THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ll SOCIAL and 26. 1929 PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Buchanan visâ€" ited Mrs. R. Buchanan. of Barrie, on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, Jr., of Schomberg. vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Caldwell on Saturday. Miss Alice Whitscll, of Detroit. vis- ited at the home of Mrs. Charles Boy- iiton over the weekâ€"end. Mr. Jack Helmkay. of Detroit, re- turned'last Wednesday after visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Helm- kay for a couple of weeks. Prof. and Mrs. Montgomery But- Chart, of Ann Harbor University, Michigan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dunlop last week. Mrs. Wm. Bayes and little son Billy of Bolton, visited Mrs. Lambert At- kinson during last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wilson and Miss Bessie Wilson, of North Toronto, spent Monday with_Mr. and Mrs. Ber- esford, Arnold Street. Mr. and Mrs. R w_ Gminger, Mr. Doner,) will resume piano teaching, .the evening Mr. Millstead, of Union- Frank Grainger, and Miss Audrey Ough, of Newmarket, spent Sunday in Peterboro. . Miss Dorothy Leech is spending a few days with friends in Barife. Mr. and Mrs. George Cruickshanks and daughter Jean, spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Mrs. J. R. Baker, of Grand Valley. who has been spending the summer with her two daughters, Mrs. Lewis Clement, and Mrs. Wm. Tyndall, re- turned home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tyndall and Mrs. Teetzel ac- companied her and attended Granu Valley Fair on Wednesday. I Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lloyd who visâ€" ited in this district for about four weeks this pleasant motor trip. one of our Western subscribers andl . I reports the crops in his district fairly held at RIChmond Hill, Saturday, Oc- good this year. . Mr. R. B. Toetzel, of Highgate with Mr. and Mrs. B. Teetzel and Mrs. Wm. Tyndall, of Richmond Hill, ac- eompanied Mrs. Wm. Reanian to Sev- ern Bridge on Sunday and spent the day there. Mrs. Laidlaw, of California, is vis- iting her sï¬ters, the Misses Page, Yonge Street. ‘ Mr. Horace Capcll who has been spending the summer in Nova Scotia, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Capell, Elizabeth St., on Sunday. Miss Gertrude Clarke, of the Civil Service Department, Ottawa, and Miss Mildred Brock, of Strathroy, were guests of Mrs. H. A. Nicholls and Miss Russell last week. Misses Page visited friends in Mapâ€" le- on Wednesday of this week‘. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Allison and litt- le'Margaret spent Sunday, in Port Perry, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sanderson. of Hamilton, returned home last Thursâ€" day after spending a pleasant week with Mrs. Sander-son’s mother, Mrsu Thos. Harding, Yonge Street, and Mrs. Alice Sanderson, Roseview Ave. Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Carroll, of Tor- BOY CLAIMED HE LIVED IN RICHMOND HILL A nine year old boy sitting on the curb on North Yonge Street hailed a ride with a Thornhill resident late last night, but on reaching Thornhill the lad said he lived in Richmond Hill and his benefactor kindly drove him this far. On reaching here however the boy acted strangely and did not know where he lived. He was turn~ ed over to Chief Barraclough who get busy this morning and found that the boy's homo was in Toronto and that he had run away on prevmus occas- ions. ‘, gs..wa Edgeley Mr. and Mrs. Myrtle Stephenson, Mr. Bet Sutton and Mr. Donald Mcâ€" Fee motored to Griinsby on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson and fam- ily attended the Moynihan reunion at Ballantual on Sunday. . Mr. Percy Bennett, of Richmond Hill, has commenced his duties as Herdsman on the MeCleary farm. Miss Mona Smith called on friends at Queensville this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Luellyn and family motored to Kitchener on Thursday evening. , Many of the Ladies attended Ladies Aid meeting at Mrs. H. ‘vVhitmore’s on Thursday afternoon. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Today We are thinking of one, RICHMOND HILL REV. C. GRAY EAKINS, M. A., Incumbent Harvest Festival Services Thursday. September 26th p. m. Rev. F. H. Gibbs. B. A. St. Anne‘s, Toronto 8 Sunday, September 29th S a. ni.â€"â€"Holy Communion 11 a. m. â€" Morning Prayer 3 p. m.â€"Sunday School SALVATION ARMY. RICHMOND HILL CORPS Officers in Charge CAPT. ROYLE LIEUT. MCCOMBES Sunday Services Holiness Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 11 a. m. Sadly missed by â€" Daughter Salvation Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 7 p. m. summer have returned mencing at 1 p. m. Parents and ex- home safely at Wylkie, Sask., after a P1113115 are inVited to be present. The Mr- Lloyd is winners of the events will take part onto. visited Mrs. Carroll sister, Mrs. L. H. Clement on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hall lei; on Sunday for an extended motor trip through the States. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. COOK returned last Saturday after spending a week with friends in Belleville‘. Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson attended the funeral of the little son of Mr. and ; Mrs. Wm. G. Wellman, formerly of Headford, in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham and, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graham spent‘ Sunday with friends in Brampton. ‘ Mr. Percy Quantz spent the week-, end at Port Severn, Ontario. Mrs. M. E. Morris and fainiiy I'Gâ€"l turned from spending the summer in‘ Muskoka, last Friday. Mrs. Glaser, Mrs. Linton and daugh- ter Lucille, Mrs. Siddons and son Junior, motored from Chicago and' spent a few days with their aunt Mrs. Neill. Mrs. R. C. Beatty, (nee \I'erdellal the first of October, at the same studio, Centre Street, West. and will be pleased to accept. any new pupils wishing to begin. Rev. Dr. Daniels. of Jefferson, who suffered severe injuries when struck by a car on Yonge Street, near his home a short time ago is progressing exceptionally well in the Western Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Collison, of Swan-‘ sea. called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Mills on Sunday. Mr. Jas. Kirswell, Church Street, who has been critically ill the past few weeks, is making slow progress towards recovery. HIGH SCHOOL FIELD DAY The annual High school Field Day will be held on Wednesday, October 2nd on the High School grounds, com- in the North York Field Day to be tober 12th. NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES A new directory of the Richmond Hill telephone exchange has been pub- lished for distribution through the courtesy of J. R. Herrington, Real Estate and Insurance, Glenn’s Drug Store and The Liberal. This conven- ient wall card has been distributed to householders but if by any chance you have been overlooked a copy may be secured from any one of the above mentioned. Residents outside the village who would like a copy may al- to secure one for the asking. It is very important that you destroy the old cards as there are many additions and changes in the new list. Tele- phone users greatly appreciate the card which is always handy when hung beside your telephone. Y. W. A. MEETING The Y. W. A. of the United Church will hold their first meeting of the season on Tuesday, October lst at 8‘ o’clock p. m., at the home of MiSs Wright, Church Street. We extend a cordial invitation to everyone to be present. UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. The regular meeting of the United Church W .M.S. will be held Thursday October 3rd at 8 p. m., in the school Room of the church. The program will be taken from the Missionary and ladies are kindly asked to bring the September numoer with them. The President earnestly asks all members to be present, as there are important business questions to consider. All ladies of the congre-- gation are cordially invited to attend. NO CHANGE FORSEEN IN FORD MODELS Little Brothers, local Ford dealers when interviewed by The Liberal this morning characterized as ‘fAbsurd†the report in the Toronto press that the Ford factory had laid off several thousands of men. “This hardly seems likely†said Mr. Little “in the face of the leading sale record estab- lished by Ford, and the demand for the car both in United States and Canada.†He said there was no in- timation of a new model and said that some of the suggestions in the press story were ridiculous. He thought there was absolutely no foundation for the publication of such reports. CARD OF THANKS ' Mrs. Wm. Pingle and Irene. wish to express their sincere appreciation to their friends. for the sympathy and kindness extended to them in their reâ€" cent bereavement. IN MEMORIAM MINTONâ€"In loving memory of Will- iam Minton, our dear husband and father, who died September 27, 1928 Who was so loving, kind and trim, Whose smile was as dear as the sun- shine. Dear husband. that someone was your Loving and thoughtful always. Cheerful right to the end, Real father, true husband always. To all who knew him, a friend. â€"Wife and Family. 1N MEMORIAM I MINTONâ€"In loving memory or our dear father. Wm. Minton, who died September 27. 1928. One year has passed since that sad day God called the one we loved away. Forget him. No we never will, As years roll by we love him still. Annie. Robert and Grandchildren THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ’ WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM ~â€"â€"â€"..~_ â€"_â€"â€"_â€"â€"_.___ PAGE FIVE THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT,I icy. J, J. Robbins. Mr. A. Hill. Missâ€"Baker c5 Haughan, Lea and Court attendedmusn- was also given. on "Sin". Pleasing special Following the the organization meeting of the Ioculprogrum a short time was giv'on 1,, ,council of the Deanery of East York A.Y.P.A., Hall at in connection with the held in All Saints Parish Whitby on Saturday last. We are glad to report the favorable convalescence of Mr. Wm. smith. fol- lowing a serious operation at. St. Michael's Hospital last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Bell. Toronto, spent Tuesday in the vicinity. Mr. \V. Ellis, Paris. visited friends in town over the weekâ€"enn. Mr. Wm. Laird, Toronto, ~.~.~no has just returned from an extended visit to Ireland, spent the week-end at Mrs. S. Ash's. The Anniversary SOTVCCs at Brown's Corners United (’Eiui'ch on Sunday last were well uticndcd and impressive programmes givcn at both morning and evening service. Rev. McLaughlin occupied the pulpit with a quartettc from St. Andrew's United Church, Markham, and Victoria Square choir supplying the special music. On Sunday next. tars. Stuart Woods, of Markham, will give the Rally Day address at 11 a. m. wnnc in ville will address the young people. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephenson, of To- ronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown on Sunday last. Mrs. J. Lunau and Mrs. Galloway. visited friends in Toronto over the week-end. An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. E. Walton on Monday last, when 50 young people of St. Col- iumbus United church, Toronto, Were entertained to a corn and weiner roast by the Y.P.S. of Brown's Corners United Church. A special featuic- of the entertainment was an old fash- ioned camp fire singâ€"song. On Thursday evening last a pleas- ant time was spent at the home of Miss GIadys-McMullen when a numb- er of young people gathered to pre- sent a shower to Mrs. Roy Lotton, nee Mable Rudkin. , The lovely gifts were an expression of the popularity of the young lady, games and refreshments were also pleasing items on the pro- gram. Mr. A. H. Canning was an Agin- court visitor on Tuesday last. During a severe electrical storm that passed over this vicinityon Aug- ust 23rd. St. John’s United Church (formerly Presbyterian) was burned to the ground, thus effacing from Markham township a point of histor- ical interest. On Saturday after- noon last a unique service was held in the old church yard Where the memâ€" bers of the church assembled to open the receptacle found in the corner stone. The honor of opening the jar was conferred upon Miss Eleanor Hood, the only surviving charter member, who was the first organist and president of the W.M.S. Auxili- ary for 32 years. The glass jar was found to contain a Canadian Almanac copies of the Globe and Leader, The Presbyterian Record, Canadian Farm- er, Good News, Home and Foreign Missionary Magazines, all dated 1864 as well as several coins, small bottles of grain etc. Preliminary to the 0pâ€" ening of the jar, Rev. Stuart Woods. the present pastor, gave a brief his- tory of the church, and the charter membership roll was read, on which the well-known names of Hood, Gibâ€" son. Glendenning, appeared. Rev. H. H. Eaton, Unionville, and Rev. Mc- Donald, Agincourt, also assisted in the service. Future plans ror the con- gregation are undecided as yet, and for the present services are being held in the home of Miss Eleanor Hood. Miss Joan Sabiston was hostess to a number of her little friends on Tue- sday evening last. . _ The A.Y.P.A. of St. Phillip’s Ang- lican Church, enjoyed a pleasant. even- ing at. the home of Miss Phyllis Lea on Friday last. The hon-fire at the edge of the Rouge was an ideal sett- ing for a corn roast and 75 young people took advantage of this oppor- tunity for a good time. An expresâ€" sion of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Lea for their kind hospitality is extended by the executive of the A.Y.P.A. for this memorable evening. . _ Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eakin, Californâ€" ia, Mrs. Dr. Watson, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington on Wednesday last. _ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Padget. Agin- court, Mr. M. Hagerman, Toronto, called on friends in town on Sunday lasllif d M C Hagerman Toron- r. an rs. . , to, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Noble unda . . onTTie Y.P,.S. of Central United Churâ€" ch spent an enjoyable social evening at the home of Mr. Geo. Carr on Sat- urday evening. The. ever popular corn roast being the prinCipal item on the ro ram. Mii. aid Mrs. P. Dixon were Toronto visitors on Monday last. A number of our citizens attended the corner stone ceremony in St Johns Church yard on Saturdav last. We are sorry to report Mr. James Clayton ill, having taken a stroke last Monday evening. Mr. George Whaley was a Toronto visitor on Tuesday last. ,Mi's, C. H. Stiver spent a few days in Toronto this week. Mr. Robert Duncan and daughter Marjorie ~visited Mrs. (Dr.) Geo. Rel- lv, sr., on Sunday last. ' . Rev. and Mrs. Bunner. Bowmanvdle visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden over the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner were guests of Mr. and 1Mrs. P. Dixon on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Burnett visited .friends in Uxbridge On Friday, also attending Lindsay fair on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eakin. Califor- nia, Mrs. Dr. \Vutson, Toronto. were iguests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. M. Dav- ison on Sunday. Mr. Geo. Gormley left on “Wednesâ€" dav evening last for Saulte Ste Marie where b0 is acting as judge of horses. Mr. Lewis Stiver and Mr. Clayton. Wallen left on Tuesday to attend Ter- onto Normal School. The Buttonville Junior Institute met at the home of .‘aiiss Jessie Thompson on Saturday afternmn last The program given by their guests the Victoria Square Institute was a good one. The principal item of which was a splendid talk by Mrs. I games. then the usual social hour and refreshments by the hostesses. In all a most delightful afternoon was spent. Rcv. Bunner, Bowmanville. who serâ€" ved in the Unionville charge 38 years ago occupied the pulpit of Central United Church last Sabbath morning. Our town has been favored (2’) with a couple of mid-night visit- ations lately. on Sunday, the garage owned by Mr. \V. Hawkins was brok- on into and $90.00 worth of goOdS. (tires and auto accessories) were stolâ€" en, on the following Thursday night a like offence was committed at. Mr. A. L. Brown's store. But owing to the offenders becoming alarmed and mak- ing a hurried escape the loss was not as great. Our citizens feel that such visitations are becoming too numerous and trust that the offenders will soon be located‘and an end put to such work. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and son of Aurora, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McDowell last week-end. Mrs. l'lundershot. Toronto. spent the weekâ€"end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Boadway. Mr. Jas. Devins, chinbui’g, Jas. Farr, Tisdale, Sask., were guests of Mrs. R. L. Stiver on Monday. Miss Kate Craig has returned to Buffalo after spending a pleasant holiday at her home. Miss Jean Duncan, VVoodford, who has been spending a week with Miss Drew Kelly is visiting friends in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Noble were To- ronto visitors on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Parkes, Toronto, were guests of Miss Eleanor Hood on Satâ€" urday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hood were pop- ular host and hostess on Tuesday eve- ning last when at their lovely home “Rowanwood,†the Y. P. S. of Knox Presbyterian Church, Agincourt en- said list The spaciousi joyed a fine time. grounds along with the huge bOn ï¬re, made an ideal play ground for the 75 young people. The sports com- mittee provided a good program. whi- ch concluded with an Old fashioned singâ€"song. The refreshments conSISt- ing of corn. weiners. pumpkin pie. etc left nothing to be desired at this de- lightful party. A hearty vote of appreciation was accorded Mr. and Mrs. Hood. Mrs. Walker, of Aurora, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stiver last week. Mr. and Mrs. Buckle, aurora, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stiver on Fri- day. MARCEL AND CURL Phone UNIONVILLE 900 For Appointment. MRS. BELLE MORDEN ! 1 A Few Of Check Up Up. Your Fur Requirements Now! are Our Prices At Downtown Stag ‘ Recent Sale Price Advertisements of Leading Dept. Stores and Furriers, Notice of Sittings of Revising Officer For The Electoral District of East York ' TAKE NOTICE that sittings oi“ the Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the voters’ lists to be used at election of a member of the Assembly pending for the Electoral District of East York will be held to bear complaints as to the list of voters for the varâ€" ious municipalities comprised in IIM‘ said Electoral District, and that HIS HONOUR JUDGE LEE will be the Revising Officer. . Sittings will be held for the various municipalities at the places and times indicated below and the Clerk of each municipality (whose name and address appears below) will act as the Revising Officer's Clerk for all ap- peals concerning his municipality and all such appeals must be filed with him on or before the date :ippraring in the fifth column below opposite his name. Municipality Place of Last day for Sitting filing appeals â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"___._.____~_____ Village of Municipal Hall. Monday. A. P. Graham. Thursday. Mai'n'nam Markham 7th October, Markham .‘lrd October 192‘.) ll) am. 192‘.) Mondug. J. S. Doughcriy,Thursday. 7th October, Stouffvlllc 3rd October 1929 :3 p. in. 1929 Tuesday, G. A. M. Davison Friday. Time & Date Clerk Stouffvilic Municipal llall. Stouffvillc Township 0: Municipal llull. Markham Unionville Rib October. Unionville 4th October 1929 10 am. 1929 Richmond Municipal Hall. Tuesday. A. J. Hume, Friday. Hill Richmond Hill 8th October, Richmond Hill 4th October 1929 2 p. m. 1929 ' Township of Municipal Hall, Wednesday, W. H. Heaton Saturday. East York 443 Sammon Avthh October 443 Sammon 5th October ‘ 10 a. m. Avenue 1929 Township of Municipal Hall, Thursday. W. D. Annis Monday, Scarborouin Birch Cliff 10th October Birch Cliff 7th October, ' 1929, 10 a. m 1929 Township of Municipal Hall Friday H D Goode Tuesda ' 1N. York East “illowdale llth October Willowdale 8th October. (.onnge St. 1929, 10 a. m 1929 Leaside Municipal Hall Friday R. B. Burgess Tuesday, LeaSide 11th October Leaside 8th October. 1920, 2 p. m. 1929 I Such Sittings will commence at the times indicated and will continue un‘ til the appeals shall have been disposed of. _ AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desn-es to com- plain that his name or the name of any person entitled to be entered on the has been omitted from the same or that the names of any persons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon may on or before the date mentioned in the fifth column above, apply, complain or appeal to hsvcyhtis name or the name of any other person entered on or removed from e is . _ FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice in writing, in the prescribed form. signed by the complainant, in duplicate and given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer or left for him at. his address as stated above. ‘ J. H. DENTON. Chairman of the Election Board for the County of York Dated this 24th day of September A. D.. 1929. The Electoral District of East York consists of the Townships of Scar- borough. East York and Markham and that portion of the Township of North York lying east of the centre line of Yonge Street, the town of Leaside and the Villages of. Markham, Richmond Hill and Stouffville. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPEAL All appeals must be filed in duplicate, in the prescribed form, and must. be signed by the person appealing. These forms may be obtained from the Information Office of the Election Board in Room 107, City Hall, Toronto, or from the Clerk of the Revising Officer. After being filled out the appeals and'duplicates must be given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer or left for him at his address as stated above, on or before the day named in the fifth column above. DONALD G UTHRIE Clerk of the Election Board for the County of York Room 107, City Hall, Toronto. Our Values Compared With Downtown. ‘ NARROW STRIPE Downtown Sale $195.00 Our price CARACUL PAW B BEIGE SHADESâ€" Joh nny Collarâ€" Down Our price COAT WILL ONTA BACKCUT MUSK RAT Price town Sale price $125.00 A NEW FUR COLLAR on YOUR CLOTH Come In and Select Your Skins RELINEDâ€"REPAIRED» REMODELLED “FROM TRAPPER T0 WEA BER†Phone H U Dson 4292 CANADIAN RACOON Downtown Sale Price $275,00â€"Our price $219 CARACU L PAW, Brown and Beige, Johnny collar of Squirrelâ€" Downtown Sale price $65.00 Our price ROWN $89 .95 MAKE IT LOOK LIKE NEW At Half Downtown Prices ! RIO FUR CO... aria 3365 Yonge St, Toronto, ()ni