Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jun 1929, p. 6

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SILVATION ARMY Holiness Meeting . .. Salvation Meeting .. John Dunlop & SonFLORISTS Richmond Hill .r Ont. was 311; We solicit orders for cut flowers for all 0c- casions which will be promptly and cheer- fully filled. RICHMOND HILL CORPS Lieut, Whiteher Officer in Charge Sunday Services AgriculturalLime Coal-WOOd-Coke Cement, Field Tile, Glazed Tile, Cedar Posts Lime and Builders Supplies Custom. Grinding Agent for the American Agricultural Chemical Fertilizer LANGSTAFF SUPPLY 00., Ltd. Lakeside 5280 The Jones Lumber Company Save yourself at our expense Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of five differ- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. . We Call In Richmond Hill District TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS It you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, Call up as early as convenient to insure prowl: attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Liberal Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill 0C ‘ ,. Firgprggf Wallboord' Chicken Feed In Building Your Home it Costs No More to Stop Fire ’ By specifying Gyproc Wallboard you assure Walls and ceilings that are efficient fire barriersâ€" yet the cost is no more, and often less than with materials that give no fire protection whatever. 1 ENQUIRE ABOUT ALBERTA COAL G. H. Duncan. Telephone Thornhill Nights. ] “WARM UP THAT SOUR LAND.” . . . . . 11 a. m. . . . . . . 7 p. m. For Sale By WHY NOT There are'many more than 30,000 Islands in Georgian Bayâ€"they seem to be all over the map and no two are alike. You can spend a great holiday in this district. There are hotels and boarding houses on the larger islands â€"â€"their rates are reasonableâ€"plenty of real outdoor funâ€"tennis, swimming sailing and canoeing. Bass fishing is the real sport up here, though, and maskinonge are frequently taken. Anglers come back year after year. 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. Get the descriptive booklet “30,000 Islands of the Georgian Bay.” Any agent of the Canadian National Rail- ways will gladly supply it. Eiiiici'xmond Hill, Ont. Nights, Richmond Hfll 80 Prompt Delivery Spend Your Holidays on Georgian Bay Poultry Supplies T A DIFFERENT PLACEI EEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THIS SUMMER? THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT 216 We’re a’ discontented here, Altho’ contented we appear; For when we get what e’er we want For something else we’re sure to pant Some want a’e thing. some another M’e are a’ in want the gither. iSome want wives and canna get them Some hae wives, and want to quit them Some bonnie lasses too, want men, And some want fine braW-claes ye kin Some Want cash and canna find it; Some hae’t and want the will to spent it; Some want fame, but winna strive for it; rSome will hae’t, tho’ they should die for’t. Some want this and some want that, Some kennae what they would be at Altho’ contented we appear There’s nothing like contentment here. â€"â€"Andrew Kidslie â€" 1853 Mr. Jas. Russell and Miss Elizabeth Russell motored to the Haliburton dis- trict and spent an enjoyable holiday at Hawk Lake. Mrs. G.A.M. Davison is spending a few days at Atlantic City and other points. it. ‘Some want meat and canna get it, Some hae't, but want the power to 'Miss Wilkinson, Edmonton, is spend- ing a few days with her cousin, Mrs. 0. Ash, Miss Minnie Thompson was a Tor- onto visitor last week. The Horticultural Society will hold the next open meeting on Friday next at 8 p. m. in the prnship Hall. Mr. John S. Hall, Islington, will give an illustrated lecture. A 'cordial/ invit- ation is extended to all. ‘ Mrs. E. Eckardt spent the weekâ€"end with her sister, Mrs. Lanieroux, Milli- ken. Miss Grace Harrington spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Camplin, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Camplin, Miss Wilkenson motored to Uxbridge on Sunday to at. tend the annual services held in con- nection with the Business Men’s Bible lClass. Mr. A. Brown was a Toronto visitor on Thursday last. Mrs. 0. Ash visited her sister Mrs. W. Annis, Scarboro last week. Mr. Clarence Stiver sperit the week- end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stiver. The annual meeting of Section V, Toronto Presbyterial W.M.S. will be held in St. James Presbyterian Church Stouffville on Friday, June 14th. Morning session 10 o’clock and after- noon session 2.30 o’clock a fine pro- gram has been arranged with Miss ‘Winnifred Ferguson, principal of the lDeaconess Home. Dr. W.M. Roch- ester and Rev. F.H. Rhodes as speak- ers. All interested women are cordi- ally invited to attend. Luncheon will be served at the noon intermission. Miss Marion Hood is to be congratâ€" ulated upon being one of the 26 out of a class of 300 Normal School students to be recommended for the city teach- ing staff. Mrs. Jas. Gibson Visited Mrs. Thom- as, Markham on Sunday. Mr. Allan Fuller, Buffallo, visited his brother, Rev. W.H. Fuller on Sunday, A number of our citizens attended the Oddfellows service held in St. James Presbyterian church, Stouffville on Sunday afternoon last. Mrs. Candler, Toronto, visited Mrs Andrew Grant, 51:, last week. Mrs. Chas. Watson, Miss May Wat- son, Mrs. Bruce Muirhead and family, Toronto, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Muirhead. Mr. Stanley Mathon, Toronto, visit. ed his cousin Mr. Chas. Gray last week. A number of Unionville friends called on Mr. J. Dunn, who has been ill for two years in a Toronto Hospi- ta]. Mr. Dunn appreciated the visit and still takes a keen interest in the affairs of the village. Under the auspices of the A.Y.P.A Miss M. Armstrong. Cooksville, spent the holiday with Miss Ada Hood. Miss Boviard was the guest of Miss Ethel Harry over the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. Bumham and daught- er Nettie visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox Uxbridge, on Sunday. Miss H. Martin left on Monday for Guelph, to take a Short Course at the W 3. Employment Bureau 4. Position r The student pays for the first in tuition fees. The last three are free. Let us tell you how to preâ€" pare for one of these positions. Write Shaw Schools Ltd, Bay & Charles Streets, Toronto. and 1. Sc progress of the Shaw Busi- School graduate is logical sureâ€"- :hool 2. Model Ofiice EMPLOYMENT SERVICE eat of St. Phillip’s Anglican Church, a .very successful banquet was held in the church parlors on Friday evening last. 125 members and guests sat down to a sumptuous supper the tabl- ies tastefully decorated with A.Y.P.A. colors and spring flowers. The pro- gram that followed had not a dull :moment. The president, Mr. A. Hill Iwas chairman of the evening and the applause he received signified his p0p- ularity in this organization, Rev. J. J. Robbins. The speaker of the even- ing was Rev. Walton who for 37 years was a missionary to the Eskimos. In his address though teeming with humâ€" erous expressions one was impressed by the striking reality of the serious- ness and also of the hardships that a job such as his contains. He is in- deed, a man with a vision and his ad- .dress will ever be remembered by [young and old as an inspiration for better service. The musical part of the program was too, very pleasing. Misses Evelyn Hurrell, Olive Ander- son, Irma Court and Ila Weighill gave a piano quartette that was heartily encored; vocal solos by Miss Irma Court and Rev. J.J. Robbins; also a violin solo by Mr. Stanley Mathon, ac- companied by Mr. Charlie Gray were appreciated. The singing of “0 Can- ada" brought this memorable evening to a close. The executive plan to make this an annual affair and are to be congratulated upon the success of this I first A.Y.P.A, banquet of St. [Phillips Anglican Church. Inspector J.E. Wilkinson visited our Public School last week and congratâ€" ulated the pupils upon the tidy ap- pearance of the school grounds. Mr. Kenneth Metcalf, Toronto, vis- ited friends in town this week. Mr. Archie Nash. Manitoba, was the guest of his mother a few days last week. Miss LeBerta. Hood, Toronto, spent the weekâ€"end at her home here. Mr. A. Empringham and Mr. W.A. Noble were in Toronto on Friday. Mr. A. Hill spent the holiday at his home in Stouffville. UNIONVILLE SCHOOL REPORT FOR MAY . Sr. IVâ€"Dorothy Dukes 80, George Foster 80, Angel Moran 77, Marjorie ‘Wheatley 77, Margaret Martin 73, ‘Fern Kennedy 73, Olive Anderson 72. Adam Hood 71, Theodore Dixon 70, \Margaret Moore 69, Wallace Harring- ton 67, Grace Perkin 65, James Walk- er 61. The annual picnic of the Unionville Branch W.I. which was to be held on June 8th has been indefinitely post. poned, owing to illness of the Presid- ent, Mrs. R. L. Stiver. Mr. Howard Macklin, Milliken, call- ed on Mrs. M. Thompson on Tuesday last. Mrs. Jas. Muil‘head and Miss Jean Muirhead visited Mrs. M. C. Sommer- ville on Tuesday. Sr. IIIâ€"Gladys Dyke 80, Harry Maynard 79, Evelyn Perkin 78, Donald Sabiston 75, Dorothy Hurrel 74, Glad- ys Stiver 72, Eileen Smith 70, Dorothy White 69, Howard LaRose 62, Ruby Lunau 61, Charles Gray 54, Mary Mustard 53, George Stonehouse 4b. Jr. IIIâ€"Shirley Brown 84, Joan Sabiston 82, Davison MacKay . 7’7, Nettie Burnham 69, Evelyn Smith 65, Gordon Fuller 63, James Maynard 56, Norman Pellatt 42, CENTRAL UNITED QHURCH Rev. H. H. Eaton 10.30 a. m.â€"Rev. James Bewell 2 p. m. â€" Sunday School 7 p. m.â€"Rev. W. R. Auld Monday 8 p. m.â€"Young People’s So- ciety. Missions. !Wednesday 7.30 p. m.â€"â€"Mid Week ser- Sr. Pr.â€"Beatrice Mustard, Olive Martin, Marie Stiver, Mona Sabiston, Eileen Stiver, Bruce Pellatt, Richard Maynard. A. M. HILL, Principal Junior Room Sr. IIâ€"Alberta Stiver 73, Margaret Rush 72, Lenora MacKay 71, Lloyd Rudkin 68, Annie Maynard 67, Murray McKinnon 64, Norman Macl’herson 61 Arnold Court; 60, Norma Penstone 58, Marjorie Stonehouse 53. Jr. IIâ€"Gordon Stiver 74, Margaret Gray 71, June Kennedy ‘70, David Lea 69, Roberts. Allen 68, Johnny Coulson 66, Jean Forester 64, Audrey Maynard 56, Luella Clements 54, Eleanor Park- inson 50. Jr. 1â€"Char1es Maynard 74, Reggie Perkins 61, Howard Stiver 58, Dorothy Fuller 57, Jack Clements 56, Robert Jones 51, Muriel Penstone 46, Marie Forester 45. Wesley Clements 43, Harry Pellatt. vices EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p. m.â€"Sunday School 2.30 p. m.â€"Abraham offers Isaac 7.30 p. m.â€"Y.P.S. ST. PHILLIP’S ANGLICAN Rev. J. J. Robbins 10 a. m.-â€"Sunday School 11 a. m. â€" Morning Prayer J. MALLOY, Teacher Richmond Tailors Trucking and Hauling ofi All Kinds RICHMOND HILL OAK RIDGES ............. DOMINION .TIRE DEPOI Eastern Dairies Limited ALSO LONG DISTANCE MOVING. YOUR FURNITURE CAREFULLY PACKED WITH SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PIANOS. FOR ANY ARRANGEMENTS PHONE RICHMOND HILL If you drive a car for one year only, Royal Masrers are an extravagance. They lasr too long. If you drive a car as long as the average man does, Royal Masters are a positive economy. One set will see you through. The Royal Master is the best tire ever made â€"â€" built with deliberate disregard for costs. The tread is double thick. Side~walls lire made with extra plies of web fabric, guarded against scuffing. Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty Goods called for and delivered. The very spirit of Spring and Summer is re- flected in the hand tailored suit values that we are offering to discriminating men. Gay, bright col- ors as well as conservative shades, all with that nattiness that makes one feel wellâ€"dressed and snappy. Single and double-breasted models, with two or three button coats, as you prefer, and all from the choicest material obtainable. J aunty, Springy, Dapper, Stylish Models in the latest weavesâ€"priced within your reach. Extraordinary quality of workmanship and material is evident in these suits, which are offered at prices which invite comparison. We recommend the purchase of these securities Subject to prior sale or change in price. 771‘s ROYAL MASTER. Six per cent 20 year collateral Trust Convertible Bonds. Due Price par and accrued interest. A luxury Tire? Yes and No! Spring and Summer Suits That Have Real Pep ! A. CRUICKSHANKS lO'I-F, RICHMOND STREET INVESTMENT SECURITIES Richmond Hill â€" Telepl . R . HER RINGTON w J. A. Greene, Telephone 51‘ or Residence 49W ’“HTHURSDAY. JUNE M No! one Royal Master in a I/mumnd will ever pun:- nue. Not one in five tboumnd will blow out under two year: of reruire. Onsaleatevery ..... W. G. Baldock Limited ................. Summit Garage Telephone 87 Due 1949 ONTARIO

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