[AGE sxx Holiness Meeting .. Salvation Meeting . ELECTRECS‘ TOVES NEW PERFECTION . OIL STOVE SALVATION ARMY LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN TOOLS AGENT FOR TREE’S HARNESS AND HARNESS PARTS PHONE CITY, HUDSON 8527 RICHMOND HILL 30-J Richmond Hill OUR EYE Examinations are Accurate SPECTACLES & EYEGLASSES repaired promptly and correctly. ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED 'John Dunlop & Son We solicit orders for nut flowers for all oc- casions which will be promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. Martin’s Barber Shop FLORISTS Richmond Hill » Ont. OPTOMETRISTS 167 Yonge Street. Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson's) F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. PARIS GREEN, ARSENITE 0]“ LEAD W. E. LUKE, R. O. GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. MCDONALD, Have Your Tonsoria] Require- ments attended to While waiting for your car. Telephone 62 ALUMINUM PRESERVING KETTLES D. RUMNEY RICHMOND HILL CORPS Officers in Charge CAPT. ROYLE LIEUT. MCCOMBES Save yourself at our expense Lakeside 5280 Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve differ- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. We Call In Richmond Hill District TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS CA‘R'I‘AGE AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Torontg to Richmond Hill and Intermediate Points ~ Every Day It you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, Call up as early as convenient to insure prosam attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Liberal Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Right at The City Limits North Toronto. C. N. COOPER Frbm Maple Gravel Pit SAND â€"- GRAVEL Sunday Services AND â€" Thornhill, BURNER 11 a. m. .xfltario A pleasant time was spent at the home of Mrs. J. A. McMurachy last ,Wednesday evening. MissE. B. Car- ey, late Principal of the Public school; was the guest of honour and during the evening, the presentation of a travelling case and a writing case was made by Miss Johnson and the follow- ing addreSS was read by Mrs. A. 0.1 Robinson. Dear Miss Carey, We, a number of your Maple friends are assembled here this evening to ex- press to you our deep regret in the fact that you are severing your conâ€" nectiomwith us and to express our ap- preciation of the work that you have ‘done while with us. During the al. most twelve years that you have been in our midst you have always been ready to assist in every good work and to take an active part in every social event. By your kindness and thoughtfulneSs you have endeared yourself to all and we feel that your going will be a loss which will be difï¬- cult to replace. / We would especially refer to the part you have taken as a member of the choir of St. Andrew's Church, and wish to thank you for all your work while a member'of that organization both in the Sunday services and on so- cial occasions. When called upon you always responded cheerfully, which made it a pleasure to ask your assist.- l 1 3.1108. We cannot think of letting you leave us without showing in some other way besides in mere words our appreâ€" ciation of all the many acts of unsel- fishness, and ~eur esteem for you, so thereforn ask you to accept this travelâ€" ling case and this Writing case, with the ho'pc- that you may find them useâ€" ful, and when using. they may bring ‘back happy memories of the many lfriends you leave hehind, signed Mrs. lchurachy, Mrs. Lawrie, Miss John- son. Miss Carey was taken by sur- prise and replied in a few words thanking the donors for their gift. Dainty refreshments were then served by the ladies. 75 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. The officers and members of the C.G.I.T. wish to thank their friends for their patronage at the sale of home-baking on Friday afternoon. The proceeds of the sale were $21.00. The second team of the Women’s Association of the United Church will hold a sale of home baking at Mr. Bailey’s store on Saturday, August 3, at 3 o’clock. ion, the first prize was won by Mr. Thomas Cousins for Fall Wheat, Daw- son's G. Chaff variety, by 92 points. The second prize by 911/2 points was won by Wésley Clarkson. There were eighteen competitors. A number of men have been at work putting up cables for the telephone and the old Wires are to be removed. The telephone central office is now located in the Company’s building on ‘Maple Avenue. Mr. Glasser, of Pittsburg, Pa., is spending a few days at Mr. E. Godd- en’s. Mrs. P. Crooks and daughter, of De- troit, spent several days last week at the home of Mrs. McMurachy. Rev. Mr. Cole, a retired Baptist Minister, of; Woodbridge, occupied' the In the standing field crop competit- MAPLE The name of James McCluskey, a pupil of Hope school, was omitted last week from the list of successful can- didates in the recent entrance examinâ€" .ation. pulpit of St, Andrew’s Church on Sun- day. Mr. James Martin, of Toronto, has rented Mr. G. Jarrett’s barber shop, And has commenced work there. Mr. and Mrs. D. Green, and Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds, of New Hampshire, have motored over and are spending a few days with Mr. Green’s sister, Mrs. Murray Woods. MAPLE FIELD DAY ON SATURâ€" DAY, AUGUST 3lst _ Maple Annual Field Day and Reun- ion will be held on Saturday, August 3lst. A general community meeting to make plans for the event will be held on Wednesday, August 7th and everybody interested in helping make the day a success are urged to attend. A hick town is a place where the traffic cop calls you Billy instead of Hey-you. ‘ The highbrow is one who thinks “the immortal Bobby†refers to Burns instead of Jones. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. DETARIO Reduces Friction and Makes for Ease of Operation LITTLE BROTHERS Fiï¬ Wm ï¬res Fully enclosed six-brake wstm 3 Houdaflle hydraulic shock absorber. 20 to :0 miles per gamma 0/ poncho, mm glass rinddn'cld M proof ignition lock Rdiabflit’ and 101; upkeep utoflmflucmbow John-mew Dates of the Ontario fall fairs have been issued by J. Lockie Wilson, of the Department of Agriculture, and the following list of dates is of particular interest to the district: eatures Alliston â€" October 3 and 4. Barrie -â€" September 23 and 25. Beavertonâ€"September 26 and 27. Beeton â€" October 1 and 2. Bracebridge â€" September 25 and 27 Bradford â€"â€" October 8 and 9. Burk's Falls â€" September 19â€"20. Goldwater â€"â€" September 17 and 18. Colling'wood â€"â€" September 25â€"26. Cookstown â€" October 10 and 11. Elmvale â€" September 30, Oct 1 & 2 Gravenhurst â€" September 19 and 20 Huntsville â€"â€" September 12 and 13. Lindsay â€" September 18 â€" 21. Meaford â€" September 18 â€" 20. Midland â€"â€" September 19 â€" 21. Orillia â€"â€" September 12 â€" 14. Oro â€"â€" September 11. Port Perry â€" September 16 â€"â€" 17. Port Carling â€"â€" September 10 â€"â€" 11, Rama -â€" September 17 â€" 18. Rosseau â€" September 12 â€" 13. Severn Bridge â€"â€" September 27. Shelburne â€" September 26 -â€" 27. Sunderland â€" September 24 â€" 25. Sundridge â€" October 1 â€" 3. Sutton -â€" August 8 â€" 10. Utterson â€"â€" September 18 â€"â€" 19. FALL FAIR DATES Richmond Hill, Ontario Arrange for your demonstration ride with the nearest Ford Dealer AVISH use of ball and roller bearings in the Ford car grea'dy reduce friction and contribute to easier operation and longer life of the car. Note the coasting ability of the Ford car as compared to any other automobile in its weight class. Examination of the chassis will at once show the advantages of -_e_ -..¢- ï¬lesebm‘gngsv: aggerearaxlepinionanddiï¬'erenï¬alaflthe uperronerbeaxingsareheldtomchclose limitsthatadjustment isunnecessary,pinion and ringgearalways beingheldinpropct large baring surface' and ability to carry heavy loads. One is also used onthe drive shaft at the universaljointendgtoassnre Taper roller hearings in the front wheels have a simple adjust; ment. Roller thrust bearings on the spindle bolts make for easy steering. Two bearings, one above and one below, take up the thrust on the steering worm. The fan shaft operates on a roller The generator, the transmission, the connection between the spline and drive shafts, the clutch, the flywheelâ€"all these important parts are made more efï¬cient and enduring through the use of ball and roller bearings. These bearings form a striking illustration of the engineering skill and care used in building the Ford car. AgriculturalLime Cement, Field Tile, Glazed Tile, Cedar Posts Lime and Builders Supplies Custom Grinding ‘ Coal-WOOd-Coke Agent for the American Agricultural Chemical Fertilizer LANGSTAFF SUPPLY (30.. Ltd. Chicken Feed ENQUIRE ABOUT ALBERTA COAL G. H. Duncan. Telephone Thornhil]_ _ gig-Ms, 1 “WARM UP THAT SOUR LAND†THURSDAY, AUGUST lst. 71929 Nights, Richmond Hi‘ll 80 Prompt Delivery Poultry Supplies