IAGE TWO - Motorists who travel on Yonge Street and on other, im- portant highways will be interested in new legislation enactâ€" ed in the Indianna legislature which takes the onus of reâ€" sponsibility from the driver of _a car in the case of injury to those who are riding with him. In Ontario and most states of the Union the driver of an automobile is responsible for the safety of those who ,ride with him and for this reason many hesitate to offer transportation to those whom they might like to accommodate or those who hail the driver in seeking a “lift†along the highway. Cases have been re- ported where the‘ driver of a car kindly tendered a ride to a wayfarer and was sued for damages after an accident. To correct this situation the Indianna legislature has passed a law this year, which says: ,_ V _ That no person who is transpOrted by the owner or op- erator of a motor vehicle, as his guest, Without payment for such transportation, shall have a cause of action for damages against such owner or operator, for injury, death or loss, in case of accident, unintentional on the part of such owner or operator or caused by his reckless disregard of the rights of others. . Most people will approve of that, for the reason, if for no other, that most people are now automobile drivers. Let those who borrow rides at least carry their own insurance. ARE YOU A CAREFUL DRIVER? The perils of motoring have been strikingly brought home to us during the past few months by the many high- way smashes. Every day the need for utmost care on the part of every motorist‘is emphasized by one or more such ac- cidents that bring sadness to loved ones and make one stop to wonder Where the toll will end. " A I ' 1, ,,,, .L‘_AL LU Wuuucx vv Alblv UAAV vv†.. Official figures for the ï¬rorince of Ontario show that almost 1200 persons were killed on the highways in the past three years. ‘ AI_n_ 1926 a total of 298 lives were taken in this n :- A,1:L:.- ..A..A 4,. A00 and uucc ycai a. u. .Luuv u fashion; in 1927 the number of_i'atali£ies rose to 422, and last year it increased to 477. The annual increase is due to the increasing number of motors with no corresponding diâ€" minution of negligence and recklessness. ‘ ‘ ' “ ' I 1â€; L a. - .J uuuuuun v; AAMEAAvaAvu “-u. - -v--- In behooves ’every driver of a car to become imbued with the realization that he or she is responsible for reduc- ing the number of accidents to a minimum. “Care, Court- esy and Commonâ€"sense†is an excellent motto by which to be guided while driving on the crowded highways. Would that every motorist might heed it! The Metropolitan Radials appear to be enjoying a gen- erous patronage this season. When you see the cars well filled despite the fact that busses are operated in opposition to them it is convincing evidence that the people want rad- ials and not busses. Why not take off the busses and give the cars a fair chance to make a good showing. A number of commendable constructive suggestions were made at the last regular meeting of the town council. It was regrettable that the members adjourned without tak- ing some action on them. Playground equipment for the children and numbers for the houses were two suggestions which merited more serious attention than was given and it is hoped that the members of council will see fit to. reconsidâ€" er thesequestions at a future meeting. Although the season is advancing there are no Visible signs of any activity on the part of the township councils concerned and the Ontario Department of Highways to pro- vide sidewalks for Yonge Street. It is regrettable that this important work is so delayed to the inconvenience‘and dang- er of all who use the Highway. Sidewalks for Yonge street are a necessity and the sooner the bodies responsible face the issue fairly and squarely will a very dangerous condition be remedied. Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Subscription $1.50 per yearâ€"To the United States $2.00. Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District. Advertising Rates on Application. S?- WE CAN’T HAVE BOTH Over one-half of all Canada's industries depend on wood as a raw material. When the forests are destroyed mills must close down, railway earnings must suffer, trade must stagnate and prosperity must vanish. A THURSDAY. JULY 11th, 1929 PREVENT FOREST FIRES [Sued t: THOSE WHO BORROW RIDES oresls or smoking chimneySF' é%:::wiï¬â€˜;mwulcrl ? Honbwablc Charles Stewart, Minister of the Interior. THE LIBERAL TELEPHONE 9. Editor Liberal, Sir;â€" I was gratified to read in your last week’s issue that our town fathers had at. last reached the point where they are considering the numbering of the houses. It is a necessity which has too long been delayed as I assure you it is very inconvenient for anyone who is not familiar with the place to find people here. When they are at it why not go ahead with the move made a few years ago to change the names of some of our streets, substituting attractive names for some of the pre- sent very ordinary names which cor- respond with none too_selected distâ€" ricts in the city of Toronto. Thank- ing you for the space in your paper and for the invitation which you so kindly give your readers to expreSS opinions in your columns. DO YOU REMEMBER? er, Willie Ground, Otto James, Randâ€" 3 This Week of 1899 lall Page. , When the lawn party held on thel When Rev. Mr. Jeffries, who was ap_ 5 beautiful lawn of Mr. W. A. Sanderâ€"lpointed Junior Pastor on the Carrville l son on Saturday, July 6th was a de- circuit, preached his opening sermon l cided success} on Sunday morning. i When the financial report of the Methodist Church circuit exhibited a good showing for the different appoin- tments. The receipts in the Village were $575.04; Buttonville $258.11; Zion $128. ‘ For the connexional ‘funds $202.75 was raised for missions $63.00 for superannuation besides a large amount for St. James Church land other funds. The circuit paid a ichurch debt during the year of $572. When Mr. T. McMahon, D.C.R. for York District accompanied by Mr. D. Hill, paid an official visit; to Court Union A.O.F., Thornhill, on Monday evening. This Week of 1904 When Mr. Geo. Thompson, of the General Post Office, Toronto, visited over Sunday at Mr. Robt. Rumble’s. When the following passed the en- trance examinations at the High School;â€"Nellie Barker, Wilkie Bowes, Pearl Breakey, Nellie Brown, Flossie James, Sarah Matheson, Edna Street, Jean Topper, Geo. Andrew’s, Wylie JUNIOR INSTITUTE HELD REGULAR MEETING The Junior Women’s Institute held their regular monthly meeting on Saturday, July 6th, at the home of Mrs. Stanley Boynton. Despite threatening weather there waS‘a good attendance. The program was given entirely by the members. Miss Lulu Beatty gave a Very complete report on her trip to The Girl’s Conference at Guelph and iss Annie Avison gave an interesting account of the work of The League of Nation. Miss Doroâ€" thy Hart gave a reading, Pauline Johnson’s poem, “The Song my Paddâ€" le Singsâ€! A pleasant feature of the afternoon was the presentation of a handsome silver and pyrex casserole to Miss Laura Gee who has been secâ€" retaryâ€"treasurer for the past two years. Miss Ethel Mortson in few well chosen words spoke of Miss Gee’s untiring interest in the Branch, since its organization in 1927 and of the pleasure it gave the members to show their appreciation of her services in this small way. MiSS ,Gee made a suitable repl thanking the members for their sup ort in the past, and as- suring all that she had found great pleasure in the association. At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch -was served by the hostess, and a social ‘period was enjoyed. All the ladies of the community are cordially invit. ed to come to the meetings of the Inâ€" stitute. FAVORS NUMBERING OF HOUSES 1ar1eton, Douglas Cooper, John Fost- The Victoria Square choir journey- ed to Mt. Pisgah, on Sunday evening and supplied the music for the anni- versary services held there. Mrs. E. Harrison and daughter Irene of Toronto, spent a few days last week with their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Denn- Miss Vera Nichols and Mr Nichols are taking a summer in Agriculture at the O.A.C., { Mr. and Mrs. O.M. Brooke ar ily, of Markham, were the evening guests of Mrs. R. E. E MI M VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSK NOTES LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE DO YOU REMEMBER THE LIBERAL, RICHMQIjID HILL, ONTARIO WAY BACK IN LIBERAL FILES M 3.! July 6th, 1929 PROGRESS mmer course A.C., Guelph. uoke and fam- Sander- Sunday Editor Liberal, Sirâ€"; I was very interested in the lengthy l letter in your last iSsue from “Safety First" and some of his suggestiOns were certainly good and I hope they will be adopted by our council. '1. would like to suggest a sort of wig-i wag signal something similar to that used at railway crossings. It could be erected at both entrances to the town and would draw forcibly to the atten- tion of every motorist that they were ientering a traffic danger Zone. I a- ‘gree with safety first that what wei [need is some means of forcibly im- pressing motorists that the speed lim- i it through Richmond Hill is twenty imiles per hour. If thus forcibly ibrought to their attention I believe eighty per cent of the motorists would observe the speed limit. The other 1twenty per cent. we could introduce to our magistrate. Thanks, ANOTHER SAFETY SUGGESTION When MiSS L. McMahon went to Brockville, to spend a month with friends there. When Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson from near Chicago, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Crosby. This Week of 1909 When Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Lever and Son, of Toronto, sperit Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F.N. Hopper. When Mr. W.C. Savage purchased the Hotel property at King City from Mr. Phillips, taking possession the 12 th of August. When Mr. F.W. Harrison and Mr. Walter Frisby who attended the ()nt. Normal College at Hamilton, basse the professional examinations. Wl'len Rev. T. Campbell, of 151mg- ton, who gave a short address at the ice cream social,, called on several fr'fénds in the village. When the Board of Education ad- vertised for a High School teacher for Mathematics and Algebra. Duties to commence on September lst. Initial commence on sala‘ry $900. About sixty young people from Gormley and Victoria Square assemblâ€" ed at the home of Miss Millicent Klinck on Friday evening. It was the occasion of a shower in honor of Miss Grace Lily and Mr. Ealmor Rea- man, whose marriage takes place this ‘month. After opening the many use- ‘ful and beautiful gifts, both bride and groom elect made short speeches, thanking the donors for their gifts and inviting all to visit them in their new home at Claremont. We wish them health, wealth and prosperity. Miss Cora and Mr. Henry Hooper, of BroWn’s Corner’s were Sunday guests of Mrs. L.L. Nichols. Sorry to report Mrs. R.F. Boynton on the sick list again. Mr. Douglas Harrison, of Toronto, is spending two months holidays with ‘his aunt Mrs. Wm. Dennie. Mr. R. E. Sanderson is rushing work on the foundation for his new barn. Mrs. H.F. Collard is now driving a sporty Chev. coupe, and Mr. Nelson Boynton now possess one of Henry’s “Ladies.†Miss Jessie Collard is spending her holidays with her sister, Mrs. Herman Mortson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rand and Mr. Reginald Rand, of Richmond Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. A.D. McKay, of Detroit, Mich., visited Sunday with Mr. L.B. Heise. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dennie visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilâ€" son_ of Gonnley. CORONERS JURY RECOMMENDS THAT WARNING SIGNS BE ERECTED IN VILLAGE AND THAT SPEED LIMITS BE OB. SERVED I “While we feel that the accident was unavoidable we also feel that grehter care should be taken in obser- \‘ing the speed limits and that a sign bearing the warning “BE CAREFUL†DO YOU REMEMBER 11' each July 9th, 192 CIVIS mec )r Guson mg. 00., Limited, IRichmnd Hill U â€"â€" , â€" â€"â€" Ontari 94-." M1 HEAT WAVE HILE the Gilson “Magic†has been prim- arily designed to give the maximum in heat from the minimum of fuel, to have that heat contain the correct degree of humidity, free from any trace of gas, smoke or dust, was likewise. a big consid- eration. The result is an innovation in furnace con- struction. Toncan steel plate electrically welded into one smoke, gas, dust-proof unitâ€"Toncan plate wi11»*not crack or openâ€"heats three times faster than old style furnacesâ€"large humidiï¬er in front of furnace for easy ï¬lling gives correct moistureâ€"conical gratesâ€" booster fluesâ€"and many other features are reasons thy the Gilson Magic will save you one-thir fuel costs and give you the greatest supply moist heatâ€"as healthy as a dag‘in June. Parkdale Ladies Athletic Club of Toronto recently visited Mont- real, and since all the nice girls love a sailor and ships, they had of course to pay a call on Cana- dian Pacific steamer Metagama, then in port. After ten and in- spection of the ship, the young lllvlu .. Write today for firieelillustrateli boolrlet “The Supremacy of Steel.†Ask about our easy time payment plan. Gilson Heat Wave Ideal for small homes. ofï¬ces, stores. schools, etc. Looks like a piece of furniture. Built of steel. Beautiful ornamental ï¬nish. Draws cold air from floor-circulates warm air. Big fuel saving. Land and Water Champions Nut, Stove and Egg Coal Delivered in Richmand Hill and vicEaEtv. YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL J. Sheardown ROBT. MICHAEL A big over-sized furnace at a record . low pricel We install quickly a: small cost with money-back guanmee of quality from manufacturer. Pipe or pipeless model! on easy nuns. Gilson All Cast Furnaces! THURSDAY, JULY 11th. 1922 ladies donned their bathing suits and exercised on the lbroad decks of the liner. The photograph shows, left to right, Dot Prior, Olympic champion swimmer; Cap- tain M. F. Murray, R.N.R., skipper of the Metagama; and Myrtle Cook, Olympic champion runner. York su, Guelph -third on your pply of warm, Best Grade CAST and SEMI- CAST FURNACES LOW Prices w