The Y.P.s". of Central United church enjoyed a pleasant social evening-at the home of Mrs. C. R. Dyke on Monâ€" day evening last. The annual social evening of the Local Branch W. I., will be ‘held on Thursday evening, next, February 6th when an old time sleigh ride to the home of Mrs. Sabiston will be an inte- resting Dart oi: the program. Mrs. A. Gray was a Toronto visitor on Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Robbins and ‘aughter Joan have returned home 'l'om Niagara Falls. We are glad to epcln't Mr. Robbins much improved in ca th. Misses Helen Stiver and Mary Harâ€" her spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harper. ‘ Mrs. Pearce, Markham, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Latimer on Monday. Miss Robinsoï¬, ‘Mount Albert, was fhe guest of Mrs. Wagg over the week-end. Mrs. L. Lunau was‘a Toronto visit. or over the Week-end. Miss Olive Bush, Glen Miller, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Gladys Bush. Mr. and Mrs. Hornet and son. Mr. ï¬nd Mrs. Hendley, Mr. Chas. Boadway Sutton, Mr. Norman Boadway at- ‘ended the funeral of Mr. F. Boadway‘ ‘11 Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Boyington, of Buttonville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Elliott on Sunday. Mr. R. Cunningham attended the Liberal convention in Newmarket on Wednesday. Miss Cora Lunau visited at her home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gibson spent .‘hursday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hood. Following a statement from the iome Independant Telephone Co., of heir intention to dispense with the 'entral here and putting Unionville ubscribers on the Markham Central, 'Ihich also means the cutting off of Fee service to Agincourt and vicinity. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Roy Sellai‘s visited 'Jr. and Mrs. Gordon Ogden on Tues- fay. Miss Mary Rodich is spending a few 'aÂ¥s with her cousin Miss Harper, of :0 ton. Misses Jean and Janet French were guests of Miss Murlel Stiver on“ Sunâ€" day. We regret the loss of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grant, sr. and Miss Jean Grant from this vicinity having taken up residence on Dawes Road, Toronto. Miss Mary Evans, Concord, spent a few days with Mrs. Fred Minten. o petition signed by practically all ' ' ' ‘ me patronage OI local,st°res’ ubscribers to retain our present ser- hOtelS, garages v . . . keeping the ice was presented by Rev. H. Eat- Spending money‘circulating within its ii: A. LCBIiOWï¬, “€3.11 felfhmsv Efval‘t vicinities. Sell to the outside world liver, . . am y o eraiway,l . - . - ‘ . oard in Toronto this week. Bus_ oeltamly, but buy from Within. Maik- :less men feel that the proposed ham is dOing this- Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smith spent a few days in Toronto last weekâ€"and were guests at the banquet in honour of Mayor Wemp at the Palais Royale. Mrs. R. L. Stiver was the guest of PIrs. R. Cunningham on Wednesday ast. Mrs. Don McKay, Toronto, visited her aunt Miss Lydia Gormley last week. Mrs. M. Thompson and her brother Mr. Jas. French are visiting their sis- ter Mrs. John McNaughton, of Lond- on, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Wallen were Toronto visitors on Monday. Mrs. Jas. Calvert is spending a week at Donalda Farms, Donlands. When a bit of sunshine hits ye, Afjer passin o_f_a clggd; Mr. James Muirï¬ead is attending jtwgy_the§g gays. _ Misses Olive and Gladys Bush'visih ed Mrs. Audrey Stephenson on Monday last. Miss Mary Galbraith, Uxbridge, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. Brooks. Mrs. F. Wright" and son Fred are Toronto visitors this Week. Mrs. J.’L. B. Stiver was a Toronto isitor on Saturday. Mrs. N. Ogden spent the\week.end ‘1‘};th her daughter Isabel] at Bowman- v1 e. ’"Mis's'Mauciy, Miss Hamill, Mr. A. M. Hill Were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hood on Mondayhlastt Stiver Brothers, dealers in grain seed, coal, etc., have moved their ofï¬ce to Main St., occupying the old home of the Home Telephone‘Coq in the R. J. Allan premises. The telephone central being removed to the top flat. rvï¬i's. D. Harrington visited friends 111 Toronto a few days last week. H Miss Mary Gélbraith, Uxbridge was the guest of Mrs. Ada Hood on Satin-day last._ urFBrEï¬Ã© Binute that ye sling it It's a boomerang to ygu._ Mrsv. Dave Coulsoh, “who has been 'isiting‘ her son Russell, at Oshawa, as returned home. Mr. A. Allan Harrington, Newmar- 91:, was in town on Tuesday last. Wheï¬ a fit}, of laughtef gets ye, An_d yg’r_spino_e is feelin' pgqud, n WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT ï¬ï¬oyn’rt foi'get to up and fling it M; a soul that’s feelin’ blue, RAGE FOUR The Township of Markham have for sale the following debentures: $23,000.00, 5 per cent. 30 years. on U.S S. 9 and 17 These Debentures may be purchased in amounts ranging from $300.00 to $1500.00 Apply J. H. NAUGHTON, Debentures for Sale Solicitor for the Township of Markham Federal Building, Toronto 2, Adel. 2108 or Richmond Hill 127 :‘éaï¬ithack Crawford i Rome was not built in a day . . . . neither will Markham obtain their deâ€" sire immediately but the incentive is there . . . . the men, the brains, the money, the products. It but requires time before Markham is recognized as an important industrial centre. The principal industry in Markham (the production of scientifically mixed feeds for dairy, poultry and hogs) is in a very flourishing state. Reesors Marmill Limited gives permanent em- ployment for a number of men and boys . . . . (in addition to ofï¬ce staff) and gives promise to provide further employment in the near future. As this business progresses, so does it provide a bigger market for locally grown grains~ That is the secret of local progress . the buying of local products . the patronage of local stores, REESORS MARMILL LIMITED, GIVES EMPLOYMENT TO MANY IN MARKHAM Markham is seeking her place on the map. The residents are ,endeav- curing to emulate those of Oshawa, Peterboro, Stratford, and scores of other reputable cities, which gained them wide recognizance by the boostâ€" ing of local industries. “Al Smith, your Honor.†“How do you make that out?†“Well, Judge, they said if Al Smith was elected Piesident We would have a stock market smash, a crime wave, unemployment, plenty of booze, and we sure have them.†“Very well,†replied the Judge. “Be- fore I can make your papers out you will have to ansxver these questions.†“All right, judge.†“Who is the Mayor of New York City?†1 “AL†SMITH MUST HAVE WON The following appearing under a speech of Senator Wheeler’s in the Washington Congressional Record is not bad: State?†“Mr. Roosevelt.†“Very good azaix A foreign-born in New York applied for naturalization papers. “Judge,†he said, “I would like to become an American.†ST. PHILIPS ANGLICAN Rev. J. J. Robbins 1000 a. m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p. m.â€"Evening Prayer Monday evening 8 p. m.~â€"A. Y. P‘ is now ready for use in the section. This collection of books is unequalled in any library of its size and the gen- erous use of the books is solicited, a]- so the trustees would appreciate the return of any books now out of the Library so that the classified list may be_1:ully completeg. Rev. H. H. Eaton 10.30 a. m.â€"â€"Pente Cost. 2 p. m.â€"Sunday School 7 p. m.â€"Righteous versus Good. Monday evening 8 p. m.â€"Y. P. S. Hagerman United Sunday School 1.30 Thursday evening 8 p. m.â€"Y. P. S change would not be beneficial 60 the adygmcergnent 91' this community. A Mrs. S. Ash Visited her dailghter, ME. J ._ C_a]yex:t__a few days: la§t we_ek. The Public Library of school section No. 8, that was transferred to the Hagerman school, following the de- struction of St? John’s Church by ï¬re, Mrs: Andfew Grant, J22, Wexford, visited relatives in town on Tuesday. The funeral service of Mrs. Robt. McKay, of Detroit, formerly of Markâ€" ham, was held to St. Philip’s Anglican Church on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. J. J. Robbins, ofï¬ciating. Sincere symâ€" pathy is extended to her sister Mrs. Jonathan Lunau. Mrs. Cassie, Agincourt, viéited her daughter, Mrs. E. Stiver on Wednes- day. Mr. H. S. Reeve, Markham, called on friends in town on Monday last. “Mr. Jimmy Walker, your Honor.†“Very good. Who is Governor of the ‘Very good again. Now tell me who President?†EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p. 2.30 p 7.30 p. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. H. Eaton m.â€"Sunday School . m.â€"Rig-hteous versus Good lst class honorsâ€"B. Rowbotham, 82; O. Dyke, 81; R. Hore, 79. 2nd classâ€"K. Kennedy, 72; E. Gruâ€" bin, 70; C. Norris, 69; A. Barnes 67. 3rd class honorsâ€"A. Coakwel], 64; K. Wurm, 63; C. Bryant, 62. Passâ€"H. Gibson, 57; G. Hobbs, 57; R. Button, 55; H. Wilson,,52. Below n tain, 31. mrst year commercial~Mildred Bell, 67; Irene Carruthers, 59; Flor ence Cover, 57; Emily Duffton, 50 Alma Maynard, 50; R00: Allen, 48 Ruby Raymer, 44; Mack Prentice, 41 Emerson, Ramer, 36; Harold Raymer 35; Walter Dukes, 32. 3rd classâ€"Hazel Petch, 66; Her- \'bert Dyke, 64; Ronald Bagg, 64; Jack Todds, 61; Aileen de Montmorency 61. Below passâ€"Ida Reesor; 49; Lloyd 1Pherrill, 45; Jean Hoover, 45; Sydney Beare, 44; Fern Miller, 44; Frank Ciendenning, 43; Marjorie Davis, 42; Dorothy Brown, 40; Douglas Woods, Evelyn Hurr'ell, 33; Hubert Crosby, 33; Howard Stiver, 32. Marian Warne, 86; Margaret Young 78; Clara White, 64; Helen Graham, 60; Blanche Topham, 58; Murray Cox. worth, 50; Francis ‘Powen, 5n Passâ€"Muriel Hagerman, 58; Nor- tman Pike, 57; Annie Freeman, 57; Erma Court, 55; Garfield Hamilton, No standing owing to absenceâ€"M. Stiver, Annie White, E. Gooding, J. Snider, W. Brickwood. 2nd class honorsâ€"Elliot Harring- ton, 73; Victor Isaac, 72; Edith Hold- en, 70; James Nowlan, 68. 54; Helen Little, 53; Jean Brown, 52; Chris. Kennedy, 51; 112. Bagg, 50; Murray Wilson, 50. Creditâ€"E. Hobbs, 58; M. Payne 57; J. Tweedie, 56; L. Burkholder, 55; H. Hilts, 54; J. Malcolm, 52; K. Robin- son, 52; J. Shadlock, 51; I. Macklin, 50; K. Cowie, 50. Form III lst class honorsâ€"Stanley McDow- ell, 82. 2nd Class honorsâ€"M. Nowlan, 66; V. Montmorency, 65; E. Irwin, 64; J. Robinson, 64; M. Poynter. 63; T. Clen- denen, 61. Below passâ€"M. Hornshaw, 49; F. Trinnell, 48; E. Hagerman, 43; E. Penny, 43; M. Béyd, 43; M. Hager- man, 38; J. White, 32. Passâ€"Olive Anderson, 56; Margar- et Moore, 56; Josephine Martin, 55. Form II lst class honorsâ€"E. Gooding, 79; H. Maxwell, 79; H. Percy, 78. Below passâ€"Grace Perkin, 49; Mary Champion, 47; Fern Kennedy, 47; Les- lie Johnson, 46; James Stonehouse, 38; Doris Trinnell, 36; James Rennie, 2nd class honorsâ€"G. Ferrier, 73; A. *Shank, 72; E. Pearse, 71; H. Graham, '69; D. Hunt, 68; L. Snider 67. Below passâ€"Walter Reesor, 49; Annie Fry, 48; Helen Jarvis, 47; Gertâ€" rude Appleton, 47; Elmer Willis, 45; Raymond Bartlett, 43; Joe Tran, 43; Mildred Woods, 39; James Walker 34. 3rd classâ€"~Dorothy Clark, 65; He]- en Gould, 64; Ethel Miles, 63; Aud- rey Plaxton, 63; Dorothy Dukes, 60; Elizabeth Clark, 59; Dora Reesor, 59; Frances Smith, 59; Marjorie Wheat- Iey 59. 2nd class honorsâ€"Carman Lewis, 69; Elmer Phen'ill 68; Mary Hoover 68. 63; Wallace Harrington, 62; Leonard, Sewell, 62; Harlow Stonehouse, 59; Frank Warne, 59. Passâ€"Alex. Hands, 58; Dorothy I. Gingell, 55; Theodore Dixon, 55; Lesâ€" lie Beare, 54; Bruce Boyd, 53; Thomas Hobbs, 52. 2nd class honorsâ€"Margaret Pringle '33; Mary Raymer, 73; Audrey Lewis, 72; Margaret Martin, 69. 3rd class honorsâ€"Eureta Johnson, 66; Johri Williamson, 66; Esther Ree- sor, 65; Adam Hood, 64, George Jones 64, Ruth MacKay, 63; Otto Groskorth Form IB lst claSS honorsâ€"Angela Moran, 81 Edna Roffey, 80. Form 1A lst class honorsâ€"Aileen Coxworth 80; Florence Beare, 79, Grace Pringle, 77. MARKHAM HIGH Cable advices from London state that Captain Ronald Stuart, V.C.. D.S.O.. U.S.N.C., R.N.R.. commanâ€" der of the Canadian Pacific liner “Duchess of York.†has been offi- cially selected to attend the Armis- tice Day ceremonies at the Ceno~ tap}: in London. Captain Stuart is one of the youngest liner captains on the North Atlantic and the only passenger ship captain to wear the Victoria Cross. It is expected that he will also be present at the §’rince of Wales' dinner to V.Cs. The largest sugar beet crop on record in Southern Alberta is being harvested in the Raymond district. centre of the industry. About 8,500 acres were sown to sugar beets this year, 2,000 more than in 1928, and the crop will an estimate yield about 65.000 tons or 23,000 above last year's production. ‘ First 50; Francis Powell, 50. year commercialâ€"Jack Special Commercia: aSSâ€"H. Honey, 46; C. Britâ€" SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS Form IV THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIQ any Duffton, 50 R00: Allen, 48 lack Prentice, 41 ; Harold Raymer Offen E Applications for the position of assessor for the village of Richmond Bill will be received up until Febru- ‘lary 3rd, 1930. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Isabella Melville Guym't, of the town- ship of Y-ozk, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, married wo- man, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband HAROLD GUYATT, of the said City of Toronto, and County of York, and Province of Ontario, Truck Driver, on the ground of adultery and desertion. Dated at Toronto, this twentyâ€"second day of January A. D., 1930. ISABELLA MELVILLE GUYATT All applications must be in the vil- lage clerk’s ofï¬ce on or before 5 o’clock p.n1. on that date. Rev. A. H. Halbert reported having made 525 visits on the circuit and at- tended 140 meetings. He received 21 on profession of faith with the church, had 11 baptisms, 10 funerals and 8 weddings. He had visited 172 homes with oversight of 500. It was moved by Mr. Chas. Diceman and sec- onded by Mr. Will Peterman that a hearty vote of appreciation be exten- ded to Mr. Halbert for his splendid work and faithfulness to his task. Mr. Harold Bowen, reported for the Y. P. S. They have 37 members with an average attendance of 27. They raised $85.55. Mrs. Geo. Mc- Cluskey, treasurer of the Women’s Association reported 23 members. Their income was $150.41 and after all expenses were paid had a balance of $10.89. A hearty vote of thanks was. extended to the ladies for their commendable work, and also to Mr. Chas. Diceman for his faithfulness. The annual meeting of the Laskay United Church is being held on Wed- nesday afternoon and the King City United Church on Thursday evening. Anniversary services will be held in Teston United Church on Sunday, Febâ€" mam 2nd at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Arrangements are being made for an oyster supper in the church hall on Tuesday evening, February 4th, foll- owed by a programme. Further par- ticulars next week. The annual meeting of the Teston United Church was held last Tuesday evening, with a good attendance. A banquet was served from 6 to 7.30 o'clock in the Sunday School room. At 8 o’clock the members and adher- ents met in the auditorium of the church. After a short devotional service the reports were received. Mr. Ernest Carson was appointed secre- tary for the evening. Mr. Charles Diceman, the recording steward reported $692.49 received dur- ing the year and after all obligations being met had a balance on hand of $18.00. Mr. Will Peterman reported $220 for the Missionary and Mainten- ance Fund with more to come in. Miss Annie Walker, secretary of the Sun- day School reported 68 members on the roll with an average attendance of 36. The income of the Sunday School was $374.39. The expenditure was $200.00 leaving a balance on hand cf $174.39. Monï¬ay, FeE3’y 3rd NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that IIanorah Margaret Phililemonia At- kinson, of the Township of York, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, Married Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next Session thereof for a bill of diâ€" vorce from her husband, \Vilfred Viv- ian Atkinson, of the (ï¬ty of Toronto, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, Mate, on the ground of adultery and desel‘tion. Vaughan Township Dated at T-vunto, this twenty- eighth day of January A. D., 1930. HANORAH MARGARET PHILILEâ€" MONIA ATKINSUR, The regular February meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellorc, on APPLICATION FOR POSITION 0F ASSESSOR Village of Richmand Hiil at 11 a. m. for the transaction of general business. By Anderson & Bourdon, her solicitors, 2881 Dundas Street, West, Toronto (9), Ontario by Anderson & Bourdon her solicitors, 2881 Dundas Street. Wes Toronto TESTON J. B. McLEAN, Clerk A. J. HUME. Clerk. 3 Street, West (9), Ontario WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 12â€"Auc- REAL ESTATEâ€"If you have a house or farm for sale, list it with G. YEREX, representative of Will- oughby’s Farm Agency, Phone 116m Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Young team of Horses. Also quantity of Red Clover Hay at $10.00 per ton. Apply James Bell, R. R. 2, Gormley, phone Headford 4741. FOR SALEâ€"Player piano, in good condition, fitted with electric lights, 100 rolls, reasonable price. Phone Richmond Hill 184. SKATES and BOOTS FOR SALEâ€" FOR SALEâ€"Pure.bred baby chicks from heavy layers with records from 225 to 240 eggs, ready every Tues- day starting March 11th. B. Rocks $18.00 per hundred, S. C. W. Leg- horns $16.00 per hundred. Place your order now to be sure of chicks when needed. W. Wyatt, Stop 21 Yonge Street or Langstaff P. O. FOR SALE--Five roomed frame house sunroom, fireplace, hardwood, good cellar, furnace; half acre of land. North side of Mill Road $2500. Cash $1000, balance arranged. J. Friday, February Nthâ€"Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, etc., also valuable farm, the property of Ross J. Bowes, east half of lot 7, con. 2’, Vaughan. Sale at 1 p. m. Terms of chattels 8 months credit. See bills for terms of farm. J. T. Saigeon Auctioneer. FOR SALEâ€"1000 egg incubator, three sections, used one season; also par- lor heater. Will deliver. W. Wy- att, Stop 21, Yonge St. FOR SALE â€"â€" Large Bungalow of frame and plaster 40 ft. square on stone wall full size of house; also 1 barn 25 ft. x 30 ft. with Stablc built in. Apply J. H. Tustin, lot 10, Con. 2, North York. FOR SALEâ€"Five roomed Cottage, one acre land, extra good Hen House, Garage. Sell cheap, easy terms. Apply Box 13, Liberal Ofï¬ce. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20thâ€"Im- FOR SALEâ€"Barred Rocks and white Leghorn Cockerels, some pullets and white Pekin ducks and drakes; also Lard. Will deliver in Rich- mond Hill and vicihity. Phone Stoufl’ville 5220. I Richmond Hill will *play a league game at the Unionvilke Arena t0- tmom'ow night (Friday) When they will >meet Um'onville at 7.15. FOR SALELCoal burning brooder stove, 500 chick size, Murray, good condition with pipes. $9.00 A1- bert Harrison, Rumble Ave., Rich- mond Hi1]. Thursday, March Guiâ€"Credit sale of highâ€"class farm stock, implements, etc., International Tractor, nearly new, tractor cultivator and equipment, the property of Charles Graham, lot 20, con. 2, Vaughan, Township of Vaughan, on Maple sideroad, west of Richmond Hill. No reserve as Mr. Graham is giving up farming and takâ€" ing over the Massey-Harris agency. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. [RICHMOND HILL vs. UNIONVILLE CR SALEâ€"Heavy overcoat in very good candition, cost $80.00, will sell for $10.00. Ivan Marks, Mill St., Richmond Hill. Pair of Ballards Hockey or PleaSure skates and boots, size 7, in first class condition, new last year and only worn four times. Will sell for $7.00, regular $10.50. Apply at Liberal Ofï¬ce or phone 22. tion Sale of Registered and High Grade Horses and Cattle, Imple- ments, etc., the property of George Maginn, W. half lot 15, rear con. 4, Vaughan, one mile west of Sher- woodi Sale at 1 pm. No reserve as farm has been sold. 9 months credit. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. R. Herrington, Real Estate and In- surance, Phone 87. portant Credit Sale of good dairy cattle, farm stock and implements. Hay and grain, the property of J. G. Alcombrack & Son, Lot 14, Markham Township, Stop 23 Yonge St., one mile south of the village of Richmond Hill. Sale at 12.30 sharp. Terms 8 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auc- tioneers. SALE REGISTER “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-MAKE THE MOST OF IT†RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst i! sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Classified AdVS. FOR SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1930 T0 RENT â€" Dance and Assembly Hall for dances or gatherings of any kind, roomy and well equipped. Terms moderate. Apply Elgin Hotel Elgin Mills. TO RENTâ€"Six roomed house, electric light, in good repair. Elizabeth St, Richmond Hill. Apply Liberal Ofï¬ce. T0 RENTâ€"House near Yonge Street, electric light, good cellar, good well, garden. Apply Box 59, Liberal Oflice. ‘ WANTEDâ€"Boarders, ladies or gent- lemen, good meals and accommo- dation, right at car line. Apply Mrs. Wright, Elgin Hotel, Elgin Mills, phone 44-r-2. WANTEDâ€"ACCOMMODATION FOR } SHRINERS CONVENTION. Resi- L dents of the North Yonge Strqet | district who will’be able to rent accommodation for visitors to the SHRINERS’ CONVENTION which will be held in Toronto next June kindly write John H. Dunlop, Rich- mond Hill. FOR RENTâ€"Good farm, lot 13, con. 6, Vaughan, 50 acres. Apply Wes- ley Puterbaugh, R. R. No. 2, Wood- bridge. WANTEDâ€"Man or Woman to sell Lightning Rods on salary or com- mission. Apply Phone Thornhill 97. WANTEDâ€"Young geese, fowl, young cockerels, top market price paid. A. G. Robinson, Rumble Ave., Box 174, Phone‘ 190. '- WANTEDâ€"Washing done at home, good drying grounds. Give me a trial on your next wash, no chemi- cals. Don’t delay, See meat once. Mrs. Mucklewee, Step 22, Yonge St. CINDER HAULING, TRUCKING and MOVINGâ€"C. Henry, Langstaff, Phone Thornhill 514-6 HAIRDRESSINGâ€"Appointments 2.30 to Phone 178, Mrs. Russell, Centre Street West. LOSTâ€"Hound (female) black saddle, white legs, tan head, small spot in saddle. Reward. H. Holder, Box 24, Aurora, Phone 74. STRAYEDâ€"On Lot 32 Vaughan, Thornhill, Bay Mare with two white feet in front, 1 White foot behind and white face. Owner may have same by paying 'expenses. Tele- phone Thornhill 58-1-2. LOSTâ€"On Saturday morning near In the estate of Margaret Mc- Murchy late of the Township of Vaughan, in the county of York, widow, deceasefl. Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the estate of Margaret McMurchy, late of the TownÂ¥p of Vaughan in the County of Y01 , who died on or about the thirteenth day of January, 1930, in the said Township of Vaughan, are reâ€" quired to forward these claims duly proven to the undersigned on or beâ€" ‘fore the 24th day of February, 1930. FOUNDâ€"Dog, hound, white and tan. Telephone Maple And notice is further given that after the said date the undersigned will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to such claims of which such notice has been received. George Franklin McDonald, Sutton, Ontario, Executor. By Campbell Line, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Solicâ€" itor. Dated at Richmond Hill, this 23rd day of January, 1930. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE LEGISLATURE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Canadian Kennel Club Incorporated will apply to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at its next Session for legislation for the follow. ing' purpose, namely: To veet in the said Canadian Kennel Club Incorporated all the assets of The Canadian Kennel Club. " DATED at Toronto this 15th day of January, A. D., 1930. KERR, DAVIDSON, PATTERSON & McFARLAND, Solicitors for the Applicants Richmond Hill, Goodyear Tire, size 30 x 5. Reward $5.00. Baldock’s Garage, Richmond Hill, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS LOST and FOUND ‘otice to Creditors TO RENT WANTED black 2264.