Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Jan 1930, p. 2

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ill/la- The people have faith in the radials. The people have faith that with an operation planned to give an adequate service to the people at a moderate cost and with the View of the upbuilding of the district that the Metropolitan would in at least a very short time be a paying institution. T.T.C. results on the Metropolitan are no indication of what could be accomplished by the line. The T. C. C. has in a large measure lost the good will of the patrons of the line which loss is a severe handicap for which the T.T.C. is large- Iy responsible. This handicap will be removed if it is neces- sary for the County or interested municipalities to take steps to continue the operation of the Radials. __- n l ‘I rnri ric‘ The Transportation problem still looms large on the horizon of 1930 as far as Richmond Hill and the North Yonge Street district is concerned. The people of the North Yonge Street district want a Radial Service. It is capable of providing a safe, depend- able transportation service atva moderate cost. A bus serâ€" vice is essentially more expensive, and is less safe and less dependable. It does not provide a type of service either a- daptable or desirable in the North Yonge Street district. Every resident and every property owner along the route of the Metropolitan stands to be a severe loser if the line is abandoned. Let every interested ratepayer be a per- sonal missionary from this date to impress on County Coun- cillors the seriousness of the problem confronting this dist- ~vvr~ v- The County of York and municipalities interested owe it to the residents of the districts served to make sure of the continuance of the Radials. The County of York and the municipalities concerned owe it to the people to make sure that the Radial line is not scrapped in favor of a bus service. The York County Transportation Committee will now renew their negotiations regarding the Radials and in their effort they have the whole-hearted support of the people of the district. May victory attend their efforts. showntbattheexnenditure is necessary the piiblic will Have the doubt removed from their minds and if it is shown “hat a reduction can be accomplished the news will be we]- comed by the tax-payer. THE RADIAL PROBLEM STILL FACES YORK COUNTY ~vâ€"v ".9. Y_V,V _ -V While there are none who say that County Councillors should serve for no financial renumeration there are many who feel and speak openly that there is ample opportunity to reduce this estimate. 7 _ The members of the York County Council for 1930 would be serving the interests of the electors if they consid- ered this question at the January session. Even as con- fession is good for the soul, open discussion of the subject ivould be welcomed by the ratepayers of the County. If it With the regularity of the seasons the question of the increasing cost of municipal government as it relates to the County Council is one of the main topics of discussion at York County nomination meetings. County taxation is steadily on the increase and it looks as if it is to continue on the increase. The average elector is naturally asking Where it is going to end and one remedy is suggested in a reduction of the cost of municipal government. v- y--v vv~- -_ ...._V_-___ L , , U There are some fifty-eight members of County Council and during three sessions of the year each member draWS eight dollars per day. Then there are many committees which meet periodically during the year and then also there is pay of eight dollars per day and ten cents per mile mile- age. The total cost of these items runs into a mighty sum in a year and there is a feeling among the people that the cost of such items should be cut down. The amount esti- mated for such items included as municipal government for 1929 was $20,500. ' It might be that the County Council could do with two :essions a year instead of three, leaving more work for the .lected commissioners and executive officers. This would teem plausible as a great deal of the time of the County Jouncil is taken up with the transaction of routine business. t might be that the various committees named are much arger than is necessary and that a saving could be effected y the appointment of smaller committees. It has been suggested that representation at the Coun- v Council be confined to Reeves and not include one, two or hree deputies as is the case in some municipalities. This uggestion is good but offers many difficulties in the repre- entation of municipalities with a great variance of assess- ient. There is evident a demand for some curtailment of ‘ounty Council expense and probably for some County ‘ouncil reform. Such curtailment or reform must neces- arily come from the County Council itself and therein lies ‘ie difficulty. It is hoped however that the County Coun- ‘llors of 1930 fresh with their mandate from the people will :cognize the demand of the electors and at least discuss the LlBStiOl’l at the January session. Citizens of York County are anxiously awaiting the an- ouneement that the bus permit of the T. T. C. which per- ,1its the City of Toronto to operate busses on Yonge Street. will be cancelled. A word from the Department of High- ' ays that the Bus Permit will not be renewed would be the est New Year greeting which Hon. G. S. Henry could give to his constituents in the North Yonge Street District. The County has to depend for revenue on direct tax- tion and it would only seem reasonable that with the con- inually increasing revenue of the Provincial government hat the time had arrived for some relief to the over-burdâ€" ned municipalities. The province reaps millions from the ~as tax, and scores of other sources and a sharing with the Liunicipalities to reduce their burden is over-due. 7 iCountvy’s sfiafe of provinciaf roads is annually a Lrge item which is apt to be overlooked by the average tax- ayer. ‘ COUNTY TAXATION The increased County taxatiOn ’provided a popular subâ€" :ct of discussion at all nomination meetings. The cost of econdry education is one of the more serious items which as reached very large proportions especially in York Coun- AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY I PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL 1 THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. J. Eachem Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Subscription $1.50 per yearâ€"To the United States $2.00. Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District. Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE :1. PAGE TWO COUNTY COUNCIL REFORM TAKE OFF THE BUSSES THE LIBERAL Established 1878 In the last para, sub para 3-4 in the article referring to the Vaughan Township Council and under the sub- title J. T. Saigeon, which appears in your worthy journal dated 2nd instant He is reported as sayingzâ€"“He had favoured raising the labouring man’s ‘pay from 25c. to 30¢. per hour. He thought this was little enough for a man who was keeping a home and family.” His thought was nearer the mark than he imagined. The increase favoured by Mr. Saig- eon is indeed small yet, small as it is, it shows thoughtfulness and consider- ation for others, attributes that I most earnestly recommend to those who, like Mr. Saigeon, have it in their power to improve the lot of the comâ€" mon labourer. Had Mr. Saigeon‘s favour been for‘ raising the labourer’s pay from 25c to 40 cents he Could still have said, and with truth, that it was little enough for a man who was keeping a home and family. We are never sat- isfied are we? I claim your indulgence Mr. Editor that I may be permitted to throw some light on how a thrifty house- wife would provide the necessities of life for herself, husband, and two children (who, we will say, are‘ old ‘enough to attend school) .on $18.00 weekly, and if I err at all it will be on the side of meagreness. Articles weekly at amount Meat . . . . . . 10 lbs. 25c. lb. 2.50 Bread 14 loaves 10c. 1f. 1.40 ‘Potatoes 1 peck .49c .49 Vegetables .. 8 lbs. .05c .40 lButter 11/2 lbs .49c .73 Tea . . . . . . 3-4 lbs. .76c .57 Sugar . . . . . . 4 lbs. .06c 24 Milk . . . . . . '7 pints .06c .42 Coal . . . . . 500 lbs. 15.50 ton 3.88 Wood-Kindling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Coal Oil 1 gal. .32c .32 Matches .. 1 l’ge box .10c .10 Soap, washing . . 3 bars .25c .25 Soap, toilet 2 bars .05c .10 Stove Polish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 Boot Polish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Rent Weekly . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 30* Taxes, Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2( I am extremely anxious that the following article be properly under- stood by the person to whom it is di- rected i. e, J. T. Saigeon, Esq., Deputy Reeve in the Township of Vaughan. The Editor Liberal, Dear Sirâ€": Discusses Cost of Living and Wage of Laborng Man. MONDAY’S VOTE ON THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE The vote was not submitted to the people as a by-law as is the case in most instances when the people are consult- ed and hence was not final or binding on anyone or on any public body. If it had been a by-Iaw appointing a nurse no doubt the people would have turned out to vote in much lar- ger numbers as they would have known exactly what they were voting on. The matter of a Public Health Nursing Service for Richmond Hill is still a matter which the 1930 Board of Health will have to face. The unhappy idea of the council to take a vote at this time has contributed the information that in a snap vote taken under peculiarly indefinite circum- stances 135 people voted against the project and 127 people voted in favor of it. . A regrettable apathy towards an important public ques- tion was the outstanding feature of the vote taken in Rich- mond Hill on the Nursing Service ballot. An unusually small vote was polled and a great majority of the voters did not take the trouble to think sufficiently on the subject to take the trouble to go to the polling booth. Many absenâ€" tees were conscientious objectors. They took the position that it was a subject which the Board of Health should deal with and took exception to the manner in which it was sub- mitted to the people by the council. There are many regrettable features concerning the vote. It was only at the last moment that it was definitely stated that there would be a vote. No proclamations were issued and the public did not know until they entered the polling booth the wording of the ballot. For that reason many electors refused to vote and others voted against the proposal who would doubtless have voted otherwise if they had known the facts. V __ V_,,u V In our last issue we stated that we considered the vote at this time to be just so much waste of time, energy and money and the small interest taken would bear out our con- tention. No doubt still feeling badly over not having a new street by its office the Daily Star is taking the odd stab at the Metropolitan. If the Star would display the same en- thusiasm to secure the facts concerning the Metropolitan Radials as it does in misleading its readers regarding the claimed deficits it would be rendering a more commendable service, as a great newspaper. Thornhill Ratepayers’ Association held a public meet- ing last Saturday evening for the purpose of hearing aspir- ing candidates for municipal office. The association is to be commended for the move and other communities might profit from a similar action at election times. There was keen interest manifested at the meeting and the large vote polled at Thornhill is proof of the increased interest in af- fairs municipal inspired by the meeting. A suggested slogan for the Richmond Hill Board of Trade for 1930: “Twelve months of sincere effort to promote the welfare of the community.” LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARLQ . 8 lbs. .05c 11/2 Tbs 490 3.4 lbs. .76c .. 4 Tbs. .06c '7 pints 06c 500 lbs. 15.50 ton weekly ‘ 10 lbs. 14 loaves . 1 peck . . 8 lbs. at amount 25c. lb. 2.50 10c. 1f. 1.40 .49c .49 .05c .40 Richmond Hill, Ont. January 4th, 1930 R. R. No. 1, .10 .25 .10 .05 .10 3.00 .20 Insurance, Weekly Other little items Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . , $2.10 The foregoing list contains no lux- uries. I have made no mention of medical attendance, clothing or boots, and you will please observe Mr. Edit- or that $2.10 is all we have- left to meet these items. Live and let live is a good motto. Merely existing is slow torture, but even that has' its merits, (a matter of opinion of course) it provides sponges with which to absorb the old age pen- Slon. I am not personally acquainted with Mr. Saigeon, but I have heard that he’s not a bad fellow, so I won’t anticipate any bricks. “Merrie England” and the spa- cious days of Queen Elizabeth with Maypole and Morris Dance are being given new life in the Old Country within the present century and so great is the popularity of the revival that Eli'tle Park, the great Lon’dnn renrlezn ms ol rank and society, has been guy with annual festivals of Foll:dan:ers in colourful motion. A century of industrialism has not been suf- ficient to kill the ancient urge and Cecil Sharp, thirty years ago, was The Renaissance of the English Folk Dance Your truly, A. ROLFE. $18.00 $15.90 .50 NEW BODIES BUT NO MECHANICAL CHANGES IN FORD A showing of new bodies for the Model A Ford, each one of which will soon be available in a variety of new colors, was announced last week by Little Brothers, Local Ford dealers. The policy of the Ford Motor Com- pany of Canada, Limited, in this re- spect has been to make minor alter- ations whenever a new device has show itself worthy to be included in the mechanical plan of the car, but not to bring out a new car as a Whole._ Beautiful New Bodies “The new body types will have a distinctly refreshing appearance,” said Mr. Little. “They have all the beau- ty and charm of contour, line and proportion usually associated with the large c‘ars. Emphasis was placed on the fact that the car is unchanged mechanic- ally; that nearly 3000,000 Model A type Fords are now on the highways proving that they are thoroughly de- pendable. “As one looks at them, the first thing that catches the eye is the new radiator. Still retaining the Ford individuality, it is high and narrow, and in excellent style. This, with the higher and longer hood and the short. er cowl, give the front of the car a distinctly new and pleasing appear- ance, to which an added touch of brightness comes from the finish strip at the juncture of the hood and cowl. “Moulding treatment is new and the fenders are of more generous dimen- sions, flowing with the lines of the car. “The fenders, much fuller than here- ‘ tofore, contribute a great deal to the improved appearance of the car. Higher at the front, with high crown and sweeping well down over the wheels, the new front fenders flow back in graceful curves to the running boards. The rear fenders, which 2.1. so have high crowns, sweep down over ‘the rear wheels to a point lower than 'formerly. “The head lamps, set higher on a. new arched tie rod, also contribute to better appearance. “A new atmosphere of stability is produced by the smaller steel spoke wheels and large ties, which bring the bodies closer to the ground, resulting in a lower center of gravity and con- sequent increased safety on the road, .especially in rounding turns at high speed. Riding quality also is improved. Use Rustless Steel A distinctive feature will be glisten- ing headâ€"lamps, radiator shell and hub caps of the new material, which has a polish fully as high as that of nickel plate. Nor will this polish tarnish. No matter whether brought into contact with water, ice, snow or steam, the especially treated metal does not rust. And its silver gleam is not plate. It exists all the Way through. Rustless steel, however, is only one| interesting feature of many which make the Model A more desirable than ever. The complete ensemble has added beauty, combined With greater dignityâ€"a more substantial look. It is fresh and new without be- ing‘ tricky. No attempt has been made to do anything sensational just ’28 an «Aug u: u. -\.vu\,\4 v“ u. years later he founded the English Folk Dance Society which today has a membership of 15,000 with over fifty branches. Certificated teachers from this society have been doing excellent work. in Canada and will be encouraged greatly by the visit to this country lish Music Festival at the Rey York Hotel, Toronto, Novembl 13â€"18 next. Lay-out shows grou, of folkdancers; an English Foli dance; and Douglas Kenned‘ leader of the English Folkdant Society accompanied by Jo: Sharp, daughter of the founde with pipe and tabor. â€"â€"Photographs by Debenham Longman; Photoprcss: and London Time astonished to see countrymen in an English village, fantastically apparelled, come dancing through the snow one Boxing Day to the strains of a-concertina. Eleven years later he founded the English Folk Dance Society which today Fenders are Fuller THURSDAY, JANUARY The Tudor Sedan, most, popular of the five passenger closed cars, is long. er. There is more room for occupants of the rear compastment. Access is easier around the folding seats. In exterior appearance the car is much Hmproved. It still retains the crown roof effect with rounded corners on the rear quarter, the beauty of which as a passing whim. Tudor Sedan, Roomier The most notable changes in body types have been made in the Tudor Sedan, the Coupes and the open cars. is accentuated by a new body belt and moulding. Richmond Hill BEAUTY PARLOR of sixteen of the best English dancers from the ‘parent snciety under the leadership of Douglas Kennedy for a series of demorh strations at the forthcoming Eng- John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS Ne solicit orders for :ut flowers for all oc- tasions Which Will be promptly and cheer- fully filled. From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. MCDONALD, Telephone 62. Rents Collected Conveyancing Estates Managed FISH and CHIPS Money to loan on first Mortgages FISH AND CHIP SUPPERS ELGIN HOTEL any time during the week includ- ing Sunday, at an Hour’s Notice. SUPPER 15c. A PLATE SEPARATELY FISH 8 CENTS FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 7c Elgin Mills Announces that she has taken over the Hairdressing Parlor at Davies’ Dry Goods Store, form- erly operated by Miss Shackleton and solicits the patronage of the ladies of the district. Haircutting, Marcelling, Shampooing, Finger Waving, Etc Open 9.30 a. m. to 9.30 p. In. Close Monday’s at 7 p. m. and Wednesday’s at 1 p. m. Phone Appointments 163 Real Estate and Insurance Telephone 87, Richmond Hill J. R. Herrington Elgin Hotel MISS VIOLET HAYNES RICHMOND HILL SAND â€" GRAVEL can be had at the Phone 44-r-2. ming Eng- the Royal November ms groups glish FONS- Kennedy, Thornhill, 1930 Ontario ance Joan

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