'VOL. LII. RICHMOND HILL COUNCIL MEETING NEXT TUESDAY EVENING Richmond Hill council will meet on Tuesday evening next and it is expect- ed many important matters will be discussed. In the face of the grow- ing seriousness of the radial situation the question of transportation on Yonge Street will probably be one subject before the niembers. It is understood that there will be an important announcement regarding the electric light system by councillor Sims, chairman of the electric as a result of recent visits from the Hydro Inspector. The recommendation of the joint Boards of Health of the Municipalities of Richmond Hill. Markham township and Markham Village that the Public Health Nursing be continued will proâ€" bably be discussed and the basis of apgortioning the cost decided upon. O < .o=01=0=0=10=01=l0=0=0=0 Mr. Peter Jones, of Vaughan Town- Ship renewed his Liberal this week for the forty second consecutive time. Mr. Jones has eighteen acres of pota- toes this year and reports the crop to be very good. This week he harvest- ed forty bushels from six rows fifty rods long. “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†AN OLD Sl' BSCRIBER McLaughlin-Buick BA REGULAR MEETING OF WOMEN’S INSTITUTE NEXT \VEDNESDAY The August meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. George Dibb, Jefferson, on Wed- nesday, August 7th. Mount Albert branch will be guests at this meeting and will give the program. The dis- trict President Mrs. John Botham, of Schomberg will also be present. All are cordially invited and a good atten- dance is requested. SUCCESSFUL IRISH TREBLES TOURNAMENT AT UNIONVILLE A very successful Irish Trebles tournament was held at Unionville on Wednesday afternoon. Thirty one rinks competed and some very fine games were enjoyed. Rinks. were present from Port Perry, Uxbridge, Stouffville, Claremont, Aurora, Osha- wa, Highland Creek, Newmarket, Aurora and several from Toronto. The prize winners were: lst skip Joyce, of Withrow Park, 2nd skip Kennedy of Uxbridge, 3rd skip Russnel, of Stout?- ville, 4th skip Grant. of Kew Beach. The ladies of the club served a sump- tuous supper to the bowlers which w much appreciated. Oak Ridges “In ‘Essmtials, Unity; In Non-essentials. Liberty: [71 All Things. Charity: RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1929 A meeting of the members of the Boards of Health of the Township of Markham, Village of Richmond Hill and the village of Markham, was held in the Township Hall, Unionville on Monday evening. G. A. M. DaviSOn, clerk of Markham township presided and representatives were present from all the municipalities. Dr. J. P. Wilâ€" son, M.O.H., Richmond Hill, J. J. Lu- nau, Reeve and George~Gee member Boards of Health FavorConï¬nuance Public Health Nurse of the Board of Health represented Richmond Hill, Reeve Wesley C. Gohn Reeve, Dr.‘ MacKay, M.O.H. and Mr. Gibson member of the Board of Heal- th, represented Markham township. ‘Markham village was represented by Reeve Wilson and a member'of the ‘Board of Health, the M.O.H. being unavoidably absent. Dr. Fair of the ‘Ontario Department of Health was alâ€" so present and spoke at some length The meeting was called to consider the report of Nurse Vrooman who has conducted. a Public Health Nursing demonstration in these municipalities during the past year. The report which was presented to the meeting was published in The Liberal last week. Many favorable comments were made concerning the report and concerning the work which has been carried on throughout the district: The opinion was unanimous that it was a work which should be continued and a resolution by George Gee of Richmond Hill and seconded by Reeve Wilson, favoring its continuance was unani- mously passed. ‘ ‘ The: câ€"ost of carrying on the work was discussed but no definite arrange- ment was made. This feature will probably be discussed by the various councils who will take up the question from that angle at their regular meet- ings next week. The approximate cost is $2000. of which the province pays $500. leaving $1500 to be paid by ithe three participating municipalities. FELL FROM BARN Mr. Dugald McIntyre is making favâ€" orable progress from injuries sustain- ed when he fell from the barn of A1- bert Constable on the seventh of Vaughan last Saturday morning. Mr. McIntyre received no serious injury but is suffering from the shaking up and shock. 'FORTY-TWO SUMMONED LAST WEEK-END Fortyâ€"two motorists received sum- mons to appear in the local court for breaches of the traffic laws on Satur- day and Sunday last. The speed limit in Richmon Hill is twenty mil- es per hour a at least forty more people will have that fact impressed on their memory after they appear [before Magistrate Duncan, NEW TEACHERS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL At a meeting of the Richmond Hill Board of Education held on Monday evening, Miss E. Reesor, of Sunderland and Miss P. Collings, of Bradford, were enghged for the Public School staff taking the places of Miss F. M.‘ Brown and Miss Fox who have resign- ed. H. Kennedy’s Field Adjudged Finest in Two Townships Herbert Kennedy, of Agincourt, whose farm adjoins the village, has been awarded the Scarboro and Mark- ham competition prize for the best field of wheat in the townships. Mr. Kennedy has been a consistent winner of farm produce prizes in the field and at the exhibition. Last year, he exâ€" hibited the second best sheaf of wheat at the Canadian National Exhibition. HAD NARROW ESCAPE Mr. C. W. Ciffin who is engaged in painting the town water tank had a narrow escape last Friday, when his scaffolding slipped and he fell towards the ground, but miraculously caught one of the cross-sections and saved himself from probable serious injury. ihe subject of Public Health Nursâ€" “'INS PRIZE FOR WHEAT Ll M ITE D 24 hour service. County Engages Expert to Advise re York County‘are engaging a rail- way expert to give advice concerning the Metropolitan radial and he will be secured and on the job just as soon as it is possible for him to get here. This was the decision of the County trans- portation committee after having in- terviewed the Board of Control and the Toronto Transportation Commisâ€" sion last week. The Beard of Control stated quite clearly that they would be guided by the T.T.C. and referred the deputation to that body. The County councillors interviewed the “three transportation commissioners on Thursday last but were told that the Commission was still standing by its report to the board of Control and that any contrary action must come from that body. It is possible how- ever that the date (if September 30th which has been fixed for the discon- tinuing of the service will be extended to allow the County time to make complete investigation. Some time ago the T.T.C. engaged an expert who went over the whole Metropolitan line and reported in fav- or of its abandonment and recommenâ€" ded the substitution of busses. The report and findings of the County ex- pert will be anxiously awaited for by the people of the district who feel that the line with good business manage- ment and free from bus competition should be a success. COACH LINES AND THE RADIALS Writing in The Globe this week a correspondent expresses himself re- garding the Metropolitan radial situ- ation as follows;â€"The sum of $105,â€" 000 was expended on" a gauge alter- nations and other improvements and was charged to current expenses on Metropolitan (Lake Simcoe Lines) ‘radials. The total operating deficit was $110,000. It would be interesting to know ex- actly how much was expended on gauge alterations (which Were not opâ€" erated) and the other items included in the total, and also the amount of \loss transferred to radial accounts for Gray Coach Line operations on North ‘Yonge Street, The interesting fact is that $105,000 was expen/‘zd on radial improvements, yet ’the Manager reports that no ad- vertising was done because it had been decided to abandon the radial. ‘ What the public wants to know is: 1 Who had decided to abandon the city- - owned radials and who is responsible for the gross mismanagement of thel radial? ‘ ' The opinion is growinguthat if thel T.T.C. management had put as much“ energy into the work of running the - radial as is the case with Gray Coach ‘Lines, there would be no more talk of abandoning the radial, which only needs efficient administration.†SOME MORE ON RADIALS AND BUSSES G. H. Price, of Richmond Hill, in the Daily Star this week commented as follows on the radial and bus controv- ersy:â€"“In regard to your editorial of July 18th re busses and the Metropol-‘ titan, you say the T.T.C. has been able ‘to take\off a number of car trips and lsubstitute bus trips, at a saving of i‘money, as one man buses can be oper- ated more cheaply than radial cars. Then sir, why is the fare on the buses -to Richmond Hill about double to what it is on the radial. The fares are as follows: On radial single, 30 cents; on buses, 55 cents; on radial, return 55 cents; on buses, $1.00; on radial, commuters 12-1'ide book tickets' $2.40; on buses, $4.95. Let the T.T.C. come down to earth in regard to fares on buses, and they will be patronized more than they are at present, and would help to reduce the loss on the radial. If this is an example of what the buses- would charge should the radial be disbanded, then the outlook for north Yonge St. is anything but bright.†Bridge: A structure used to ef ect a crossing. Also a method of t in- ing husbands to eat sardines. The York Radials Despite the warmth of the weather the second annual Field Day of the East Vaughan Ratepayers Association was held at Richvale on Saturday af- ternoon and was a very successful ev- ent. There as a gOOd crowd in atten- dance and the program of Sports was much enjoyed. Many spirited con-‘ tests featured the afternoon and‘ young and old entered into all the games \with the real enthusiastic pic- nic spirit. The Thornhill orchestra provided music during the afternoon which was much appreciated. The games and booths were well patroniz- led, the weather being condusive to lbumper sales of ice cream and pop. In the softball game Thornhill won “from Newmarket by a score of 14-4. ‘An attractive feature was the tug-of- war. The ladies had their pull first and it was a real battle with the local ladies being victorious over the girls ANNUAL FIELD DAY HELD AT RICHVALE "THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT- YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. of the softball team. The men’s teams proved to be pretty well match- ed and after each side had won one pull a mighty effort was made in the third and final. After several minu- tes of pulling the rope broke and the draw was declared a tie and the prize divided. In Old Arizona Some of the winners in the races were: Miss Sinclair of Thornhill, who won the single ladies’ novelty race; Reg. Baker and Ernie Bone were ï¬rst and second in the married men’s dash. Mrs. S. Sparkes was the winner in the race for inembers’ wives. The men’s surprise race was carried off by B. White and J. Koning‘, while the mea- suring contest Went to J. Bentley. With JACK HOLT and MICKEY McBAN A human interest story that will play on your emotions â€"you will laugh, cry and live with these characters __ _ _----n In the evening the concert was well patronized. President Coles ably act ed as chairman and all'the numbers were well received and the artists were generous with encores. The President took occasion to thank all ‘who had contributed to the success of the day. The proceeds are in aid of 1a fund to build a community hall. Father and Son TALKING and SOUND Tariff: A method of shearing a flock of sheep to make a nice coat for the poor shivering lion. Pity the poor missionary if the sav- age taught to wear clothes happens to see a new fashion magazine. With EDMUND LOWE WARNER BAXTER Hear the last word in talkies by hearing the first and onl'y talkie to be made in the great open spaces 100 % The First All Talking Feature TALKING Filmed Outdoors THURSDAY, FRfDAY, SATURDAY, Aug. 1, 2, 3 AND AFFECTS ‘ SOUND 100 % TALKING FEATURE MONDAY, Comedy “Goodnight’ NEWS Screen Snapshots No.2 All Talking BEDFORD THEATRE THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT Comedy “That’s My Wife†News TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, Aug. 5, 6, PICTURES: AND PART TALKING ontlac Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Stephenson spent last Sunday at Goderich. ‘ ‘14,]. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith er Harold enjoyed a weekm Lake Scugog. Mrs. Stanley Marsh and Mrs. D. Foreman returned last week from a short vacation spent at Niagara Falls. Miss Cora Good motored, last Sun- day, to Guelph. 7 ‘--- -- it \AuJ, -v v..._,‘ Misses Mary and Lillian Hanna, Toronto, are guests at the home Mrs. Thos. Street. A goodly company of members of the Newtonbrook YOung People’s So- ciety motored last Saturday afternoon ulyv‘y ...-Vs to Shanty Bay and had a delightful visit with Mr. Gordon Galbraith who is summering there. ‘ A shower was given to Miss Lola Foreman by the Pollyanna Club and ‘other friends, last Thursday evening, at the home of Mrs. Marsh, Alexandra Boulevard. Mr.- and Mrs. R Evelyn, spent last Falls. The Rev. Frank Rae, or Wlllowuule, will occupy the pulpit of the Newton- brook United Church next Sunday, August 4th. / The services are at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. (daylight saving time.) Special music will be render- ed at both services. _. -7 “7., The service at Church will be IMason. This set Coal, C The winning numbers of the draw held in connection with the Richvale field day on July 27 have been an- nounced. The program numbers were 1501, half a ton of hard coal; 1137, 100 pounds of sugar. The winâ€" ning red tickets, sold separately, were 602, 223, and 656. The first receives 50 bushels of coke and the other two 20 pounds of sugar each, Holders of ‘these tickets should get in touch With J. Evans. W. Herron or other commit- LUCKY VUMBERS ANNOUNCED tee member n“..- .0... V 7, , service at the Zion United n will be taken by Mr. P. J. This service will be at 7.30 (daylight saving time.) Newtonbrook oke and Sugar Will G Winners Frank Rae, of Willowdale, Richvale J. R. Smith and Mast. ed a week-end visit to R. Trimble and Miss st Sunday at Niagara N0. 5 30 to the