Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 May 1929, p. 7

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Electrical Contracting _Hou_se Wiring “1 - "1- - iiééti-iéEig-ps of all Kin'ds Estimates Free THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1929 g7A77©VN RICHMOND HILL,ONT PHONEISB e HALL’S g PAINTER & DECORATOR H. FORSTER USERS of PEERLESS Gaso- line know the thrill of real power. Through high refine- ment Peerless gas delivers that power which gives you an easy “z-zip" up a long hill. Use it regularly. in this district for the Famous Castrol Cylinder Oil. Exclusive Dealer Tires We are the authorized dealers Coal Oil, Full line of Auto Ac- cessories, Radio Parts and Re- pairs. _ Cars Washed and Polished. Greasing of all kinds a Specialty «SEEM/ASE “Be Ready Agent for FIRE, LIFE. AUTOMOBIL PLATE GLASS 4 ['1 ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE GUARANTEE BONDS VICTORIA SQUARE Telephdne Stouffville 6116- Wall Paper Supplied if Desired 0f f ice in The Metcalfe Electric Phone-â€"Willowdale 96W POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. W. N. Mabbett ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Motor and Private Power Line Installations TEL. 118 Richmond Hill ,v with Reddy Power" 'Iv’ost Office Block . SAVAGE for Firestone Repair Work a Specialty, Resi- dential and Store Fixtures The zippointment, of Major George B. Litcle, reeve of Scarboro and form- er Warden of York County to Lieut. C01 in command of the York Rangers has been officially announced. It has been reportted to the editor that a number of Scots in Richmond Hill have discarded their cigarette lighters since the increase in the gas tax. A seventeen year old cow bélonging to Lemon Paisley, of Bloomington, last week gave birth to tripiezs. The Liberal Job Printing. Depart-â€" ment is equipped to take of all your job printing requirements. No mat- ter how large or how small the order it will receive our most careful attenâ€" tion, and we assure you that you will find the quality, service and price right. i It is only three weeks until May 24 and Richmond Hill Annual Spring Fair. Plan now to be an'exhibitor or a visitor at this annual event. Richard Loucks, butcher, of Napaâ€" nee, has gathered in an eight-months- old calf weighihg 385 lbs. The calf was reared on the farm of Russell Long, near Napanee, and this record, it is said, would be hard to duplicate in the province of Ontario. Hardiness is one of the prime re- quisites of alfalfa in Canada. The planting of seed from a region known to produce a type of alfalfa unsuitable for Canadian conditions is to invite ‘disaster. We are informed that there {has been lately imported into Ontario ltw'o substantial shipments of Argen- ‘tine alfalfa seedâ€"Numerous tests in lmany parts of Canada have proven lthis seed unsuitable for our use. This Argentine seed is required by law to be stained red to an extent of ten per cent. For your own protection be- ware of all alfalfa seed carrying a red stain. The government of Alberta will spent $1,500,000 on improving and constructing roads in the province this year. A five-year programme o£ air mapâ€" ping to cover the greater portion of Northern Alberta is to be carried out by the topographical survey branch of the Canadian government Department of the Interior. Trade of Canada continues to in- crease. For the twelve months ended February 28, the Domipion’s total trade was $2,631,229,401, an increase of $283,583,063 over the previous cor- responding'twelve months. This tot- of $283,583,063 over the previous cor- responding’twelve months. This tot- al is made up of $380,424,443 ex- ports .and $350,804,958 imports. Richmond Hill got on the front page of Toronto dailies this week through the feat of‘i7 year old George Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Raid Yonge Street, Who made the t-“m fro“ Richmond Hill to the corner of Yono‘n and Front Streets, Toronto, on his tri- cycle. The adventurous boy was picked up by the police about 9.30 p. m. and after ascertaining his name the officials communicated with his anxi- ous parents who were informed of his whereabouts. George’s picture ap- peared in double column size in both Toronto morning papers so it would not be an},r surprise if he is next offer- ed a movie contract. ' Constable Barraclough, of Richmond Hill, participated in a wholesale raid on Holland Landing district conducted by about twentyiour County, Provin- cial and Revenue Department officials on Sunday last. Several houses were raided and three arrests made. Some ex'citing races were encountered and many other alleged offenders had narâ€" row escapes from falling into the clut- ches of the long arm of the law. Markham residents are up in arms against the presence of the dump at the southern end of the town, and resi- dents, especially in that district, threaten 'to‘take drastic steps to re- move What is now regarded as a nuisâ€" ance and menace to the health of the citizens. If some steps are not taken to remedy the present condition, the question of its removal will be brought before the local Board of Health. - So great was the reflection from the big fire early last Thursday morning When the summer hotel at; Beaverton was burned to the ground, that resiâ€" dénts of the village. claim that birds for a radius of ‘over a‘nile (tom the for a radius of over afimle x scene of the blaze broke ini thinking that daylight had The conflagration was so gr the flames could be seen at 01 ‘ge to the Fairy I GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS f over afinile (tom tKn‘ laze broke into son: daylight had arrived ales a}? ,1: t1 SOHE‘ men are working on the dam and the stream is now under control and flow- ing along its old course. Concrete pouring was started this week. If the dealer drives it; out to your house ten times, it is still a new car. When you drive it out one time, it is a used car. It is not unnatural or abnormal for a hen to sit and hatch out chickens; but, it isn’t done much nowadays. Family life “ain’t What it used to be. John D. Rockefeller says “Save your money.” Henry Ford says: “Spend your money.” Most of the people are following Henry’s advice. The Department of Education have announced the time table for the High 1School Entrance Examination. On June 26th, Entrance candidates will fwrite on English Composition, Writ- Sting and Spelling; June 27th, Arithme- tic and History; June 28th, English Literature, English Grammar and English Geography. The following examination dates Have also been an- nounced, Middle and Upper School ex- aminations begin Monday, June 17th, and Lower School examinations on Thursday, June 20th. } SEND IT IN lIf you have a bit of news Send it in; Or a joke that will amuse, | Send it in; I A story that is true, 'An incident that’s new. I We want to hear from you. I Send it in; \- Never mind about the style, !If the news is Worth the while. 'It may help or cause. a smile, Send it in. A man arrested, charged with stealâ€" ing a horse and buggy. This would {not be so strange, onlythat it hap- pened at Ford City. ' Practically all business Oi'ganiz» ations are cmoperating to make a sucâ€" cess of Empire Shopping Week in Canada, May 25th to June lst. The object is to increase the sale of Can- adian products and of other Empire products in Canada. Canadians are to be asked to buy the products of their own country first, and when 'these are not available, the products of other British countries. Scientists tell us that ‘can fly ten miles. But interested in what he ca: fact is that he won’t, but ‘lingering right around the he was born. KMrs. G. R. Goulding spent last Sunâ€" day with her friends in Fergus. Mr. Victor Stephenson, we are glad to say, is home again from the hospiâ€" tal and is making a good recovery. Mr. Robert Trimble had 'a very unâ€" fortunate accident last‘ Friday. He fell from a wagon‘and was run over, having three ribs broken. Miss M. Beecroft, of the Bedford Park United Church, sang Lwo beautl- ful solos in the Newtonbrook United Church last Sunday evbnmg; "0 Rest in the Lord” ,and “Just For Today.” Mrs. Muir, of Toronto, sang in the morning service “The Stranger of Galilee.” A fine deputation of Oriole young people journeyed to Newtonbrook and took charge of the program on Mon- day evening. Mr. Pat Henry presid- ed. The Rev. F.T. Grafton gave an illustrated Travelogue on “Palestine,” which country he had the privilege of visiting. By picture and personal description the lecturer revealed the ‘beauty spots of the country as wen as itheir historical and religious importâ€" ‘ance. Refreshments Were served ’and a very pleasant half hour was en- J'oyed. Next Sunday morning a represent- ative of Victoria College will occupy the Newtonbrook pulpit. Next Monday evening the Ix‘ewwnâ€" brook Y.P.S. is in charge of the CE. Department. The Sunday school room of the Newtonb'rook United Church has been reshingled and the interior redecorat- ed. It' Iboiis very attractive. Next Sunday Rev. E. R. Yo‘ung will preach in Bethesda and Oriole church- es and the Rev. F.T. Grafton will preach in Zion United Church. Richmond Hill John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS TaSlOTI S V 9mth THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Newtonbrook {an x icit orders for wers for all oc- Which will be ly and cheer- a do. insists place ‘ \V e mosquito e are not [0. The ists upon tce where Ont. W. G. Baldock Ltd. RICHMOND HILL ADIO and Phonograph, in one complete, self- contained instrument, is the newest idea in home entertainment. This is your opportunity to replace your old radio set or phonograph with a brand-new, genuine Rogers Combination Radio- Phonograph on very advan- tageous terms. The year ’round instrument Even without the allowance of $50.00, the price of $325.00 for this complete Musical Instru- ment is exceptional value. But when you consider that this is a brand-new, 1929 Rogers product â€"using the famous guaranteed Rogers A/C Tubes and backed by the Rogers record of four years of proven performanceâ€" it is a “bargain” if ever there was one. “ Cash-in” on this offer! Your old radio set or phono- graph may only be worth $5.00, but we will allow you $50.00 for itâ€"if you trade it in for this Rogers Combination Radio- Phonograph now. Come in and see us today! DU RAN M... #__...-.-w-.u-u"u*"rnu'f'rn .u' 'rnn rApACITIEs' \j KN Red Seal Continental Molar Bendix Four-Wheel Brake: Morse Silent. Timing Chain Full Force Feed Lubrimu'on l029 DAVID HILL, RICHMOND HILL RUGBYATRUCKSEIN:%':TONETO ONT. 10 Minutes DURANT “60" SIX CYLINDER DE LUXE SEDAN behind the Wheel in a. Durant TEN minutes.behind the wheel of a Durant Automobile will give you a better idea of Durant quality and perforo mance than you could possibly secure through the reading of an advertisement.‘ Go to‘ your dealer’s . . . today . . . see the new models . . . examine the improvements to motor and body . . . then get behind the wheel. . . for a driveL _. QUALITY xy.‘ TON CAPACITIES P ’sGh' SEVEN

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