VOL. LII. D=1 6 . - flMOVletOIle News 1 0=°=O=Ol WILLIAM P. MULLOCK Unanimously chosen as Liberal Candidate in the Riding of North York at an enthusiastic convention held in Newmarket on Wednesday. He is a grandson of Sir William Mullock, present Chief Justice of Ontario, who for some twenty years was a distinguish ed representative of this riding in the House of Commons. iomedy “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†A real treat is in store for the hockey fans of this district on Tuesday night, when Milli- ken and Richmond Hill meet at the Local Arena. at 8.30. This will be the best game of the season, the winner of this game means first place in the league. Admission 25 and 15 cents. Come and give the boys your SUPPORT. FAST HOCKEY GOOD GAME HERE TUESâ€" DAY NIGHT AT 8.30 MILLIKEN vs RICH'D HILL RUBE BILLE 1928 Master Six Buick, excellent condition â€"Price Right 1927 Chevrolet Roadster delivery, new top and motor overhauled zonox==oi§o==ono George Brown and William Kirkland two bad characters, arrested by Chief Harraclough, of Richmond Hill‘ on Sunday, January 19th, faced trial in Barrie this Week and received senten- ces of two and one years respectively. They will also face other charges at Orillia and Toronto and by the evidâ€" once thus far it is shown that the ar- rest of the two men by the Richmond Hill Chief has solved a lot of robberâ€" ies which have been baffling the pol- ice of the province. MIC HOLT ll [A [II RAlPHGRAVB d FRANK R. CAPRA Producl'ion ARREST IN RICHMOND HILL LEADS TO SOLVING 0F ROBBERIES S‘EERBEAJLLIE “1" Essentials, Unity; RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1930 “Welcgniqpang61"' q’roducet/ by . I'farold Lloyd Gorporatton SATURDAYMONDAY TUESDAY Feb. 1, 3, 4 (laseph P Ianedy?r¢sen7: a Qammountflclease â€â€˜ Added Attraction Saturda y Afternoon for the Children HELLS BELLS “A special week's course in Stock and Seed Judging for boys, and Do- mestic Science for girls, will be held m Vaughan Township Hall, at Vellore next week (Monday till Friaay) Feb- ruary 3rd to 7th. IN DUTCH Short Course In addition to practical work injud- ging, special talks on poultry, fertiliz- ers, farm management, etc, will be ‘given and rope splicing demonstratâ€" iions will be staged. The Institute Branch is supplying a demonstrator who Will instruct the girls in household science judging as well as give lectures and demonstrat- ions on preparing foods, house plann- ing and decorating, girls’ wardrobes, ‘etc. Lectures will be given on heal- ‘E. G. FARR IS WARDEN FOR 1930 Reeve Ellerby G. Farr, of Weston, was unanimously chosen as the eight- ieth Warden of York County on Tues- day. Reeves W. C. Gohn, of Mark- ham; R. M. Leslie, of East York, and E. M. Legge, of King, were also nominated but; withdrew. In with- drawing frOm the contest Reeve Gohn said he would be a candidate for the honor in 1931. th, promoting diets, color in house and dress, cooking, labour saving devices, etc. Demonstrations will be’ given in preparing fruits, salads, meats, soups, vegetables, etc. The regular session of the third diâ€" vision court of York County, will be held in the Council Chambers, Rich- mond Hill next Tuesday. The congregations of St. Andrew’s and St. Paul's Presbyterian churches, Vaughan, met in joint annual meeting at St. Paul’s church on Monday, Jan. 27th. Rev. C. H. Bowman was in the chair. Reports were received from all organizations connected with thei congregations and the combined trea-l surer’s reports showed that a total of 1 $4405.53 had been raised for all pun? poses during the year. Of this a-‘ mount $872.46 viras for missionary? purposes. The managing boards of .1929 were re-elected for the year. iolor Sensation CARTOON DIVISION COURT Maple At Vellore Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE W. P. Mullock is Liberal Choice In North York At an enthusiastic convention held in Newmarket on Wednesday after- noon William P. ‘Mullock, grandson of Sir William Mullock, was unanimous- ly chosen as the candidate for the Liberal party in the historic riding of North York. Over seven hundred delegates from‘ all parts of the riding Were in atten- dance and the speeches of the candi- date, the other nominees, Hon. James Malcolm, Minister of Trade and Com- merce, and F. G. Sanderson, M. P., chief Liberal whip Were enthusiastic- ally received. H. W. S. Cane, president of the North York Association presided and in the order named the nominations were received, W. P. Mullock, Morgan Baker, J. Harry Naughton, Harry Sifâ€" ton, Reeve W. C. Gohn, or Markham, and Dr. G. McLean. of Woodbridge. The last nominated Was called first and in order the nominees made short addresses in which all paid tribute to the excellent record of the present Liberal administration and expressed faith and confidence in the leader of the Liberal party, the present Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King. All withdrew in favor of W. I’. Mullock, who in accepting the nom- ination expressed his appreciation of the confidence reposed in him by the Liberals of the historic riding of Nor- th York. He assured the gathering that he would do all in his power to redeem the riding and to give North York the best possible representation at Ottawa. Fred G. Sanderson, M.P., spoke con- fidently of the outlook of the Liberal party in all parts of Canada. He foretold not only a sweeping victory at the next election but also a sub- stantial gain of twenty to twenty-ï¬ve ‘seats more in the province of Ontario. Hon. James Malcom, Minister of Trade and Commerce complimented the Liberals of North York on the choice of candidate. “North York has been fortunate in its represent- ation in past years having been re- presented by such distinguished states- men as Sir William Mullock, Sir Alan Aylesworth, and Rt. Hon. W. L. Mac- kenzie King. I believe Mr. Mullock who is a young man has it in him to be one of the best representatives this riding has ever had†he said. The Minister of Trade and Commerce told‘ in glowing terms the story of the r0.l mance of Canada’s progress and quot- A ed statistics frorn every department of i national endeavour which showed Can“ ada was forging ahead and enjoyingL a measure of national prosperity un- equalled anywhere else in the world. He told of the efforts of the King government during its tenure of ofï¬ce to strengthen the bonds of empire by fostering trade with the motherland. The Liberal government is not a free trade government, nor a high tariff government. We treat the tariff as an economic instrument to promote the welfare of the country. The Minister pointed out the large increa- se in industrial employment during the ofï¬ce of the present government. He pointed with pride to the tax re- ductions, reductions in the national debt, the success of the Canadian the candidate National Railways and to the general efï¬cient record of the administration. The ofï¬cers of the North York Lib- eral Association for the coming year were chosen as follows;â€"President, Morgan Baker, Whitchurch; Secretary J. Harry Naughton, Elgin Mills; Treaâ€" surer, T. H. Trench, Richmond Hill. The vice-presidents will be elected by the various municipalities at meetings held in the near future. A motion of thanks to the retiring pre- sident, W. H. S. Cane who has served as president for nearly twenty years was sponsored by J. H. Naught- ton, seconded by Morgan Baker and heartin endorsed by the meeting. The meeting closed with the Nat- ional Anthem and three cheers for SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, FEB. 1, 3, “THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT“ YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 RM. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. M. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY FRIDAY, FEB. 5, TALKING COMEDY BULLDOG DR UMMOND TALKING COMEDY sTmND and TALKNG PICTURES BEREQE‘EB CLEEEMEEE 1927 Chevrolet Sedan delivery. This car was a coach con- verted to a delivery with rear door in our own shop. 1 almost new Spartan Batteryless Radio, cabinet model, completely installed, â€" attractive price. SATURDAY, MONDAY TUESDAY, FEB. 8, 10, 11 MUSICAL RIOT OF YOUTH LOVE LAUGHTER TALKING COMEDY Farmers Attention-Automobileinsurance ROADSTER . . . . . . . . . . . . Roadster with Rumble Seat PHAETON . . . . . . . . . . . . . COUPE . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . SPORT COUPE . . . . . . . _. . TUDOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CABRIOLET . . . . . . . . . . . FORDOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOWN SEDAN . . . . . . . . . The Pilot Automobile and Accident Insurance Co., Ltd., will insure Farmers cars against public liability property dam- age, collision, fire and theft 30 per cent. cheaper than the standard ratesâ€"non farmers 17 per cent. cheaper. Head Ofï¬ce, Waterloo, 0nt., Branch Ofï¬ce, Toronto If you are interested get in touch with WILLIAM POWELL RICHARD ARLEN The Romance of “ Catchy Songs-_§nappy Phone Maple 10 or 950 Four Feathers 1930 Prices of Ford Passenger Cars NANCY CARROLL JACK OAKIE HELLEN KANE STANLY SMITH The Greatest Mystery Story of the Year. RONALD COLMAN LITTLE BROTHERS MODEL J. To SAIGEON & SON The above SWEETIE VI POWELL FAY WRAY D ARLEN CLIVE BROOK lance of “ Beau Geste †and the thrills of “ Chang †Combined. Ford Sales and Service A Paramount Picture. L Cash Down Monthly Price Payment Payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $635.00 $211.00 $39.00 Rumble Seat .. 660.00 220.00 41.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645.00 215.00 40.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716.00 238.00 44.00 3 . . . . . . . _ . . . . . 752.00 250.00 47.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716.00 238.00 44.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 889.00 296.00 55.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 874.00 291.00 54.00 J . . . . . . . . . . . . 935.00 311.00 57.00 above are complete delivered. Prices including License. Uproarious Fun WITH Richmond Hill, Ontario By SAPPER with ‘arLcingâ€"Corled Cuties Agents Maple, Ontario No. 30 NEWS NEWSI NEWS