Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Oct 1929, p. 8

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M artin’s Barber Shop 1928 PHONE 174-W 1 926 l925 1924 1928 FORD TUDOR 1924 FORD TUDOR PLOW SHARES, RADIO ACCESSCIIES. BATTERIES. ETC. Have Your Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. Headquarters for 6A GILSON FGRCED DRAFT eSYSTEM WILL SAVE YOU 9401560211» FUEL cosrs PAGE EIGHT FORD STANDARD COUPE (Late Series) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Right at The City Limits North Toronto. Guson Mtg. 00., Limited, FORD TUDOR OVERLAND COACH CHEVROLET COUPE Buy a used car in the fali and take advantage of law prices. We invite you" inspecticn‘cf the folIcwing reconditioned cars. Cash Down M( Price Payment Pa: wmzn Tnnrm , , ‘ _ _ . . A . . . . . . ‘ . . 5731’? (‘0 $216.00 SILENT, efficient automatic equipment easily and quickly attached to any style of furnace. Not only supplies sufficient draft to burn Buckwheat Anthracite and other small grained coal, but gives you 100% ser- vice in economy and heating value. You get 2,000 lbs. in a. ton of buckwheat anthraciteâ€" identically the same coal as the larger sizes, equal in every way in heating qualities, and at about $8 a ton, compared to $15.50 for the larger sizes. Sufficient air forced through the grates will burn Buckwheat Anthracite and give you a more even, intense fire than you can get from any grade of coal; and you save 40 to 60% in costs. GILSON MFG. 00.. LTD.. Automatic control of heat and regulation of draft. The automatic Thermostat located in the hall. dining-room or kitchen permits you to regulate your heat supply with the minimum of attention to the furnace. A silent, alert fireman that saves you money and gives you the exact amount of beat you require. ture on the New “MAGIC” BLOW- ER and tell me how I can save 40 to 60% on my coal bill. Write today for free illustrated literature describing this wonderful money saver. Household andiBuilders, Hardware, Stove Pipes, McClary,Quebec Heaters, Quebec Cook Stoves etc EVEREADY, WEOLSTER and PHILCO RADIOS Thornhill, Ontario . H. Hardware itfle Brothers Gendemen:â€"Without obligation nd me your FREE illustrated liken York s:.. Guelph, om the New “MAGIC” BLOW‘ ROBT. MICHAEL FORD SEDANS MAXWELL T01 FORD TOURINGS $35.00 to $50.00 Richmond Hill SEE US FOR RICHMOND HILL DIED KAISERâ€"At her late residence, ‘Thornhill, on Saturday, October 5th, ‘1929, Isabella Jane Maize, widow of the late William Kaiser, in her 70th I Mr. George Hoshel and Miss Pearl Hoshel wish to thank their many tfriends and neighbors for their kind- ness and sympathy during their re- 'cent bereavement. 3225.00 $20 . 5150.00 CARD OF THANKS Telephone 33 York St... Guelph 99.: 700 $75.00 RICHMOND HILL 3210.00 $60.00 $80.00 390.00 $50.00 Monthly Payment $31.00 $30.00 $10.00 812.50 $12.00 810.00 Proprietor of the Sinclair Planing Chm‘ch W111 P' Mill, Thornhill, was born at Stayner, At the 6V9! Ontario, and received his public andiRPV- D12 A- P- high school education at. that place. I‘Wi” Dream 31 He worked as a carpenter for a few ‘be the leaders years, later he farmed and then tookI The harvest up cabinet-making at Kitchener. Two Vices 0f the years ago he came to Thornhill and is ChPTChv‘ 135$ S age WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETING The T. H. Hardware and Supplies offers to the people of the Thornhill district 21 complete line of hardware and supplies and enjoys a reputation for quality and variety of merchan- , dise at reasonable prices. For your hardware supplies including china, 2 crockery. etc., remember the T. H. Hardware. The regular meeting of the Thorn- hill Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Wells on Thursday, October 17th, at 3 o’clock. All mem- bers are urged to be present and bring a friend. LAWRENCE MEMORIAL H A LL OPENING Rev. N. H. Noble, rector of Trinity Church, Thornhill, cordiaiily invites everyone, including the many friends of the"late S.A. Lawrence to be pres- ent at the official opening of the Lawrence Memorial Parish Hall, Thornhill, by the Bishop of Toronto, on Wednesday, October 16th, at 8.30 o’clock p. m. The W. A. of the Presbyterlan Church are holding‘their annual baz- aar in the Sunday school room, Sat‘ urday, October 19th, beginning at 3 . m. Booths will contain fancy work, baking, fruit and vegetables. Kitchen ware and fish pond. Afterâ€" ‘noon tea will be served. THE BURIAL OF MRS. KAISER The funeral took place on Tuesday, of one of Thornhill’s oldest residents, Isabella Jane Maize, widow of the late William Kaiser, who passed away in her 70th year. f0]!3v:i.lg a week’s ill- iness from heart trouble. Mrs. Kais- ier was borq in Blamhard. Ontario, ‘and has resided in Thornhill for the past 25 years. Her only daughter died in 1907. One brother, Albert F. Maize, Dungamon, Ont, survives. Funeral services were conducted from the residence by the Rev. Dr. J. J. Sparling‘, pastor of the United Chur- ch, of which Mrs. Kaiser was a memâ€" ber, she was also a member of the VVomen’s Association. Interment was at Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Miss Beatrice Irish, treasurer of the west Branch of the Y.W.C.T.U., of Toronto, gave a splendid reading on the O.T.A. last week to a packed house at Willard Hall. The United Church Ladies baseball girls were defeated at Markham Fair by the Pats of Toronto, who carried off first prize, when they finally de- feated Lansing. Finest quality job printing at The Liberal, Richmond Hill. With us you always find the quality, service and price right. girls V by UN off fi: Lansing girls are now out of the running for the Ontario championship when they were defeated by Oakville ‘at Sunnyside last week by a score of 14 to 12. Lansing girls are to be conâ€" gratulated on their seasons success. A meeting of the young ladies of the United Church will be held this (Thursday) evening at the home of Miss Lillian Francis at 7.30 o’clock sharp. All the young ladies are urgâ€" edit’o be present. Mrs. Fred Porter and daughter, Nora are spending this week with the former’s mother, Mrs. Harrison, of Malton. Mr. and Mrs. S. Elson visited over the week-end at AngpsLOntarlo. Mrs: Willie Stephenson, (Harriet Mori'isLisrtrakirigr the Principal} place Mrs. Thompson, 5f Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Scott. Miss Lilian Francis spent a few days last week at Beeton, Ontario, thgiguest of Miss Greta Strangways. Uplands Golf and Country Club was the scene of an enjoyable bridge on Saturday evening. Mrs. Arthur Cressy presenting the Ladies’ prizes. Supper was from a buffet table, gay with autumn‘ flowers and presided over by Mrs. P. E. F. Smiley. Classified advertising in The Liber- al brings results. Mr. :Iames Simpson and daughter Maxine and Miss Viola Cardwell, re- turned Missionary from Korea. visitâ€" ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Simpson. Miss Marjory Farr is spending her holidays at her home. in the Public School here. We are sorry to report that Mr. McDonald is uxider quarantine, his daughter being ill with diphtheria. Auction sale of Household Furni- ture, etc.. the property of Fred Ground will be held in Thornhill on Monday, October 14th. day venjoying a generous patron- PRESBYTERIAN W. A. WILL HOLD BAZAAR ‘WHO’S WHO N THORNHILL SOCIAL and PERSONALS MR. C. J. SINCLAIR THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ? Mr. John Milton Jackson, of Fairâ€" _bank, the father of our esteemed school teacher, Miss MnJackson, died at his home on Monday. The service was held at Elia United Church on Wednesday afternoon, interment be- ing at Maple Cemetery. Sincerest sympathy is extended to Miss Jack- son. The Executive of the Newtonbrook United Sunday School met last Thurs- day at the home of Mrs. J. Soden, Greenview Avenue. After the busi- ness session, in which preparations 'for the Christmas entertainment were considered, a very pleasant social lhour was enjoyed. Mr. G. R. Goulding returned last week from New Liskeard. Mr. Gould- ing reports snow in northern Ontario. Mr. Pelham Bellsmith, spent last week at Sutton West. Next Sunday morning Holy Com- munion will be celebrated in the New- tonbrook United Church. Mrs. Rowell entertained the Zion Woman’s Association last Wednesday. woman's ASSOCluuun 12151, W euuesuay. Service at Zion United Church will be withdrawn next Sunday afternoon in favor of the Harvest Home Service in Oriole United Church. At this service the Rev, A. D. Robb, of Glebe Road Church, Toronto, will preach and the choir of the Newtonbrook United Church will provide the music. At the evening service at Oriole, Rev. Dr. A. P. Brace, a former pastor will preach and the Pike family will be .the leaders of song. The harvest home anniversary ser- vices of the Newtonbrook United Church, last Sunday, were well atten- (led and successful every way. The Church was tastefully decorated with autumn leaves and fruits and flowers. Rev. H. S. Levering, of Don Mills Road Church and the Rev. H. L. Partâ€" ridge, of Fairlawn Avenue Church. Toronto, preached two helpful and appropriate sermons. The music rendered by the choir was very beaut- iful and inspiring. The following was their program of irusic: In the morning: Organ Voluntary, Mr. Hill, “Avril”, a chan- sone'te by Thelma. Anthem. “Holy Art Thou.” by the Choir. Offertory Organ selection, “La Serenata” by Braza. Solo, “The Stranger of Gal- ilee,” by Miss Alma Smith. Duette. “My Lord and I,” by Mrs. Shaw and Miss Bertha Smith. Organ Postlude “The March of the Israelites,” by Casta. In the evening.- Organ Vol- ‘untaries, “The Better Land,” by Cow- en, and “A Prayer at Eventide,” by .Smith. Anthem, “Praise God the \Ifather.” Solo, “He died of a broken Heart,” by Mr. George Street. Off- lertory selection, “A Reverie,” by lschumann. Duette, “He Wipes the tear from every eye." by Mrs. Glen Shaw and Mr. Harry Duggan. Post- }lude, “The March Millitant,” by Dawn. On Monday evening a very fine pro- gramme was presented at the meet- ing of the Young People’s Society. The general subject was “Lessons frOm the Harvest” and the tonic was taken by Miss Edna Street,- whe also presided over the meeting. Miss Gladys Sutterby had charge of the de- votional exercises. Misses Bertha and Irene Smith contributed a duette; Miss Dorothv Marsh, a piano solo, and Miss Lillian Joyce, a, reading. morning service The programme next Monday evenâ€" ing will be in charge of the Literary Department and a good programme is promised. Let there be a full rally of the young people of the community Miss Sara} spending a 1 Mrs. Gordon their day. Miss Alice Croley is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Clark. A very pleasant time was spent last Thursday night, when our Y.P. S. visited Victoria Square League. Mrs. William Leuschner and Mrs. Walter Leuschner spent the week-end in Toronto at the home of Mrs. Leus- lchner’s daughtez} Mr. George Monkman. of Medicine Hat, Alberta, and Mrs. Jim Lunau, of Unionville, visited their cousins, Mrs. A. Henricks and Mrs. Fred Clark on Sunday. w Mnaand Mrs. Charles Helmkay, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Helmlgay. We are glad one of our young far- mers has taken an interest in musical contests. He makes a very profici- ent judge. We are sorry to hear of Miss Aud- rey Giles being on the sick list. Hope she will soon be better. Miss Alice Croley, of Woodstock, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Clark, Headford. Mrs. James Lunau, of Unionville, and Mr. George Monkman, of Medic- ine, Hat, called on Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Clark for a while on Sunday 1ast.. The annual Thankâ€"Offering meet- ing of the W.M.S. of St. James Pres- byterian Church, Stouffville, was held in the church on Thursday afternoon last, when Mrs. McGonegal, Home- Keeper Secretary, of Toronto Presby- terial gave an interesting and inspir- ational address. Special music by Mrs. Jas. Muirhead was very much appreciated. Representatives from Knox Presbyterian, Agincourt. St. Andrew‘s Scarboro. and Markham Churches were also present. An interesting service will be held in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church on next Sabbath morning, when two new elders, Mr. Geo. Cowie and Mr. Geo. Duncan will be ordained and in- ducted; also the Agincourt Knox Presbyterian Church Quartette will rendl Newtonbrook _ and . parents STOUFFVILLE HEADFORD MARKHAM r. and Mrs pleasath t Lh Love, of few days v 1 Chellew. Mrs. John 5 at Mount musi f Toronto with her 5 Leek Albert visited on Sun- o, Is SlStel‘ BARGAINS IN Used RADIOS Richmonnd Hill =Ol=0=°l=10=01=l0=0= :UHU Fall Housecleaning DEFOREST CROSLEY CONSOLE, 6 tubes with power tube, electrically equipped, no batteries, used one We are in the market for clean, sound BARLEY, and are prepared to pay highest going prices} for .same delivered at our new factory in Toronto. Phone or write us for quotation mentioning quantity for sale. Season. E Phone 18 â€" Richmond Hill 5'; o=o==o=o====o=o=o=o==o=o CANADA MALTING CO., LIMITED 1702 Royal Bank Building, â€" Toront DEFOREST CROSLEY, CONSOLE Highboy, 5 tube Electrically Equipped. 3 ATWATER KENT Radio Sets at attractive prices Table models from $25.00 to $75.00 1 FADA Batteryless Table Model, demonstrator These sets are all in first class working order and are priced to clear fast. Prices include installing. Terms if desired. Richmond Hill for Hali’s Service Station Delivered in Richmond Hill and Vicinity NOW IN FULL SWING Brooms, Mops, Brushes Waxes, Polishes and Cleaning Materials of All Kinds Barley Wanted $165.00 regular $235.00 STOVEPIPES and ELBOVVS NUT, STOVE AND EGG COAL 1 KING RADIO, Table Model J. Sheardown $150.00 MESW THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10,#ISEQ Telephone, Elgin 9896 GOOD STOCK OF . Brathwaite $45.00 o=o===o=g Toronto 2, Ont. Ontario Ontario

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