of medical attention 'with nothing coming in? Accident Insurance re- lieves financial and physical suffering Supposing something happened to YOU. What provision have you made for weeks and perhaps months ACCIDENTSâ€" AND YET MORE ACCIDENTS RICHMOND HILL,ONT. PHONE l53 E PAINTER & DECORATOR H. FORSTER Office in the Post Office Block Wall Paper Supplied if Desired HALL’S :92: ggffl 5 Phone-â€"\Villowdale 96W POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. Greasing of all kinds 3 specialty Coal Oil, Full line of Auto Ac- cessories, Radio Parts and Re- pairs. Exclusive Dealer for Firestone Tires We are the authorized dealers in this district for the Famous Castrol Cylinder Oil. “Be Ready with Reddy Power†W. N. Mabbeï¬ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Telephone Stouffville 6116 ving. Be able to think of the joy of real motor- ing by using PEERLESS gas and CASTROL oil regularly. A. G. SAVAGE KEEP your mind off of motor troubles when dri- VICTORIA SQUARE Richmond Hill THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3lst, 1929 TEL. 118 well to know just what kind of water is being used in their homes. In the last survey of Well waters from farm homesteads, the samples submitted showed only some 24.4 per cent. as pure and Wholesome. Every farmer may have the water tested free of charge, provided sample are collected and sent in prepaid. We suggest that farmers in this district consult the township medical health officer. It may save much sickness in the fami- “While drinkihg water in cities and towns is frequently analyzed as to purity, the wells in rural sections are too often taken for granted. In View of the long drought and the exceeding scarcity of water, farmers would do well to know just what kind of water Your Water Supply One weekly newspaper editor re- cently made the following timely comment: of spraying. Another claims to have lost $500 by not following instructions completely. Spraying must be done properly and thoroughly to yield the best results. It Pays to Spray Ontario farmers will this year harâ€" vest the cleanest apple crop in the history of the provicne. It is almost solely due to better spraying, which in turn is the result of the activities of the department’s spray service. One farmer reports that his crop ben- efited to the extent of $1000 by reason Oats and Sow Thistle “Don’t sow oats on fields infested with sow thistle. Rather sow clov- ers, plow them when very dry, and work thoroughly,†is the advice of one farmer who has had experience with this noxious weed. Sow thistle as well as other thistles, thrive in cats better than in any other crop. It does not show up very much in wheat or cloirer. Sow weed infested fields to any of the clovers and cut twice a year. By following this course, sow thistle will be largely eliminated. Fattening Turkeys Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner tables in Ontario Will not lack for turkeys, judging by reports from diff- erent parts of the province. Turâ€" keys raised in the open during the summer cannot stand close confine- ment during the fattening period and should therefore not be confined to pens. Confinement often results in the birds going off their feed and de- veloping digestive troubles, sometim- es in death. The proper time to commence fattening is four Weeks be- fore they are wanted for table use,‘ which is usually in November and De- cember. The young birds should be started feeding gradually. The feed should be composed of both mashes and whole grain, the mashes in the morning and at mid-day, and the whole grain at night. The mash is made up of equal parts of ground oats, barley meal, cornmeal and Wheat bran, and should be fed in a. moist condition from clean, “Vâ€-shaped troughs. Whole corn is the best grain for fattening purposes and should be used for the evening meal. NeVer give them more than they will readily eat. Turkeys thrive best in the open and even in the fattening period should be allowed to roost outside, with protection, of course, from cold winds and rain. a. new million dollar administration and residence building on which work has already commenced. It will be the largest building on the campus and its equipment and facilities will be modern in every respect. The date set for its completion is Sept. lst 1930. | Big Enrolment at 0. A. C. a; I President Christie of the Ontario lAgricult‘ural College at Guelph, 1‘â€: iports a largely increased enrolment this year. A total of 325 students have entered for the fall term as com- pared with 276 in 1928. MacDonald Hall has an enrolment of 214 young ladies as compared with 190 last year. This gratifying increase emphasizes the need for greater accommodation, which will be supplied in the form of The finest live stock “hotel†known is the Royal Winter Fair. It will house in comfort 2,000 head of cattle, 2,000 sheep and 1,500 swine. A new judging ring augments the huge are- na in the Royal Coliseum, the central building of the show. There are rest and lounge rooms, shower baths, and warm sleeping quarters for attend- ants and exhibitors. Ottawa VVintenFair â€" December 2nd to 6th. Guelph Winter Fair â€" December 9th to 12th. Royal Winter Fair, Torontoâ€"No- vember 20-28. ~ NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR Hints For Busy F armer; THE BUSY FARMER Live Stock Hotel TOBACCO ICE CREAM and CONFECTIONERY FILMS and DEVELOPING TOBACCO and SUNDRIES The Potato Market Ottawa forecasts estimate the Canâ€" adian potato crop at about 16 per cent below that of last year. In Ontario ‘the crop is nearly 30 per cent. below that of 1928. The United States crop , 4.. V ...\,, vvuu declared the grand champion plow- man at the seventeenth annual inter- national plowing match in Kingston. Waterloo County won the special class for county teams, with York County second. The first individual prize in the inter-county competition went to R. G. Brown of Galt. It was one of ‘the most successful events in the his- tory of the association. Castro] Auto Oils Firestone Tires, Fada and First Class Provisions Compare Our Prices Before Buying Elsewhere TELEPHONE 122 Super Power, Peerless and Ethyle Ctr-operative Ships Potatoes The Central Ontario Potato Growâ€" ers’ Association commenced active business last week by shipping their first car from Alliston. This associ- ation is meeting the problems of On- tario farmers by offering straight carloads of one variety grown from certified seed and graded not only to “Canada. 1,†but to the standard set for their own brand. They believe that by selling their high-class proï¬ duction under a brand name, which they are prepared to protect, that they can compete in all markets] where quality counts. Local branches are located at Craig- hurst, New Lowell, Alliston, Whitfield Orangeville and Caledon. The mam office is at Alliston and Carl White- side is the secretarvâ€"treamwnv- F.J. MANSBRIDGE Government Inspected Meats kept under Mechanical Refrigeration Make your Phone Useful Phone 97 Richmond Hill We Delivery Promptly We Specialiie in Ladies and Children’s Hosiery Phone 119 Richmond Hill C L 0 T H IN G Boots and Shoes Telephone 86-J Richmond Hill Ont J. W. WELLMAN Superior Chain Store GROCERIES, FRUITS CONFECTIONERY Try our Special Blend Coffee Phone 20-W HALL’S Service Station H. F. AUSTIN W. C. SAVAGE DA VI ES’ DRY GOODS General Workmen’s Furnishings ,. Hargreaves of Beachï¬lle, was GASOLINE F. E. SIMS Philco Radio RICHMOND HILL Buy-at†Ome Campaign Through the co-operation of the Business Men listed below, we will reproduce a} series of educational articles oring to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring more progressive community in which to live. ‘ BUTCHER THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTAuiU Druggist secretary-treasurer. COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE Ontario PHONE YARD 10 W’ " ,73'8’525" svme mauth slightly off. Oats showed a. similar tendency. More barley was planted but the acre-yield was lighter. Less rye was grown but the yield remain- ed stationary. The acreage of peas dropped about 30 per cent. and the yield per acre decreased. About 25 per cent. more beans were grown and the yield increased. Alfalfa was of? considerably from the heavy crops of I 1927 and 1928, but still far above the average for the past 16 years. The yield was not so good. Alsike had a good year and a fair yield per acre. Sweet clover fell off both in acreage and yield. But hay and clover had the biggest acreage yet and a fine ‘yield. The figures for other crops ‘will be furnished at a later date. The ‘logical conclusion to be drawn from the above figures is that the unusuallyI dry summer has not been so injurious i as might be imagined. ‘ J. R. Herrington INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Investment Securities Phone 87 Richmond Hill Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Acreage of Crops Some interesting statistics have been compiled by the department deal- iing with the acreage of principal ï¬eld crops of Ontario and the yield per acre in bushels for 1929 as c0mpared with 1928. The acreage of fall wheat is shown to be about the same with an increase in the acre yield. Spring wheat, both in acreage and yield, was slightly off. Oats showed a similar tendency. More barley was planted is one of the lightest in ten years, in fact is the smallest with the exception of 1925. It will be readily appreciat- ed that potatoes are in a strong pOSi- tion. Some Ontario and Quebec far- mers are short of storage and require ready cash, consequently prices are 'somewhat depressed at present, but as soon as digging has been completed it is expected that prices will stiffen. DO you ever stop to consider what your merchant means to your community? What it means to him from the standpoint of investment, to stock his store with seasonable merchandise of every description for the convenience of community residents? He will choose, we will say, a five thousand dollar stock of goods and place them on his shelves for your convenien- ce of purchase, he has studied your needs, he knows your desires. Why not show your confidence in him through your purchases? That same investment could easily be placed at 6% outside of your community and tripled in one year. If you do not help, through your purchase of his merchandise, his stock becomes old and shopworn, and finally he gives up doing business in dis- gust. When this is done your merchant leaves the community. Yes he has lost out, not so much from a monetary standpoint, but his confidence has been shat- tered. When confidence is gone you remove the foun- dation of your whole civic structure. Yes, the merch- ant lost, but not as much as the community who lost him. When a community can point with pride to the stability of its business interests you are doubly safe in assuming a vital factor in it. Think it over and CON- SIDER that the residents through their support have been YOUR MERCHANT. Little Brothers Ford Sales and Service GAS J. MILLS LIMITED Repairs BUYâ€"AT-HOME CAMPAIGN SUPPORT LOCAL MERCHANTS AND HELP OUR TOWN GROW CONSIDER THE MERCHANT RESIDENCE ‘â€" 85'J OIL H eartily Endorse This Centre St. Ric A. Cruickshank CARTAGE Local and Long Distance HAULIN G Phone 107-F Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Lumber Co. BUILDER’S SUPPLIES Phone 27 Pasteurized Milk and Cream Phone 42-J Richmond Hill and our Driver will call JONES Handsome. ine ensiva, ï¬reproof,easybo ayover old roofs-permanent. Gee. the facts. Ask your tinsnnth or carpenter. WALTER BONE & SON STONE, GRA VEL SAND AND PEA GRA VEL GALVANIZED SHINGLES Supplied on Short Notice. WIRE FENCING and CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION for The Roof :hmond Hill Phone Maple 864 Sheet Steel Ceilings look well, resist ï¬re efl'ect- iveLy. Add brightnessto halls. stores, churches schools. kitchens anti bathrooms. Do nothing till you getï¬he prices and full paramllars. You will never re; the pufchque 01 ule purcnale of 3 Sheet Steel Ceiling. Stop falling plaster; and unsighLLy cracked ceil- ings. Easy to put up qch and once uï¬they stay. No dust or ‘tger. Easy to clean or pamt. pao~3 BEAUTIFULâ€" FIRE-PROOF SHEET STEEL CEILINGS J. F. BURR F E E D S For Every Need Phone 139-M Richmond Hill Richmond Hill LEADER CHAIN STORE GROCERIES and FRUIT QHINA and GLASSWARE PLUMBING, HEATING and TINSMITHING Phone 125 THE RUSTIC INN MEALS and LUNCHES ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONERY Phone 5-W Richmond Hill ALFRED MILLS Hand Tailored Garments For Ladies and Men Cleaning and Pressing Phone 5-J Richmnod Hill; McLaughlin Buick Pontiac A complete Garage Service Phone 68 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Phone D. HILL & CO. Richmond Tailors J. A. GREENE RANT AUTOMOBILES W. G. BALDOCK Wholesale J obbers CON FECTIONERY and TOBACCOS Dealers in J. & M. STEIN THE MILL £IMOLO Richmond Hill on aid mint: GALVANIZED SIDING for Outside Walls Three attractive at- terns. With building paper are warm. ry windproof. Easy to pué A“ m": “an. ." Mus DEVI)! les endeav- g about a Ontario?