THURSDAY, JUNE 27. 1929 HALL’S 2 35/? VI@E ï¬, STA TI ©N â€" RICHMOND magmm PHONEISB PAINTER & DECORATOR H. FORSTER Office in the Post Office Block FIRE, LIFE, AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE GUARANTEE BONDS Telephone Stouffville 6116 Wall Paper Supplied if Desired Phone-â€"Willowdale 96W Greasing of all kinds 3. specialty Coal Oil, Full line of Auto Ac- cessories, Radio Parts and Re- pairs. Cars Washed and Polished. We are the authorized dealers in this district for the Famous Castro] Cylinder Oil. ' Exclusive Dealer for Firestone Tires “Be Ready with Reddy Power†W. N. Mabbett ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR A. G. SAVAGE orizcs fast and gives a full; ness of energy and power to your engine and helps “knock out†many an engine knock. YOU should depend upon PEERLESS gas for a pep- py pickup and power show- ing. PEERLESS gas vap- POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. VICTORIA SQUARE Richmond Hill TEL. 118 Agent for “There is no reason the farm dwell- er should consider himself less fortun- ate than his city cousin, and there are indications that the day of enlighten- ment is near. The farmer need not live near a power line to have electric- ity in his home. An individual farm plant does the job as well. And pro- per sanitation, running water, light that Will not impair the eyesight, an electric refrigerator to preserve his foods, in fact all of the health-preser- ving and labor-saving conveniences that prolong life and make it happier, are his." Gang killings are easy to understand when your caller’s children begin to smash the furniture. ‘ “You, Mr. and Mrs. City Dweller, would complain aloud if you had to work or read by the meager, eye-im- pairing light of a coal oil lamp, carry water by the bucket from an outside pump, cook in the hot summer monâ€" th§ over a blazing range, heat your bath water by the kettle on the kitch- en stove. “But Mr. and Mrs. Farmer, in the main have unthinkineg taken these life-shortening' hardships and many others as the penalty of farm life. “To the average city dweller, ac- customed to the many conveniences of this modern day,†says the editorial, “it seems incredible that in the Prov- ince of Saskatchewan, for instance, out of a total of 117,781 farms, only 2,336 have the advantage of electrici- ty. Or out of the 77,130 farms in Alberta, only 1,441 are electrified. Farm homes everywhere can have electricity Without delay and can be- gin to immediately enjoy the benefits of city life as represented by electric lights and running water, says a re- cent city newspaper editorial under the caption: “Ease for Farm Life." Who wants these high speeds? Most- ly “flaming youth,†who are not happy unless they are stepping hard on the The speed linlit in Ontario is 35 miles an hour. In many of the Stat- es it is 40. There is a proposal afoot to abolish the speed limits altogether. Ten years ago there were few cars on the market capable of great speeds for ordinary use. Today, manufactur- ers vie with each other in turning out autos that will do their sixty, seventy and eighty miles a'n hour. Why? Modern Convenience For Every Farm The Hon. George S. Henry, Minister of Highways in the Province of Ont- ario remarked recently' that he did not! know why faster and'faster cars are being built. Who does? If our fine higbwéys have to be scrapped and rebuilt almost as soon as they are completed, where is the money to come from? When will they have to be built again? It would be like pouring money into a bag with a big hole in the corner. The horse has not yet gone the way of the dodo. For many farmers he has his place on the highways, and if the roads are to become mere speed- ways, there lies a fruitful source of mishaps. ‘ In the first place, more speed means more accidents. :If curves and grad- es are eliminated that will counteract some but\ there are plenty of other factors that cause accidents which must increase the total. .There are too many accidents now, and if automobile conditions are to be changed, they should be changed in the direction of removing the causes. But if the whole highways system of this country has to be scrapped to meet the increasing power of cars, the authorities will have to do some hard thinking. Among other things it was declared that highways must go through the same evolution as did the railway tracks; that all curves and grades must be eliminated, bridges and via- ducts widened, and cities skirted so that tourists can avoid passing throuâ€" gh cities if they don’t want to enter them. If these things are to come about in the United States, they must come a. bout in Canada, too, because automo- bile traffic is international, and U.S. cars enter Canada by the hundreds of thousands every year. We want them to come. More than one speaker predicted that within the next three or four years the present system of highways will be obseleteâ€"obselete as to sur- face, obselete as to width and obselete as to curves. “Build highways for faster cars, for faster cars are sure to come," was their cry. The United States 'Good Roads Con- vention met at Memphis recently, and as one might expect there was a good deal of discussion about the automoâ€" bile traffic on the highways. Must Highways Be Rebuilt To Meet Craze For Speed All this craze for speed must bring about the condition of things which {the delegates to the Memphis conven- ition foretold. The people of Ontario lwill have to pay for these improve- ments of the highways, and unless the governments of the United States and Canada get together to protect the pockets of the tax-payer, motoring for pleasure will be a thing of the past, deaths will increase, because, however straight and wide the roads are, cars at such high speeds will get out of control, there will still be the fiend who must “cut in†to get a few yards ahead, and the auto will become the curse that increasing numbers of peo- ple say it is; now. Su pport These Merchants -- They Make This Campaign Pogsible An automobile manufacturer has declared that five years from now there will be cars on the roads capable of doing one hundred miles an hour. Again, why? FJ. MANSBRIDGE BUTCHER gas pedal and burning up their tires and the roads, madly careering to reach some place which they are real- ly in no particular hurry to get to. RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Pasteurized Milk and Cream Phone 42-J Richmond Hill and our Driver will call Government .Inepected Meats kept under Mechanical Refrigeration Make your Phone Useful Phone 97 Richmond Hill We Delivery Promptly First Class Provisions Compare Our Prices Before Buying Elsewhere Castro] Auto Oils Firestone Tires, Fada and Marconi Radios Super Power, Peerless and Ethyle TOBACCO ICE CREAM and CONFECTIONERY FILMS and DEVELOPING TOBACCO and SUNDRIES We Specialize in Ladies and Children’s Hosiery Phone 119 Richmond Hill Boots and Shoes Telephone 86-J Richmond Hill Ont J. W. WELLMAN Through the coâ€"operation of the Business Men listed be low, we will reproduce a series of educational articles endeav- oring to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring about a more progressive community in which to live. GROCERIES, FRUITS CONFECTIONERY Superior Chain Store HALL’S Service Station T): y H. F. AUSTIN TELEPHONE 122 W. C. SA VAGE General Workmen’s Furnishings DA VIES’ DRY GOODS THE LIBERA’L‘ RICHMOND HILL, ONTAW GASOLINE F. E. SIMS 7 our CLOTHING RECHMON D HILL Buy-atnflome Campaign Druggist 11' Special Blend Coffee Phone ZO-VV COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND. BUSINESS GUIDE Ontario PHONE YARD RT. HON. W. S. FIELDING Outstanding Canadian statesman who died in Ottawa on Sunday last in his eighty first year. A former preâ€" mier of Nova Scotia, he was called to Ottawa and served for seventeen years as Minister of Finance in the govern- ments of Sir Wilfred Laurier and Rt. Hon. W.L. Mackenzie King. Iiï¬RAMERéSON ,- uo ' .9133] weméb MewanOgm However, this is impossible if local residents buy their goods at home. You have confidence in your town, else you would not be living here. You believe that the town will ad- vance. Do your bit by buying in Richmond Hill. Keep your dollars at home. They minimize your taxes and in- crease the value of your personal investments. Buy in Richmond Hill. ness and your money which should go to building up the town will go to other centres to place them in front of Rich- :nond Hill. You realized that Richmond Hill was a progressive com- munity and a desirable place in which to live. Certainly you would not live here if you thought that you and your family would be much better off somewhere e1- se. If you did you would be foolish, for your first duty is towards your family. Richmond Hill has progressed in the past because the mer- chants of the town and other civic enterprises have receiv- ed the support of the residents. On the continuance of this patronage depends the future success of the community. If the merchants are not supported they will retire from busi- J. R. Herrington INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Investment Securities Phone 87 Richmond Hill rests. a good living, or establish yourself at a moderate expense where your family and yourself could have all the advantag- es of a live community. Yonge St., Richmond Hill Perhaps it is because your parents lived here before you and you never thought to move. More likely ‘it is because you saw a chance to invest to good advantage here, or earn Little Brothers Ford Sales and Service You found desirable churches, schools and business inte- Why do you live in Richmond Hill? GAS HAVE CONFIDENCE IN YOUR TOWN . J. MILLS, LIMITED Repairs BUY-AT-HOME CAMPAIGN SUPPORT LOCAL MERCHANTS AND HELP OUR TOWN GROW RESIDENCE 'â€" 85‘J g OIL Heartily Endorse This Established 1878 York Countys Newsiest Home Paper And Best Advertising Medium Richmond Hill Ontario Lumber Co. BUILDER’S SUPPLIES Phone 27 Centre St. Richmond Hill Phone 107-F Richmond Hill A. Cruickshank CARTAGE The Liberal Local and Long Distance The Jones Lumber Compa'ny JONES By specifying Gyproc Wallboard you assure walls and ceilings that are efï¬cient ï¬re barriersâ€" yet the cost is no more, and often less than with materials that give no ï¬re protection whatever. ROC Fireoroof/ Wallhna...¢' HAULING In Building Your Home it Costs No More to Stop Fire For Sale By Phone 139-M Richmond Hill Phone 3 LEADER CHAIN STORE GROCERIES and FRUIT CHINA and GLASSWARE MEALS and LUNCHES ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONERY' Phone 5-W Richmond Hill Richmond Tailors J. A. GREENE Hand Tailored Garments For Ladies and Men Cleaning and Pressing Phone 5-J Richmnod Hill A complete Garage Service Phone 68 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Phone 8 Richmond Hill W. G. BALDOCK D. HILL & C0. Richmond Hill, Ont. J. & M. STEIN THE RUSTIC INN Service With Quality Wholesale J obbers CONFECTIONERY and TOBACCOS J. P. GLASS THE MILL McLaughlin Buick Pontiac J. F. BURR F E E D S For Every Need Fresh and Cured M E A T S Richmond Hill PA GE SEVEN