The election campaign throughout Ontario and in the York County tidings is commencing to warm up and repre- sentatives of both parties are busy drumming up political enthusiasm among party workers and doing missionary work on the hustlings. There are very definite issues to be decided by the people and the contest is featured through out the province by the fine type of candidates who are offâ€" ering themselves for election or rejection at the hands of the voters. e.-.’ -y--. In York County the people have splendid candidates running for the respective parties and the campaign promis- es to be fought fair and square on the issues of the day and free from the objectionable features which sometimes mar elections. As the campaign progresses the liquor issue continues to keep in the foreground despite the attempt of government candidates to make the people believe otherwise. Rising expenditure and increased public debt are also arguments which the government candidates are called upon to face and the educational policy of the administration is under ï¬re from every direction. Premier Ferguson is notably silâ€" ent on the matter of townsliip school boards but the people are mindful of his many public utterances on this subject and are suspicious of his silence. The Premier should let the people of Ontario know exactly where he stands on this important question which if put into practice will undoubt- edly add to the burden of the rural tax-payer. ""v In the local ridings the people are interested in the pol- icy of the government as it applies to the construction of sidewalks along provincial highways and the operation of City of Toronto busses over roads built by the people of the nrovince of Ontario. The people of the York ridings will be interested to hear Hon. G.S. Henry discuss these subjects of such vital concern to the people. The large number of accidents on local roads and high- ways has created interest in Hon. W. E. N. Sinclair’s mani- festo which makes provision for government aid in the proâ€" motion of safety measures. The loss of human life and property on the highways of Ontario is of such appalling proportions to demand the attention of the Government and the candidates in this election. ' Payments to the extent of over ninety-nine millions were made to Canadian policyholders during 1928, almost half of that sum having been paid to living policyholders in matured endowments, disability claims, life annuities, etc. While figures are not available for the number of per- sons directly benefitting by these disbursements, it is not difficult to imagine the amount of suffering and want which was alleviated by such a colossal sum, the largest paid out by insurance companies in any one year in the history of Canadian insurance. Generally speaking the campaign is certainly warming up and the introduction of so many local issues adds to the interest and public meetings throughout the ridings promise to be largely attended. A great majority of the electorate are doing their own thinking on these local matters and will be interested in hearing thecandidates who seek their sup- port discuss them on the public platform. The possession of any form of insurance reassures men and relieves them of worry. No one can estimate the value of the mental, nervous and physical health retained, nor the Value of the increased efï¬ciency of mental and manual work- ers who have lifted their cares by means of life insurance. Life insurance has passed from the category of what may be deemed an expense to be shunned wherever possible, to where the vast majority of people now consider it among the necessaries of life and business. It has taken a strong grip on the people. The great effect upon the economic life of the nation can hardly be measured because of the divers- ity of uses to which such vast sums of money are put. Those Who feel that the administration of the liquor Control Act and the declaration of Premier Ferguson that there shall be no plebiscite will support the Ferguson Gover~ nment candidates in the present election. All who are opâ€" posed to the manner in which the Liquor Control Act has been administered and all who favor the principle that the people should be given an opportunity to decide the question should support the Liberal candidates. Plan now to cast your vote in the coming elections. There were thousands of uncast votes in the York ridings in the last provincial elections which does not reflect credit on the electorate. Plan to vote on October thirtieth and make sure every member of your household votes. IAGE TWO Harold A. Sanders, Liberal candidate in East York and G. W. P. Hood, Liberal candidate in South York, leave no doubt as to where they stand on the question of radials on Yonge Street. They have voiced opposition to the policy of Hon. G. S. Henry who granted a permit to the T.T.C. to operate busses on Yonge Street which still threaten the con- tinuance of the radial service. Hon. G. S. Henry and the Ferguson Government are re- sponsible for the inadequate Highways Policy which makes no provision for sidewalks for pedestrians. A vote against the Ferguson candidates is a vote to give the people an Opportunity of deciding for themselves how liquor shall be handled in the provmce of Ontario. AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING C0., LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Subscription $1.50 per yearâ€"To the United States $2.00. Covering Canada’s Best Suburban Distric“~ Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE u. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1929 THE CAMPAIGN PROGRESSES THE LIBERAL LIFE INSURANCE Established 1878 Five radio stations will carry to all parts of the Province the address of the Honourable W. E. N. Sinclair, the Ontario Liberal Leader, which will be delivered at the great Liberal rally in the Armouries at Oshawa on the even- ing of Wednesday, October 16th. These stations are as follows:â€" C.F.C.A., Toronto, 357 M. 580 Kc., C.F.R.B., Toronto, 312 M. 960 Kc., C.J.G.C., London, 330 M. 910 Kc., C.N.R.O., Ottawa, 500 M. 600 Kc., and C.K.P.R., Midland, 268 M. 1120 Mr. Sinclair is following the preced- ent of Canadian and British states~ men in delivering the most important meSsage of the campaign in his own riding, Ontario South, and LiBerals from all over the Province are plann' ing to be present. Motor parades and bus parties are being organized in the adjacent ridings and from the City of Toronto, while groups are coming from more distant points. The meeting will start at 8 p. m., under the chairmanship of Mr. W. A. Dryd- en, President of the South Ontario Liberal Association, while the broad- cast of Mr. Sinclair’s address will com- mence promptly at 9 o’clock Eastern Standard Time. Another feature of the meeting is the installation of amplifiers which will carry the programme and the speeches to all parts of the large hall and also outside the building. At an enthusiastic convention held at Agincourt last Thursday evening, Harold A. Sanders, of Stouffville, was chosen as the candidate in the present election. The name of Mr. Sanders was expressed by Levi Annie, prohi- bitionist candidate in the last election and in making the nomination he paid tribute to the ability and character of the candidate, “Liberalism in East York is not dead,â€'he said as he presented the nomination report, “and Mr. Sanders is the man to carry on the principles for which our forefathers fought. He is of good old Liberal stock and heart- ily in accord with Liberal principles. He is a young lawyer who knows how to conduct a strong, vigorous and inâ€" telligent campaign. He is a man of stern integrity and carries temperan- ce principles down through his life and home.†Allan MacDonald is reported to be still in the field as a candidatp of the English Language League In East York. G. W. P. Hood, barrister-at-law, was unanimously selected as candi- date for the forthcoming provincial election by the South York Liberal Association, at a meeting held in Silâ€" verthorn Memorial Hall on Saturday evening last. There were four candi- dates nominated, G. W. P. Hood, Dr.‘ Kelly, Dr. Maclean, and W. J, Noble.‘ The three latter withdrew in favor of Mr. Hood. The speakers of the day in addition to these nominated were Mr. McCreath, vice-president, of the Toronto Men’s Liberal Club, Col. A. T. Hunter and Harry H. Johnson, Federal Liberal organizer for Ontario The candidate Mr. Hood was given an enthusiastic reception. He de- nounced the Ferguson government 'for the policy of increased expendi- ‘ture and greater taxation. He re- ferred to the Liquor policy of the lgovemment and characterized the ,Liquor Control Act as a complete .failure. 1927 Buick sedan, looks like 1928 Chevrolet 3; ton truck with cab and open box 7 ~â€"Bargain W.G. Baldock HON. W. E. N. SINCLAIR newâ€"- Guaranteed perfect Activities in The Political Field USED THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Harold A. Sanders, Liberal candi- date has commenced a vigorous cam- paign and a number of public meet- ings in all parts of the tidings. The speakers at these meetings will in- clude many of the foremOSt speakers The conservative organizations in both East and South York are busy and a series of meetings throughout thg riding will be announced shortly. G. W. P. HOOD Barrister, of Mount Dennis, who is contesting the riding of South York as the Liberal candidate. Mr. Hood strongly supports the plank of Mr. Sinclair’s platform, which provides for a plebiscite on the liquor question. of the province Those opposed to the liquor policy of Hon. G. Howard Ferguson are al- ready very active in the East York riding working in the interests of Harold A. Sanders, the Liberal candi- date. Leopold Macauley was unaniâ€" mously chosen to carry the Conserv- ative standard in the riding of South York. Mr. Macauley was the, form- e1' member and in his address he de- fended the record of the Ferguson Government, and appealed for a man- date to continue the expansion pro- gram outlined by the premier. A joint meeting in the interests of Hon. G. S. Henry, conservative candi- date in East York and Leopold Mac- aulay, conservative candidate in South York, will be held in Richmond Hill on Thursday evening next, October 17th at 8 p. m. Prominent speakers will address the meeting which will be held in the Masonic Hall and a lar- ge crowd is expebted. PHONE CITY, HUDSON 8527 RICHMOND HILL 30-J First Fond Illusions.â€"The Sisterâ€"â€" “Captain Randall proposes in this let- ter. I wonder if he really loves meâ€" he’s only known 'm_e a_week.†VThe bi'otherâ€"“Oh, then, perhaps he does!â€~Humorist. HUR CAMERON, 6f 'thefjity o_f To_r- onto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Machinist, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the present or next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, MARGARET CAMERON, of the city of Montreal on the grounds of adu1t~ ery and cruelty ancl desei'ti_on. DATED at Ehe City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, this 19th day of Septemâ€" ber, A.D., 1929. J. A. C. CAMERON. 602 Temple Building, Toronto, Ontario: Solicitor for the Applicant NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that FLORENCE CURLISS, of the City of Toronto. in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Married Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Can- ada at the present or next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, WILLIAM HENRY CUR- LISS, of the said City of Toronto, on the grounds of adultery and cruelty. ‘ DATED at the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Provmce of Ontario, this 7th day of August, A. D. 1929. J. A. C. CAMERON, K. C., 602 Temple Building Toronto, Ontario Solicitor for the Applicant NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that GERTRUDE LOCKHARTL of‘ the; Alvu“ v -____,a City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Married Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, LOUIS SYDNEY iLOCKHART (otherwise _known as Louis Lockatch) of the City of Ten onto in the County of York and Pro- vince of Ontario, Student, on the grounds of adultery, desertion and cruelty. NOTICE is hereby giverxhthat AET- \4 “K.le- DATED at Toronto, Province of Ontario_ this Tenth day of September 1929. H. HOWARDSHAVER, K. C. 502 Temple Building, Toronto Solicitor for Applicant NOTICE OF APPLICATION ‘ FOR DIVORCE D. RUMNEY CARTAGE AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Toronto to Richmond Hill and Intermediate Points Every Day Credit Auction Sale of Farm Stock Implements, Furniture, Etc. The P'0Pefly °f ROBERT A. PINDER Lot 14, Con. 4, Markham, Buttonville Thursday, Oct. 17th, 1 p.m HORSES 1 Bay mare, 12 years, Agricultural 1 Chestnut gelding, 12 years, G.P. 1 Black mare, aged, Agricultural CATTLE 1 Brindle cow, 8 years, in full flow 1 Jersey cow, 3 years, calf by side 1 Grey cow, 3 years, [part Jersey, calf Lakeside 5280 by side 1 Black cow, 3 years, part Jersey, calf by side 1 Blue cow, 8 years, bred Aug. 8th. 1 Black cow, 2% years, part Jersey, bred July 3rd 1 Black cow, 21/2 years, part Jersey, bred July 12. 1 Part Jersey cow, 2 yrs, in full flow 1 Black heifer, 1% years, bred July 29 1 Red heifer, 1% years, bred Aug. 20 1 Jersey heifer, 15 months 1 Jersey bull, 2 years, eligible to reg. 11 Jersey bull, 6 months, eligible to reg PIGS 1 York sow, bred September 22nd 10 Young pigs, weaned 7 Shoats 12 Well bred Shropshire ewes 1 Well bred Shropshire ram. FOWL 3 Geese 1 Gander good 1 Set light single harness 1 Heavy single backhand & breeching 4 Horse collars 1 Massey-Harris binder, 7 foot 1 Massey-Harris rake 1 Massey-Harris seed drill 1 Ma5sey-Harris corn cultivator 1 Deering mower 1 Deering cultivator, spring tooth 1 Bissell, disc_ 3 horse ‘1 Set 4 section barrows 1 Fle‘ury plow, No. 21, with wheels, near new 1 Fleury plow, No.21, with Wheels TERMS:â€"Roots. grain, fowl and all sums of $20.00 and under cash, 0‘ that amount 12 months credit to purchaser furnishing apprm joint notes. 6% off for cash. Tractor one half cash and ball? on terms of sale. PRENTICE & PRENTICE. Auctioneel Geese 1 Ducks, 1 Drake AgriculturalLime HARNESS Set brass mounted team harness, Coal-WOOd-Coke Cement, Field Tile, Glazed Tile, Cedar Posts Lime and Builders Supplies Custom Grinding Agent for the American Agricultural Chemical Fertilizer LANGSTAFF SUPPLY C0... Ltd.‘ Save yourself at our expense Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve differ- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. We Call In Richmond Hill District If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, Call up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Liberal Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Chicken Feed ENQUIRE ABOUT ALBERTA COAL' Telephone Thornhill “WARM UP THAT SOUR LAND†I M PLEMENTS TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS SHEEP G. H. Duncan. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10, 71929 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. Nights, Richmond Hi‘ll 80 Prompt Delivery 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 l l 2 1 1 l1 ‘1 1 good Scuffler, Wilkinson Scuffler, Wilkinson, (strawberry) Bissel 3 drum roller Farm wagon 1 Hay rack Sloop sleighs, Trench 1 Flat racl Cutter 1 Two wheeled cart Chatharï¬ fanning mill Set scales, 2000 pounds P.H. root pulper 1 Cyclone seede Steel oil drums 1 Feed box‘ Sling ropes 1 Cutting box Pig crate 1 Hot bed sash l Logging chains 1 Stoneb Stock rack for truck Long ladder Iron scalding kettles Slush scraper Ford ton truck Fordson tractor, near new Tractor plow, Oliver, near new Stiff tooth cultivator for tr power lift Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity mattress 2 Settees 1 Divanette 1 Set of book shelves ‘ 1 Organ, Berlin, Number of ch 1 Cook stove, McClary 1 Oak heater, McClary 2 Hanging Iqmpsr 1 Pantry cupboard and table 1 Cupboard 1 Cellar table i 1 Sewing machine, Sin er . ‘ 1 Washing machine an wringer 1 Daisy churn No. 3 1 Butter worker 1 Primrose cream separator, No. 3 1 Bug. linoleum 1 Washstamj Curtain poles, pictures, dishes, J forks, hoes. shovels, barrels othte articles too numerous mention. FURNITURE Dresser and washstand Chiffonier and washstand Blue enamel bed, springs & mattre White enamel bed springs 8' Poultry Supplies GRAIN and ROOTS Swede turnips, in field Greystone turnips, in ï¬el mixed grain of oats