THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1930 I Wish to thank the electors of Markham township for the confidence reposed in me in my election as councillor for the year 1930. I appreciate the honor and responsibility and assure you that the business of the ratepayers of this township will have my very best attention at all times. I want to thank the electors of Markham township for their support which elected me at the head of the poll for councillor for the year 1930. I hope that I may be able to acceptably serve you in the coming year and assure you that it will be my aim at all times to work in the interests of the whole township. I wish to thank all those who supported me and worked in my interests in the voting on Monday. I hope that the 1930 council chosen by the people will have a generous mea- sure of success throughout the coming year and that all the ratepayers may enjoy a happy and prosperous year. Expresses his thanks for the splendid support given him at the polls on Monday in the contest for 1st Deputyâ€" Reeve, and extends best wishes for a prosperous 1930. Allow me to thank all those who gave me their support on Monday in the election for councillor. For the measure of support Which I received I am grateful and extend best wishes that the year 1930 may be one of happiness and prosperity for all the ratepayers. I express my thanks to the electors of Markham town- ship for their support on Monday last when I was returned as lst Deputy-Reeve for 1930. I appreciate the responsibil- ity of the trust reposed in me and will endeavour as in the past to give the municipality my very best services, and will at all times work in the best interests of all the township. I desire to thank the large number of voters who went to the polls on Monday and gave me such a magnificent measure of support. I extend sincere best wishes to the people of the township and trust that the 1930 council may be successful in efï¬ciently serving this municipality. I wish to express my appreciation of the support of the electorate which resulted in my re-election as Reeve of the Township for the coming year. I will continue to give my best service both in Township and County Council affairs and trust that the year 1930 will be one of progress and prosperity. '"‘ Wishes to express to the Markham Township elector- ate his grateful appreciation for the support given him on Monday in his first appeal for the ofï¬ce of councillor and ex- tends to all the compliments of the season. Although de- feated this time Ihope at a future date to again have the privilege of appealing to you. W. F. KINCAID TO THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP TO THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP TO THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP TO THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP TO THE ELECTORS 0F MARKHAM TOWNSHIP TO THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP TO THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP TO THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP ELECTORS 0F MARKHAM TOWNSHIP ROBERT A. SMITH WILLIAM L. CLAR K JAMES MUIRHEAD . R. CAMPBELL R. J. BEATTY R. L. STIVER ‘W. Go GOHN Mr. and Mrs. John Woods, spent Christmas and New Years with f riends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Cooper, Master Mac Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Quantz spent the Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McLean, in Toronto. Miss Louise and Master Huglue Graham, of Toronto, are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham. Mr. Fred Boyle, son of Chief Justice Boyle, of Edmonton, spent New Years holiday with Miss Anna Boyle, Centre Street. - Miss "Reta McHugh, of Toronto, spent the recent holidays with Miss Edith Dickenson, Edgar Ave. A very pleasant time was spent, when Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swanson, en- tertained a number of friends at a jolly New Year’s Eve party at their home, Roseview Avenue. Cards were enjoyed by everyone with prizes go- ing to Mrs. T. W. Allison, Mrs. F. Cox, Mr. Wesley Middleton and Mr. F. Cox. A dainty luncheon was serâ€" ved by the hostess and the rest of the evening spent in dancing. Master Billy Graham, of Toronto, is spending the Christmas holidays with his Grandmother, Mrs. Joseph Graham Arnold Street. Mr. David Henry Ryan, who is a wonderful salvationist, No. 1 Corp., London, Ontario, paid a visit to some of his comrades of the S. A. at Rich- mond Hill on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dutcher and baby An- nette and Mr. Chellew, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Blanchard, Church Street on New Years Day. Rev. A. J. Vining, of the United So- cial Service Council, Toronto, spent Sunday with the Moyle family. Mr. and Mrs. John Blanchard and son John, spent Christmas Day with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Thos. Ferguson and Miss Alice Ferguson, of King, Ontario, spent Christmas with their brother, Rev. J. A. Ferguson, Elizabeth Street. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Herrington spent several days last week with Mr. Herr- ington’s parents in Frankford. Miss Betty Rpmhle spent. several'ing’ January 13th at 8 p. m_ The days last week Vlsmng her aunt’ Mrs" oï¬icers will give their reports for the Minnie Rumble, in Toronto. _ ML and Mrs. Perkins and familv of year and the election of ofï¬cers for 19- Victoria Square, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, 30 Will take Place. Members are 35k of Richmond Hill, spent Christmas ed to keep the date in mind and it is With Reeve and Mrs- Lunau- hoped there Will be a large attendance Mr. Scott Ferguson and several __._._ friends enjoyed New Years with Rev. EUCHRE and DANCE and Mrs‘ J" A‘ Ferguson A Euchre and Dance will be held at Miss Etta Keays, of Toronto, spent . - the Christmas holiday with Mr. and “‘9 Elg‘“ HOtel °“ Tues‘iay evemng Mrs. Secord Reaman, Elizabeth Street. “(XEJa’fuary 14th; There Will be a Misses Olive and Hazel Switzer left last Thursday to spend the winter in Florida. Their many friends here wish them a very pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Innes, Centre Street, Whitby, formerly of Richmond Hill, celebrated the twentyâ€"fifth an- niversary of their wedding on Satur- day, December let. The house was tastefully decorated for the occasion with ferns, chrysanthmums and car- nations. After a large number of relatives and friends had Wished them many more happy years of health and prosperity, a sumptuous fowl din- ner was served. The Liberal extends to them the best wishes of their many friends in Richmond Hill. Mrs. James Armstrong and 5095 Bruce and Gordon visited relatives In Toronto on New Years Day. Mr. Roy Tracy, of Minesing, dele- gate of South Simcoe for the Young Men’s Parliament, held last week at Hart House, spent New Year’s Day with his uncle, Mr. Victor Tracy, Centre Street. Miss Louise Whitney, of Norval, Ontario, and Mr. George Tracy, of Toronto, spent the holiday with the latter’s parents. Miss Jessie Johnson, of Oakville, "ecently spent a few days with the Misses Dorothy and Pauline Angle. Mrs. J. Dunlap and her daughter, Miss Mildred Dunlop, of Stayner, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neill and other friends in the district. Rev. C. Gray Eakins will conclude the series of services in his charge at the Richmond Hill Anglican church on Sunday. Following an illness of many mon- ths the death occured on Saturday, December let of Mrs. Hugh McDer- mid, a resident for many years of Duntroon and Collingwood and mother of Mrs. Byron Alcombrack, of Rich- mond Hill. "luv. u.- .1. vuuuuv-n «cu-v-v ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Post Graduate, the Rotunda Dublin Sunday, January 12th and County and City of Cork. 8 a. m.â€"Ce1ebratlon early communion Lying in Hospitals and Queens Uni 11 a. m.â€"Morning Prayer verSityy Cork- 3 p. m.â€"Sunday School Previous to coming to Canada held the 7 p- m-â€"EVen Song position of assistant Obstetrician to These will be the last of a series of Corkstown Infirmery, under the local services conducted by Rev. C. Gray Government Board of Ireland Eakins Who leaves on Monday to take Will Nurse Patients at he!“ Home on his new duties at St. Catharineg. Centre St, West Richmond Hill Miss Betty Rumble spent several Llays last week visiting her aunt, Mrs. Minnie Rumble, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins and family, of Social and Personal BOARD OF TRADE ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Richmond Hill Board of Trade will be held in the council cham- bet on FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 at 8 p. m. Election of ofï¬cers and drafting of program for the year 1930. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO I‘uck Weiland, of Oak- Lrs With Mr. and DAY OF PRAYER The annual Presbyterian Women’s Day of ï¬rayer will be observed at the home of Miss Heise, Yonge Street on Friday, December 10th. All women of the congregation are cordially in- vited to attend. Rev. D. Marshall will have charge of the meeting. The ladies are asked to bring their Decem- her Glad Tidings, which contains the program. SPECIAL SERVICE Special prayer services are being observed under the auspices of the various departments of the United Chumch this week. This is in accor- dance with the week of prayer gener- ally observed throughout Canada by the United Church. NOTICE TO PARENTS Parents are warned of the practice of boys in making themselves a nuis- ance at the Post Office and unnecess- arily littering the office with refuse. This is prohibited by law and unless the practice ceases, aetion will be tak- en. Parents are'asked to warn the children. NEXT CONCERT The next of the popular series of concerts under the auspices of the East Vaughan Ratepayers" Associâ€" ation will be held at Richvale on Sat- urday, February lst. HGRTICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING The annual meeting of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society will be held in the High School on Monday even- re. (1 provide The usual weekly dance will be held at the Elgin pavilion on Friday night. These dances are weekly growing in popularity and a good time is assured to all. A Euchre and Dance Will be held at the Elg'in Hotel on Tuesday evening next January 14th. There Will be a good orchestra in attendance and there will be good prizes given for the euch- re. Gents 75 cents; ladies please A wave of sadness spread over the community, when it became knowr that Bertha Leece, wife of Normar H. Bowes passed away at her place of residence at Concord, early Saturda’ morning, December 28th, 1929. A bout a month ago the deceased attend ed the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Ed ward Leece, Maple and shortly afte the birth of her little daughter, sh contracted double pneumonia fror which she did not recover. The lat Mrs. BOWes had a Winsome disposi‘ 'ion and was very popular in the com- munity of Hope, Maple and Concord. She received her education at Hope, and sang in the Methodist Church choir for a number of years prior to moving to Maple, where she was a- 1gain active in the choir and other work in the church, also the Women’s Institute and. in any good enterprise in the community. The pall-bearers all cousins of the deceased were the same as those chosen to carry her mother to interment. The floral tri- butes were many and beautiful, con- veying a message of appreciation for the departed and sympathy for the eon-owing husband, father and close relatives. On December 30th, 1929, at 2 o’clock a private service for the sorrowing relatives was conducted by Rev. Kerr and Rev. Bowman, of Maple at the home of her father, Mr. Edward Leece. The casket was then born to the United Church Where the large congregation sang the hymn “Jesus Lover of My Soulâ€, Rev. Albert Leece, Lambton Mills, cousin of the deceased read, 1 corithians, 15 chapter and dwelt on the 20th verse, “But now is Christ risen from the dead and beâ€" come the first fruits of them that slept.†Again the congregation sang the hymn, “Forever with the Lord." Rev. Kerr spoke on “The Sound of the Trumpet when the dead in Christ shall rise.†The congregation sang. “Jerusalem the Golden†and Rev. Bow- man closed with prayer. The Liberal joins with the people of the dist 'ct in extending sincere symâ€" pathy to the bereaved family. Interment followed at Thornhill Cemetery. ’ Mrs. ME. Cardwell C.M.B. LATE MRS. NORMAN BOWES DANCE AT THE ELGIN OBITUARY The different S: the village held th mas entertainment were well attended. The pupils of Hope Public School held their annual entertainment and Christmas tree in the Community Hall on Wednesday evening, December 18. The programme consisted of dialogues drills etc., and was well received, Mr. J. T. Saigeon acted as chairman. Mr. W. Couper take charge of a East on the C. P. The 'annual concert of the Maple Public School was her in the Com- munity Hall on Thursday, December 19th. A large crowd was present, and a good programme of dialogues, recitations, etc., were given. The chair was occupied by Mr. T. A. Cous- ms. . Progressive euchre parties will be held in the Masonic Hall every Wedâ€" nesday evening, duruing the winter under the management of Mr. G. Mer- rick. All the money that is raised over expenses will be applied to the Park Fund. At the annual meeting of the Rate- payers’ of School Section No. 6, Mr. Wm. Oliver was elected trustee in place of Mr. Thos. Cousins who re- signed after holding that position for the past twelve years. The funeral of Louisa Puterbaugh, wife of James Miller, took place on Tuesday from Lawrie’s Undertaking Parlors to the Lutheran Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Manning and family of Dixie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Man- ning and Rev. Mr. Bowman spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fuller, A good time was spent at the enâ€" tertainment of the Lutheran Sabbath School on Christmas Eve. After supper w‘as kserved, an interesting, programme was given. Santa Claus then appeared and distributed pre- sents from the tree to the children. Mrs. Harvey Jackson, of Stettler, Alta., is home on a visit to her par- onts, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigeon. Miss Donnie Rose spent the New Year’s holidays With her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibb, 162 King William Street, Hamilton, Ont. For the Election of Ofï¬cers and Transaction of General Business. H. BRYAN, Monday, January 13th, 1930 G. YEREX, Dealer iï¬e Sveready Wigï¬ï¬oy,f9ï¬odel 34, enclosed in attractive walnut caï¬t’net. Squl'pped with’ tile famous «Screen-grid, fI-ub‘es and Cï¬â€™asz's guaranteed against mecï¬anical defects for one year. {Bears comparison witï¬ tï¬e ï¬est in life ï¬ddio world. TH E ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Maple Horticultural Society Maple Secretary Masonic Hall, Maple Rama Sets left on Monday to section at Caledon abbath Leir am s usual, wh TERMS ARRANGED Will be held in the at 8 o’clock p. m. Prominent figure of Western Can- ada who was recently sworn in as Minister of Railways in the Dominion Government. The inaugural meetings of village and township councils will be held on Monday next, when important matters will be dealt with. Richmond Hill council will meet at 11 a. m. and foll- owing the usual proceedure will adâ€" journ until evening for the transaction of general business. REV. A. H. BOWMAN, 2.30 and 9 p. m. Wishes to annuonce that she is appointment every day between INAUG URAL MEETING OF COUNCILS still hairdressing, and will take HON. T. A. CREARAR MRS. RUSSELL Richmond Hill ;, Phone 1 16â€"m President FIVE ll