PAGE FOUR STORE HOURS Clearing All Broken Lots and Introducing New Stock An Opportunity for Residents of the North Yonge St. District to Save' on Footwear Requirements. WOMEN’S MODEL SHOES A PAIR $3.95 Purveyor Cooked Méats Fresh Fruit Fresh Vegetables Use Your Phone â€"â€" Tel. 97 u- We Deliver ‘ Clearing at $3.69 Men's Black or Brown Oxfords and Boots. Sam- ple sizes 6. 6' z. 7. and 73:}. This is a special val- ue you must not miss. and Hundreds of Other Bargains Sheppard’s Shoe Store 2589 Yonge St. North Toronto SHEPPARD’S First Clearing Sale In . Style, Quality, Workmanship and Reasonable Prices. We wish to announce that during July and August our store will close as follows : Cleaning and Pressing a ‘Specialty MONDAY 6 p.m. TUESDAY 7 p.m. WEDNESDAY 1 p.m. THURSDAY ’_7 p.m. TAILORS are features of our suits and clofï¬z'ng for men andyoung men. £el your next suit' 6e (1 ï¬and tailored one from .‘Ricï¬mod failors. £ef us sï¬ow you our samples and convince you of life saving you make 6y dealing wilï¬ us. $7.50 Values, in patent and tan gore. Goodyear ‘ welt Brown or grey Women’s Pretty Shoes, lovely fitter Spanish heel Satin and pateflt. covered heels, up to the minute styles. Fancy straps or plain. . Closing out for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . 3.95 Heavy weight are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lighter weight are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As above in sizes 11 to 13. Now a pair . . RICHMOND A special pump with gore effect, snappy covered heels. See these for class. SANDALWOOD BLONDE PUMPS CLOSING AT $4.55 J. A. Greene, Telephone 53' or \Residence 49W $7.25 PUMPS ARE NOW $3.65 At Special Prices WOMEN’S LATEST SHOES . J. MANSBRIDGE BOYS’ RUBBER SOLES Goods called for and delivered. New Store $7.00 MEN’S SHOES . 1.50 . 1.19 . . 99c (329) J New style bucket seats for first class coaches on Canadian Paciï¬c day fast trains have been intro- duced on regular trains of the company and are proving very popular. The seats are upholster- ed in a cool moquette material and are provided on their backs with coat rail, umbrella stand and check holder for the convenience of.pasâ€" sengers. No cause is worth the sacrifice of your freedom to recognize truth wher- ever you see it. The stdrk recently visited Cana- dian Pacific train No. 51 between Lanigan and Saskatoon and left a daughter to Mrs. Marsle Alexander on her way with her husband to settle on a farm near Edmonton. Miss Binning. government conduct- ress of the immigration department at Quebec, was on the train. She secured a first aid. kit from the conductor and took charge of the case. Mother and daughter are doing well. Fishing is less cruel than hunting. The amateur never has to explain that he thought his companion was a fish. Sixth annual trail ride in the Canadian Rockies will start from Banff‘August 1, and end a few days later at Castle Mountain Bun- galow Camp. ' Seven glacier-fed lakes are on the route which will form half of the long-desired High Line trail from Banff to Lake Louise. The second half will also skirt several glacial lakes. About August 8 the long distance trail, ride from Lake Louise to the Col- umbia icefield will make a start. This icefield covers the largest and most spectacular body of ice left on the North American continent sur- rounded by peaks as high as 12,000 feet. The second trail ride will take nearly three weeks. , There is a difference between insan- ity and prejudice. The insane man wouldn’t be stubborn enough to stay that way if he knew better. IN THE MATTER of the Estate of William Patton, late of the Town- ship of Markham, in the County of York, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf, that all creditors and others having claims a- gainst the Estate of the aboveâ€"named William Patton, who died on or about the 24th day of May, 1929, at the Township of Markham, in the County of York, are required to’ send by post prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned, Solicitors for the executors of the said Estate, on or before the 10th day of ’August, 1929, their names and ad- dresses and full particulars of their claims duly verified, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them and after the said 10th day of Aug- ust, 1929, the said Executors Will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim they shall not then have The only golf trophy offered on the continent of America. by His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales Cup. presented to the Banff Spring Golf Club for annual com- petition by bona fide amateurs on the course there. will be among the outstanding prizes of golfdom when members of the “Canadian Golfer" tour special train which is crossing Canada from Toronto to Victoria and back this summer, arrive at Banff early in September. “Scotland and Glasgow are proud of Canada for the part she is play- ing in trans-Atlantic shipping," said T. L. Duff. well-known shipâ€" owner and broker, when interviewâ€" ed at Banff recently. "The build- ing of a ship directly employs about 5,000 craftsmen on the Clyde," he added, "and the supplying of the materials and fittings required in construction indirectly benefit in- dustries throughout Scotland." Mr. Duff said that Scots ï¬elt that the Canadian Pacific whose recent ship orders had done so much for Scot- tish industry, was as much Scotch as Canadian, the founders having been of Scottish descent and so inany of the ships of Scottish con- struction. During the past five months all milk production records at Strath- more farm have been broken. Strathmore Sylvia in the mature 'class by producing 29,371 pounds of milk moved the mature class record up 4.821 pounds. In the fourâ€"year-old class Strathmore Texaline Sylvia exceeded the for- mer farm record by 3,145 pounds with a production of 23.830 pounds. Strathmore Lassie Sylvia. in the three-year-old class. finished on February 22nd, 1929. with 23.568 pounds of milk. or 3,568 pounds more than the former record. To Francy, in the twoâ€"year-old class. however. belongs the premier hon- orsâ€"she broke the farm record of 5.315 pounds. 3Although only a two-year-old when placed on test, she produced 22.922 nmmds of milk. which was sold to the Union Milk Company for $564.05. Her calf, now one year old. is priced at $400. )ll Notice to Creditors n NAUGHTON & JENKINS, 1 508, 85 Richmond Street, West, .tors for the Executors, Clarence Skeele and J. Roy Herrington. ere and There THE LIBERAL. 3mm HILL, ONTARIQ N0 GAMES IN THE MEN’S YONGE STREET LEAGUE NEXT WEEK There are no games scheduled in the Men’s Yonge Street League for this week. The next game will be played on July the 25th when the Aurora ag- gregation will play at Legions and Newtonbrook will visit Richmond Hill. T0 MANNING‘S ON MONDAY The Willowdale Junior Softball team are in a slump just at present, they have lost the last three games, and are but a half game on top of the league. Monday night they took the Manning’s A.C. into camp and were defeated by a score of 9 to 7 after a very exciting battle. THORNHILL GIRLS DEFEATED AURORA GIRLS 17 to 4 Thornhill girls turned the tables on Aurora Monday evening at Thornhill park, when they defeated them by a score of 17 to 4. Thornhill girls sure did clout that ball and had the Aurora aggregation dizzy running after hard hit fly's. “Ede†Luesby on the mound for Thornhill pitched a good game and was backed by a team of well coached ball players. “Jimmy†Goulding was on the mound for Aurora but did not receive the support that the Thornhill twirler did. By Thornhill winning this game put them in a tie with Aur- ora for first place each losing onx'é. NEWTONBROOK ARE LEADING THE MEN'S SOFTBALL LEAGâ€" UE, RICHMOND HILL SECOND The Newtonbrook boys are leading the Men’s Yonge Street Softball leagâ€" ue, losing no games and winning 4 and Richmond Hill boys are right on their heels in second place with one lose and three wins. WILLOWDALE JUNIORS LOOSE RICHMOND HILL BOYS DEFEAT ‘ LEGIONS 19 to 9 The Richmond Hill Boys took the Willowdale Legions into camp last night‘in a league game and were sucâ€" cessful in pulling out in front by a score of 19 to 9. TWO GOOD GAMES IN THE LAD- IES SOFTBALL LEAGUE FOR FRIDAY AND WEDNES- DAY EVENING’S Thornhlll ladies have two very import- ant games in the Ladies Yonge Street Softball League for to-morrow night ‘ (Friday, July 12) and Wednesday, July ‘17. On Friday they travel to Lans- ing were they will meet the girls of that place and on Wednesday the Stouffville girls will Visit Thornhill. These will be two real good games and a large crowd is expected. Games will start at 7.45 (daylight saving time.) Fill up your car with gas and motor to Lansing and Thornhill and show the girls that you are with them. Thornhill girls have lost only one league game this year and are now on top of the league with the Aurora girls a close second, HOW TO KEEP FROM GROWING OLD Always drive fast out of'alleys. Always race with locomotives 'to crossings. Engineers like it; it breaks the monotony of their jobs. Always pass the car ahead on curv- es or turns. Don’t use your horn; it may unnerve the other fellow and cause him to turn out too far: Always demand half the road. The middle half. Insist on your rights. Alwavs speed; it shows people you Always speed; are a man of p81 ateur driver. a»; v nvv' Always lock your brakes when skid- ding. It makes the job more artistic. Always pass cars on hills. It shows you have more power; and you can turn out if you meet a car on the top. In sloppy weather drive close to ped- estrians. Dry cleaners appreciate it. Never look around when you back up. There is never anything behind you. guy-“4. -__ . V, Never stop, look or listen at rail- road crossings. It consï¬mes time. Drive confidently, just as though there were not eighteen million cars .1 in service. . ‘., With a population that ranks 281‘! among the countries of the World. Canada is fifth in total exports and third in total turnover of trade. Charles Olsen and Raffaele Maiullari, rival roundâ€"theâ€"world racers, are trying to make a trip circling the globe in less than 30 days using only “regular means of transportation." Olsen left Victoria on Canadian Pacific greyhound Empress of Asia June 13, and Maiullari arrived at Vancouver on the Empress of France June 22. Airplanes come within the term of the contract since both' men have already used them. The race at time of writing is very close. sol Sporting Notes A problem th 6f pep even though an am- UII Hart t has defeated the triesâ€"â€"the squaring c annarpntlv been ian FOR SALEâ€"1 Work horse, 1400 lbs.; 1 Masseyâ€"Harris binder, 7 ft. cut; 1 disc seed drill, 13 spout; 1 tractor cultivator, Oliver; 1 Spring tooth cultivator; 1 hay track and car; 1 spreader, cheap,/ would exchange cream separator for good milk cow. FOR SALEâ€"4 Burner oil stove, high back, good condition, 4 Chincilla rabbits, pedigreed; also huts, make offer. E. J. Taylor, Elizabeth St" Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"A one horse mower, will sell cheap. Apply Thornhill Black- smith Shop. FOR SALEâ€"Two Masseyâ€"Harris Binâ€" ders, one seven foot cut and one six foot, both in excellent shape. Apply to J. Lippet, Dufferin 513., Fisher- FOR SALEâ€"One delivery sleigh and one delivery wagon. Apply Fred Farr, Thornhill, phone 24. FOR SALEâ€"One Aspin Wall power potato sprayer, four row, good‘as new. Price $75.00. Apply W. F. Kincaid, lot 9, con. 5, Markham, phone Unionville 1912. FOR SALEâ€"Masseyâ€"Harris No. 90 Fordson Tractor plow, no reason- able ofl'er refused, good as new. Ap- ply John Foster, Lot 2, Con. 2, Vaughan. FOR SALEâ€"An acreage of standing hay crop, or will rent farm to re- sponsible party at moderate rental. Apply G. Yerex, Elgin Mills, phone Maple 249. FOR-SALE or RENTâ€"Good farm, lot 13, Con. 6, Vaughan, 50 acres. Ap- ply Wesley Puterbaugh, R. R. No. 2, Woodbridge. FOR SALEâ€"1 Iron bedstead, mattress and springs $6.00; 1 single bedstead (without mattress) $3.00; 1 new Raymond sewing machine $7.00; 1 large pine table, about 7 ft x 4 ft. $2.50; I cook stove (Beaver Cook) $25.00. All these things are in good condition. Apply Mrs. A. Wright, stop 17â€"A, Thornhill. FOUNDâ€"A sum of money. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. App’ly at The Liberal Office. WANTEDâ€"A middle aged woman to cpok and help around town house. A good 'home and permanent em- ployment guaranteed to right party. One able to take full charge if nece- ssary. If interested phone Union- ville 102 or Unionville 209. FOR SALEâ€"Two hundred acre farm, seventy miles from Toronto, good land, in excellent state of cultivat- ion, some bush, plenty of water, large brick house with modern bath- room, attractive grounds, large bank barn, straw barn and implement shed. school on farm, one mile from H. Armitage, Cockshutt Plow Agt., Aurora. Victoria Square for Model ‘T’Fords and Fordsons GUARANTEED FOR 3 YEARS Once Used You’ll Use No Other For Particulars without Obligation Phone Stouffville 4011 DYNAMO TlMERS ville RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst it sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGuMAKl: THE MOST OF IT" C.P:R. and one mile from C.N.R. station, five miles from village of 500, and fifteen miles from town of 8000. This farm has been in the one family for fifty years and is in best of repair. 'For full particulars apply to Box 27, Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. SPECIFICATIONS INSTANT STARTING PERFECT IGNITION Smoother Motor Performance Produces more Power and Pep. Eliminates Carbon, Saves Fuel, Requires no Oiling, nor Attention Will last the life of Motor. Classified Advs. E. KLINCK, Distributor W’ALTER BONE & SON STONE, GRA VEL SAND AND PEA GRA VEL Supplied on Short Notice. WIRE FENCING and CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Phone Maple 864 Ontario THURSDAY. JULY 11th. 1929 TO RENTâ€"Good house on Elizabeth Street, Richmond Hill, electric light good garden and fruit trees. Ap- ply L. B. Finch, 496 Ossington Ave. Toronto, Phone Lombard 8511 or at The Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"Pedigreed Chinchilla:- ¢ rabbits. Prices reasonable. Apply Edgar Fuller, R.R. 2, Gormley, Ont. FOR SALEâ€"â€"Double house on Eliza- beth Street, Richmond Hill, good garden and fruit trees, electric light. Apply L.B. Finch, 496 Ossing'ton Ave., Phone Lombard 8511 or at Liberal Office. PASTUREâ€"Good pasture for fifty to seventy-five head of stock for the season. Apply John Foster, Lot 2, Con. 2, Vaughan. FOUNDâ€"On 3rd concession Vaughan, North of Concord, an auto jack. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this add. Apply John Epp, Lot 15, Con. 3 Vaughan. - STRAYEDâ€"Chow Dog, male, golden yellow color, black tongue, answers to hame “Fang.†Notify Oak Rid. ge Kennels, telephone King 322. TENDERS FOR A NEW FURNACE Tenders will be received by the unâ€" dersigned up and until July 20th, 1929 for the shpplying and installing of a. furnace to adequately heat the school building of school section No. 1, Mark- ham. Lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. Saturday, July 13thâ€"Auction sale of valuable farm property, in the Township of Vaughan, the estate of ‘the late John A. McCallum, lot 27, con. 10 Vaughan. The farm will be off- ered for sale with the standing crop. For further particulars and terms apply to D.A. McCallum, Woodbridge, John G. MacDonald, Aurora, executors or to J.T. Saigeon, Maple, Auctioneer. A celebrated dietitian says food efâ€" fects our character. Onions, for ex- ample, thwart a. disposition to pet. You can tell when you’re entering a “live†town. The street is blocked be- cause a gang- is tearing up the pave- ment. MAGE Im ported Belgian Stallion u *- The property of MILNE & IRISH ' Will be at his own stable LANGSTAFF For the Season of 1929 Fees $16 to insure, $12. single Service Anyone from a distance having mares may make suitable arrangements for a convenient meeting place. Markham will stand for the season at the farm of ALF BAGGS Lot 6, Concession 4, Vaughan To Insure foal $16. One dollar down. DOL.â€"IMP. PERCHEBN (12921) im- ported from Prune by W. J. McCall- um, Brampton .d ï¬e property of E. A. Sommu'vmt, lot 1‘, 10th line Markham, will make tho season at his own stable. Terms $15.00. Enrolâ€" ment No. 2336. Form A. 1.) Stock Register SALE REGISTER SOLWAY PRINCE Registered Clydesdale Stallion the property of JAMES TORRANCE, PHONE THORNHILL 16-22 TENDERS CARL R. JAMES, R. R. 1 Richmond Hill, Secretary