Office in the Post Office Block TEL. 118 FIRE, LIFE. AUTOMOBILE \ PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE GUARANTEE BONDS We are the authorized dealers in this district for the Famous Castro] Cylinder Oil. Exclusive Dealer for Firestone Tires Coal Oil, Full line of Auto Ac- cessories, Radio Parts and Re- pairs. Greasing of all kinds a specialty Cars Washed and Polished Phone-â€"Willowdale 96W The Metcalfe Electric “Be Ready with Reddy Power†W. N. Mabbeit ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1929 Motor and Private Power Line Installations CASTROL Oil is never bothered with the heat Its high flash point makes its dependable quality insure a cool even temper to the motor. Drive in and let Reddy Power serve you and take a look at your motor. A. G. SAVAGE POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. Richmond Ilill Agent for “Oh, Richard, dear, lookâ€"how won- derful you areâ€"it’s doing it!†Most of our ills are due to the fact that a child with too many toys always wishes for something to do. ‘ The following are the number of !seeds produced by single plants of av- erage size in one season: Canada Thistle, 3,500; curled or yellow dock, 17,000; Common Ragweed, 5,000; Chic- ory, 3,000; Perennial Sow Thistle, i2.000; Wild Lettuce, 8,000; Stinkweed 20,000. Every weed that is allowed Presently the man quoted: “Roll on, thou dark and deep blue ocean, r011!†Whereupon the young bride grasped her husband’s arm and exclaimed: Somehow or other, “love, honor and cherish" seems to promise something better than peanut butter sandwiches. A young man and his bride on their honeymoon arrived at Monte Carlo. Upon their first night they strolled down to the beach in the moonlight and sat there gazing out over the wat- er. “Oh yes, the price was fixed alright, but I didn’t do the fixing."â€"Ex. “Hello Brownâ€"I see you landed big job last week. Did you get it fixed price?†Community pride and regard fov the rights of others should serve as inc ‘1‘» tives to prompt and united action on the part of all concevned. When “IlPl‘l is secured the weed menace will be much decreased. our favms will be cleaner and more \profitable and our highways and byways will become at- tractive beauty spots, indicating indi- vidual and municipal pride and pros- perity. Promptness is necessary to prevent all weeds from seeding. Many weeds if cut after they have passed full bloom, will mature their seeds. In order, therefore, to secure the greatest results from the time and labour ex- pended, everyone concerned should see that weeds are cut just as soon as pos- sible after the inspector gives notice. United action is required so that no Weeds be left uncut on roadsides. va- cant lands, railway tracks, schoolâ€" yards or waste places. Every patch of weeds that is le‘ft uncut is a menace to the farms and gardens in the neigh, bourhood, an eyesore and a costly monument of neglect, signifyinq that some one has failed to. do his duty to his municipality and to his neiï¬hbou“: Are we going to tolerate this state of affairs any longer in Ontario? No. The farmers of the province have rais- ed their voices in protest. An Act has been passed by the Legislature to enable them to meet the situation. United action is what is required now. Every municipality, every farmer, every land owner in town or country must unite in the war against Weeds and see that they are cut early and of- ten enough to prevent them from seeding. When the weed inspectors send out‘notice that it is time to cut weeds let no one lag behind or neglect his duty. The weed menace in Ontanï¬ has markedly increased during the past few years. It is not an exaggeration to say that in certain parts of the Pro- vince certain weeds like the Perennial Sow Thistle are driving men off their farms. The tax levied by weeds on the agriculture of the Province has been mounting yearly. One of the chief reasons why the weed menace has increased with each succeeding year is the undeniable fact that in the past vast quantities of weeds have been allowed to ripen seeds on road- sides, in school-yards, on waste and vacant lands, along our lanes and head lands and in our fence corners and odd spots here and there on the farm. to mature produces at least- 1,000 seeds and most of them ripen several thousandysecds. In the past weeds by {be millions have been allowed to mature in this province and scatter their billions of seeds far and wide. Is it any wonder that the weed menace has increased in Ontario? (Special article written for Richmond Hill Liberal) By Professor J. E. Howitt Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph Call For United Action Against The Weed Menace free. Let us tell you pare for one of the; Write Shaw Schools Charles Streets, Tor‘ I‘he progr‘ess of the Shaw Busi- ness School graduate is logical and sure;â€" 1, School 2. Model Ofï¬ce 3. Employment Bureau 4. Pesition tuition fee free. Let 1 pare for ( SHAWS Th SURELY NOT A PRINTER Jdent pals f; The l EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ‘ the first in st three are how to pre- :e positions. Ltd. Bay & that at a The Maple Fire Brigade had their first call on Sunday evening, when an alarm was rung in from Kyle Brothers farm near the townâ€"line of King. They quickly responded and put out the fire which was in a straw stack near the barn and had become ignited by combustion. Mr. and Mrs. A! Helson, Miss Ella Helson, Mrs. Rogers, Mr. Harry and Mr. A. Rogers, and Miss Benson, of Toronto, visited Mrs. J. A. Rose on Sunday. Next Sabbath the service in the United Church will be withdrawn on account of anniversary services at Hope, Rev. A, S. Kerr having to supâ€" ply for Rev. Mr. Bamford, at Noble- ton in the morning and at Kleinburg’ in the evening. The Committee of the Horticultural Society have begun to make Maple at- tractive by decorating the lawn in front of the Masonic Hall. The ground has been filled in and shrubs and perennials have been planted. The annual picnic of Hope 8.8. and Sewing Circle was held at Bond Lake on Saturday afternoon. There was a large crowd present and the after- noon was spent in games and races. Dr. and Mrs. W. Salem Caldwell are attending the convention of the Canâ€" adian Medical Association in Montreal, and are expected to be back by the end of the week. RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Government Inmected Meats kept under. Mechanical Refrigeration Make your Phone Useful Phone 97 Richmond Hill We Delivery Promptly Castrol Auto Oils Firestone Tires, Fada and Marconi Radios F.J. MANSBRIDGE Pasteurized Milk ‘ and Cream Phone 42-J Richmond Hill and our Driver will call Super Power, Peerless and Ether TOBACCO ICE CREAM and CONFECTIONERY FILMS and DEVELOPING TOBACCO émd SUNDRIES We Specialize in Ladies and Children’s Hosiery Phone 119 Richmond Hill First Class Provisions Compare Our Prices Before Buying Elsewhere Support These Merchants -- They Make This Campaign Possibl RICHMOND HILL 3 Buy-at-Home Campaign Through thelcoâ€"operation of the Business Men listed below, we will reproduce a series of educational articles endeav- oring to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring about a, more progressive community in which to live. ' Superior Chain Store GROCERIES, FRUITS CONFECTIONERY Try our Special Blend Coffee Phone 20-W HALL’S Service Station THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONT/5W H. F. AUSTIN W. C. SA VAGE DA VIES’ DRY GOODS TELEPHONE 122 GASOLINE MAPLE NEWS NOTES F. E. SIMS BUTCHER Bruggist COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE I Mr. and Mrs. Parnell White attend- ed the Pearson reunion at Brampton on Saturday. The annual meeting of the Women’s Institute was held on Friday in the schoolâ€"room of the United Church, Mrs. Bertram, of Stoney Creek, gave an address, and afternoon tea was serâ€" ved by the ladies. It was decided to hold the next meeting at Mr. T. Cous- ins’ cottage on July 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Ingalls, of Toromu. are spending the week at the home of Dr. W.S. Caldwell. Dr. F. and Mrs. Routley have gohe for a Week or ten days to Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs, A. Clark and Master Clifford Clark, of Thoroid, spent the week-end with friends 1n "elm Village. Mr. and Mrs. J. Manning and and Mrs. Geo, Manning motor?“ Guelph on Sunday and VISI‘Led Howard Manning who is in St. G ge’s Hospital after an operation appendicitis. Mr, J.A. Rose visited friends in Hamilton on Sunday. Mrs. J. Harris and son, Edmund motored to Wingham and Mildmay on Monday, returning home by Fergus and Guelph. PHONE YARD -â€" BS'J .,\ _ . 10 ":1- Q9. QMW'dy mew/1mg Queslzbn Phone 87 Richmond Hill Yonge St., Richmond Hill Boots and Shoes Telephone 86-3 Richmand Hill Ont Little Brothers; J. W. WELLMAN Conï¬dence in your community is a great thing. Support of Richmond Hill merchants by the residents of the town will make their business boom, result in an era of business prosperity and make itself felt in all local activities here. Taxes will become lower, indus- trial plants will locate here. better working conditions and more employment will nrevail and the lot of the people will be made infinitely better. Richmond Hill will grow, its residents will become more happy and prosperous and good times will result. Hold to your community and your success is as- sured. Do not be led to other cities by misrepre- sentations. Your merchant is honest. He knows you and will do his best to serve you faithfully because he wants your trade. The merchant in other cities does not care a thing about you, except to get money. You are no friend of his, and he is not the man to give anything away. If you pay him less you get an inferior article. And the next time you will pay him more. He wants only your money, your home merch- ant also needs your friend ship. Support him. You both will benefit greatly. Ford Sales and Service GAS OIL J. R. Harrington INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Investment Securities General Workmen’s Furnishings CLOTHING SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL MERCHANT . J. MILLS LIMITED Repairs BUY-AT-HOME CAMPAIGN SUPPORT LOCAL MERCHANTS AND HELP OUR TOWN GROW RESIDENCE â€"' BS'J ,7 Heartin Endorse This }€Ol‘- Mr. 1 to Mr. Richmox Phone 27 ‘ Centre St. Richmond Hill CARTAGE Local and Long Distance HAULING Phone 107-F Richmond Hill A complete Garage Service Phone 68 Yonge St. Richmond Hill W. Go BALDOCK Lumber Co. BUILDER'S SUPPLIES ork A. C ruickshank The Liberal Richmond Tailom McLaughlin Buick Pontiac Countys JONES Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty Goods called for and delivered. The very spirit of Spring and Summer is re- flected in the hand tailored suit values that we are offering to discriminating men. Gay, bright col- ors as well as conservative shades, all with that nattiness that makes one feel well-dressed and snappy. Single and double-breasted models, With two or three button coats, as you prefer, and all from the choicest material obtainable. Jaunty, Springy, Dapper, Stylish Models in the latest weavesâ€"priced Within your reach. Extraordinary quality of workmanship and material is evident in these suits, which are offered at prices which invite comparison. Hi1 Spring and Summer Suits That Have Real Pep ! blished 1878 aper Newsiest Home J.’ A. Greene, Telephone 5j or Residence 49W tising Medium an: Wholesale J obbers CONFECTIONERY and TOBACCOS Dealers in DURANT AUTOMOBILE Phone ALFRED MILLS M E A T S Service With Quality Phone 3 Richmond Hifl LEADER CHAIN STORE. GROCERIES and FRIHT CHINA and GLASSWARE THE RUSTIC INN MEALS and LUNCHESI ICE CREAM AND! CONFECTIONERY Phone 5-w Richrhond Him PLUMBING, HEATIN( Richmond Tailoraxw 3 J. A. GREENE. Hand Tailored Garments For Ladies and Men Cleaning and Pressing Phone 5-J Richmnod HM Phone 8 Richmond Hill? \J. & M. STEIN D. HILL & CO, and 1m0nd I J. P. GLASS THE MILL J. F. BURR F E E D S For Every Need Fresh and Cured 139-M Richmond Hi TINSMITHIN PAGE SEVEN 111!