HALL’S Q 35' v E ‘ STET/gN @ RICHMOND magmm PHONE l53 A THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1929 Office in the Post Office Block TEL. 118 Richmond Hill Agent for FIRE, LIFE, AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS AACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE GUARAN TEE BONDS The Metcalfe Electric Greasing of all kinds a specialty Phone-â€"Willowdale 96W Cars Washed and Polished Coal Oil, Full line of Auto Ac- cessories, Radio Parts and Re- pairs. Exclusive Dealer for Firestone Tires We are the authorized dealers in this district for the Famous Castrol Cylinder Oil. “Be Ready with Reddy Power†W. N. Mabbeit ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Motor and Private Power Line Installations OUR years of experience in this business enable us to of- fer you much expert advice. WhEn you drive up to our friendly service station to get a tank full of PEER- LESS Gas let us tell you many auto things you ought to know. AUTG ngï¬iaé§ A. G. SAVAGE POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. Mr. A. M. Hill had a pleasant motor trip to Hurd Capeâ€"Bruce Peninsula over the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. N. McArthur, Miss Marion Gibson, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hood on Mon- day. Two local rinks met two rinks of I Stouffville in a league game last Mon- day night. The local rinks winning by 1 shot, this leaves Stouffville and ‘Almira to play another game for lst [place in the league. Rev. H day, the church of We regret to report Mrs ers and Miss Laura Brown list this week. The many friends of Mrs. Jas. Smith Willowdale; a former resident of this vicinity will regret to learn that she is seriously ill with pneumonia. Under the auspices of the Horticul- tural Society, the grounds of the Township Hall have been improved, a nice bed of shrubs having been plant_ ed along the east wallâ€"and eight climbing vines at the north and south Walls. This is but a beginning of the trans-formations that the Society plans to make in the village and the executive kindly solicit the co_oper- ation of all interested citizens in mak- ing Unionville a real beauty spot. Mrs. W. Yeo and Mrs. W. McMill- an, Little Britain, are guests of their cousin, Mrs. Archie Empringham. Mr. and Mrs. Lumley, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray Mrs. Thos. Burnett is spending a few days with her brother, Mr. W. Dixon, Oakville, and also her nephew Mr. Fred Dixon, Guelph. The marriage of Mary Jocelyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Lea, of this place and Robert Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Kenly, of Mont. real, was quietly solemnized in St. Thomas’s Church, Toronto, on Satur- dlay, June 8th. They will reside in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Padglat, Agin- court, Mr. Milt Hag-erman, Toronto, visited Mrs. R. A. Stiver on Sunday last. The W.A. of St. Phillip’s Anglican Church had a pleasant meeting at the home of Mrs. Barbour on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott are spending a few days in Toronto. Mrs. Monroe has‘returned home af- ter visiting in Markham. Miss Ada Hutchinson was a Toron- to visitor on Tuesday. Mrs. McQuay visited Mrs. Jonathan Lunau on Tuesday. Miss Ella Skinner, Mr. R. Burns, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mus. Philip Dixon on Monday. MiSS M. Sommerville ~visited Mrs. W. A. Young, Agincourt on Wednes- day last. Mrs. Jas. Gibsbn and Mrs. W. Caldâ€" well were Markham visitors on Sun- day last. I We are sorry to report Mr. Hilard Hood ill with pneumonia. 1 Mr. G.A.M. Davison and Mrs. C. R. MacKay left on Monday for a mot- '01' trip to New York and other points. Miss Effie Stiver spent the week- end at her home here. The Station grounds Committee of the Horticultural Society visited the gardens of Mr. Albert Wideman, Markham. on Monday evening, select- ing shrubs for the Township Hall grounds, Mr. Wideman, imports ex- tensively from Holland and has a choice variety of all kinds of trees and shrubs. Miss Freida Wilkinson, Victoria Harbor, is spending a few days with Miss E. Russell. Mrs. Audrey Stephenson and Mrs. W. Smith spent a day last week with Mrs. Bert Weatherall, ' ) Miss Irene Weighill, Toronto, spent the week-end with her uncle, Mr. A. [WeigthL ' Mrs. Dennison and Miss Good, Tor- onto, visited their sister Mrs. Hem- ingway on Sunday. Miss Hannah Duncan has returned home after an extended visit to Tor- onto. Mrs. M. Thompson and Miss M. Thompson are visiting Mrs. Nixon, Beatty Ave., Toronto. I. Mr, Herb Madderford, Baltimore, Maryland, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stephenson last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Summerfeldt, Mr. Lem Summerfeldt were in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. Murray Steele, Toronto, is visâ€" iting Mrs. H. Hood. We are glad to report that Mrs. R. L. Stiver has returned to her home after a serious operation at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, and is making a favorable convalesence. Miss Irene Pingle, Albény, New York, is spending a two months holi- day at her home here. And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever comes perfect days; Then Heaven, trees, the earth, if it be in tune , And o’r it softly her warm ear lays. ‘ â€"-Lowell WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT H. Eaton‘attegded on T Conference of the Ur Canada held in Toronto on the sick d on Tues- the United .Le ‘Happy thought. Maybe Heinie would pay cheerfully if taxpayers were offered an iron cross for each thousand marks. A heathen country is one in which the payroll can be transported with- out an armored car. Castro] Auto Oils Firestone Tires, Fada and Marconi Radios Super Power, Peerless and Ethyle As we understand some writers, it’s an investment when your stock goes up, and gambling when it goes down. RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Pasteurized Milk and Cream Phone 42-J Richmond Hill and our Driver will call Government In’mected Meats kept under Mechanical Refrigeration Make your Phone Useful Phone 97 Richmond Hill We Delivery Promptly CHRISTIE'S CHURCH. SCARBORO June 23, at 3 p. m.â€"Annual Ceme- tery Service. Rev.vR. J. Fallis, Minister. F.J. MANSBRIDGE Support These Merchants -- They Make This Campaign Possible EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p. m.â€"Sunday School 2.30 p. m.â€"The Kingdom and the Material World. 7.30 p. m.â€"Y.P.S. First Class Provisions Compare Our Prices Before Buying Elsewhere TELEPHONE 122 tolerant. Monday 8 p. m.â€"Young People’s So- ciety. Summer Schools. Wednesday 7.30 p. m.â€"Mid Week ser- vices. TOBACCO ICE CREAM and CONFECTIONERY FILMS and DEVELOPING TOBACCO and SUNDRIES 10.30 a. m.â€"The Kingdom and the Material World. 2 p. m. â€"- Sunday School 7 p. mâ€"Jesus, Intolerant and We Specialize in Ladies and Children’s Hosiery Phone 119 Richmond Hill Through the co-operation of the Business Men listed below, we will reproduce a series of educational oring to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus I more progressive community in which to live. HA LL’S' Service Station Superior Chain Store GROCERIES, FRUITS CONFECTIONERY Try our Special Blend Coffee Phone ZO-VV CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. H. Eaton ST. PHILLIP’S ANGLICAN Rev. J. J. Robbins 10 a. m.â€"Sunday School 11 a. m. â€" Morning Prayer H. F. AUSTIN W. C. SAVAGE DA VIES’ DRY GOODS GASOLINE THE LIBERALLBICHMOND HILL, ONTAHG F. E. SIMS BUTCHER Special Music Druggist COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE Pï¬ONE YARD ILDRAMEMSON ’â€"- 'no'â€"1W‘ ' Hâ€"‘s'siJ 9mm?b Meththaeslzb/g J. R. Herrington INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Investment Securities Phone 87 Richmond Hill The Buy-at-Home campaign seeks to point the way to a greater and better interest. This series of editorials is.de- signed to benefit the merchant by securing for him your con- fidence and support, and by so doing enable him to render you a more efficient service. If this task is accomplished, much will have been done to place Richmond Hill well up in the list of prosperous Ontario towns. Yonge St., Richmond Hill Boots and Shoes Telephone SG-J Richmond Hill Ont The Liberal is an advocate of community buying because it believes that in the theory of buying at home and support- ing home industries depends the success and advancement of this town. The merchant is responsible for the position which we hold in the province today. Through his. efforts our schools, churches and public institutions have been es- tablished as well as all civic rights‘which we enjoy. He has shown his connfidence in the town and in you by establish- ing himself in business here, assuming the greater burden of taxation and community responsibilities. ---v yy......uu.v_7 to purchase their ï¬eeds from/localvluneï¬rehahvts, a duty which they owe, not only to themselves, but also to every organiz- ation in the town. This is the first of a series of twenty-six editorials\vhich will appear in The Liberal on Community Buying. These articles are designed to impress upon the residents of Rich- mond Hill the obligation which they owe to the community 4" “.‘...\L.». LL ,3, 1 J. W. WELLMAN Liitle Brothers Ford Sales and Service General Workmen’s Furnishings GAS CLOTHING yOung menwho are getting married ~ . muereu JUSE as Important as the National Life Poll‘cies are as “Permanent as the Pyramids" ' ' Every dollar received by The National marrlage llcense Life from policyholders is invested in Government and Municipal Bonds. Our nearest agent will gladlygive These securities are as safe as the . H . country itself and guarantee the you fall Partialla’b 0f the pallcy prompt payment of both interest and best suited to your needs claims gaze NATIONAL LIFE A ca111~nnnn n-_____ should insure with the National Life The happy day will be happier still if the future is provided for. p The possession of a National Life T policy at this time, either en- dowment or life, should be con- sidered just as important as the Natio" marriage license Everv W. GARFIELD CA'S'E Repairs Assï¬rénce Company of Canada ‘ HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO . J. MILLS LIMITED YOUR DUTYâ€"‘BUY AT HOME Heartin Endorse This BUY-AT-HOME CAMPAIGN SUPPORT LOCAL MERCHANTS AND HELP OUR TOWN GROW RESIDENCE â€"‘ 85'J OIL Ontario Richmond Hill And Be‘ Lumber Co. BUILDER’S SUPPLIES Phone 27 Centre St. Richmond Hill Established 1878 York Countys Newsiest Home CARTAGE Local and Long Distance HAULING Phone 107-F Richmond Hill A complete Garage Service Phone 68 Yonge St. Richmond Hill W. G. BALDOCK The Liberal A. C ruickshank McLaughlin Buick Pontiac JONES Adv/crtising Paper Ontario vled dium DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE BRADFORD ' ONTARIO educational articles endeav- n, and thus bring about a Richmond Hill Wholesale J obbers GONFECTIONERY and TOBACCOS Dealers in DURANT AUTOMOBILES ALFRED MILLS Fresh and Cured M E A T S Service With Quality Phone 3 Richmond Hill PLUMBING, HEATING and TINSMITHING Phone 125 LEADER CHAIN STORE GROCERIES and FRUIT CHINA. and GLASSWARE THE RUSTIC INN MEALS and LUNCHES ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONERY Phone 5-W Richmond Hill hone 139-M Richmond Hill Phone 8 Richmond Hill Richmond Tailors J. A. GREENE Hand Tailored Garments For Ladies and Men Cleaning and Pressing Phone 5-J Richmnod Hill D. HILL & C0. J. & M. STEIN J. P. GLASS THE MILL J. F. BURR F E E D S For Every Need PAGE SEVEN tario