Rev, M. R. Sanderson, of St. Cuth- berts gave a profitable address on “Essential Factors in the Work of our local Sunday Schools.†Some of the factors were, consecrated teachers a definite goal, the bringing of boys and girls to know Jesus as Saviour and Lord; regular meetings of the Sunday school executive, good school accommodation, wide contacts, so that schools may learn one from the other the best points of one another. Rev. H. C. Priest. also gave a profitable address on “The teacher as 3. Kingdom Builder." Mr. Priest stressed the fact that next year in Toronto the Inâ€" ternational Sunday School convention is to be held, when representatives the world over will assemble. The enquiry of the Secretary, Rev. Geo. Burry, in the Round table Con- ference, as to how the County organ- ization might function as a greater help to the Townships’ Councils on the one hand, and the Provincial Council on the other, brought about a helpful discussion. It was recommended that financial support from the Townships for the Provincial council work should be on the basis of school membership; that Township visit schools not reâ€" porting and encourage every school to come into the township organization. Officers for the yearzâ€"President, Mr. A. R. Lewis. Markham; Vice- President, Rev. W. M. Mustard, Sar- boro Bluffs: Secretary-Treasurer, Rev. Geo. Burl-y. Downsview; Child- ren's work. Mrs. W. 0. Duncan, West- on R. R.; Girls work, Miss Doris Sod- en. Newtonbrook: Boys work work, Mr. Paul Snider, Maple R R.; Young- People’s Rev. Geo. Coulter. Richmond Hill: Teacher Training, Rev. W. R. Auld. Markham; Missionary; Mr. W. M. Haig‘, Gormley; Temperance, Mrs. Graves, Scarboro. A prayer meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 29th from 3 to 4 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Dr. Wilson. Church Street. under the auspices of the W.C.'I‘.U. to pray for the suc- cess of the temperance forces in the coming ‘election. All ladies of the community are invited. South York County Religious Edu- cation Council meeting had a repre- sentation gathering of the County in \Villowdale United Church, October 8. Sunday School Workers Held Annual Meeting 3=o==o=o VOL. LII. A THURSDAY FRIDAY MONDAY TUESDAY m Continuous Saturday’s THE BIG HOP COMEDY The Book Worm MoVietone News ADDED ATTRACTION FOR THE CHILDREN SATURDAY MATINEE BUCK JONES W. C. T. U. MEETING “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†MohawknLyric 2.00 to 11.00 [Nâ€" The members of the Women’s Asâ€" sociation met on Monday evening at the home at Mrs. A. W. Stephenson and held a practice for their special service. which will be on Sunday eve- ning, November 3rd. One of our newest organizations is the Mission Band. There was a good iattendance last Monday afternoon. ‘This band is under the direction of 1Miss Hope and Mrs. Wells. Miss Elâ€" eanor Moore, the President, was in the chair. After the business was over and the “bunnies†brought in; the lit- tle folk were taken on a “friendly trail" to visit the children of another people. This time they were taken to visit the Indians of this country. The conductor was Mrs. E. R. Young, who illustrated her account of the In- dians by curios and lantern slides, that showed Indian children in their homes and sports and schools. The members of the young people’s society are practising hard for their coming entertainment on Thursday evening, November 7th. At their meeting, last Monday evening, Mr. P. J. Mason gave a very instructive ad- dress. Miss Doris Sodenï¬ presided. The Pollyanna Club will hold a mas- querade and Hallowe’en social in the school room of the Newtonbrook Unit- ed Church next Monday evening. There will. no doubt, be a full house to enjoy this event. " The subjects for Rev. E. R. Youncr’s sermons next Sunday. October 27th., are; in the morning, “Sinning‘ against Self" and in the evening, “The Sinner and his Advocate.†In the Newtonbrook Parsonage on Monday afternoon, by the Rev. E. R. Young, Miss Velma Mae Fisher, daughter of Mr. Joseph Fisher, of Newtonbrook, was united in marriage to Robert Albert Cosburn, son of Mr. Robert Cosburn, of Toronto. Miss Emily Fisher was bridesmaid and Mr. Leonard Boddington supported the groom. . Mrs. Had Moore and Mr. Harry Duggan sang a duett very efficiently, last Sunday evening in the United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Shelley, of Thornhill, have taken up their residence on Greenview Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Barton have removed to Lansing. Mrs. H. V. Moore entertained the choir of the United Church last Fri- day evening. After the business ses- sion, a delightful social hour was en- joyed. 7 - 'Mr, John Johnson, who has been ill for sometime, has been sent to the W9§tem Hospital, Toronto. Newtonbrook COED “Iii Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things. Charity." 30:†'o==m=loo=o VAUGHAN FIRST IN lag; (in: JUDGING CONTEST RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1929 The “Royal Special’? judging compe- tition under the auspices of the York County Junior Farmers was held in the Newmarket district on Wednesâ€" day. The ten securing high stand- ing will be given a three day visit to the Royal Winter Fair as guests of the directors and of the City of Tor- onto. The contenders judged live stock, grain, seeds and poultry, and during the day Visited the farms of Beacroft & Sons, Aurora, Beckett & Sons, Whitchurch, and Alex. Doner, Newmarket. There was a special contest this year for a novice judging team of contestants who never atten- ded a short course or took part in a County Judging competition. The Gold Medal was won by Mr. Clarence Graham, of Vaughan Township, who coached the following team; Donald McCallum, Cameron McLure, Alex. McNeil all of Vaughan township. As a team they wonrfirst prize and also individually headed the list of winn- ers for the day. The second prize for coaching was won by Jos. Levison of Armitage, who was awarded a silv- er medal. The standing of the ten winning contestants was; Donald Mc- Callum, Vaughan Township 799, Cameron McLure, Vaughan Township 766; Alex. McNeil, Vaughan Town- ship 741; Russel Burr, Markham, Alâ€" vin Wideman, Markham; Everett Phillips, Vaughan; Raymond Clark- son, Weston; Wilbert Jennings, Tempâ€" eranceville; F. Stelles, Temperance- ville; Leonard Harman, King. FINED IN RICHMOND HILL FOR HAVING LIQUOR IN CAR Two Toronto men appeared in Rich- mond Hill police court on Monday morning and were given fines totall- ing $l80.25 by Magistrate G. H. Dun- can after they pleaded guilty to char- ges of Reckless Driving, Driving with- out }! Permit, and Having Liquor oth- er than in a private residence. With costs the fines amounted to over $200. The accused Were arrested on Satur- day evening by Constable S. A. Barr- aclough after a somewhat exciting chase down Yonge Street. Witnessâ€" es reported narrow escapes from the reckless driving of the occupants of the car and phoned the complaint to n-_-L_L1, Constable Bargeâ€"laugh chase. A quantity of liquor a1 was found in the car. narrauougn who gave quantity of liquor and beer A In†G I Sparton Radio RICHMOND HILL, Regarding the radials Mr. Henry stated that a permit had been issued by his department for the operation of busses, not realizing at the time that they were in direct competition with the cars or of any particular moment to the service. This permit was granted he said during his absen- ce and it was not appreciated by those in the office that it was of any particular moment to the existing service. Mr. Henry said that he ap- preciated that it had given rise to a difficult situation and that he realized the radials were handicapped by it. As head of the department he said he must accept responsibility for the is- suing of the permit although person- ally he was not directly responsible. He was of the opinion that it would be a mistake to take the radials off Yonge Street. Hon. Mr. Henry stated that the de- partment of Highways was willing to give a grant of 30' per cent. to the townships if they undertook the con- struction of sidewalks on Yonge street and stated that for years he had en- deavoured to have the municipalities concerned get together and have the ‘work done. Mr. and Mrs. W. Montgomery and daughter Beatrice, of New Liskeard. snent the Week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Comisky. iMrs. VFred Leuschner' has returned home after spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith, of Toronto. 7 Arthur Leuschner snent the week-end at his sister’s Mrs. Bert Mumford. 7 We yare sorry to hear Miss Effie Jarvis is on the sick list this week and hope for a spgedgy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. N. Brodie, Miss M. Henricks and Mr .J. Curtis attended the anniversary services at Aurora Sunday. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The October meeting of the Horti- cultural Society was held in the High school on Tuesday, October 15th and was well attended. All present were greatly interested in the address on Rock gardens, given by Mr. F. R. Heywood, Toronto. Alpine garden- ing is one of the oldest forms of gard- ening and during the last few years it has gained great popularity, not only in this country, ,but in the old land as well. Much helDful informâ€" ation was given bv Mr. Heywood on the Dreparation and planting of a rock garden. A very hearty invitation is extended to every member of the community to attend the Y.P.S. on Thursday evenâ€" ing at 8 o’clock. A most interesting and helpful address was given by Mrs F. Lee last week. Miss M. Coupples visited her sister Mrs. J. Leek over the week-end. Mrs. C. Brodie has returned home after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. G. Quantz‘ of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. C. Boynton and Miss Ellen attended the anniversary serv- ice at Thornhill Sunday. ' Miss Rhoda Docks, Miss M. Morgan Mr. B. Magson, and Mr. E, Batty vis- ited at the home of Mr. Freeman Barâ€" ker this week. Mi‘. ahd Mrs. W. Wellman, Miss Ruth and Master Allen Wellman vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dean, Sunday. The members of the Society have been invited to snend a social evening at the home of Mrs. Phipps on Novâ€" ember the nineteenth. HEADFORD The earnings of the Company have shown a very appreciable increase since organization. Net profits available for interest on these bonds after all operating expenses including depreciation and after deducting interest and dividends on subsidiary companies’ securities not yet acquired were as follows; 13 monnths ended January 3151:1929 . . . . . . . . . . . $1,223,058.00 7 months ended August 3lst, 1929 . . . . . . . . . . $1,236,945.00 It is conservatively estimated by ofï¬cials of the Company that net profits for the year ending January 31st, 1930 will be in excess of $1,800,000.00 equal to four timesthe annual interest requirements of this issue. . s “7 . CONVERSION At any time up to and including October lst, 1934 these bonds may be ex- changed for common stock of the Company on a basis of $50.00 per share. These bonds are a legal investment for Insurance. Companies and Trust Companies. As the issue will be considerably over subscribed we would suggest that Eversley Presbyterian church will observe Anniversary services on Sun- day, October 27, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Rev. Mr. Bowman, of Maple, will take charge of both services. Mr. Cyril Rotchell, of Aurora, will be the soloist for the morning service and the Aurora Presbyterian choir un- der the leadership of Mr. L. K. Farr will provide the music for the evening service. Rev. G. W. Robinson, a former pas- tor and now of New Toronto, will adâ€" dress the members of Robertson Lod- ge A.F. & A.M. and visiting Masons at the evening service of King City 6% ASSETS After giving effect to this ï¬nancing fixed and net current assets (exclus- ive of good will) as at August 3lst, 1929, amounted to $17,422,640, equal to approximately $2,325.00 per 81,000 bond. EARNINGS bi‘ï¬eâ€"i‘isï¬ be placed without delay‘ This issue is placed on the market by the Nesbitt, Thomson & 00., Limited, T01 INVESTMENT SECURITIES Telephone 87, Yonge Street ' - l $7,000,000 McCall-Frontenac Oil Company, Limited Fiï¬-(“MOVIE TONEâ€"FOLLIESof 1929 Also An All Talking Comedy. "THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT.- YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. SEE and Also an All Talking Comedy 7 News ALL ALL ALL Singing Dancing Tglking TALKING and SOUND SATURDAY, MONDAY___TUESD§Y,_OCT. 26, 28, 29 Hear Mary Talk for Her FirSt Time on the Movie Picture Screen. SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, Nov, 2, 4, 5 twenty year first mortgage Also Singing Novelty. HEAR BEDFORD THEATRE THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT IN HER FIRST ALL TALKING PICTURE Mary Pickford â€"Step-Up Closer and Hear a Real Cast. SUE CARROL â€"â€" DAVID ROLLINS 200 Musical Comedy Performers. With ESTELLE BRODY The Sweemst Love Story Ever Screened. KING CITY WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY FRIDAY, OCT. 30, 31, NOV. 1 3:31? ITTY . R. HERRINGTON PICTURES Circular on Request km: by the, well known Bond House, of dmited, Toronto and Montreal. & Collateral Trust Convertible Bonds. DON’T FORGET ’THE FOWL SUPPER 0N OCT. 3lst IN THE UNITED CHURCH The annual Fowl Supper under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid, of the Richmond Hill United Church in the Sunday School Room, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3lst. Supper served from 6 o’clock until all are served. A musical entertainment in the chur- ch during the supper hours. Come early and bring your friends and en- joy a real good supper and a first. class musical entertainment. Ad- mission 60 cents. S. S. Savage, President; F. M. Sims, Secretary. Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Comedy. Richmond Hill, Ontario No. 17 News. News