,We solicit orders for cut flowers for all oc- casions which Will be promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. FLORISTS Richmond Hill - Ont. 'Jolm Dunlop & Son Martin’s Barber Shop germ-laden la'ces. 'You can get this, 9nd opus: aflggher Herbal Household Remedies now fer AUSTIN S DRUG STORE new vigour. r h, ( Keep, this good‘bldherbal remedy al- ways in the 110056. Take it. after ex- posun} t_o wingi, minkqu and crowded, right from thq Heart of Nature Ward of! all the cold weather ills. Get our-self a. bottle of Gallagher's Indian ung Remedy. It will make and keep you healthyâ€"heal u inflamed tissues; and give you: bloodp and body PAINTER& DECORATOR H. FORSTER Head Off Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis With This Fine Old Herbal Remedy THURSDAY, 'APRIL 25th,71929 Office in the Post Office Block TEL. 118 Have Your Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. TelephOne Stouffville 6116 Wall Paper Supplied if Desired Agent for FIRE, LIFE, AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE ‘ GUARANTEE BONDS Phoneâ€"Willowdale 96W POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. a; The Metcalfe Electric Motor and Private Power Line Installations W. N. Mabbett ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Right at The City Limits North Toronto. A. G. SAVAGE VICTORIA SQUARE Richmond Hill, Ontario Richmond Hill That may be a fairly logical senti- ment, but there are those in the House of Commons who feel that they can trust the senatorial committee with this important task and- that certain work must be delegated to committees and it is notnecessary for a member lOf parliament to study the individual items. He will accept the verdict of those men who were especially apâ€" pointed to the Senate divorce comâ€" mittee. l Anyway, the whole thing is creating ‘a row and there is a threat to block the work of the House of Commons, unless divorces are kicked out of the Commons and out of the Senate and sent to 11 can‘t. There will be more 'about it. These things are not settlâ€" ed in five minutes. There is likely to be storm and counterâ€"storm and some day, sometime, somehow, provision will be made to settle these difficult- ies away from the “House on the Hill†Premier King has however given as- surance that some satisfactory method of handling this contentious question will be devised. Then along came Mr. J. S. Woodsâ€" worth, M.P., for Winnipeg North Cenâ€" tre. Mr. Woodsworth would tell you that he was conscientious in regard to the matter. Other gentlemen with a capacity for using Scotch words would say he was “pernickety.†He sugges- ted that the House of Commons ought to go into these individual bills, study them over and read up the evidence and generally mull over the whole sit- uation. He was not going to be guil- ty of passing any act when he did not know what he was doing. I In the old days. divorce bills came .before the Senate. The Senate re- {ferred them to a committee, the com- ;mittee heard the evidence and gave its ijudgment. It was “O.K'd†by the Senate and by the House of Commons. ‘The bills would come up more or less in a casual way; the Speaker would .mumble over the necessary words and it would go through as smoothly as an eel and as quickly as a streak of chain lightning. In fact, it hardly needed a quorum in the House, which simply accepted the word of the Senate, that this thing was all right. “Then freedom from her mountain height. Unfurled her standard to the air. She turned the azure robe of night; And set these stars of glory there." The ladies and gentlemen were once more free and everyone was happy. Men and women who will not lead a. life of domestic felicity, but quarrel like Kilkenny cats because they happ- en to be tied together by marriage vows, are becoming an annoyance to the House of Commons. “Pernickety†Member Rouses Ire of Fellow Legislatorsâ€"He wants them all put under Scrutinyâ€"Send them to Court. the Senate. Anywhere but here. they Retortâ€" One Sxttle pig went to market: and low and behold there were eight little pigs when the shipment arrived. It was a sow. and on route seven little pigs were ‘ooru. Whether the shipper or the express cam-pany should pay the fares of the seven extra and unexpected DiL’S is a matter that has not been Divorce Bills Are Worry to Members Lawrence. â€" The ï¬rst Quebec will be the E1 Scot-land May 4th. after of cruising in the Medite With 99 arrivals scheduled at the Port of Montreal and Quebec dur- ing the 1929 season, the Canadian Pacific sets up a new record for one line sailing its ships via. the St. Lawrence route. There will be 74 arrivals and departures at Mont- real and 25 at Quebec, the season opening with the arrival on April 26th of the Montclare and the Du- chess of York. The latter will be on her maiden voyage of the St. Lawrence. - The ï¬rst arrival at Quebec will be the Empress of with cold water ‘.’ YOU CAN with COLD WATER EYES RAINBOW HOT WATER DYES 18 Beautiful Shades for light materials â€" the only cold water dyes No boiling Will not wash out RAINBOW AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE 32 shades for wool, cot- ton or heavy materials (Only 10 minutes’ boiling) 15 cents Made In Glasgow. Scotland Toronto Ofï¬ce: 146 King St. W. 2 Richmond Hill, Ont. e we Empress of 4th. after a winter the Marital-1mm, I The abundance of flowers, carrying "that characteristic and pleasing aroma l \so familiar to us all, makes buckwheat {one of the best honey producing plants In buckwheat then, We have a crop, suited to fairly moist cool conditions; able to thrive on comparatively poor soil; valuable as a smother crop for weeds or as an emergency crop sown late in June; useful as a green manure as a live-stock and poultry feed, and as a bee pasture. The fact that buckwheat will thrive on comparatively poor, light land, 'makes it an excellent crop for this type of soil, and also to plough under {35 a green manure. Its thick succu- lent stems decay very quickly. leaving the soil in a better condition in so far as plant food and general physical condition is concerned. On heavy soils, buckwheat, on account of the nature of its root system, tends to Iloosen up the soil, leaving it in a more friable, porous condition. The claim made that buckwheat will withstand more soil acidity or lack of drainage than other cereals is undoubtedly true and, for this reason, it can often be 'grown on land that would otherwise {remain idle. Buckwheat has been used as a nurse 'crop for sweet clover with good re- sults. When this practice is followed the combination can be cut green and used as a soiling crop. On account of its unusally succulent leafy growth, buckwheat serves a use- ful purpose as a smother cr0p for weeds. Weedy land can be kept clean cultivated until mid-June\or later and then seeded to buckwheat. The quick germination and dense growth prevent weed development. As a general purpose crop, suited to farming conditions in Eastern Canada, buckwheat should not be overlooked. Whilec-not strictly a cereal crop and not able to compete with or replace our common grain crops for either hu- man or live-stock consumption, buck- wheat has special features which give the crop both direct and indirect sour- ces of revenue to the farmer. Buckwheat has a variety of uses. It is well known that the flour made from this crop commands a high fav- our in making griddle cakes and the popularity of the crop for this purpose creates a fairly steady demand. Buckwheat can be used as a feed for live-stock although the feeding value of the grain is legs than in wheat, cats or barley. The grain however makes an excellent poultry feed. Every year the Canadian Pacific spends about $2,000,000 in advertis- ing its services and Canada’s indus- trial and tourist attractions throughout the world. A monument to one o: the build- ers of Canada is planned for Van- couver. Sir William Van Horne, ï¬rst general manager and second president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, was responsible for the selection. of Vancouver as the western terminus for the trans- continental line; a decision that resulted in the growth and pros- perity of Canada’s second greatest seaport; and the citizens of the city propose to commemorate his foresight. Construction of the l8-storey Marine Building on the corner of Burrard and Hastings streets. in Vancouver, has hegun. When com- pleted this will be the tallest building west of Toronto, where the greatest building. the. new Royal York Hotel, of the C. P. R., is 23 storeys in height. BUCKWHEAT AS A FARM CROP Travellers aboard the Canadian Pacific Rail-\vay’s crack summer flyer. the Transâ€"Canada Limited, will be surprised this year to find colourful upholstery, green tiled bathrooms, sofas. settees, a glassed- in conservatory and otner unusual features. Special sleeping. dining, and loungeâ€"solarium cars have been designed and built at the (ompany’s Montreal Angus shops ior this de luxe transcontinental train, which wili he one of the tastest and finest long distance trains in the world. A fine steel piano Wire runs now 1264 miles from Newfoundland to the Azores. This is not to provide the mermaids with strings for their harps. but to measure exactly the distance between the two points. A cable was laid recently and it was impossible to otherwise deterâ€" mine the precise distance travelled by the cable-laying ship. FARM NOTES ere andThere 111E LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO DURANT THE COPS’ CLUB Visitor: “Have you an up-to-date police force?†The spread between list prices of automobiles in the United States and Canada is narrowed when consider- ation is given the extra charge of from $5.00 to $25. which the purchasâ€" er across the border must pay for ser- vicing and delivery. This is pointed out in a letter tabled in the House of Commons from the president of a Canadian motor car company to Hon. James A. Robb, minister of finance. Complaints had been made in the House that the spread indicated the benefit of the reduction in excise tax had not been passed on to the buyer. The Canadian purchaser does not pay tlie amount of any excise tax which the company is saved, the letter deâ€" clares. ‘ Citizen: “You bet. Why, the ofï¬c- ers have caddies to carry their clubs.†Of the total output during March, 31,433 cars were made for sale in Can- ada, and 9,188 cars were intended for expert. The apparent consumption of automobiles in Canada during the month, as determined by adding the 31,433 cars made for sale in Canada to‘ the 8,091 cars imported, amounted to 39,524 cars. Automobile production in Canada achieved a. new record for all time during the month of March, with an output of 40,261 cars, compared with the previous monthly record. achieved in May of last year, of 33,942 cars. The March figures are 20 per cent. above the previous record and 64 per cent. above the average of 24,779 machines for the twelve months end- ing with March. Customs records for March showed 8,091 cars were imported into Canada. during the month, and a total of 15,- 561 cars were exported during the same period. For the first quarter of this year, imports totalled 12,800 cars, and exports aggregated 35,414 cars. Automobile Production New Record For Canada 8929 Panenger Car: . Four: and Sixes [ram $675 to $2095 {.12.}, Lean'de, Ont. Standard Fatlory Equipment . T axe: Extra Red Seal Continent“! Motor Bendix Four - Wheel Brake: Morse Silent Timing Chain Full Force Peed Labriraliorx DAVID HILL, RICHMOND HILL RUGBY TRUCKS_IN y, TONlTO ll/4_T0N CAPACITIES Prove Durant Qualin Yourself! E: D T0 Q UALITY Make yourpomparisons, today! There is a Durant car awaiting your inspection at your local dealer‘s; also the opportunity of verifying what you have seen, and heard by taking it out, yourself. 0U see the attractiveness of a Durant car as it passes down 2/ the street . . . . you hear about its economical service from ;he owner . . . . you become interested when his testimony is so often repeated by other owners. BUILT BY DURANT MOTORS of CANADA LIMITED TORONTO - CANADA PAGE SEVEN