADS THE WORLD IN MOTOI CAR VALUE W. PIPHER Aluminum alloy pistons (Inter Sm) New double drop frame Torsional vibration damper World's easiest steering 7-bearing crankshaft (helluva-lupus) FEATURESâ€"N0 OTHER 001" H.118 THEM JILL /' MW“? "xii/V //,/ > r :u/ 99’ ; NASH 2100" %w%% v } WMWM/m W higher compression is practical, and a much more eflicient combustion of the gases is accomplished. The result is that the identical Nash motor, by actual test, produces 22% more power than with single ignition, 5 miles per hour more speed, and gives you 2 extra miles of travel from every single gallon ofgasoline you buy. In fairness to yourself, don’t think of buying any motor car today, until you have seen and driven the brilliant new Twin-Ignition-Motored Nash “40035 Electric clocks Exterior metalwu-e chrome plated over nickel Biiur centralized chassis lubrication Short turning radius WILL PRESENT BLAY The Ladies of Lutheran church, Sherwood, announce that the Winder- mere dramatic club of Toronto, who will present a. play entitled “Mother Mine” in the Community Hall, Maple, on Friday evening, May 3rd at 8.15 o’clock. Instrumentals and clocution numbers between the acts. Watch for posters with cast. A successful euchre was held in the 'Assembly Hall, Robinson Block on Wednesday evening under the auspices of the L.O.L. and I.0.0.F. The prize winners were; ladies first, Mrs. James Hunt; ladies second, Miss Bur- nett; consolation, Mrs. R. Petch; gents first prize, Albert Jones; second, R. Petch and consolation, R. J. Beatty. DONERâ€"At his late residence, New Gormley, on Wednesday, April the 24th, 1929, Daniel H. Doner. Funeral Sunday, April 28th, at 2 o’clock. Service in Heise Hill Church The Home and School Club will hold the regular meeting at the home of ‘Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Plewman, Yonge Street on Tuesday evening, April 30th at 8 o’clock. It will be in the form of a social evening and all parents and teachers are cordially invited. Misses Reta and Chris. Stein, Miss Margaret Ireland and Mr. and Mrs. K. Blanchard attended the presentation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmer- son Diceman, Teston, on Tuesday evé- ning. Mrs. Albert R. Hill, formerly Doro- thea Helen Miller will receive for the first tim! since her marriage at her home, Church St., Richmond Hill, on Saturday, May 4th from four till six o’clock. Mrs. R. T. Miller and Mrs. P.C Hill. will receive with her. Mr. James McLean returned home this week after a tour of the Province with the Ontario Government Seed Train, Mr. Fred J. Webster attended the annual re-union of the foutrh battalion at Hamilton last week-end. Mrs. Grant and family formerly of the Hotel Richmond left Richmond Hill this week and have taken up resiâ€" dence in Toronto. Slides of the Merchant of Venice will be shown at the Young People’s Society meeting, Richmond Hill on Monday evening, April 29th. It is with sincere regret that we re- port the serious illness of Mr. Edward Arnold, son of Mrs. H. Arnold of Rich- mond Hill. Miss Iris Thompson spent the week- end in Hamilton with her friend Miss Marguerite Duncan. It is with sincere regret that we re- port the serious illness of Mr. Edward Arnold, son of Mrs. H. Arnold of Rich- mond Hill. Mrs. Grant and family formerly of the Hotel Richmond left Richmond Hill this week and have taken up resi- dence in Toronto. Mr. James McLean returned home this week after a tour of the Province with the Ontario Government Seed Train. Misses Reta and Chris. Stein. Miss l Social and personal ‘YORK COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIE- TY HELD INTERESTING MEETING The May meeting of the York Coun- ty Medical Society was held on Wed- nesday afternoon at the home of Dr. J. P. Wilson, Richmond Hill. Dr. Devins, of Aurora, President of the Society presided and there was a re- presentative attendance of members. A very interesting address was deliv- ered by Dr. Norman Gwyn, of Toronto on the subject “Acute Pulmonary Ac- cidents,” and a. very profitable discus. sion followed. The next meeting of the Society will be held at Sutton and it is planned to have it take the form of a picnic. HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB Clear vision from pillar posts Nash Special Dean‘s. from and rear bumper: Longer wheelbase One-piece Salon fenders SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE [HE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO DIED k Rev. C. Gray Eakins. M.A.. Incumbent 4th Sunday after Easter 8 a. m. ‘â€" Holy Communion 11 a. m.â€"Confirmation Service The Rt. Rev. The Bishop of Toronto. 3 p. m.â€"Sunday School 7 p. m. â€" Evening Prayer N. B.â€"Services on Daylight Saving “Pine Hill Ladies’ Aid” a humorous entertainment in three acts will be presented in the Masonic Hall, Rich- mond Hill, on Friday and Saturday evening of next week, April 26 and 27, by the Ladies Aid of the Richmond Hill United church. The play which commences each evening at 8.15 p. m., \iS very amusing and a good evening’s entertainment is assured all who at. tend. The caste includes, Mrs. Geor- ge Gee, Miss F. Richardson, Mrs. Harry Thomsonp Miss Edith Mason, Miss Mildred Wright, Mrs. Warren Ramer, Mrs. T. A. Ferguson, Mrs. D. M. Chamney, Mrs. A. T. Minnis,‘ Mrs. F. W. Grainger, Mrs. H. B. Sterling, Mrs. W. Tyndall, Mrs. W. H. Mylks, MlSS Zella Tyndall, Miss Phyllis Glass Mrs. Jas. Armstrong, Miss Myrtle Smith, Miss Jean Middleton, Miss Marguerite Glass, Mr. John Wilson, Mrs. W. Sayers, Miss Mae Sanderson, Miss Anna Phipps, Miss Isabel Mc- Lean, Miss Gertrude Smith, Miss Mil- dred Sims, Miss Marguerite Thomp-‘ son, Miss Dorothy Angle, Miss Pauline 1 Angle, Mrs. Albert Hill, Mrs. George: Cruickshank and MiSs Isabel Wiley. 1 The ladies have spent a great deal of time and effort in preparation and are 1 looking for the generous patronage of I l l the people of this district. The ad- mission is, reserved seats 35 cents; rush seats 25 cents. Plan of hall at Austin’s Drug Store on Friday. Through the courtesy of Mr. James McLean who was a member of the staff of the Better Seed Train. The Liberal has on hand a great many pamphlets of interest to farmers. They deal with such subjects as “Bet. ter Seed” “Treatment of Grain for Smut,” Certified Seed Potatoes," etc., iand are available for distribution at our office. Phone calls or requests by mail will be promptly attended to. WILL PRESENT PLAY IN MASON- IC HALL NEXT WEEK TRENCH COATS AND RAIN COATS A fine range of finest quality Trench coats and Rain coats at Rich- mond Tailors, Richmond Hill. é’z’gALVfiaE g S 757i @N fl RICHMOND HILL,0NT.QE;-fl PHONE 153 , The W.A. of St. Mary’s Anglican church are having a sale of home- made cooking on Saturday, April 27th at 2.30 o’clock in the store formerly occupied by Mrs. Batty. ' We are the authorized dealers in this district for the Famous Castrol Cylinder Oil. Exclusive Dealer for Firestone Tires Coai Oil, Full line of Auto Ac- cessories, Radio Parts and Re- pairs. EVERY passing motorist who stops and lets us serve him with PEERLESS Gas spreads gladness all around. You can depend upon it to let you take your mind off of your motor when you are enjoying a drive. Cars Washed and Polished. Greasing of all kinds 2. specialty “Be Ready with Reddy Power” MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Time HOME BAKING SALE GET YOUR COPY P.A. and the negative by Miss Jean Stonehouse and Bill Champion, repre- Isenting the Y.P.S. of Central United. The arguments, pro and con were well. presented. The judges, Mrs. J. J. Robbins, Alfred Dyke, George Carr. after‘ careful consideration, granted their decisio in favor of the affirma- ‘tive. Fol owing the debate social ac- tivities were indulged in. Alfred Dyke having charge of the games. A. Moffin accompanied by his cousin, Chas. Gray delighted the gathering ‘With two fine violin solos and com- munity singing was also another plea- sing feature. Refreshments were served and after a hearty vote of ap- preciation this enjoyable evening came to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott, Toronto; were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stiv.‘ er on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Noble, Mr. A. Empringham attended the funeral of Mr. Button, Thomhill on Sunday. Mrs. Walter Brook was the guest of her brother, Mr. W. Ness, Thomhill on Sunday last. 'The Buttonville Junior Institute met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Padgets on Saturday, when a pleasing program was presented. Mrs. Graves, District President was present and delightful special music was supplied by Miss Olive Harrington. Afternoon tea was served at the conclusion of tlfe pro- gram and a social hour enjoyed. This is a real live organization and every young woman in the district should be on the membership roll. Mrs. M. Hunter, Toronto, is visiting her niece Mrs. C.H. Stiver. Central United Church as their guests. The chief item on the program being a debate on “Resolved that a man makes more after he is 35 years of age than before.” The affirmative de- fended by Miss A. Haugh and Mr. Fred Morden, representing the A.Y. A Very enjoyable evening was held on Friday last, in the church parlors of St. Phillips Anglican church, the occasion being the regular meeting of the A. Y. P. A. with the Y.P.S. of Mrs. Risebrough and Mis; Lillian Risebrough were guests of Mrs: (Dr.) George Kelly, sr. on Sunday. Chris Kennedy, son of Dr. A. C. Kennedy was rushed to Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday, Where he was operated upon for appendicitis, his many friends extend best wishes for a speedy recovery. Mrs, McQuay was at home to her many friends on Monday evening last, when dancing was enjoyed until the “we sma hours” and a fine time is re- ported. Mr. and Mrs. Wright sr., visited To- ronto on Tuesday last. Mr. J as. Gibson was a Toronto visit- or on Thursday Jast. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A Brown on the birth of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Wray, Toronto, visit- ed Mrs. M. Harper on Sunday. Mrs. Hilliard Hood spent a few days in Toronto last week. ‘ Mrs. Robt. Armstrong, Locust Hill, \‘Iisited Mrs. M. Sommerville on Thurs- day last. Miss Brillinger, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. R. A. Stiver. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thornton visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. W. Pingle last Wed- nesday en route from Florida, where they spent the Winter, to their home in Nova Scotia, motoring the entire distance. l THE PACKAGE 0F SEEDS I paid a dime for a package of seeds And the clerk tossed them out with a \ flip, We’ve got ’em assorted for every man’s needs He said with a smile on his lip, Pansies and poppies and asters and peas! Ten cents a package and pick as you please. Now seeds are just dimes to the man in the store, - And dimes are the things that he needs; And I’ve been to buy them in seasons before, But have thought of them merely as seeds; But it flashed through my mind as I i took them this time, “You have purchased a miracle here ‘ for a dime!” “‘You’ve a dimes worth of power whi- i ch no man can create You’ve a dimes worth of life in your 1 hand! ‘You’ve a dimes worth of mystery, deâ€" ‘ stiny fate, 7 Which the wisest cannot understand 1111 this bright little package, now isn’t it odd? You’ve a dimes worth of something known only to God!” These are seeds, but the plants and ' the blossoms are here With their petals of various kinds: In these little pellets, so dry and so queer, There is power‘no chemist can fuse, Here is one of God’s miracles soon to unfold, Thus for ten cents an ounce is Div- inity sold. WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM HE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT â€"Edgar A. Guest An Olde Tyme Dance will be held in the Elgin Mills Pavilion on Friday, April 26th. This dance is now un- der new management and there will be a good orchestra in attendance. Ad- mission gents 50 cents; ladies 15cts: CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Robert Noble and family wish to express their appreciation for all expressions of sympathy and kindness of their friends and neighbors during their recent bereavement. A Play entitled “DUCKS” will be presented by the New Scotland Dram- atic club, Friday, May 3 at 8 o’clock in the Masonic Hall, King City. After the play a dhnce will be held with the King City Orchestra in attendance. Admission to play, adults 35 cents; children 20 cents; admission to dance gents 50 cents. IN MEMORIAM WATSONâ€"In loving memory 0’ Mrs. Levi Watson, of Woodbridm V who passed away April 28th, 192'} Death cannot divide us from dmr once Nor sever the cords of love She is just resting sweetly with Jesus In that beautiful home above. -â€"Husband and Far‘"~ Rev. J. J. Robbins 10.30 a. m. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 a. m. â€" Morning Prayer Friday 8 p. m. â€" A.Y.P.A. The Y.P.S. of Central United chur. ch held a. most interesting meeting on ‘Monday evening last, when an illust- rated lecture on “Beautiful Canada" ‘was presented. The slides were most attractive depicting beauty spots from coast to coast. The explanatory not- es being given by Charlie Hooper, Brown’s Corners and Alfred Dyke. The fine new electric lantern present. ed by Mr. A. L. Brown to the local society is proving a great help in the young people’s work. an end. Monday 8 p. m.â€"â€"~Young People’s Society. Speaker, Miss Scruten, Korea Wednesday 8 p. m.â€"Congregati0nal' meeting. ' ing out from the curb, neither drivers !were held and aside from an arm fracture, Mr. Grant suffered only min- ior injuries. Mrs. (Dr.) C.R. MacKay has return- ed home from an extended trip to New York and Montreal. Mr. W. C. Ellis, Paris, visibed friends in town over the weekâ€"end. | Mr. David Grant had a narrow es. ‘cape from what might have resulted in I . . . serious Injury, when on Wednesday last his car was upset on Danforth |Ave. by a motor truck suddenly turn. The membership drive in connection with the Horticultural Society will close on Saturday evening, April 27th. The contest is between the ladies and the gentlemen, the winners to provide a supper for the losers. Get busy and help your side Win the honors and inâ€" c’idently boost your home society. Rev. W. H. Fuller, Markham, called on friends in town on Thursday last. Mr. Frank Ash has returned home following an extended stay in Toronto, where he has been receiving treatment for blood poisoning in his arm. Mr. Jim Sims visited Mr. Chas. Grey over the weekâ€"end. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bumham and Nettie motored to Mount Albert on Saturday last. Miss Elizabeth Russell was a Tor. onto visitor on Tuesday last. l The Y.P.S. of Brown’s Corners United Church held a very pleasant evening in the church parlors on Fri- day evening last. The main item on the program was an illustrated lecture on “Canada from Coast to Coast.” At the conclusion of the program a. de lightfull social hour was spent and luncheon served by the committee in charge of the evening. Miss Cora Lunau spent the week- end at her home here. Mrs. Ada Hood was called to Tor- onto on Saturday on account of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Earl Parkinson. Mrs. Hemingway was a Torgnto vis- itor on Wednesday last. Miss Minnie Thompson is spending a few days with her aunt Mrs. John Thompson, Whitby. Don’t forget the dance under the auspices of the Unionville Girls Soft. ball team in the Township Hall on Friday evening next at eight o'clock. Mrs. Brooks is visiting her sister, Mrs. Madill, of Pickering. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p. m.â€"Sunday School 2.30 p, m.â€"Transfiguration. 7.30 p. m. â€" Y.P.S. ST. PHILLIP’S ANGLICAN Kingdom. ‘ 2 p. m. â€"â€" Sunday School 7 p. m.â€"The Transfiguration not Rev. H. H. Eaton 10.30 a. m.â€"Citizenship in the OLDE TYME DANCE KING CITY PAGE m

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