VOL. LII Two local rinks competed in the Stouffville tournament on Wednesday afternoon and the rink skipped by Wes Wellman was successful in winnâ€" ing the first prize. The individual .prizes were Kenwood blankets. The personnel of the rinks: George Glenn, P. G. Hill, G. Willis. Wes Wellman, skip; A. G. Savage, George Gee, E. T. Stephens, A. E. Glass, skip. successful in winning. His rink was Miss Endean, Mr. Glenn, Mrs. Kers-' will, and E. T. Stephens, skip. Teams skipped by A. E. Glass and W. Wellâ€" man came second and third respect~ WRECKING THEATRE BUILDING 1V8 On Monday the local green was the scene of the play-off for the W. H. Legge cup, Mr. Stephen’s rink was Telnperman & Sons, of Toronto, are busy this week wrecking the theatre building on Yonge Street. The building was never completed in its construction, and as the walls started to crumble it was decided to have it o=o====ol=lo==o=ox Bowling Notes 1 m m 0V9 feet “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†McLaughlin-Buick I] BA 0 n Its dimen omedy “ The Salesman 10=0l=10=0=0=0=0= O ns are 60 x On Wednesday evening the members of Richmond Lodge A‘. F. & A.M. for the first time wore “Gold†on all re- galia which is the privilige allowed this Lodge by the Grand Lodge in consideration of its continuous history which dates back more than one Hun- dred years. This is a privilige enâ€" joyed by only about twelve of the six ‘hundred lodges in the jurisdiction. The officers and members of Corinth- ian Lodge, Toronto, ‘were guests for the occasion and there was a large attendance of local and visiting brethren. At the fourth degree a delightful entertainment was provid- ed by the visiting brethren. Young Richmond held an roast at t day eveni lighte and RICHMOND LODGE MEMBERS WEAR “GOLD†m The members of the Choir and lung Women’s Auxiliary of the chmond Hill Presbyterian Church M an enjoyable corn and weiner ast at the Mackey flats on Wednes- ,y evening. A large bon fire was {Med and a fine program of music ld games was concluded with a ENJOYABLE CORN AND \VEINER ROAST offee serving 0:0] “In Essentials, Unity; In [Yon-essentials. Liberty: In /111 Things. Charitv: 0:0 RICHMOND HIEL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1929 Women’s Institute Regular Meeting The meeting of the Women’s Insti- tute held in the home of Miss E. Mc- Lean, September 12th was attended by enthusiastic Institute workers and the address given by Mr. Herbert, as- sistant inspector of Public Libraries in Ontario was heard with a great deal of interest. Mr. Herbert brought information which will be of great help to the women here as the pur- pose of the Institute is to Work for the erection of a library building. The fact that out of the 600 libraries in Canada 515 of them being in Ontario shows the interest which people gen- erally are taking- in this community work. The Institute programme for the year, which fOIIOWS in this report will be of interest, and women are cordi- ally invited to attend any and all of the meetings. Programmeâ€"October 10, 3 p. m. Mrs. A. E. Plewmanâ€"Roll Cally Cur- rent events; Speaker, Mrs. W. C. Coulter. Toronto; Echoes from the League of Nations. November 14, 8 p. m. Mrs. Ira Ramer. Roll Call, Salads to serve with dinner; Speaker, Mrs. G. Cooke, Beamsville; Importâ€" ance of balanced ration. December 12 at 3 p. m. Mrs. W. Mylks. Roll lCall, Last minute gifts; Apron Parade Prizes awarded; Speaker, Institute members; Sketches from the lives of Canadian writers. January 9 at 8 p. m. Dr. Lillian Langstaff. Speaker, Mr. A. J. Clark; Archaeology, His- tory’s Preface. February 13, at 3 p. m. Mrs. W. J. Taylor. Roll Call, Beauties of Friendship; Program, Aurora Institute. March 13 at 8 p. m. High School Gym. Speaker, University Extension; Public meeting April 10 at, 3 p. m. Mrs. Wm. Cook. Roll call, jokes; Speaker, Mrs. Mary Graves, district president; Paper, Miss A. Moyle; Canadian Wheat. May 8 at 3 p. m. Mrs. O. L. Wright. Roll Call, annual fee; Annual meeting reports of officers and committees; Election of Officers. At a special meeting of the Rich- ‘ mond Hill council held on Monday evening, R. W. Atkinson, of Richmond Hill, was awarded the contract to place a new galvanized iron roof on the municipal arena. The complete tender price was $1568.70 and the ‘work will be proceeded with as soon; as possible. This was the lowest of three tenders for a galvanized iron and although prices were obtained on 1 various other roofing materials the; council members decided in favor of. the galvanized. " “The town should: have its lesson from the roof which We are now replacing†said councillor‘ Sims. ‘ GALVANIZED ROOF FOR THE RINK The Women’s Institute, of Vellore, held a banquet last Friday night in honour of those who won prizes for judging at the C.N.E. The Women’s Institute, of Vellore, met at the home of Mrs. A. Carson, Wednesday. A number of people from here at- tended a corn roast on Saturday night at, Wm._Ireland’s, Woodhill. Every- one reported a good time. The Ladies Aid of Teston, met at the home of Mrs. Washington Dice- man,"on Thursday, with a. good atten- dance. Miss Reta Haight, pf Aurora, spent the weekâ€"end with Miss Reta McClus- key. Mrs. W. Armstrong, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Wilson. A number of the ladies here intend to visit the King Missionary Society on Wednesday, when a special meet- ing is being staged with prominent sneakers. Suitable landing fields There must be an open rounded by something th “barely clear†in the tak speakers TESTON an open Lhing‘ the the take are scarce space sur- planes can off. Ll M ITE D 24 hour service. PASS STRONG RESOLUTION CON- DEMNING SALE BY GOVERN- MENT LIQUOR STORES GovernmentControl Opposed By W.M.S. The Sectional Conference of the United Church W.M.S. (northern sec- tion) held in King on Wednesday, September 18th, was attended by sev- eral of the ladies from the Richmond Hill United Church, who report a very helpful conference. Reports from different departments showed pro- gress in all lines of activity and soc- ieties are meeting their allocation. The following resolution was read and adopted; “That this Conference of the oflicers and members of The Women’s Miss- ionary Societies of the Northern Sec- tion of Toronto Centre Presbyterial of Toronto Conference of the United Church reaffirms its position as be- ing unalterably opposed to the manu- facture and sale of intoxicating liqu- icrs for beverage purposes. We deplore the fearful loss in char- acter, life, health and money by the use of intoxicants. We are certain that the system of liquor control op- erating through Ontario Government liquor stores has enormously increas- ‘ed the use of intoxicants and that still more deplorable results would follow its continuance. We, therefore, urge upon The Leg- islature the total prohibition of the traffic in strong drink within our Province. We would call upon all citizens to unite in efforts to destroy the liquor traffic, which is a fearful menace to our homes and to our youth.†| An unique and notable event was celebrated on Friday evening last when about three hundred residents of Vaughan township were guests of the Vellore VVomen’s Institute at a ‘complimentary banquet tendered to ‘the young men’s and young women’s judging teams which competed at the Canadian National Exhibition and to those who competed and won prizes at the spring County judging competâ€" itions held at Richmond Hill in May. Notable among the guests was the Girls judging team which won the premier honors at the C.N.E. for gYork County and the personnel of the team as announced in last week’s Lib- eral was: Miss Mary Barker, Temperâ€" ‘lanceville; Miss Jean McKinnon, Vel- ‘klore and Miss Greta Ratcliffe, Stoutf- ‘lville. The members of the men’s 'judging team and winners at the ![spring competition also occupied hon- .lored positions at the head table. OVER THREE HUNDRED ATTEND COMPLIMENTARY BANQUET TENDERED BY VELLORE \VOMEN’S INSTITUTE Mr. George Putman, superintendent of Women’s Institutes ably acted as Toastmaster for the occasion and fol- ‘lowing the toast to. the King, Mr. 'Clarence Graham who has brought honor- to Vaughan township many times in judging competitions propos- ‘ed the toast to “The Ladies.W Miss Mary Barker, of Temperanceville re- plied on behalf of the fair sex. The ltoast to “The Boys†was sponsored by Miss G. McKinnon, of Vellore, and was responded to by Donald Deyell, of Edgeley. “The Department of Agriculture†was proposed by Robert Watson and responded to by R. E. White, district representative in the County of York. “Vaughan Town- ship†was ably proposed by Mr. Jack ‘McNeil and was responded to by Reeve James Robson and deputy- reeve J. T. Saigeon. The members of the winning girls’ judging team were presented by Mr. R. E. White and Miss Eddie, with’ miniature silver trophies. Musical numbers were rendered during the evening by Rutherford Brothers, Miss Purcell, Miss Laurena Rutherford, and McDonald Brothers and were much appreciated. All the speakers were unanimous in paying tribute to the Vellore “'omen’s Institute for the mplir Vellore 211‘ ‘anquet 11 itute for the rompted the and for the and j Insti co-op wome comm‘ shoulj and i‘ the 5% ce wq tyme thre whic Prod to L adve ‘colun ‘fine by a‘. Th‘ Steel . M I"THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT“ YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. ALL TALKING SINGING RICHARD BARTHELMESS SATURDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY, Sept. 21, 23, 24 Hear Him Sing gar’s ed t accep Wood Step} Step} hoste WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, Sept. 25, 26, 27 The Trial of Mary Dugan MI brate 12th, from vicm and very TALKING and SOUND SYNCOPATION A GLORIOUS REVUE OF SONG and MELODY that has SET THE NATION HUMING TUNES! Singing, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Sept. 28, 30, Oct. lst HEAR THE WHOLE CAST TALK COMEDY NEWS BEDFORD THEATRE THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT See and Hear Richard Barthelmess in' his first talking picture. . . COMEDY _ r “m Sing I NEWS _ EVENTS Hear Hlm NORMA SHEAR ER J. McNeil, on behalf of ALL TALKING TALKING, Dancing PICTURES â€"withâ€" Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Victoria Square Hear Him Play BARBARA BENNETT MOR TON DO W NEY WITH No. 12