Miss Christina Clarke and Mrs. Shrubsall, of Toronto, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Arm- strong, Yonge Street. Mr. Donald Tennyson has just re- ‘Lurned from spending a pleasant week with friends in Barrie and other points. Comisky, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith, Heaaford, and attended the Headford United Church Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mann, of Acton, \isited over the week-end with their sister Mrs. John Moffat, Yonge St. Mr. Norman Cook, of this village, is enjoying a week’s holidays with friends in Sutton Mrs. C. Brazier, of Lansing, spent a few days this week with Mrs. LeGue Arnold Street. Mrs. Geo: Allison is visiting friends in Kitchener this Week. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Scott and baby Jean spent a day last week with Mrs. I. Brown, Toran‘to. Mr. and Mrs. L. B.'Teetzé1 and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tyndall spent Sunflhy with Mrs. J. R. Baker, Grand Valley, and attended ‘fhe re-opem'ng (if Trin- ity United Church there. VMICS. I. Brown, of Toronto, formerly of Richmond Hill, called on friends in the village on Tuesday, Mr. Alex. McConaghy, 'B.A., A.I.A. F.A.S., who 'is Actuary for‘the South- em States Life Insurance Company, 'Atlanta Georgia, U.S.A., "attended an Actuaries meeting held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last week, and also had a short visit with’his mother Mrs. M. L. MiConaghy of this Village. SALVATION ARMY Sunday Services Hoï¬ness Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clarke, Mr. Harold Clark and Mrs. Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Angle, with their three daughters, Jes'sie, Ruth, and Phyllis, spent the weék-end with relatives in Dumw'ille‘an'd St Catharâ€" A Prayer meeting will 'be held on Tuesday, October 22nd from 3 to 4 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Wm. Cook. Church Street, under the auspices of the W.C.T.U. to pray for the suc- cess of the temperance forces "in the coming election. All ladies [of the community are Hill, a daughter. Salvation Meeting . . . . HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB A meeting of the Home and School Club has been-called for’Tuesday, Oc- tober 22nd, at eight o’c'lock'in the Public school, to consider the re-orâ€" ganization of the Society for the com- ing year. If you; believe the‘Home and School c'hib is of practical value to the village and desire its continuâ€" ance, you are urged 'to ‘be present. 1929, at the York County Hospital, Newmarket, to Mr. and Mrs. R, D. Little, Roseview ’Avenue, Richmnnd ines MARRIED HICKSON â€"- BOND â€" At the Par- sonage, Richmond Hill, on Saturday, October 12th, by Rev. Coulter, 'Mrs. Emma Bond to John Hicksan, ‘both of Richmond Hill. Social and Personal W. C, T. U. PRAYER MEETING BIRTH LITTLEâ€"On Tuesday, October ‘15, “FROM TRAPPER T0 WEARER†Phone H UDson 42.92 3365 Yonge St., F URS D088 Your Fur Coat Need Attention? A Complete Range of Fur Coats Always In Stock. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1929 RICHMOND HILL CORPS A Fur Collar on Your Cloth Coat will make it like new. Come In and Select Your Skins ONTARIO F UR C0. Let us quote you a price on your work and compare with downtown prices. CAPT. ROYLE LIEUT. McCOMBES Officers in Charge RELINEDâ€"REPAIREDFREMODELLED At Half Downtown Prices. Toronto, Ontario Boynton, Victoria Square, on sumayh We“ Mr. and Mrs. Schoffield Battersby, 1,1,1â€de of Peterboro, are spending this Week lceiebrat with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Paris, Yonge Church «Street idisperst ' {bins 1a Mr. and Mrs. Percy BriIIi'nger spent a few days this Week visiting friends in Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davidson, and Mr. and Russell Davidson, of Cherryâ€" wood, spent Sunday with Mr. Henry Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stollery and Mrs Robt. Rumble, of Toronto, visited M1". and Mrs. Halrry Graham, Arnold St, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Graham and children of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. Graham’s mother, Mrs, Jos- eph Graham, Arnold Street. Miss Grace Mortimer, of Guelph, spent the Weekâ€"end with Mrs. Edith Webb, Richvale. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sanderson and family visited Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Boynton, Victoria Square, on Sunday. Mrs. B. Stiver, of Unionvflle, spent Saturday with Miss Helen Burnett. Mr. A. G. Savage attended {he Fire Underwriters’ and Casualty Insuranâ€" ce convention at the Royal Yofk Hotel Toronto to-day. Rev. G. R. Maconachie, of Cold- water, will occupy the pulpit of St. Mary’s Anglican church ~here next Sunday. A very pleasant evening was spent on Tuesday, October 15th, When a number of relatives and friends gath- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hickson, Roseview Ave., to receive them on their return home. About two hundred friends and neighbours met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Charles, Patterson, on Wednesday evening to do honor to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Charles whose marriage took place recently. Dur- ing the evening the bride and groom were presented with a beautiful “Barâ€" 'iston" rug by Mr. Charles Graham and Mr. Clarence Graham read a suitable address. Although taken by surprise Mr. and Mrs. Charles replied "in a fitting manner and expressed ‘their sincere thanks. Dancing was enjoyed in the spacious new barn which was gajly decorated with bunt- ‘mg and Chinese lanterns. Luncheon Miss Naw :Wyndham, of Oakville, spent the week-end with Misses Dor- othy and Pau'line Angle. Dr. G. E. Reaman, Superintendent of the Boys’ Training Schodl, Bow- manville, visited with his mother, Mrs G. Reaman on Wednesday. Mrs. Stinson and little daughter Audrey, of Orange, N.J., expect to return home toâ€"morrow after spend- ing a month with Mrs. Stinson’s mother, Mrs. Topper, Yonge Street. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stirling return- ed home on Monday, after spending a pleasant week motoring through the States. Rev. G. E. and Mrs. Coulter will be at home at the parsonage this even- ing, Thursday, October 17th, from 7.30 to 10 o’clock. Mr. George Cow'ie, of Acton, form- erly of Richmond Hill, visited in the village on Wednesday, and attended the meeting of Richmond Lodge A. F. & A. M. of which he is a Past Master. Mr. William Barradale, of Calgary, Alta, was the guest this week of his nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mabley, Richmond Hill, » Miss E. Orme returned to Richmond Hill on Sunday last after a delightful three months visit in the British Isles Miss Orme visited in England and in Wales and reports a most delightful holiday and a pleasant trip across the Atlantic. was served and a must pleasant time enjoyed. ;! WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM 1 THE UNIONVILLE' DISTRICT . Well attended impressive services ‘marked the opening of the centenary celebration of St. Pauls Anglican :Church, when holy communion was dispersed by the rector, Rev. J.J. Rob- ,bins last Sunday morning, followed ’by morning prayer at 11 a. m. Arch- 1tdeacon Warren officiating. At this service a brief history of the church dating bac'k nearly 140 years was giv- en, also fine special music, consisting. of a duett by Mrs. C. R. McKay and‘ Mrs. R. B. Rae and the anthem “What‘ are these" by Stainer, effectivelyi rendered by the local choir. The‘ rchildren’s service in the afternoon was in charge of Rev. Philip Dykes,i B.A., with Miss Irma Court of the 10â€" cal choir as soloist. An impressive feature in connection with the even- ing service in charge of the rector. Rev. J. J. Robbins Was the placing of a wreath on the honor roll, commem- orating and honouring those who mafle the supreme sacrifice in the world war. The wreath conveyed to the "altarby Mr. J 0s. Bond, therectors warden, and Mr. Harold Ash, ex-sold- ier, was placed on the honor roll by Mrs. Richard Ash, during which the choir sang effectively “For all,the salintswho from their labor rest.†A solo “0 rest in the Lord†by Rev. J. J. Robbins and anthem “Sun of my soul†were pleasing special numbers at this service. - Monday, October 14th Mrs. M, Ogg', Locust Hm, spent the theek-end with Mrs. M. C. Sommer- vi 1e. Mr. Murray Sufnmerfeldt. Canning- tOIrl‘ spent Tuesday in town. The annual Thank-Offering meeting of the W.M.S. Auxiliary of Central United Church was held in the chur- ch parlors on Thursday afternoon last. 60 ladies were present. The President, Mrs. H. H. Eaton was in the chair. Representatives from the sister auxiliaries of St. John’s. Mel- ville and Ebenezer United Churches were also present. The interesting program included an inspirational adâ€" dress on Oriental work in Canada; al- so special music by Mrs. Gormley was appreciated. Following the program tea was served and a social hour en- joyed. A substantial c'fering for the W.M.S. work was received. Mr. Chas. Doust, Mrs. Doust, Mrs. Cheer, Mr. John Weighill and Miss D. Weighill, Toronto, attended the banquet at St. Phillip’s Anglican Church on Monday last. Mr. zind MrsiBurnham and daught- er Nettie spent a few days last week at Sundford. Mrs. Susan Gibson, Miss Margare1 Gibson were guests of Mr. and. Mrs Dave Brown on Tuesday last. Misses Jean Malon and Helen Stiv- er, Mr. Howard Stiver were Aurora visitors on Tuesday last. Mrs, R. L. Stiver, Messrs William Brooks, William Rodich and Leslie Hood attended the M. & M. banquet here in St. Andrew’s East Church on Tuesday evening last. l time was spent when on this evening 200 friends partook of a ‘bountiful banquet prepareu by the ladies of the congregation. During the'i'ntermission, between banquet and program, Bishop Lucas who'has spent many years among the eskimos in the MacKenzie River, entertained the guests with music and interesting anecdotes of his experiences in the North Country. The program of which the Rector, Rev. J. J. Robbins was Chairman breathed of reminiscen- ces and many times the names of the old historic families of Davison, Ping- le and Eckardt were to the "fore. A- mong the speakers to offer congratu- lations were the resident ministers, Rev. E. Heimerich, Rev. H, H. Eaton, also Bishop Lucas, Mr. Ben Humph- rey, a decendant of Rev. M. Loffer, Mr. A. J. H. Eckardt, of Toronto, Mr. Eckardt has kindly donated two silver services to the centenary organ fund. which is being created as a memorial of this celebration and will be install- ed at an early date. Other interest- ‘ing speakers were Mrs. S. Lawrence ,and Mr. G. A. M. Davison. Special imusic under the direction of Miss Ila lWe‘rghill, A.T.C.M., who has effici- ‘ently served this congregation as orâ€" ganist for 15 years, included an in- strumental quartette by the Misses Court. 'McMullen. Hurrell, Anderson, a violin solo by Master Ray East, Toâ€" ronto, duet “The Little Brown Church in the Vale†with encore “Wth you and I were young†by Mrs. C. R. Mc- Kay and Mrs. R. B. Rae. An exores- sion of appreciation by Rev. Robbins and the singing of “Praise God from whom all blessings flow†brought this memorable evening to a close. In spite of the inclemencv of the weather the Library tea on Saturday afternoon was Well attended. Pro- ceeds $25.10. The executive wish to thank all those who responded so 'will- ingly and also the members of the Inâ€" stitute who so gracioust provided the eatables. AUTUMN Pk'ery season hath its pleasure; Spring may boas}: her flowery prime Yet the v'ineyard’s ruby treasures, Brighten 'autunm’s sob’rer time, â€"Moore. Mrs. M. Tho§npson returned to her hop}? in_ Toro_nto on Wednesday last. Mr. Jas. Russell hals returned from an extended trip through the Canad- ian North West. Miss Harrington and Miss Wilson, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. D. Harr- ington 011 Wednesday last. Miss Marién Gibson spent last week the guest oï¬ Mrs. Susan Gibson. Mr. ind Mrs. Wm. Michael, Mr. Skinner, Toronto, were guests of My, angi_ Mrs. Philip Dixon on Sunday. Miss Jean Grant spent the wéek-end at her home here. M12 A J. H. Eckardt. rI‘oronto. at- tended the 'banquet at St. Philip’s Anglican Church on Monday evening last, remaining in town over Tuesday anEi renewing o‘ld acquaintances. Mrs. Craig is spenaing a few days in Toronto. Don’t forget to come and hear the young people of Melville United Church in the play “Home Acres†on Friday evening next, given under the auspices of Central United Church in the__’1‘0\vnship Hall. M5. Wm. Young visited Mr. A. H. Capping on Monday last. Rev. E. Heimericï¬, Sherwood, was in _t_own _on _Wednesday, [HE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Mrs. C. Brodie and Miss Mary Brod- ie, Sto‘uffville, visited Mrs. M. C. Sommerville on Wednesday last. SPECIAL SERVICES AT LUTHER- AN CHURCH Sunday. October the 27th the Beth- esda Lutheran Church at Unionville, which was recently renovated will be reopened. Special services will be held at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. In the morning the Rev. E. Heimerich, past- or will be in charge of the entire ser- ice while in the evening the pulpit will be occupied by Dr. J. Manner, a formâ€" er pastor. Special music Will be provided by the St. John’s Young People’s Choir, of Waterloo. Mr. F. Lincke, organist of ï¬rst English Luth- eran Church, Kitchener, will preside at, the organ. On Monday evening the Z'Sth, at 8 o’clock an organ recital will be given by Mr. Lincke. He will be assisted by Master Eric Rahn, violinist of Kitchener. No admission fee will be charged, but a silver collection will be taken. A most cordial invitation is extended to all. In the Township Hall, Unionville on Friday, October 25th, at 8 o’clock, under the auspices of the United Church. A play will be given by the young people of Melville United chur- ch, entitled “Home Acres.†Admis- sion 25 cents. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening. Sunday, October 20th Missionary and Maintenance Day You are cordially invited to hear Rev. S. H. Soper, Missionary from China at 11 a. m. and Mr. G. K. Quarring- ton, of Trinity United Church, Toron- ces COMINGâ€"Dr. F. E. Luke, optome- trist at Austin’s Drug Store, Rich- mond Hill, Tuesday afternoon, No- vember 5th, from 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. CHRISTMAS CARDSâ€"The Liberal job printing department produces personal greeting cards. A fine range of samples to chose from. See our samples and our prices. r The Liberal, Telephone 9. A masquerade dance will be held at the Elgin Pavilion on Thursday, October Slst. Snider’s Orchestra. Prizes for costumes and novelty dan- to, at CARR â€" STONEHOUSE A pretty autumn wedding was so]â€" emnized at Central United Church on Saturday afternoon last. when Jean Beatrice. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stonehouse became the bride of Mr. Geo. Carr, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Carr. Rev. H. H. Eaton. oï¬ici- ating'. The bride who was given a- way by her father, were a gown of peri-winkle blue georgette, with hat and shoes to match and was attended by her sister, Miss Mary Stonehouse. gowned in brown georgette, hat and shoes to match, both carried beautiful boumiet of Columbia and Pernet roses Mr. Frank McGee, cousin of the groom acted as bestman, and Mr. W. Champâ€" ion and Ernest Appleton as ushers. During the signing of the register, iMiss Marjorie Moore, Toronto, sang, pvhile Miss Helen Taylor, of Toronto, 1presided at the organ. Following- ‘the ceremony at recention was held at the home of the brides parents, after [which Mr. and Mrs. Carr left via mot- ,or for Rochester. Mr. Cawley visited Mr. A. Weighill on Sunday last. Death called another old time and respected citizen when Mr. Stephen lWilkinson passed away at his home in ‘Buttonville on Saturday last, in his eighty-second year. Born at Dollar, er, Wilkinson has resided in the vic- inity of the 4th Con. all his life, and will be missed greatly by a large circ- le of friends. A life long member of Buttonville church, formerly Metho- ‘dist now United, and a Liberal in pol- itics, his wife Mary LaGott, prede- ceased him six years ago. Six child- ren survive him, three sons, William, Frank and Walter; three daughters, Fanny, Margaret and Alice. The service was held at the family resi- dence on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Stuart Woods and Rev. H. H. Eaton, ofï¬ciating. Interment followed in Thornhill cemetery. The many friends extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. The death of Wm. Brown occurred at his home. lot 1]. con. 4, Markham, on Sundav last, Thus massed a highâ€" iv honored and respected citizen of Markham Townshin. Mr. Brown is the youngest son of Alexander.Brown who imeg'rated from the north of Ire- land in 1835. purchasing the land that has remained the family home- stead since that date and Where Wm. Brown was born in 1856. On June 12th. 1895 he was united in marriage to Sarah Ann Perry. who survives him along with nine children, six daughters, Mrs. D. Hood, Buttonville; Mrs. J. As'h, Sharon; Mrs. Robt. Tho-moson. Toronto: Laura. Della and Dorothy at home. three sons. Alexan- der. Toronto: John E. and Newton J. at home. Mr. Brown was a life long member of Brown’s Corners church. formerly Presbyterian, now United, a Conservative in politics, a kind and sympathetic neighbor and always taking a keen interest in religion and municipal affairs. The funeral scr vices were held at the family residcn» ce on Wednesday at 2.30 p. m., Rey Stuart Woods and Rev. F. Rae offici ating. His three sons Alexander John and Newton and three son-in laws, Douglas Hood, John Ash, Rob? Thompson were the pall-bearers. Th interment took place in Brown’s Cor- ners cemetery. The sincere sy'rnprtth‘ of the entire community is extended to the bereaved family. HA LLOWE’EN MASQL’ ERA DE DANCE LATE STEPHEN WILKINSON RICHMOND ‘ HILL UNITED CHURCH WILL PRESENT PLAY LATE WILLIAM BROWN Liberal candidate in South York, who along with other prominent speakers will address a public meet- ing which will be held in the Comâ€" munity Hall, Maple on Friday evenâ€" ing, October 18th. A meeting in the interests of Harâ€" old A, Sanders, Liberal candidate in East York will be held in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, on Thursday, October 24th. Plan to attend and hear the issues of the campaign dis- cussed. A complete series of meetings throughout the riding of East York have been arranged by H. A. Sanders Liberal candidate, and he is suppoi‘t- ed in the campaign by a number of prominent platform speakers. Leopold Macaulay addressed a meeting at Klienburg on Tuesday evening. He dealt with Hydro and defended the record of the Ferguson government. A Liberal rally will be held in the interest of G. W. Hood, Liberal can- didate for South York, in Community Hall, Maple, on Friday, October 18th, at 8 p. m. Speakers include Mrs. Dr. E. P, Kelly, Aubrey Bond, K. C., A. L. ROWe, T. P. Donnelly, secretary Liberal Association and the candidate G. W. Hood. It appears probable that the elect- ion in East York will be a three corn- ered contest. It is understood that Alan McDonald wiil run as an inde- pendent against Hon. G. S. Henry and Harold A. Sanders. A Beautiful Range of Far Coats at Moderate Prices McCormack & Currie 2009 YONGE STREET - NORTH TORONTO Furs Remodelled and Repaired Coats Made to Order No Odors HEATED G. W. P. HOOD FORD CARS The Original Fan Equipped Hot Water Auto Heater )Odors â€" INo Fumes â€"â€" Lasts for Ye MEMBERS OF FURRIERS’ GUILD Arvin Hot Air Heaters Frost Cop Anti Freeze ittle Brothers By the Hot Water in the Radiator TR 0P1 C-AIRE Ford Sales and Service Richmond Hill. Ontario One Filling Lasts a Season $38.00 Installed For Ford Model “A†Double installled $12.00 Single ,, $6.00 Ask for Demonstration McCLARY’S Quebec Cookers Heaters and Furnacettes Iichmond Hill OPTOMETRIST 167 Yonge Street, Toronto’s “ble Eyesight Specialistâ€"may be consulted at AUSTIN’S I DRUG STORE, RICHMOND HILL, TUESDAY AFTERNOON. NOV. 5th from 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. from 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. J WC. Baldock CARS 1928 Chevrolet ; ton truck with cab and open box â€"Bargain PAINTS, OILS, LEADS AND VARNISHES HARNESS PARTS 1927 Buick sedan, looks like F. E. LUKE. Opt. D. newâ€" Guaranteed perfect USED C. N. COOPER omlng Lasts for Years PAGE FIVE Jntario