VOL. LII. The troubles of some dairymen on our line do not come single handed) Of late two have been notified that their milk is not up to proper cream test. Following this the man to Whom they Were shipping deliberately took about forty dollars apiece from their cheques. This looks like gen- uine daylight robbery and we think shippers of whole milk to this dairy had better keep their eyes open. PLAYED TRICK ON‘ COASTABLE Not' only do dairymen have troubles with their test, but a constable who had occasion to visit Gormley on Sat- urday With his motor car, found on returning to it after some absenw that the contents of his radiator was far below test with the result that Jack Frost had his car well in hana. Some busy body had apparently re- placed his antifreeze with water while the constable was away on business. Mr. William Klees rather unfortun- ately lost; fifty dollars in bills from his poaket a few evenings past. The following morning as Mr. Gerald Lyon was travelling to the corner he spied LOST FIFTY BUT FOUND FORTY NINE a green back in the snow and on close examination he found it was a five “lucky†though he a few yards farther and luck was again his. History kept repeating itself and the farther he journeyed the wealthier he became. A limit was reached at forty nine doll- ms. Mr. Klees soon had his lost treasures in safe keeping. To scatt- er fifty dollars to the winds and re- gain all but one seeins rather lucky. Lucky to have an honest man find it. Some of our radio fans enjoyed the address of Mr. Denton Massey. in Massey Hall on Sunday p. m. Rev. P. M. Peacock again occupied the United Church pulpit on Sunday and gave an earnest and inspiring ad- dress' basing his remarks on the words 23 DAYS9 ONLY 5 3====o=o 91:20] DAIRYM AN’S LIFE ‘ SUNSHINE U1 i=0|=l0=log 0:9 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY his text, “Who passing through the MOVIETON E NEWS “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†WE REPAIR ANY MAKE A Don’t Neglect Your =O=0=0=0=0 REPAIRING and OVERHAULING WE REPAIR ANY MAKE AND SPECIALIEE ON GENERAL MOTOR PRODUCTS Don’t Neglect Your Car â€" A Small Job To- Day May Save a Large Bill To-Morrow IOl=lO NOT ALL rapt I“ Messrs Jarvis and Shaw,’ of New- markeï¬ were Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mr. Chas. Dennie. Mr. Bush, of Aurora, paid his weekâ€" ly vsit to our town on Tuesday. We. are sorry to report Mr. Stanley ISmith in a Toronto hospital undergo- 0n0=°=0=0=0I ied lay ad- rds the The Greatest Laugh Provoking Picture of the Season. Next Sunday the service Wlll also be conducted by Mr. Peacock. He will also give the address in Sunday <School. A thoroughly pleasant evening’s en- tertainment is the general report of the many who attended the play In the Public Hall here on Friday even- ing, presented by the Victoria Square dramatic club. The play from begin- ning to end was clean, wholesome, re- fined, some instances quite serious while in others very tragic. Every artist acted his part very creditably. Messrs Thomson and Chadwick supâ€" plied several instrumental selectlons between the acts which were thorou- ghly enjoyed by all. A pleasant event of the evening was the presentation of a handsome pen knife and chain to the director of the play, Mr. E. J. M. Hitchcock by the members of the club, as a slight token of their appreciation of his efâ€" forts in training and assisting them to develop their talents in this sphere. ‘ Messrs John and Glenn Smith, Rolph and Earl Empringham, James Dennie and Misses Pearl and Eva T-ennie enjoyed the play in the hall on Friday evening. Neighbouring communities who are looking for two or three hours good entertainment we think would consult their own interests in calling the di- rector for terms. Miss Jean Collard of Lefroy, spent the Week-end with her sister, Mrs. Herman Mortson. aliey of Baca make it a Well.†The ladies of the United Church spent a busy day on Wednesday, quilt- ing. In all eleven quilts were put in good shape. ‘ Miss Grace Arnold spent a few days last week with Miss Marie Dennie. “ UNTAMED †JOAN CRAWFORD lay the service will also I by Mr. Peacock. He e the address in Sunday NOTES A Small Job =O=O= “In Essentials, Unity; In" RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1930 IN ing surgical treatment to his knee which he injured last year. Mrs. Leslie Boynton is staying with Mrs. Smith during his absence. ‘ Master Hughie Phillips is again in cur midst. His injured leg is in a plaster paris cast. The young people of the league planned to have a skating party on Wednesday evening, but owing to weather conditions they enjoyed a sieigh ride and then Were entertained by the Misses Nichols at their home where they enjoyed an oyster Slipper. Mr. Frank Bi‘umwell nearly missed the sleigh-ride as his Chevrolet got mired in the snow banks on the fifth line. A strong team came to his rescue énd soon .he joined the happy company. Cecil says “Get a Pontiac Frank." On Wednesday evening last, the boys met at the home of Mrs. Huestis,i Spruce Ave., for the purpose of form- ing a. boys club, the oï¬'icers elected are and name of club, Cheerio Fell- ows; J. Tarpley, President; G. Huestis Vice-President; Clarence Hill, Treas- urer; Jack Lambert, Secretary; Ken Rowe, editor of the paper called Rich- Vale Gazette, now look out Mr. Editor you might have competition here. ‘ On Friday, Mrs. Huestis gave a Valâ€" ‘entine party to her Sunday School class of Junior girls, refreshments land games being the order of the dav. {she was assisted by Miss Lillian MacK- llem. Another of the successful series of concerts under the auspices of the East Vaughan Ratepayers Association will be held in the Richvale Church on Saturday, March 8th. The pro- gram will be supplied by Wilkies’ Vaudeville troupe and Miss Bessie La- Marr of Tom White‘s Follies. These talented entertainers will entertain with snappy song hits and novelties. ' Miss Wiltshire and Miss Allen, will a1- .co take part in this program. CONCERT AT RICHVALE ON SATURDAY. MARCH 8th 10:0 =O=O Richvale 0:10) Non-essentials, Liberty : In All Things. Charity.†101:0: County Prepares For Court Action On The Radials night, Controller Claude Pearce re- aifirmed the stand taken by the City of Toronto that the Metropolitan Rad- ials will be abandoned on March 15th. The County Council on the other hand remains firm in its stand that such will not take place and are going a- head with preparation to fight the proposal in the courts. A. G. Slaght iimminent counselvof Toronto has been ‘appointed to act for the County in the place of Col. T. H. Lennox who canâ€" not act on account of his association with the Toronto Transportation Com-1 misswn. ‘ It will be two weeks to-morrow sin- co the York County transportation committee met the Board of Control and were given time to come back to the Board with some proposition. Why the City which owns the line and has been operating it had no propOSltlon to offer is difficult to understand. It Speaking in Toronto on Wednesday| is understood however that the City wants the County to either take over the road ,or accept responsibility for deficits. Just how much the City would be Willing to take for the line or what agreement regarding deficits the City would consider has never been stated. ' ' The County Council has shown little interest in the deficit sharing propo- sition or in the purchasing of the line and will go to court to compel the op- eration of radials on the strength of existing agreements. There has been no public statement from Hon. G. S. Henry, Minister of Highways and member of the legis- lature for East York and under whose department the gesponsibility for bus permits rests. During the last pro- ' \‘incial election campaign Hon. Mr. Henry stated that he favored a radial ‘service and would do all in his power 1to have the service continued. He stated moreover-that/the permit issu- ed about a year ago for the operation of busses was issued in his absenCe and on the assumption that it was of no particular moment of the radial service. It is quite apparent now that that permit issued by the Depart- ment of Highways Was of very great moment to the radials and unless something is done very quickly it will spell the doom of this service which means so much to the residents of. York County. In view of the serious- ress of the present transportation sit- uation on Yonge Street it is hoped that Hon. G. S. Henry Will give a practical demonstration of his concern for the residents of this district by cancelling the existing permit for the operation of busses and thus end the controversy which now threatens to rob the North Yonge Street of a rad- ial service and substitute a bus serVIce which the people do not want. CITY STILL DETERMINED TO ABANDDN â€"â€" HON. G. s. HENRY STILL SILENT 0N BUS PERMIT The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Taylor, was most interesting. The programme given by members of the Aurora Institute, took the form of a “Radio Broadcast†consisting of community singing, voc- al and instrumental numbers; also two splendid papersâ€"“Making yourself interesting†by Mrs. Grey and “Curâ€" rent events†by Mrs. Welsh. The programme closed with a humorous ‘sketch, entitled “The business meet- ing'.†A social hour brought this de- lightful meeting to a close. A card party is being arranged for Friday evening, March 215t in the High School Gymnasium. proceeds to be applied to the library fund. ORATORICAL CONTEST The annual Public School Oratoricai Contest under the auspices of the Home and School Club will be held in the Public School on Tuesday, Febru- ary 25th, at 8 o’clock p. m. ’ This can- test is educational and parents and all others who are interested are invited to attend. All are welcome. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE 0:0! 0:0) <1 are invited Fhone Maple 10 or 950 ' Agents Maple, Ontario me. 0=0m0=0=0=0=0fl01=10fl0=n omonomouo R. H. H. S. COMMENCEMENT Preparations are under way at the High School which, it is hoped, will hold the most successful and enjoyable annual Commencement yet held. The Literary Society, assisted by Mr. Arâ€" thur Jared arerehearsing a three act comedy, Deivon Hochsattl (The House Next Door), from the German, Lud- ‘wig Heller. The Glee Club, under the leadership of Mr. Melecci is offer- ing a Japanese Operetta, Princess Chrysanthamum. .1 ‘ ..-_, -7.“ This program together with the presentation of the prizes, medals and such will be put on early in March, the date to, be published later. Watch for it! CONCERT AT PRESBYTERIAN I CHURCH To mark the re-opening of the Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian church after cxtensive redecoration work, a concert; will be held on Monday evening next, February 24th under the auspices of the choir. A splendid programme has been prepared and the following [artists will take part: Mrs. J.A. Brand ‘soprano; Mr. J. A. Brand, tenor; Mrs. Donald Gray, contralto; Mr. Donald Gray, bass; Miss Edna Day, elocution- ist; Miss Nellie Woods, soloist; James ‘A. Davies, ’L.T.C.M., organist of |G1enview Presbyterian Church, Toron- TALKING COMEDY Laule - Hardy in Perfect Days Also SHIP AHOY- WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY TUESDAY, FEB. The Girls Auxiliary of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, will hold a Pancake Social in the Parish Room on Tuesday, March 4th. COMEDY SPRING TIME. SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, MAR. 1, 3, 4 NOW YOU HEAR THE FAMOUS STAR THAT MAKES MILLIONS LAUGH Farmers Attention-AutomobileInsurance "THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 TIMI UI\L Hollywood RevueE PANCAKE SOCIAL TUESDAY, MARCH 4th DOROTHY Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer TALKING . SINGING DANCING PICTURE The Pilot Automobile and Accident Insurance Co., Ltd., will insure Farmers cars against public liability property dam- age, collision, fire and theft 30 per cent. cheaper than the ctandard ratesâ€"non farmers 17 per cent. cheaper. Head Oflice, Waterloo, 0nt., Branch Ofï¬ce, Toronto If you are interested get in touch with BEDFORD THEATRE THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT THE WORLD’S GREATEST COMEDIAN “ PAINTED FACES †WELCOME DANGER COMEDY “SKELETON DANCE Harold Lloyd WITH ‘HY GULLIVER HELEN FOSTER Laughsâ€"Tea rsâ€"Th rillsFSil rieks. JOE E0 BROWN éHORUS OF 200 VOICES . T. SAIGEON & SON TALKS IN Single Copy 50 $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Izo===c=xo===o=lo SEE PLAY TO-NIGHT AND TO-MORROW NIGHT Large crowds are expected to attenc‘ the presentation in the Masonic Hal iiiâ€"night (Thursday) and Friday nigh‘ of “Mother Mine†by the Young Peop- le of Richmond Hill United Churcn Reserved seats on sale at Austin’: Drug Store, 35 cents. ' Standing in Arithmetic for February Junior IVâ€"Doris Walton 66 per ceni Aubrey Gohn 52. Senior IIIâ€"William Allen 87, Mae Tennyson 82, Irwin Gohn 81, Aleath: Thompson 80, William Hood 52, Franl‘ French 47, Ruby Firth 47. Junior IIâ€"Lloyd Allen 54. Senior Iâ€"Hazel Cox 60, Jame†Hood 45. Junior Iâ€"Russell Cox 57, Ashtor lCalvert 53, Merwin Firth 38. Primerâ€"'Harvey Cox, Murray Walt on, Norman Allen. HORSES SOLD WELL The auction sale of the farm stock implements, etc.. oï¬ George Maginr. of Vaughan township, held last week was very successful. In all the pro ceeds totalled about $3,500. We. sold for $202.50, 490., and -167.50’anr cows sold up to 3168. J. T. Saigeor conducted the sale and there was ; large attendance of buyers and bidd ing was brisk. ' “Sir,†said the maid, quite haughtil "either take your arm from aroun my waist or keep it still. I’m 11 ukelele."â€"â€"Se1ected BUTTONVILLE SCHOOL REPORT FEB. 26, 27, 28 AND 9 P. M. No. 34 NEWS 24. 25 Ltd., will