Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Oct 1929, p. 6

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PAGE srx Richmond Hill Delivered in Richmond Hill and Vicinity O the man who in- gralls “Toronto” Lstalls “Toronto” Stable Equipment, “hot galvanizing” means a guarantee of absolute rust-proofnessâ€"a life- time of service. It means that “Toronto” is the b e s t Stable Equipment that can be made. TE STAB: In the “Hot Galvanizing" process 4.1- u... __ v - onto” Stable Equipment, each article is submerged in a vat of molten zinc, at a temperature of 800 degrees. This terrific heat expands the metal and the zinc seals the pores with a heavy coating which absolutely defies rust. The inside as well as the outside of steel tubing is made rust- proof. This is why “Toronto” Stalls, Bull Pens, Water Bowls, Litter Carriers, etc., are giving such wonderful service on thousands of Canadian farms. It will pay you to let me te you more about this when you are in town, or let me sen you big, free “Toronto” Book. I05 Do You Know What “Hot Galvanizing” Means? NUT, STOVE AND EGG COAL J. Shaardown J. LUNAU Richmond Hill â€"â€" Put it on with PRESTON LED-HBO NAILS (.hown above) Specially adapted for use in putting on natal roofing. The land on the head pouitively seals the nail holeâ€"â€" asking it welther- tight and waterproof. No when; no more “thregdin¢".22cporlb. Free sample on 113‘ quest. Prevent Spontaneous Combustion and have 3 Well Ventilated Barn Warm, moist lit in an improperly ventilgted barn produces conditions conduqu m apoqtaneous igninon Preston Venu‘. lawn for the roof ldmstable sldeâ€"wall wmdowa and spacious doors protect the but In firp d are by keeping the air in constant cixculafion. Theyarebmlg to cap in elements out. Write for fullpamculars. fiche atronlest ban on the market. There are more Preston Burns in the Province dun all other metal barns combined. Fireproof. roomy, well- ventilatedmandsome. To our knowledge. noPreston Steel Truss Bum has ever been destroyed by lightning ox- sponmneous combustion. Write today for out big Barn Book. .un.‘ ’vn PRESTON STEEL TRUSS BARNS Over 1,000 in Ontarioâ€"Not one lost through lightning J xxx Guelph Street 1 V \_ TORONTO PRESTON, ONTARIO MONTREAL ( “our wlwmosfiwlz [IRE AND WEATHER Preston hotrgnlvanized four-wheel Hangers and bkdpmaf Barn Door Tuck are the best hardware made for heavy bum dootp. The finger is adjustsble up and down. and in and out. Tbxs unlike: erection so easy that hundreds of builders will use no 0 er type. Barn Door Tracks and Hangetf STABLE EQUIPMENT g” process used in making “Tor- t, each article is submerged in a temperature of 800 degrees. This Rib-Roll Galvanized roofing shields property from lightning and fire. Wooden roofs are eas prey. In 1927 inOntario alone, $1 $4.700 wo of property .was destroyed by tire cauSed by spontaneous combustion and by embers fall- ing on inflammable roofs. Rib-Roll is abso- lutely fire-proof and water-tight. It protects your crops from dampness that is conducive to spontaneous ignition. Handsome; perman- ent; easy to lay on any roof. Has seven ribs to nail; others give less security. Take steps now to protect your livestock, cro s findl buildings. Write for a fi‘eesample of Bi 0 . Easternfitecl, Products HORONTO Ontario Ontario A grand entertainment will be held in the King City United Church on Friday, October 18th, commencing at 8 o’clock, by the Yonge Street United Church, Toronto. The choir will con- sist of 45 voices under the leadership of Frederick R. Beatty. The follow- ing artists will contribute to the pro- grammezâ€"Miss Jean D. Graham, 50- prano; Margaret Damp, contralto; E. ‘P. Williams, tenor; Robt. E. Young, baritone; Arthur Milton, Bass; Norma French, entertainer. Harvest Home services will be held in the United Church on Sunday, 0c- tober 20th, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev. Dr. D. McTavish, of Toronto, will preach at the morning service and the pastor, Rev. A. H. Halbert will conduct the evening service. Mr. Eldon Walderess a noted baritone sol- oist, of Toronto, will sing at the evenâ€" ing service. Mr. Walderess is :1 member of the Mendellsnhn choir. The Y.P.S. met last Tuesday wen- ing with John Dew, J12, inthe chair. After the programme a presentation was made to Richard Jones. the presi- dent, who is soon to make his home in Toronto. Contests were enjoyed, af- ter which luncheon was served. The many friends of Mr. W, A. Hall ‘are pleased to know that he is making very favorable progress following an operation at the Toronto Hospital. The anniversary services held both morning and evening were well atten- ded.‘ Rev. S. Wood. spoke at the morning service and chose‘as his text, Matthew 16 verse 18, “Upon this rock [ will build my Church.” At the eve- ning service, Rev. G. E. Coulter, chose as his discourse, Luke 9, verse 62, “No men having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." The choir provided special music for the occas- ‘ion. The soloist at both services be- ing Miss Robertson. of Toronto. We are glad that Mrs. F. A. Clark is better again after having the flu. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Darker, Mr. A very pleasant time was spent at the Y.P. meeting last Thursday night when a special programme was put on in honor of Rev. A. and Mrs. Lunau's twentyâ€"third wedding anniversary. At'the close of the programme a table was carried out into the centre of the room, tastefully decorated in pink and white with tall white candleâ€" sticks in silver holders, the wedding cake being in the centre surrounded by pink tulle, a dainty buffet luncheon was then served to about forty people. After the luncheon Rev. Lunau in a, few well-chosen words remarked that it had been one of the nicest surprises ever given he and his wife, to which everyone joined in heartilyâ€"“For they ‘are jolly good fellows.” The singing 10f “Blest be the tie that binds,” {brought an evening long to be re- ;membered to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark and son Harold, and Mrs, M. Comisky. of Rich- mond Hill, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, C! and Mrs. Roy Pa!) Mrs. A. Elson warn and Mrs. Wm. Wel Miss Robertson, of Toronto. her friend Miss Muriel Comi Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grorge Qua ora, visited at the home of Mrs. N. Brodie on Sunday. Last Friday evening, the Y.P.S. from Thornhill visited the Camille Society and put on a social program. Miss Sumner delighted the audience with comic readings and Miss Wilb- shire sang. The comb band gave two selections after which the company engaged in contests. Camille so« ciety served cake and ice-cream and all spent a very pleasant evening. The regular meeting of the Y will be held next Friday in the c The program is in the care of MacMillan, Miss Dickinson and Clement. occupied on Sunday. Miss Edith Dickinsor Jr HEADFOR D KING CITY with Mr. and Mr THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO CARRVILLE I. Haig, of Vic the pulpit last zues the guests of I man on Sunday urge Quanta, A :ker, Mr. :nily, and is of Mr. visited and Arch Yhss .\1rs ‘Says T. T. C. Not Willing To Co-Operate In County Investigation are OPERATING COSTS 0N METRO POLITAN 50 PER CENT HIGH- ER THAN SIMILAR LINE IN WINNIPEG ; pre once a and c‘ the IReeve the 0 had 11 still vs corned the investigation, and gave us every assistance.” Dr. Dales: “Could not this line be run at a great- ly reduced over-head expense than at End 75% of your tractor or car Ignition troubles. The Dynamo iTimer will make your Ford or Ford- 'son start much easier, run smoother (with more even power. , i The Dynamo replaces the Ford 'C-ommutator. It requires no oiling, does not wear unevenly, thus, it al- ways gives a smooth, positive con- tact. It banishes all your commuta- tor troubles and improves engine ,performance at all speeds. prevent?” REEVE LUNDY: “W'E HAVE BEEN IN TOUCH WITH THE MANAGEMENT OF THE \VINNI- PEG LINES WHICH IS THE BEST COMPARISON WE CAN GET TO OUR METROPOLITAN. AND IT OP- ERATES AT A COST OF ABOUT 50 FER CENT. OF THIS LINE." Dr. Dales: “If the county could buy the line at a junk price, it could be made pay.” Reeve Lundy: “The city \\ T1 not give an outside transportation r‘mcern terminal rights in the city. The whole question is the T.T.C. “ant to run busses only, that’s what they will stick out for, but the busses will not appear in such a favourable light after investigation.” The Council all agreed that citizens of North York should do everything in their power to retain the Metropol- itan line. Victoria Square Phone 5 When you need a new Commutator give the Dynamo a trial, and if not fully satisfied I will return your money. Price $2.75. The average Fordson wears out two Ford Commutators per year; but the Dynamo Timer reduces your repair bills, because it will last inde- finitely, without attention and is fully guaranteed to render 100 per cent. efficiency for 3 years. Tis the cheapest in the long run. Put one on and forget it. __ “.Many Dgfiérfia Timers are in daily use in Markham and Whitchurch Townships. Recommended by every user. e Metropolitan again occupied consideration ai Newmarket C0‘ FORD AND FORDSON OWNERS THURSDAY, FRDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Here are a few of the special bargains we offer. Many other N yal Preparations at special rate of two for the price of one. See our windows. BUY ONE AND YOU GET ONE FREE E. KLINCK ‘Oc Ci-Mi Vanishing Cream .................... To better acquaint you with the nationally advertised NYAL Home Remedies, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, Stationery, Etc., we are, by special arrangement with the Nyal Company, Limited, offering during this sale a full-sized Nyal item FREEâ€"with each one you buy at the regular every-day priceâ€"Two for the price of one. Cl-MI VANISHING CREAM I v Austin’s Drug Store *5? L i v .. “ “\a’G 51'“ s“ v Stouffville 4011 / eq_|!Vl Ontario RP‘VfiUfiQ/‘Q/‘CA‘ _g><,/><//\\j7/»;7;\:g? 12v» {4} "Il‘lljlllfll‘flllllllll IInnmmmnnmu ‘ SHEET STEEL CEILINGS add the touch of pros- GALVANIZED . . GALVANIZED t t re ; smmg for 833, ughifpmg‘? SHINGLES Outsnde Walls oiling; schools, Plant! the fire hazard. Am - _ s, ens an ton over old roofs. Inexggggget? Eggyago bathrooms. Easy Easy to lay. Good “‘2 on over old waus_ toputupOVerold _lookmg,. permanent, gVith building 3pm. plasjzerfio dust mexpenslve. Use No Wm ’ win proof. or htter. Eas Other. Choiccse of Brick, Rock-face " The pepnanent fireproof and lapboud patterns. not crack mofiséfizgfiwg or fall off. .25; 1 GALVANIZED ' SIDING for Outside Walls Attractive to look at. Inexpensive. Easy to wt on over “old walls. ith buildmg aper, warm, , win proof. Choice of Brick, Rock-face and Clapboard patterns. THIS WEEKâ€"October 17, 18, 19 ‘Extensive new construc- Ilm and replacements of Nth local and long dirsr- 50c Nyal Dentaclor Tooth Paste 26c Nyal Baby Talcum . . 25c Nyal White Pine & Tar . . $1.00 Nyal Mineral Oil $1 Nyal Cod Liver Comp. 50c Nyal Kid- ney Pills . . 25c Nyal Hydro. gen Peroxide 25c Ednce telephone plait will mean an outlay in 199.9 of more than $27,000,000. 3 Days Only c Nyal and Li ANSWER PROMPTLY al Stom Liver P THURSDAY Y the time this woman finishes her hand of bridge and reaches the telephone the party calling will have given up. The tardy Bridge- player will be told “Sorry â€" there’s no one on the line now, Madam". Both of them will be annoyedâ€"the person calling and the person czllcd. Both of them have wasted time. Remember-«it takes three to complete a call- There are over one million local calls in Ontario and Quebec every day which fail to get through. These uncompleted calls mean two million min- utes a day wastedâ€"congestion of trafficâ€"constant irritationâ€"a handicap to business. Some of them are unavoidable and some of them are our own errors. But many of them are misâ€" takes rnade by the person calling or the person called. It takes three people to complete a call. We are constantly striving to reduce our own errors. We are now pointing out some of the common errors in telephone usage because our aim is to provide the best possible telephone ser- vice* and in telephone service, co-operation is essential. Answer promptly when your telephone rings. If it is not conveniently located. in your home, con- sult us about it. And when you make a call, wait a reasonable time before giving up and causing a. “No one on the line now”. 5’12 {Oxâ€"A50 ..2 m .25 . 2 “H.250 2 m1.00: 2 for 1.00 add the touch of pros‘ gfrity to stores; give etterlight. Perman~ ent also for schools, halls, kitchens and bathrooms. Easy ‘ toputupoverold / plaster.No dust or litter. Eas to cleanjn tor for for OCTOBER Shaving Oc Par Cream 60c Nyal Milk of Magnesia you should 7th y SHIN GLES End the fire hazard. Put on over old roofs. Easy to lay. Good .lookmg', permanent, mexpensive. Use No Other. PAR 1929 ‘4,“er 2 for 050 234

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