Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Aug 1929, p. 5

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A fine line of ladies and men’s rain coats and trench coats at attractive prices. Richmond Tailors, Richmond Hill, phone 5-J. TRENCH COATS and RAIN BIRTH WHITEâ€"On Tuesday, July 30th, at Richmond Hill, to Mr. and Mrs. B. F. White, a son, (William Osborne). ion and was well and favorably known to many people in this district. Some twenty-nine years ago he moved to Barrie where he lived for about seven years and since that time he has re- sided in Toronto. He is survived by his wife, one daughter Kathleen in California, and two sons Harold in Winnipeg and Bernal in Toronto. He is also survived by two brothers and three sisters. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon and interment took place in Mount Pleasant ceme- tery. LATE WILLIAM R. PROCTOR William Robert Proctor a well known formex“ resident of Richmond Hill, passed away at the home of his son, Berna] Proctor, 910 Bloor Street west, Toronto, on Thursday, July 25th. The late Mr. Proctor who was in his seven- ty-fourth year had been ailing for a- bout a year, but had somewhat recov- ered and was ab ut as usual until the day before his death. For many years the deceased operated a bus be- tween Richmond Hill and Maple stat- The nearest Canadian National Railâ€" ways Agent can give you complete in- formation and literature on this easily accessible playground. Whether you seek companionable people in comfortable hotels or a sec- luded cottage in the backwoods, you will find both amongst the Kawartha Lakes. From well-appointed resorts there offers tennis, dancing, lawn- bowling, bathing and the jolliest sort of a crowd to the fishing- waters of the hinterland; there are surroundings to suit every taste. No_matter what your choice may be, fish, and plenty of them, are not far away. Now Located in Jones Hotel, Maple, for a few weeks until completion of New Building. Ladies and Gents Hail-cutting Hair Cut 30c; Children 25c- Shave 15 cents Your Patronage Solicited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wiley, of Detroit, Mich., visited last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Grainger, Arnold St. VARIETY IN THE KAWARTHA DISTRICT Mr. and Mrs. R. Petch spent the weekâ€"end with friends at Stayner and Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Baldock, Miss Dorothy Hick and Miss Rowland, of Toronto, are holidaying in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. John Rumble and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Benson motored to Hillsdale and Midland last weekend and visited with friends. Mrs. Mylks and Mr. Bill Mylks left Wednesday afternoon for Port Hope, where they will stay until Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Cade and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burns, of Sherwood, motored to Shelbourne and spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Jos. Cade. Mrs. P. N. Dutcher and baby daughâ€" ter are Spending the week with Miss Rose Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bracken and Miss Kathleen and Master Eugene from Toronto, are staying at Mrs. Geo Metcalfe this week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Taylor and Mr. Bert Taylor, of Nottawa, and Miss Cooper, of Collingwood, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Grainger, of Rich- mond Hi1]. Mr. W. Mylks and Mr. E. White have returned after a weeks motor trip to Northern Ontario. They visited Kirkland Lake, the Swastika labora- tories and went through the Lake Shore Mine. On F iday morning, Miss Moyle re- turned om her vacation at Highland Inn, Algonquin Park. Mrs. H.B. Stirling had as her guests over the weekâ€"end, Miss Enky and Miss Grey, both of Toronto. Mr. W. H. Pugsley of town who is a veteran member of the Ontario Good Roads Association enjoyed a tour of the provincial roads with a number of members of that organization last Fri- day. Mrs. F, J. Smith has returned to [M3, A. J. H. ECKHART ANNOUI‘ her home in Winnipeg, after visiting“ ES PERPETUAL ANNUITY for several weeks with her sister, Mrs. FOR YORK COUNTY W. H. Snedden, Dufferin Street. BOWLERS IHURSDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1929 Social and Personal . KEFFER OBITUARY BARBER N COATS ! None of these rinks VEere successful in winning any prizes but they re- ported an excellent time. The third rink {vent‘t'o the Club on Bathurst Street. made up as follows; Miss Mc H. Naughton, Mrs. Glenana Lean, skip. fi 1 “Nothing is worthless”, says philosopher. What about last we endurance record? i On Wednesday afternoon 3 rinks from Richmond Hill visited tourna- :ments. The following two rinks went to Islington: Mrs. Stephens, G. Mood- ie, Mrs. Kerswill, E. T. Stephens skip. Miss Switzer, N. J. Glass, Mrs. N. J. Glass, A. E. Glass, skip. The tournament for the Eckhard trophy will be held on the second Fri- day in August. The presidents of the various clubs are a committee in charge of arrangements. Gee, A. E. Glass skip; H. Thomson, P. C. Hill, Gid Moodie skip; C. Kerswill, A. A. Eden, W. Wellman, skip; F. J. Mansbridge, E. T. Stephens, James McLean, skip. Twelve rinks took part in the Irish 'I‘rebles tournament held here on Tuesâ€" day afternoon. An Oakwood rink won first prize, skip James McLean of Richmond Hill second, and skip Piercy, of Tottenham third. The fol- lowing Richmond Hill rinks 'teok part in the games; A. G. Savage, George Another Richmond Hill rink in the tournament here last Friday night was, C. Kerswill, A. A. Eden, N. J. Glass, George Gee, skip. Mr. A. J. Eckhard who is a decend- ant of one of Markham Township’s pioneer families has won an enviable reputation fo,r generosity and he has during recent years done a great deal to promote the best interest of Agriâ€" culture, and community welfare throughout York County. His many generous donations to Agricultural So- cieties, Plowing Matches, Sporting clubs, etc., are well known to most of our readers and this last announce- ment of a legacy in perpetuity for the Bowlers of York County is one which has been very favorably received, xork as his only wish was to promote good sport and good fellowship among the rural communities of York County Mr. Eckhard also made a notable an- nouncement of interest to the bowlers of the County when he explained that it was his intention to bequeath in his will a thousand dollars which would be held in trust, the interest on the same to be used to provide prizes for the ladies and men’s tournaments for the Eckhard trophy. The announce- ‘ment was greeted with hearty ap- plause by the assembled bowlers and three cheers and a tiger were heartily given for Mr. Eckhard. Mr. A. J. H. Eckhard who was pre- sent concurred in this suggestion. He pointed out that he hadlgiven the cup some twenty years ago for annual competition and as far as he knew it was the first trophy in Ontario donat- ed in that way. He wanted the cup to be used so that it Would be the maxi- mum use to the bowlers of North York as his only wish was to promote Naughton skip; Following the presentation of priz- es Mr.'J. H. Naughton spoke regard- ing the Eckhard trophy, which had been competed for by York County bowlers for a number of years. He pointed out that this cup was donated by Mr. A. J. H. Eckhart and was or- iginally given for competitiOn in Markham township. The tournament later grew to include other county clubs, but it was felt that some defin- ite arrangements should be made re- garding future competitions for the trophy. He suggested that a com- mittee representing all the clubs be appointed to look after the annual tournament. 'R. Sanders, E. A. Gray, M. Storey, skip. The cup was presented to the winners by G.A.M. Davison, of Uni- onville, president of the league and was acknowledged by skip Button. The play-off was featured also by a friendly tournament for special prizes in which the Almira rink won first prize and the Richmond Hill rink skipped by J. Harry Naughton won second prize, The personnel of the Richmond Hill rink ,was, G. H. Glenn, L. A.’ Hill, James McLean, J. H. .u...u; nL‘A‘UAAA FOR YORK COUNTY BOWLERS The final play-off for the Mackenzie King cup donated by Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada for annual competition among the bowling clubs of North York was held in Richmond Hill last Friday eve- ning. The teams of the league reâ€" present Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Aurora, Schomberg, Stouffville, Uni- ‘onville, Markham and Almira and this year the premier honors were won by Stouffville. They are the winners of uxnu the handsome trophy as Well as theI points competition for which a cash prize is given. The personnel of the winning Stoquville rinks Were; Bert Smith, Blake Sanders, Sam Arm- strong, F. Button skip; M. Watts, W. t Don’t Forget the Softball game at the High School diamond to-morrow evening at 7.45 sharp, Aurora vs. Richmond Hill boys in a league game. GAMES SCHEDULED FOR MON. DAY, AUGUST 5th WILL BE POSTPONED Owing to the Holiday on Monday, August 5th, the games scheduled for that evening in the Men’s Yonge Street Softball League will be post- poned until further notice. LANSING l7 â€" STOUFFVILLE 9 Lansing girls took the Stouffville 'girls on last night in a league game on the Lansing diamond and defeated them by a score of 17 to 9. ‘ THREE GOOD GAMES BILLED Bowling Notes I SPORTING NOTE: A. J. H. ECEfiT ANNOUNCM SOftball PiCk'UDS 3nt to the Thistles : Street. It was ; Miss McLean, J. Glenanames Mc- rthless”, says the about last week’s Self-pity is that awful feeling a man has when he comes home an hour late ‘and finds his wife hasn’t come yet. Life was more simple before the tourists came. The farmer could shoot Indians that destroyed his crop. Science hasn’t made man’s life any longer. But it has enabled us to loaf more and thus made life seem longer. 'ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL §Rev. C. Gray Eakins. M.A., Incumbent 10 a. m.â€"Sunday School 11 a. m. â€" Morning Prayer 7 p. m. â€" Evening Prayer Services until further notice are in charge of Mr. W. F. Payton. MASHINTERâ€"In loving remember- ance of our dear daughter Cora May Mash’inter, who fell a sleep in Jes- us August 4, 1927. Two years has gone, our heart still sore. As time goes on we miss her more Her cheerful voice, her welcome face, no one can take dear Coras place Her memory is as dear to day as in the hour she passed away. When days are dark and friends are few. Dear Cora how we long for you. CIVIC HOLIDAY Reeve Lunau has proclaimed Mon- day, August 5th, as Civic holiday for the village of Richmond Hill. SMALL CROWD AT GAMES The Richmond Hill boys softball team are very much disappointed in the crowds that they have been gettâ€" ing to their games, the largest that has attended a game this year was aâ€" bout 25 people. The boys are playing good ball and are a. bunch of good clean sports that are trying to put their town on the map for sports. So come on fans let’s turn out to the games in the second series of this league and give the boys your SUP- PORT. a 1 run lead which decided that Rich- mond Hill would be tied for first place with Newtonbrook. In the first innâ€" ings Crean and Bennet each connected for homeâ€"runs with a runner on bases each time, and in the fourth innings “A1” White slammed out a homer. The hero of the game was “Mac” MacKie the Local short stop, who went to bat in the last innings with one out and a runner on second base connected with that old “horsehide” for a double which brought the runner in and scoring the winning run. Ben- nett was on the mound for Richmond Hill and pitched his usual good game while John McLean was behind the plate; Jacks started for the loosers but soon retired to Mert Williams who finished the game, with Charlie Proct- or catching. RICHMOND HILL BOYS WIN GAME FROM NEWTON- BROOK AND TIE UP THE FIRST HALF OF SER- IES IN LEAGUE Newtonbrook boys journeyed to Richmond Hill last week and played a league game with the local boys, this game was to decide whether New- tonbrook would remain on top of the league or if Richmond Hill should come across with a victory it would tie up the works, and after playing a nip-and-tuck game Richmond Hill managed to pull out in front with THREE GOOD GAMES BILLED FOR THIS WEEK IN THE LADIES SOFTBALL LEAGUE There are three good games booked for this week in the Ladies Softball league and they all promise to be good ones. On Friday, (to-morrow) even- ing the Thornhill Ladies will motor to Stouffville and meet the Young Lad- ies of that place in a league game at 7.45. Wednesday, August 7th, the Lansing Ladies will travel to Aurora and on Friday evening, August 9thâ€" Stouffville Ladies will Visit the Thornhill girls. , LANSING l7 â€" STOUFFVILLE 9 Lansing girls took the Stouffville girls on last night in a league game km the Lansing diamond and defeated them by a score of 17 to 9. DAY, AUGUST 5th WILL BE POSTPONED Owing to the Holiday on Monday, August 5th, the games scheduled for that evening in the Men’s Yonge Street Softball League will be post- poned until further notice. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. F. S. O’KELL Morning Service 11 a. m Evening Service 7 p. m. SPORTING NOTES Everybody Welcome IN MEMORIAM THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO rig for you. â€"The Family We can’t abolish t “ock exchange There must be some rec qtion for those not wicked enough *hoot craps. Hotels and comfortable stopping places afford every facility at reason- able rates, and Canadian National Railways offer two gateways, viz: Midland and Parry Sound, with steam- er connections from each to resorts and fishing grounds lying in-between. Ask your nearest Canadian National Agent for the booklet entitled “30,000 Islands of Georgian Bay." ' Fishing is the business in Georgian Bayâ€"black bass for the rod, and sai- mon or lake trout down deep. “4.0” FISHING IN GEORGIAN BAY WWW/WWW :"r‘ =.,a:-;â€" . ~ 7 r » zâ€"ag-Lfl::‘-m 1r; :: ;. . -J; _, 'Eféiu JV \ - flue" ":â€"~ “ ' " ' 1 ' f .. __~>:'.-,- L.-.â€"â€"-â€"â€"‘ ‘ 1. , 5-, v- -7 _V_A~ SADOR BY NASH . â€"TWIN-IGNIT10N-MOTORED The illuStrations above typify the island. “Progress” has been slow. Its people have lea-med the secret of content. Their tongue, their modes, their __ -Vvv .uuu uuuuvu JU- Four hundred years. Ships of the adventurer, the explorer, the pioneer, the builder of empire and later, great ships of commerce followed those of Cartier, but the Isle of Bacchus has not known them all and has slept before the portal of the new world for many generations. Not that it has been forgotten, but that the bigger ships have gone by. Industry has not destroyed its charm and today it remains, if not the pristine isle of Cartier, a piece of old France as translated by those who shortly followed him. _,- .v I v.0» Au uuc WUIIU. auu which led us to call this the ‘Island of Bacchus’”. Thus the Saint Malo captain, Cartier, who discovered the Isle of Orleans in 1535 first named it. Four hundregi years. §hips ('J‘f‘the agventqrer, the nvn‘nrn‘u +1.“ .. -_-,_ Delivered, Fully Equipped, Nothing More to Buy! A The ship may be as old as the wayside shrine, and only oxen tramp where Carder Ion The house by the road is more than 250 years old. e had seen nowhere else in the world and catalogue; live in homes] which led us to call this the ‘Island of Bacchus’”. old people. Yet, a. 3' Thus the Saint Malo captain, Cartier, who discovered Quebec with its rampal HM: Talc nF (Ix-Inn-.. 1- 1:0: c_,1_ _,, u lEADS THE WORLD‘IN MOTOR CAR VALUE ’ advanced Six Ambassador uality'of "400" engineering and bassador performance. Here, in this moderately priced car, is the Twin-Ignition motor, the year's most notable achievement in power. Another very attractive "400” fea- Delivered. Fully Equipped Price Range of 23 Nash “400” models $)294 to Volume and its manufacturing econ- omies plus Nash engineering skill make possible this value. More than 168,000 Nash "4005” were built andmldin the 12 months (just ended) since the ” ” introduction. includes Touring, Roadster, Coupe, Cabriolet, Victoria and Sedan Models ,' And equal! obvious, to those who know goo motor cars, is the high uality of “400" engineering and bassador performance. Here, in this moderately priced car, is the Twin-Ignition motor, the year's most notable achievement in power. Another very attractive “400” fea- 1 drive the Twin-Igniiiontmotored Nash “400" Ambassador have dis- covered that the most luxurious type of motoring is not necessarily prohibitive in price. Obvious to every eye is the 3 le and thoroughbred character of t is charming motor car. There is beauty in the purity and grace of every line and curve. There is luxury in every item of interior dress and decora- tion, from inlaid walnut panellings to the deep, overstufled Cushions, upholstered in fabriCS restricted to fine car manufacture. $2784 THOUSANDS of_people who drive the Twi n-Ianurinn.mntnrprl RICHMOND HILL NASH MOTORS P. C. HILL, Phone 14 Richmond Hill Island of Orléétxisrâ€"lsland of Bacchus and was driven by Mr. N of Aurora. Mr. Quinn HARRY QUINN STRUCK BY AUTO EARLY SUNDAY MORNING Other features of convenience ahd‘ quality which Nash volume makes it possible for you to have at Am- bassador price, are Bijur Central- ized Chassis Lubrication and Chro- mium-nickeled bumpers front and rearâ€"at no extra c/mrge. And the Ambassador is one of the easiest riding cars ever built. The wheelbaseis 1 30 inches.Thesprings are built of special process alloy steel, individually designed for Am- bassador size and weight, and out- board mounted Houdaille double ac- tion, hydraulic shock absorbers are regular equipment. ture is the "world’s easiest steering." ‘5: vâ€"_ -_.v .u _ The name of. the .new 11: once was a selznonal n -â€"....... uuu uwuu; v]. uuc Auz'guuen island. But he must be prepared to eat of the goat! viands of the Habitant and to live a. little closer t0 the homespun. The peo 1e of the island wgill welcome him with good-nature ut they have httle lildng for the modern. They have the secret of content and goodâ€"living, on the Islgd of Bacchus. The name of the pew” ' if nnnn n..." .. -A:_A_- _ ‘catalogne‘, live in homes un. They are blessed with: old people. Yet, a s ort ferry distance away, Quebec with its ramparts, its Chateau Frontenac and its ocean shipping, keeps pace with the advance of the times. At Ste. Petmnille, one of the quaint little vfllagu; where wealthy Quebec has its summer homes, an inn has this year been opened, so that it is now possible for the visitor to rest for a while and absorb at leisure the charm and beauty of thejqrgothen iclonA Dn+ LA _._._1. Ll kw, F. Johnson, sustained a ribs, severe bad shaking- seignorial mansion. Gamer foundthelndisnandthem a. ggntury ago.__ They yeave their Ask your Canadian National Agent for literature and information or: Tem- agami. ‘ Under the lordly trees of 'I'enganfi black bass, lake trout and maskimxm life in wait for the fisherman in {the innumerable lakes. The quaint K015- an settlements, the magnificent m. cry and the many other attmcfim simply can’t be appreciated untii 3!)! see them. - A WORLD APART When you leave the steamer “Refill-t of Temagami” you are in a qufefl Ba- treat seemingly thousands of was from the noisy workaday world. Ream: and quite are the chief laws (fl this forest kingdom, twenty miles from fie nearest automobile and a lumd'xmd from a street car. PAGE

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