H I wish to announce {o the people of Rich- 0 mond Hill and surrounding district that I n have taken over the business operated for ° so many years by my father, the late J. P. Glass. I will carry the choicest of meats and fresh vegetables, etc., and solicit the a patronage of the people of the district. fl W. L. GLASS, . Telephone 3 Richmond Hill, Ontario °=0=O=0$0=0$0=0$0=3 FORD COUPE .... 1926 ESSEX COACH . . . . . . °=0==0=Oi===0=OI=IOOI=IOEO 1925 OVERLAND COACH . 1925 FORD FORDOR .. . . -USED CARS- Little Brothers ‘i. w..." iiiv". rr.‘ " :uannunmu‘: PHONE 174-W PAGE EIGHT Inspec Announaement Buy a used car in the fan and take advantage of low prices. \Ve invite your inspection of the following reconditioned cars. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH - 5&1} route of their journ ianada. {tom Montreal and return, Preside A Good Banking Any Branch‘ of the hote However, as? the farmer has not every ,1!_ LL“ .ng an FORD SEDANS Branches at New Market and Aurora. FORD TOURINGS $25.00 to $50.00 MAXWELL TOURENG IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA 1ch of the Bank will give you painstaking advice and dependable service. President and Directors on Tour Lg: Richmond Hill Drop eeping in touch with the a good Banking connec- r necessary to himâ€"the )rovides a ready contact W3 3' onn'ection Cash Price Beatty and directors of the rail- way are here shown on their ar- rival at "the North Toronto station. From left to right the photograph shows Rt. Hon Lord Shaughnessy. W. A Black, 'Sir George Gameau, of the Civil Service Commission, E. W. Beatty, chairman and presi- 3250.00 $250.00 $150.00 $200.00 GROSKURTH, Managet [(1 t: $75.00 Down Payment $20.00 RICHMOND HILL 8100-00 5110-00 $60.00 $80.00 Monthly Payment $12.50 $15.00 $10.00 Ontario district, Sir Charles Gor- don, Ross H. McMaster, F. E. Meredith and Dr. Charles F. Marâ€" tin, dean of the faculty of mediâ€" cine, lMoGfll University. dent of the HALLOWEEN SOCIAL HELD AT UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE‘S SOCIETY Those who attended the meeting of the Young People’s Society of the Un- ited Church were received in perfect hallowe’en style. Ghosts and goblins held full swing of the evening and ex- hibited themselves in their usual weird ‘and unexpected manner.- The even- ‘ing was spent most enjoyably and the social committee are to be heartily congratulated on the successful way lthe whole programme was carried out. PANTAMINE TO BE GIVEN AT UNITED CHURCH YOUNG - PEOPLE’S SOCIETY Next Monday evening the program at the UnitedChurch Young People’s Association will take the form of a pantomime called “The Thanksgiving theme.†The young people are prac- ticing well. So everyone come along. YOUNG LADIES BAZAAR NEXT SATURDAY The young ladies of the United Church are holding their bazaar next Saturday, November 2nd, in the Sun- day School room. Mrs. Edgar James of Toronto, will open it at three o’clock There will be booths of fancy work. Home cooking, miscellaneous articles. Christmas cakes and a very Well filled . fish pond for everyone. Of course everyone likes pleasant surprises so just purchase a piece of our wonder- ful “mystery cake.†Afternoon tea will be served. The young ladies are determined to break all records by making this the most successful baz- aar, so come along with the girls on Saturday afternoon. WOMAN’S ASSOCIATION The regular monthly meeting of the Woman’s Association will be held at the home of Mrs. John L. Davis on Wednesday, November 13th. The as- sisting hostesses will be Mrs, W. D. Scott, llrs. R. Thompson and Miss Sarah Pearson. The ladies of the congregation are invited to attend. THANK-OFFERING MEETING OF W. M. S. SOCIAL and Miss Rdse Harri home here on Satu: the winter in Tore: Mrs. R. A. Nisb Barr are leaving 1 Toronto, v. here t residence for the v McCLARY’S Quebec COOKers Heaters and Furnacettes PHONE CITY, HUDSON 8527 RICHMOND HILL 30-J {ichmond Hill PAINTS, OILS, LEADS AND VARNISHES HARNESS PARTS D. RUMNEY CARTAGE AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Toronto to Richmond Hill and Intermediate Points Every Day C. N. COOPER THORNHILL DISTRICT NEWS THE LIBERAL. RICHMONDEILL, ONTARIO Dr. H bet sud Miss Agnes here an Friday for they are taking up winter months. ‘ ONAI Jntario up her I spend AT Mrs. Effie Gallanough, of Toront [visited on Sunday with Mrs. E. Fra cis Miss Ada Mackenzie and Mrs. Mac kenzie, her mother, who have bee] spending the summer here, return/31 to Toronto last Week. Miss Jennie Eddy is leaving Thorn hill for the winter and will be th guest: of her sister, Mrs. MacDonalr of Toronto. DAY On election day all nature seemed to mourn because of the awful harvest in store for this province because of man’s league with his greatest agent of destruction the Liquor Traffic. Old Sol hid his face, the clouds shed their tears and at the day’s close a heavy fog enveloped the earth. The Young People’s Society enjoyed an excellent address on “Temperance†from a man who practices wnat he preaches along temperance lines, Mr. A. D. Bruce, of Unionville. As we intimated last week the elec- tion returns here would Indicate the strength of the temperance sentiment of this place. The result was a large majority for the Liberal candidate. strength of the temperance sentiment of this place. The result was a large majority for the Liberal candidate. Mr. Frank BrumWell is busy com- pleting the Work on the farm 'oeiore setting out on his annual hunting trip. The Young people enjoyed a pleas- ant evening at the home of Miss Ann- ie At'ison on Wednesday. Ma‘s. E. Caseley is spending a few days at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. William Caldwell, of Barrie. Mr: Herbert Boynton and family visitrd with his mother and father of this .‘lace on Sunday. We note cur parsonage has had its share of visitors of late. On Saturâ€" day Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coulson, Miss Barbara Coulson, Mrs. Mutch and ‘Miss Mary Mutch of Toronto, shared fthe hospitality of the parson and his On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs, James Lambert and daughter, of Brooklin, paid a friendly visit. ‘ The Agricultural representaiive of Newmarket, Mr. Rolph White renew- ed old acquaintances with his former pastor, Rev. W. M. Haig. Congregations that taxed the seat- ing capacity of their large church were present on Sunday at the closing serv- ices of a three Weeks revival effort held in Hoise Hill church by Rev. MT‘. Whatter, of Kansas. As a result of these meetings several young people accepted God’s plan for their lives. The meeting of the J.W.I. will be Dostnoned until a later date. Members of Richvale VV.A. had a very pleasant afternoon on Wednes- day when they entertained the ladies OLD SOL HID HIS FACE AND CLOUDS WEPT ON ELECTION of Cam'ville VVomen’s Association at the home of Mrs. W. Baker, sr. Mrs. Fan-ants, the President presided and a programme was given of solos, by 1\-Irs_ Masters, :1 reading by Miss Mary Valliere and short addresses by Mes- dames Farrants, Lunau, Huestis, Leis- hman and Ross. Mrs. Vanderburgh, President of the visiting society and Mrs. Wark, Secretary, responded to the words of welcome. Mrs. Ross visited friends here on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leishman spent the week-end in Bracebridge. Several new houses are in course of erection in the community. Mrs. Farrants and Mrs. Huestis are entertaining at a talent tea. on Wed- nesday next, from 2.30 to 5 o’clock at the home of the former, Spruce Ave. Silver collection. Mrs. Baker, Sr., Mrs. Farrants and Cyril Baker attended the Daughters of England service in Eaton Memorial Church on Sunday evening. Keep the date, November 9th open for “doings†at the church. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Kon- ing and Firs. Balbone have been ill and hope for their speedy recovery. Everyone is invited to the Church services. Sunday Schooi at 2.30 and Communion service at 3.30. ' be): prov ther ern “'8 Prc Victoria Square MAR Richvale er, of Carrville Road Summit Hall, Schom- 1 Monday last, which wonderful 5 fifty present and games in" Colored Glassware and Cuttery. See us for your cold weather needs, Roofing, Building Paper Glass, Weather Stripping, etc. May We Demonstrate the New DeForestCrosley Thirteen models, each out-standing in musical Ire-production assure a Radio to satisfy every wish. â€" STOVES -â€" McCLARYS Cooks and Heaters, one to suit every A full range of Aluminum, Granite, China, Phone 18 Without obligation RAflM 1allenging comparisonâ€"they u improvements known to I Here is a radio you will alwa) Some Exceptional Bargains of Trade in Radios ATWATER KENT, DEFOREST CROSLEY, Etc. A Good Stock of Radio Batteries, Tubes, etc. Thornhill, Ontario Radio FOR YOU 7 578.00 to $685.00 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3lst, 1929 A DGLLAR W HEN ET . Hardware the greater the assurance of its V. Brathwaite ncy that ordinarily slips throu- ngs Account is a magnet for grantee for the future. AR L‘s SAVED ET is IN THE BANK fingers, and an income-pay 'nâ€"they incorporate the latest :nown to Radio Science. will always be proud to own rranqe a demonstration is deposited in the lCI Telephone 33 1mond Hill need.