RAGE 31x SALVATION ARMY Holiness Méétiné . . . . . . . . . . 11 a. m. Salvation Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 7 p. m. NEW PERFECTION 3 BURNER 01L STOVE ELECTREC STOVES PHONE CITY, HUDSON 8527 RICHMOND HILL 30-J BARBER Now Located in Jones Hotel, Maple, for a few Weeks until Richmond Hill completion of. New Building. Ladies and Gents Haircutting Hair Cut 30c; Children 25c- Shave 15 cents Your Patronage Solicited Martin’s Barber Shop John Dunlop & Son OUR EYE Examinations are Accurate SPECTACLES & EYEGLASSES repaired promptly and correctly. ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED FLORISTS Richmond Hill - Ont. OPTOMETRISTS 167 Yonge Street. Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) We solicit orders for :ut flowers for all 0c- casions which Will be promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. AWN MOWENS, GARDEN TOOLS M6NT FOR TREE’S HARNESS AND HARNESS PARTS LUKE, Opt. D. Have Your Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. W. E. LUKE, B. 0. ALUMINUM PRESERVING KETTLES D. RUMNEY ’ARIS GREEN, ARSENITE 0F RICHMOND HILL CORPS Officers in Charge CAPT. ROYLE LIEUT. MCCOMBES Sunday Services . KEFFER Right at The City" Limits North Toronto. E: Timken Bearings on the ‘ W Windmill CARTAGE AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Toronto to Richmond Hill and Intermediate Points Every Day C. N. COOPER N thousands of Canadian farms the am ‘- “Toronto†Self-Oiling Windmill has given a lifetime of efï¬cient service, with the least ll possible attention. Now. further improvements make the "Toronto" eVen better than ever before. Timken bearings â€" the same as on your automobile -â€"- allow it to run in the slightest breeze. Its famous long life is extended by ball-bearing , turntable. The new adjustable stroke / ï¬ts the “Toronto†for any well. J. LUNAU Richmond Hill â€" â€"â€" AND â€"- ,tntario All the time-proven features are re- tained. Self-oiling â€" oil once a year. All gears run in oil -â€" reducing fric- tion and wear. Tower is heaviest and strongest-braced ever built. The new “Toronto†is worth the clasest investigation. Come in when you are in town, or Write for free, fully-illustrated literature. WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM 1 ‘ THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT!a THE WHITE THROAT Shy bird of the silver arrows of song! That cleaves our northern air so clearl Thy notes prolong, I listen â€"- I hear: \“Iâ€"love â€" dear â€" Canada, Canada, Canada" 0 peonies of the poinetd dusky fir, Screen of a swelling partial heart, The copse is all astir, ‘And echoes thy part! ‘ Now willowy reeds tune their silver flutes As the noise of the day (lies down; And silence strings her lutes, ‘The white throat to crown. Oh! bird of the silver arrows of song 'Shy poet of Canada dear, Thy notes prolong, We listen â€"- we hear: I â€" love â€"- dear â€"â€" Canada, Canada, Canada. â€" Theodore H. Rand A pleasant feature of the regular monthly meeting of the Local Branch of the E;Y.W.I. was the entertainâ€" ment of the Agincourt Branch E.Y. W.I. the visitors presenting the pro- gram. Ideal weather made possible an out door meeting, which was held on the spacious grounds of the home of Mrs. A. F. White. A fine repreâ€" sentation of ladies from both branch- es were present. The meeting was ,in charge of the Agincourt president, Mrs. McKean, and the program was ‘varied and interesting. The main item was a splendid paper on “Can- adian Molher-hooc†by Mrs. Linsey, also a reading “A quest for an Angel†by Mrs. J.S. Patterson was much ap- preciated. Special music consisted of a delightful piano duett by Mrs: Morgan and Mrs. Preston, also a ï¬ne piano solo by Miss Armstrong. Mrs. T. A. Patterson gave a practical deâ€" monstration of the arrangement of Ecut flowers, having brought with her 'many beautiful flowers from her own garden, attractive and unattractive arrangements were shown. A hear- ty vote of thanks was given the lad- ies for their delightful program. A delicious lunch was served by the hos- tesses and a‘ pleasant social hour brought to a close this memorable ocâ€" casion. The local branch have acâ€" cepted an invitation to visit the But- tonville Junior Institute at Miss Rod- icks’ on the 17th Inst, and also expect to attend the Institute Picnic at Stouï¬â€˜ville on August 21st. Miss Effie Stiver spent the week- end at her home here. I I Mrs. N. Ogden spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. We regret to report Mr. Wm. Ping- 1e yon th'e sick list. His many friends extend best wishes for a speedy re- covery. Miss Galbraith, Port Colborne, Vis- ited her sister, Mrs. A. E.\Milner last week, ‘ ‘ Rex}. and Mrs. Cook, Tweed, are guests of Mrs. Cook’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Campï¬n. Mrs. Frank and Mr. Lloyd Braith- waite, Chicago are visiting their mot- her, Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite. Mr. John Weighill, Toronto, spent a few days last week with his brother Mr. A. Weighil]. Rev. H. S, Graham, Grimsby, Rev. Frank Rae, Willowdale, visited Mrs. M. Sommerville on Saturday last. Mrs. Wagg spent a few’days last week with her son Dr. Wagg, at Big Cedar Point. Mr. Rae Miller and family, Toronto, \"=ited Mr. Miller’s mother, Mrs. H. killer over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, A. Camplin in comp- a, y with Mr. and Mrs. Farr, Aurora, are enjoying a pleasant motor trip to Ontario 103 Kingston and other points this week. Miss Lydia Gormley, was a Toronto visitor on W'ednesday last. Mr. Robt. Duncan, Toronto, visited his neice Mrs. Ada Hood on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harrington, Nashville, Tenn, are guests of Mr. Harrington’s mother, Mrs. Geo. Harr- ington, Mr. A. Canning was 3. Richmond Hill 'visitor Monday last. Misses Mary and Margaret Arm- strong, daughters of the late Mr. Les- lie Armstrong, a former resident of this vicinity, who now resides in West Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith last week. A pleasing feature in connection with the Central United Sunday school last Sunday was an appropriate in- strumental duett, rendered by Misses Blanche and Beatrice Kennedy, Vine- land, New Jersey, neices of Mrs. C. R. Dyke. Mr. and Mrs, D. Harrington, Miss Grace Harrington and Mr. Wallace Harrington motored to Montreal, ‘Quebec City and other Eastern Points \this week. Misses Vera and Ila Weighill enjoy- ed a pleasant trip to Centre Island Park on Tuesday last. I Dr. C. R. McKay accompanied by ‘1’)‘15 daughter LeNora and son Davey, visited his mother Mrs. McKay, Port Colborne, a few days last week. Miss Mary Gibson, Miss Margaret Kerr, Toronto, visited_Mrs. Jas. Gib- son on Monday last. Rev. H. H. Eaton is spending the week at Longford, where he is one of the instructors in connection with the Summer School in session there. Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Noble are spending the week at the home of their neice, Mrs. Cook, Scarboro Jet. Mr. and Mrs. B. Weatherill spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith. Mrs. Audrey Stephenson was a To- ronto visitor on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Kappen, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Lunau. Miss Cora Lunau reyurned to Tor- onto, on Thursday last after spending a pleasant holiday at her home here. A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mrs. E.E. Braithwaitel on Tuesday evening last. when a num- ber of friends gathered to honor Mrs! Trenk, nee Carol Braithwaite and to present a miscellaneous shower. Thei many pretty and useful gifts signi-! fied the high esteem in which the! young lady is held and were ac-' companied by many good wishes for health, wealth and prosperity to the happy couple. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, Buttonville, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Richmond Hill, called on friends in town last Sunday. Mr. McInnis Creswell is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Flora Carmichael. Mr. and Mrs. Huddart, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott. Miss Marjory Wheatley has return- ed from a pleasant two weeks holiday at Scugog‘. .Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown and fam- ily and Mrs. Wagg spent Tuesday at Queenston Heights. Two rinks of the local Bowling clgb went to Stouffville on Friday last to participate in the Eckardt Trophy Tournament. Mr, Wm. Caldwell and Mr. Rob’c. Allen, skips. Miss Margaret Gibson entertained a party of happy little folk on Friday afternoon last in honour of her nep- hew, Johnnie Gibson and his cousin, Edgar Stolo, of Scarboro. Games ,,1-A,. and refreshnu ant aftemoon 7.30 p. m. â€" Monday 8 p. m.-â€"â€"' ciety. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Rev. B. H. Eaton 10.30 a. m. â€"â€" Rev. John Lee EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p. m.â€"Sunday School 2.30 p. m. â€"â€" Rev. John Locke. 7.30 p. m.â€"â€"Y.P.S. ST. PHILLIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. J. Robbins 10 a. m.â€"Sunday School 11 a. m. â€"â€" Morning Prayer ' A notable beauty spot is being recalled to public notice this sum- mer by the Alpine Club of Canada which is holding its annual camp from July 15 to July 31 on the site of the old railway village of Rogers Pass near Glacier, B.C., at the west- ern opening of the Connaugbt Tun- nel on the main line of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway. The camp commands a magnificent view em- bracing Mount Sir Donald. Mounts Macdonald and Tupper. the ï¬le nulnmant Clanier and many other éillewget Glacier and 1 fine ranges and valleys 0n the first anniversary of their wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt. Jr., recently left the Buff Springs Hotel in the Cana- dian Rockies for a. motor trip through western Canada. He was most enthusiastic about the roads. scenery and accommodation in the Rockies. ‘ THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO ,hments constituted a pleas- â€" Rev. John Locke Sunday School â€" Rev. John Locke. .â€"â€"Young People’s 30- lHOUSEHOLD HINTS WHII’PED CREAM DRESSING Sweetened whipped cream may be used on fruit salad. 1 cup whipped cream 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 3 tablespoons sugar Pour the cream into a bowl and set in ice water. Whip with a Dover egg-beater until stiff enough to hold ‘its shape. Do not beat the cream [too long. Add sugar and vanilla. STUFFED HAM Soak a ham in cold water over night In the morning remove the bone and fill this space with stuffing. Sew the slit and bind the ham firmly in a strong piece of cotton cloth. Boil slowly for two or three hours and let fool in the bandage. When cold re- ‘move the rind and sprinkle with sugar {and fine bread crumbs. SALADS and SUMMER DESSERTS (By Betty Barclay) American housewives are becoming more and more enthused over French cooking, and dishes once enjoyed only at hotels or clubs in which some fam- ous Parisian chef reigned supreme are now appearing on the ï¬ables 'of our thrifty but novelty appreciating American women. Oh, we shall always have our ice cream, our waffles, or Chicken a 12. Maryland, our griddle cakes and map- le syrup and dozens of other typical American delicacies that cannot be surpassedâ€"but We are now beginning to add other dishes equally tasteful, and often more easily prepared and :more economical than some of our old ifavorites. The French housewife‘ is thrifty; she seldom uses out-ofâ€"season delicac- ies; she makes use of left-overs; and she has learned the secret of flavor. She has learned that salads should be served when the ingredients are fresh and crisp; that cold, tasteful desserts fit into summertime as snuggly as a French habit fits a Parisian ‘model; and that a little sugar, in the dressing or added to the vegetable ingredients of a salad while cooking, accentuates the flavors. Try one or all of these French dish- es. You will find them among the most popular dishes on your table this summer; Frozen Tomato Salad Peel and cut into fairly small pieces two cups of ripe tomatoes. Add two cloves, two peppercorns, two table- spoons sugar, one teaspoon salt, oneâ€" quarter teaspoon celery salt, one sliced onion, a few grains of parsley, and two tablespoons vinegar. ‘ Boil for ten minutes, then press through a sieve. Freeze to a mush. Beat 3 half cup of cream until stiff and add to the mush. Then complete freez- ing. Serve on crisp, thoroughly dried 'lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dress- ling. Vegetable Salad Melange Cook one cup of shredded string beans until tender in boiling, salted water, with one-half teaspoon of sug- ar. Do the same with one .cup of shelled peas. Mix the peas and beans with one cup of shredded cucumber and one-half cup of thinly sliced rad- ishes. Add French dressing and let stand a half hour. Meanwhile, hard- boil six eggs, halve them, and cut off the ends so they will stand upright. Arrange the halves of the eggs on salad plates. Arrange crisp lettuce leaves around each egg half, and place -some of the vegetable mixture on the leaves. Serve very cold with mayonâ€" .naise. French Caramel Custard Four eggs, six tablespoons sugar, one cup milk and a little water, make this cold, tasteful summer dessert. Separate the egg-whites and yolks, and beat the whites until they are firm. Add four tablespoons of sug- ar to the yolks. Combine the whites and yolks and add the milk, stirringl 1 the mixture slowly. Make a caramel using two tablespoons sugar and one- half cup water. Pour this into a tin mold and then add the custard. Place the mold in a pan of water and bake. in a slow oven for twenty-five minut- es. or until a knife blade will come out clean. When the custard is cold, turn it out on a platter andoserve it with or without a sauce. RURAL SCHOOL FAIRS YQRK COUNTY 1929 Name of Fair Where Held D York & Etob, Thistletown Sept. West King Nobleton Sept. Scarboro Agincourt Sept. ‘ Markham Unionville Sept. Georgina Udora Sept. N. Gwillimbury Belhaven Sept East King Snowball Sept :E. Gwillimbury ‘ Sharon Sept iV’aughan Vellore Sept SAND -â€" GRAVEL . From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. MCDONALD, Telephone 62 T hornhill Date DOMINION TIRE DEPOT AgriculturaELime RICHMOND HILL ..... OAK RIDGES ................. Coal-WoodnCoke ENQUIRE ABOUT ALBERTA COAL‘ Cement, Field Tile, Glazed Tile, Cedar Posts 'Lime and Builders Supplies Custom Grinding Agent for the American Agricultural Chemical Fertilizer LANGSTAFF SUPPLY CO... Ltd. Chicken Feed ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Parliament Buildings, Toton to Hon. JOHN S. MARTIN V A. CARROLL Minister Director: Crops, Co-opcr- ation and Markets Branch “WARM UP THAT SOUR LAND.†Telephone Thornh ill Threshing is dangerous If weed seeds are allowed to become mixed with grain or straw when threshing they will cause serious loss and much hard labor in later crops Do not permit a threshing machine to carry weed seeds to your farm. See that it has been properly swept out before entering your premises. A separator is built to remove weed seeds from grain and straw. See that it does so. All sieves should be in shape to do effective work. There should be a screen in the lower deck to remove weed seeds before they are blown into the straw. Weed seeds should not be left to be carried about by animals and the wind, nor should they be swept into the barnyard. Destroy them. Burning is effective. Come in and ï¬nd out all about it Kill weeds BEFORE they start ’ IV The Tire Sensation Of 1929 THURSDAY. AUGUST 15th. 1929 G. H. Duncan. ONTARIO Nights, Richmond Hfll 80 Prompt Delivery Frankly, we can’t quite see how so much tire quality can be made to sell at the price asked for the new Endurance. It is a wonderful tireâ€" made of the right stuff â€"â€"and plenty of itâ€"and backed by Dominion Rubber Company. A keen buyer will get his money’s worth in “ En- durance.†,W. G. Baldock Limited ................... Summit Garage Poultry Supplies 529