THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26., 1929 ACCIDENTSâ€" AND YET MORE ACCIDENTS Supposing something happened to YOU. What provision have you made for weeks and perhaps months of medical attention with nothing coming in? Accident Insurance re- lieves financial and physical suffering HALL’ 2 315/? was ï¬ S 7% TI CODN RICHMOND magma PHONEI53 Cars Washed and Polished. Greasing of all kinds 8. specialty WEATHER sometimes causes low grade gasoline to go on strike and poor lubrication oils to act in sympathy. You can be sure of the dependability of PEERLESS gas and CA“- TROL oil. in either hot or cold" weather. Use them reg- ularly. We are the authorized dealers in this district for the Famous Castrol Cylinder Oil. Exclusive Dealer for Firestone Tires PAINTER & DECORATOR H. FORSTER Coal Oil, Full line of Auto Ac- cessories, Radio Parts and Reâ€" pairs. Telephone Stouffville 6116 Wall Paper Supplied if Desired “Be Ready with Reddy Power†Office in the Post Office Block TEL. 118 Phoneâ€"-â€"Willowdale 96W POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. W. N. Mabbett ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR A. G. SAVAGE VICTORIA SQUARE Richmond Hill “THE -VALUE OF RECREATION FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS" IS SUBJECT OF INTERESTING PAPER Miss Clubine gave a very interest- ing paper at the regular meeting 01 the Thomhill W. I. held in the home of Mrs. F'. Simpson on Sepetmber 19. In the paper were many valuahle hints THORNHILL W. 1. REGULAR MEETING on the proper use of recreation, not only as a means of physical exercise in adolescence and manhood but as that pleasurable something Which giv- es back energy and vitality for the con tinuance of our daily tasks: Webster defines recreation as “any diverting or pleasurable exercise of employâ€" ment.†This definition, as every parent knows covers something- which is not only valuable in childhood, but which is essentially necessary to the development of the normal childâ€" physically, mentally â€" and we may also say morallyâ€"because we are told by modern writers on the subject, that the best form of discipline for a child, the kind which makes for character building is attained by providing him with plenty of legitimate occupations, interests and amusements for his term of leisure. This is a iarge ord- ér for the average parent untrained in child psychology but it is true that idleness is the bane of childhood and if proper activities are not provided for the hand, eyes and brain of a child, it is his normal instinct to find others for himself. These may or may not be intentionally wrong acâ€" cordingAto his age _and development. For this reason play should not be left to the impulse of the moment, as it then may be merely a waste 01' en- ergy or even become destructive in its reaction upon the habits and character of_youth. 1 It must have its proper time and limit, fit into the work and homeâ€"life of the child or it becomes a menace to the social group as well as the in- dividual character. Even for those of us who are older we must not al- low ourselves to get so supremely the responsibilities of life as did the rich man who “Lost his health To get his wealth Then with might and main He spent his wealth To get his health At the cost of worry and pain, During the meeting two presentâ€" ations Were made by the President, Mrs. O. C. James. Mrs. R. S. Thomp- son was presented with a comport of Aynsley China, upon her retirement as an offiCer of the executive having held various offices f9r many years, and Mrs. A. Brilling‘er was presented with a fancy dish of Aynsley China, upon her retirement from the ofï¬ce 01 Secretary which she had held for four years. _ Both ladies have given Ireexy or their time and energy in carrying out their duties as officers of the Insti- tute. MiSS‘ E. Wiltshire rendered several vocal and instrumental solos. After which a: pleasant social hour was spent. “Mr. Churchill looked very funny working on one of father’s thresh- ing machines.†said the Hon. George Rodney, aged ten. who with his younger brother John recently tra- velled to England to take up school- ing. Winston Churchill is a cousin of Lord Rolney who operates a ranch at Fort Saskatchewan, Al- berta. The fourth game refuge has been established in New Brunswick by the provincial government at Be- caguimac, consisting of 43 square miles located in Carleton and York counties. This makes a total in all of about 640 square miles of terri- tory set aside in the province as game sanctuaries since 1919. Hon. J. L Perron, Quebec min- ister of agriculture, has announced the loan of twoâ€"thirds of the pur- chase price of puredbred sheep, without interest charges, to Quebec farmers. He aims to place 25,000 pure-bred sheep throughout the province to bring in a. yearly crev- enue of $250,000. A yield of 3,599,995 barrels of apples is expected in Canada this year, as compared with 3,235,970 in 1928. Compared with the fiveâ€"year average of 2,985,310 barrels this is an increase of 20%. making it a. bumper crop. Homestead entries in the fouxj western provinces continue to run well ahead of last year. For the half year they number 7,129 as compared with 5.165 in the same six months period of 1928. Alberta. topped the list with 4,052 filings; Saskatchewan followed with 2381; British Columbia recorded 371 and Manitoba 325. 1 Sixty-three wells are being drilled in the Turner Valley, 30 miles south-west of Calgary, 21 are just about to be started and 28 are producing crude naphtha or crude oilâ€"a total of 112 Wells. Mri Wins- ton Churchill, on his recent trip across the Dominion by Canadian Pacific paid a special visit to the Turner Valley v accompanied by 'Mayor Osborne of Calgary. Selection is announced of John W. Dafoe, Editor of the Winnipeg Free Press. to act as a commis- sioner on the part of the United States on the International Comâ€" mission under the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace between the United States and Germany. Mr. Dafoe was selected for this post by the Unith States Government act- ing: through Hon. \Khlliani Phillips. to the Co ate FOOD FADS The individual who desires to live a healthy life and to eat as he should finds it difficult to decide as to his proper food because of the number of fads which are shouted from the housetops and advertised in striking and convincing ways. It is not poss- ible even to mention all the food fads in a brief space, let alone to attempt to discuss them. Merely a few of the outstanding fallacies of the claims will be mentioned in order to guide the reader in considering this import; ‘ant subject. That one individual apparently prospers on an unusual diet is no rea- son for believeing that such a diet is generally suitable, any more than it is reasonable to say that all men should be marathon runners because one man does well on that type of ex- ercise. There is no evidence to show that vegetarians enjoy better health, ‘or that they live longer than those who use meat. It has been pointed lout that two of the most remarkable ‘l'ecent medical discoveriesâ€"liver ex- itract as a treatment for pernicious anaemia and insulin for the treatment 10f diabetesâ€"are two extracts of meat ;which are life saving, There is no scientific evidence which supports the idea that cancer has anything to do with the use of reï¬ned foods, such as white bread or the eat- ing of meat. There is no foundation for what is called the dangerous food combination, which is based upon the idea that certain foods should not be eaten together, as one’ interferes with J. W. WELLM AN C L O T H I N G Boots and Shoes Telephone 86-J Richmond Hill Ont We Specialize in Ladies and Children’s Hosiery Phone 119 Richmond Hill FJ. MANSBRIDGE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION TOBACCO ICE CREAM and CONFECTIONERY FILMS and DEVELOPING TOBACCO and SUNDRIES First Class Provisions Compare Our Prices Before Buying Elsewhere BUTCHER Government Inspected Meats kept under Mechanical Refrigeration Make your Phone Useful Phone 97 Richmond Hill We Delivery Promptly GASOLINE Castro] Auto Oils Firestone Tires, Fada and Marconi Radios Super Power. Peerless and Ethyle Through the co-operation of the Business Men listed be low, we will reproduce a series of educational articles endeav- oring to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring about a more progressive community in which to live.‘ ' Superior Chain Store GROCERIES, FRUITS CONFECTIONERY General Workmen’s Furnishings Try our Special Blend Coffee Phone 204V THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTAngKD W. C. SAVAGE DA VIES’ DRY GOODS H. F. AUSTIN HAL ’3 Service Station TELEPHONE 122 RICHMOND HILL Buy-at-Home Campalgn F. E. SIMS Druggist COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE HEALTH SERVICE Ontario OF THE the digestion of the other. There is no need to eat one particular food in order to secure some constituent, such as iron or calcium. There is no ob- jection to these foods, but it is a var- iety of foods, including milk, green leafy vegetables and fruits, which en- sures a sufficient quantity of miner- als and vitamins for the adult. The foundation of health is moderâ€" ation. Do not; eat too much. Eat slowly. Eat regularly. Use milk and milk products, green leafy vege- tables and fruits regularly. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. (From the Bracebridge Gazette) What ‘an utter fool he was. May- be only that one minute. He may have been sensible before. He proâ€" bably is now. He went up a little hill on a broad road right over on the wrong side. He met a sane dri- ver at the top of the hill. Two cars smashed to smithereens. Three woâ€" men badly hurt. One man a fool one minute did it. The highway be- tween Gravenhurst and Severn is wide, smooth, excellent. No possible 'excuse for a collision. Yet it hapâ€" pened recently. One man so abso- lutely foolish that he went up a little hill on the wrong side. No conges- tion. No bumps in the road. Just a fool at a wheel. Maybe never was foolish before. We meet them oc- casionally-. PHONE YARD A FOOL FOR A MINUTE ':o :W' 85-.“ 9mmâ€; mew‘m'ng Queslzbn Yonge St, Richmond Hill Little Brothers Investment Securities Phone 87 Richmond Hill Laziness, indolence, idleness and stupor are unâ€" natural conditions to exist in a community and are looked upon as repellant by all right-minded residents. Action is the staff of existence. The respected individ- ual is the one who is always going; the one who is full of pep, the man who rises early and retires late. Nothing is more contrary to right living that the sense of com- munity inaction. Community love is the only right law of commun- ity activity Hatred, ' jealously or lack of Confidence in your neighbor destroys the good results of community endeavor and instead of making for the advance of the town retires that progress. The man Who buys his goods outside Richmond Hill has no community love, if he does this buying knowing the damage he is doing. He exemplifies a dis- trust in the community and its merchants. He lacks neighborly love. Show your faith by patronizing your home merchants and your merchant will show his faith in you by giving yOu the best service that he can. You cannot achieve where your community pride is lost. You must have faith in your town, confidence in your merchant and love for your neighbor. United endeavor is necessary to success. Faith is the founâ€" dation upon which the whole structure of your commun- ity is built, without it your achievements are of no avail Ford Sales and Service J. R. Herrington INSURANCE REAL ESTATE H. I. MILLS LIMITED GAS Repairs BUY-AT-HOME CAMPAIGN SUPPORT LOCAL MERCHANTS AND HELP OUR TOWN GROW Heartin Endorse This RESIDENCE â€" es-J . ,- COMMUNITY LOVE OIL " TAILORS RECHMOND HILL DAIRY Phone 27 Centre St. Richmond Hill Phone 107-F Richmond Hill Pasteurized Milk and Cream Phone 42-J Richmond Hill and our Driver will call Lumber Co. BUILDER’S SUPPLIES A. Cruickshank CARTAGE Locai and Long Distance HAULING Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty are features of our suits and clolï¬t'ny for men and young men. £ef your nex! sufl 5e a ï¬and tailored one from ï¬licï¬mod iat'lors. L’ef us sï¬ou) you our samples and convince you of Me saving you make 6y dealing wz'lï¬ us. JONES RICHMOND Style, Quality, Workmanship and Reasonable Prices J. A. Greene, Telephone 5j or Re Goods called for and delivered. N A complete Garage Service Phone 68 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Dealers in DURANT AUTOMOBILES LEADER CHAIN STORE GROCERIES and FRUIT CHINA and GLASSWARE Phone 139-M Richmond Hill Hand Tailored Garments For Ladies and “Men Cleaning and Pressing Phone 5-J Richmnod Hill Richmond Hill W. G. BALDOCK ALFRED MILLS Richmond Tailors J. A. GREENE \ Wholesale J obbers Phone 8 Richmond Hill PLUMBING, HEATING and TINSMITHING Phone 125 Phone 5-W Richmond Hill D. HILL & CO. Residence 49W MEALS and LUNCHES ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONERY J. & M. STEIN McLaughlin Buick Pontiac CONFECTIONERY and TOBACCOS THE RUSTIC INN THE MILL For Every Need J. F. BURR FE E DS PAGE SEVEN Ontario