Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Aug 1929, p. 7

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PEERLESS Gas is rich and volatile. This is Reason Number 3 why you should use it regularly, and gain maximum-amount of mileage per gallon with your car. HALL’S 2 535m VKCZE fl. STA TI ©N RICHMOND magmffi PHONE 153 # Greasing of all kinds ‘3 specialty PAINTER & DECORATOR H. FORSTER We are the authorized dealers in this district for the Famous Castrol Cylinder Oil. Exclusive Dealer for Firestone Tires Coal Oil, Full line of Auto Acâ€" cessories, Radio Parts and Re- pairs. Cars Washed and Polished. “Be Ready with Reddy Power" MAXI Mu THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1929 Telephone Stouffville 6116 Wall Paper Supplied if Desired Agent for , FIRE, LIFE. AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE GUARANTEE BONDS Office in the Post Office Block TEL. 118 Richmond Hill Phoneâ€"-\Villowdale 96W POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. W. N. ‘Mabbett ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR A. G. SAVAGE VICTORIA SQUARE c, Fr. A. c, Fr. C. c. Jean Hall, Lit. c C. Hist. 2, Alg. 1, Geom. c. Donald Hick, Anc. Hist. c, Phys. 3, Lat. A. 3, Lat. C. 0, Fr. A. c, Fr. C. c. Dorothy Hick, Anc. Hist. 2, Alg. c. Mary Hickey, Anc. Hist. 3, Phys. c, Lat. A. 1, Lat. C. c. Jack Hillier, Anc. Hist 3, Phys. 2, Chem. 3, Lat. A. c, Lat. C. 2, Fr. C. 3. Gladys Hooper,.C. Hist c, Alg, c. Ralph James, Lit. c, Alg. 2, Geom. 2. Grace Johnston, Comp. c. William Kendall, C. Hist. 3, Alg c. Marie Leary, Alg. 3. Ralph Mackie, Lit. c, C. Hist. 2, Alg. c, Geom. c. Vera Morris, Can. Hist. 2, Am. Hist. c, Alg. 1, Phys. c. Willi- am Noble, Lit. 3, C. Hist. 1, Alg. 2, Geom. 3. Anna Phipps, Lit. 3, C. Hist. 2, Alg. 3. Roy Plewman, C. Hist. 2, Alg, 2. William Proctor, C. Hist. 2, Alg. c, Geom. c. Mary Rea- mzm, Anc. Hist. 1, Phys. c, Chem. 3, |Lat. C. 2, Fr. A. 2, Fr. C. 2. Grace iVaJliere, Anc. Hist. c, Chem. c, Lat. RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTIONS ‘ Taking into consideration both the Departmental results announced last week and also the standing- of the pupils on promotion exams. held and marked by the High School staff, the following promotions have been made The list headed (A) contains the names of those who have passed in Form 11 to Form III A.â€"Floyd Beemer, Betty Campbell Molly Dyme, Leonard Fish, Margaret Jefferys, Lola Jones, Isobel McLean, Marguerite Manley, Ruth Odlum, May Plewman, Edna Reaman, Mae Sheppard, Harvey Smith, Margaret Trench, David Vanek, Olive Wilson. B.â€"Mary' Brillinger, (Geom.); Eleanor Drury (Germ.); Philip Gra- ham, (F12); Esther Johns, (Arith); Dorothy Mason, (Geom); ‘ Stanley Moore, (F12); Victor Moore, (Fr.); Betty Rumble, (Arith); Morley San- ders, (F11); Bartlett Smith (Geom.). The Department of Education an- nounces the results of the. Middle School Exams. held here at midâ€"sum- mer. The following pupils have pass- ed in all the subjects written:â€" Form I to Form 11 A.â€"â€"Lois Armstrong, Elaine Beatty Sheila Beresford, Archie Bull, Earl Bull, Velma Carson, Erma Clubine, Doris Cook, Mary Gillings, Reta Grant, Barbara Jefferys, Robert Lit- tle, Bertha. Lund, Catharine Mac- Quarrie, Herbert Mason, Jean Midd- leton, Lyllian Montgomery, Dorothy Mulligan, Mary O’Brien, Elsie Paris, Helen Paxton, Marion Smith. B.â€"â€"Bessie Brett, (Alg.); Hugh Carter (F12); Marguerite Gla5s (F12) Edgar James (F12); Adele Savage John Bruce, Nellie Collins, Nelda Davis, Cecile Dudley, Alan Duncan, Harry Dyme, Annie Elliot, Winnie Gillings, Kathleen Hodgins, Ruby Jefferies, Elizabeth Jefferys, James Kerswill, Jacob Koning, Katie Kozak, James Langstaff, Mildred Mackie, Walter Mason, Kathleen Morris, Floyd fiel‘kins, Margaret Plewman, Clarence Price, Irene Routley, Lucy Savage, Mildred Sims, Evelyn Waugh John Wilson, Laverne Wright, Lucy Yerex. (Alg.) C after the name of the subjects indi cates a pass; 1, a and 3 indicate hon our standing. ‘ The following candidates have been partially successful, passing in the subjects indicated after each namfl all the subjects of their course and are promoted unconditionally to the next form. The (B) list indicates those who have failed in one subject (in brackets after each name). Such pupils must repeat this subject in the lower form or abandon it. Commercial I to II Aâ€"Wilber Burford, Blanche Dews- bury, Eveline Ellacott, Isabel Farr, Dorothy Frewin, Noreen Haworth, Bernice Healey, Eleanor Kennedy, Alma Pratt. Pauline Angle, " Lit. 3, C. Hist. 1, Alg. 2,‘Geom. II. Elizabeth Baker, Comp. c, Lit 2, C. Hist. 1, Alg. 3, Geom. c. Kathleen Burns, Lit. c; C. Hist. 1, Alg. 2, Geom. c. Burton Colâ€" lins, Anc. Hist. c, Alg, c, Alg. c, Fr. A. c, Fr .0. c. Donald Frisby, Anc. Hist 1, Lat. C. < 3, Phys. 2, 2, Fr. C. 3 c, Alg. c. 2, Geom. 2 C. C. Willia- Marie Bâ€"Claire Cook (Eng. ), Nancy Davies (Gram.); Kenneth Frisby (Arith). Valliere, Anc. Hist. c, Chem. c, Lat. A. 2, Lat. C. 3, Fr. A. 2, Fr. C. 2. Lloyd Vanderburgh, Comp. c. Mona ; Woods, Lit. c, C. Hist. 2, Arm. Hist. c, Alg. c. Promotions from Form III to Form IV and from Form IV to Form \K based upon the above results and also on promotion exams. set and marked by the High School staff will be an- nounced next week. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND MAPLE ANNUAL FIELD DAY ON SATUR- DAY, AUGUST 3lst. Subscr County’s per year MIDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS SCHOOL REPORT Newsi The Liberal York ; Home Paper $1.50 Some weeks ago, an article wasl published under the above heading, which‘concluded by urging that the provision of adequate medical and nursing care for every mother, both before and during her confinement, be accepted as a national policy, and €that every community in Canada be- ‘stir itself to see that such services were made available for each mother in the community. Since the publi- cation of this article, requests have come for information as to what might be done, and an opportunity .presents itself to reply, in a second article, to the questions suggested by the previous one. In a country so widespread and so varying in population and in climate, it is impossible to lay down a plan which would be suitable for all. The best that can be done is to state what should be provided and then to urge the communities, who know their own conditions, their particular needs and their resources, to work out a plan suitable to their locality. Every expectant mother should have ante-natal care, which means an early examination and supervision during FJ. MANSBRIDGE J. W. WELLMAN Boots and Shoes Telephone SG-J Richmond Hill On1 We Specialize in Ladies and Children’s Hosiery Phone 119 Richmond Hill TOBACCO ICE CREAM and CONFECTIONERY FILMS and DEVELOPING TOBACCO and SUNDRIES First Class Provisions Compare Our Prices Before Buying Elsewhere RICHMOND HILL DAIRY GASOLINE Castrol Auto Oils Firestone Tires, Fada and Marconi Radios Super Power. Peerless and Ether BUTCHER Government Inspected Meats kept under Mechanical Refrigeration Make your Phone Useful Phone 97 Richmond Hill We Delivery Promptly Pasteurized Milk and Cream Phone 42-J Richmond Hill and our Driver will call GROCERIES, FRUITS CONFECTIONERY Superior Chain Store THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTAW M ATERN AL MORTALITY CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Try our Special Blend Coffee Phone 20-W W. C. SAVAGE Through the co-operation of the Business Men listed be low, we will reproduce a series of educational articles endeav~ oring to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring about a more progressive community in which to live. ' General Workmen’s Furnishings DA VI ES’ DRY. GOODS H. F. AUSTIN Service Station TELEPHONE 122 CLOTHING RICHMOND HILL Buy-at-Home Campaign F. E. SIMS HA LL’S Druggist COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE HEALTH SERVICE Led Milk Ontario OF THE her entire pregnancy by her physici- an. At the time of her confinement, she should have her doctor and also the services of a graduate nurse. The properly qualified nurse does not take the plape of the doctor, but, working ‘under {he doctor’s direction, she is as indispensable as is the doctor himself. There is also need for hospital accom- modation for those cases which can- not be' properly cared for at home. bounds When a community is ready to face this problem, or when some interested persons are willing to make an effort to do something, it is advisable for lthem to consult with the county or district medical society and with the Health Officer. The lay group and the professional group should work together in making a study as to par- ticular needs and, regarding plans for ,the future. Representatives from the local nursing profession should, of course, be included in such a con- ference. The apparent impossibility of doing everything that should be done‘is no reason for deterring a willing grOup from doing their utmost at present. Progress is made by /small steps just as surely as by occasional leaps and PHONE web i-RESIDENCE V Io ;. j” 851.. QfieAnme/ré? [/29me Quest/bu Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Little Brothers Investment Securities Phone 87 Richmond Hill Would you live in a town where there were no stores and you had to travel several miles every time wished to buy some article? Certainly not. The expense of living in such a place would be too great. It would cost you too much to get to your source of supply, aside from the prices which you might be obliged to pay in another city. Be- sides, merchants in these other cities would not know you, trust you and place confidence in you. In supporting your merchant you are also support- ing yourself. Every dollar you spend in Richmond Hill adds to the progress of your town and every dollar you spend somewhere else retards the success of Rich- mond Hill. People of this town want to live in a pros- perous community. They have a sensation of pride when someone refers to it as a “live town.” It is a “live town” only because of the support of its residents. If everyone were to suddenly decide to buy nothing here, the town would not last a year. People would move away. As long as the residents continue to sup- port local merchants, the town will prosper. You are a resident. Will you be found lacking? The merchant is necessary in the community. He is your servant. He is a community leader. He supâ€" ports your schools, churches and civic institutions and gives you the advantage of a market at your very door. For all this your merchant is entitled to your supâ€" port. If he is necessary to the community he is neces- sary to you, and it is your duty to buy goods and en- able him to continue business. Ford Sales and Service GAS OIL J. R. Herrington INSURANCE REAL ESTATE H. J. MILLS LIMITED Repairs BUY-AT-HOME CAMPAIGN SUPPORT LOCAL MERCHANTS AND HELP OUR TOWN GROW Heartin Endorse This YOUR MERCHANT Phone 27 Centre St. Richmond Hill York Countys Newsiest Home Paper And Best Advertising Medium Richmond Hill Ontario HAULIN G Phone 107-F Richmond Hill Lumber Co. BUILDER’S SUPPLIES A. C ruickshank CARTAGE Locai and Long Distance Save yourself at our expense The Lib Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the famâ€" ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of five difier- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"~all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. , No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. We Call In Richmond Hill District TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for. Call up as early as convenient to insure prowl: attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Liberal Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Lakeside 5280 JONES iberal 187 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. A complete Garage Service Phone 68 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Hand Tailored Garments For Ladies and Men Cleaning and Pressing Phone 5-J Richmnod Hill Phone 139-M Richmond Hill and TOBACCOS Dealers in DURANT AUTOMOBILES Richmond Hill W. G. BALDOCK Phone 5-W Richmond Hill LEADER CHAIN STORE GROCERIES and FRUIT CHINA and GLASSWARE Phone 3 Richmond Tailors J. A. GREENE ALFRED PLUMBING, HI and TINSMITJ THE RUSTIC INN MEALS and LUNCHES ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONERY Phone 8 Richmond Hill D. HILL 8: CO. McLaughlin Buick Pontiac Service With Quality Wholesale J obbers CONFECTIONERY J. & M. STEIN For Every Need J. P. GLASS THE MILL Fresh and Cured J.F.BURR FEEDS MEATS ED MILLS Richmond Hill PAGE SEWER EATI HTNI tario

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