Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Feb 1930, p. 4

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The Primary competition for the Junior Tankard of group No. 1, that included rinks from Locust Hill, Markâ€" ham and Unionville, was played on Crosby Memorial rink, Monday last, resulting in a win for Unionville. The personnel of the rinks as follows:â€" Markham â€" Jas. Rennie, Robt. Carrox, John Dickenson, John Armstrong, skip Locust Hill â€" Herb. Reesor, S. Leggâ€" itt, John Forster, 0. Hoover, skip. Unionville â€"â€" Clifford Burr, Otto Mc- Quay, Robt Allen, Newton Brown skip. 5: games were played with the follow- ing secretâ€"1st .game, Markham 10, Locust Hill 9; 2nd game, Markham 8, Unionville 9; 3rd game, UniOnville 10, Locust Hill 9. Mr. gli‘red Bunt, Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Camplin on Tuesday. â€"Mrs.rvM. Thompson returned home Monday, after visiting relatives in Leggningjop. Mrs. Jas. Gibson visited friends in Scarboro last Week. 7 A Bennett returned home last Thursday after spending a week with Toronto friends. last. “firs. Don. MacKay, of Toronto, vis- ited her aunt Mrs. Lydia Gormley, on qudasg _ . ... . . 1 HMrs. M. Hemingway was a Toronto visitor on Tuesday last}, BOOKS Who hath a book hath friends at hand, And gold and spear at his command, And rich estates, if he but look, Are held by him who hath a book Who hath a book has but to read And he may be a king indeed Ilis kingdom is his ingle nook All this is his who hath a book. â€"â€"Wilbur D. Nesbit The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. auxiliary of Central United Church was held at the home of Mrs. 15. Miller on Thursday afternoon, February 13th. Owing to the absence of the President, Mrs. H. H. Eaton, Mrs. Crawford presided. After the devotional exercises and b iness, the roll call was responded to y a verse of scripture containing the word “For- ward”. The interesting programme consisted of a helpful Bible reading, Acts 20, by Mrs. J. A. Gibson. Talks on the Study Book by Mrs. Crawford and Miss M. Miller, and a solo by Mrs. Robt. Duffield. The meeting closed with prayer and the singing of the Doxology. Mrs. F. Boadway, who has been vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. Hendershott, Toronto, returned home on Thursday . ‘1“{5â€"525â€" anet and Elizabeth French attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. R. Keffer at Maple on Mon- day. . __ --- -v .â€" ‘1 ‘r wu- -w, . Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Fuller, Mrs. M. Patterson, Miss Wilson, Mrs. G. Cowie and Miss Phyllis Farley, Markham, were guests of Miss M. Sommerville on Thursday. Ar wMiss VidVéVGowland, Markham, call- ed on friends in town on Tuesday_la.§t. "TI-V-I-I'TWIEVLéathers was the guest of his niece Mrs. Ada Hood on Tuesday Mr. Wm. Sincfair, Vancouver, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Empringâ€" ham last week. 7 Dedication service following the re- decoration of the Sabbath School room of Central United Church. with Mr. C. E. Stiver offering the dcdicatory prayâ€" er, was a memorable event for Central United Sunday School on last Sabbath with 131 scholars and every teacher and officer present. The room pre- sents a splendid appearance due to the united voluntary service of the members. Lennox, Scarboro, visited his sister, Mrs. John Galloway last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Elliott, Button- ville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boyington on Sunday. Mr. Jas. French has returned home after visiting his brother, Mr. Sam French, Lgamington. A meeting of the Boards of the Churches interested will be held in Central United Church on Friday aft- ernoon, when the re-arrangement of this pastoratewill he unger discuesjon. Mrs. A. L. Brown was a Toronto v15â€" itor last Thursday. Mrs. He’nry Barber spent the week- end in Toronto. Mrs. Frank Stiver and Mrs. C. E. Stiver were the guests of Mrs. Ram- sey, of Toronto, on Tuesday last. Bruce and Russell Skinner visited there aunt, Mrs. Philip Dixon over the week-end. Mrs. N. Ogden was a Markham VIS- itor on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington were Toronto visitors on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smith were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gibson on Saturday last. 7» Summerfeldt and son spent Wednesday with Mrs. John Boy- ingyon. _ - N v ,,:_:L-_I "M: u- Mrs. G. Weatherall is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Nutâ€" tall, Conco_rd._ MWJHL, "I- The program presented at the reg'uâ€" lar meeting of the A. Y. P. A. of St. Philip’s Anglican Church last Mowy evening, included a fine address by Rev. J. J. Robbins, a Humorous read- ing by Chas. Gray, special music, con- sisting of vocal solos by Rev. J.J. Robâ€" bins and Geo. McConnell and a delight- ful duet by Davey and Lenora McKay. This is indeed a live organization and welcomes all interested to share in these splendid meetings. Under the auspices of St. Philip’s Anglican church. A commilnity tea is being planned for Friday evening, February 28th, commencing at 5 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. ' Mrs. S. J. Hands and Miss Marg- aret Gibson. Milliken called on friends in town on Wednesday last. We congratulate Deputy-Reeve R. l... Stivcr on his recent appointment to the Children’s Aid Commission to suc« "eed Magistrate \Vm. Keith. who re- last Mrs. W. J.“ Perkin visited friends in Toronto, for a few days last weeK. WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT Mr. W. C. Ellis, Paris, was in town ‘ver the weeklend. 'orl- BAGE FOUR an”: str judic will puty-Reeve R. appointment t mission to suc- Keith, who re- ient of Publicl ; handling andé e favorably re-' regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. A. E. Milner on Thursday~next at 2.30 o’clock. FAST HOCKEY RICHMOND HILL AND BUTTON- VILLE WILL CLASH AT THE UNIONVILLE ARENA T0- MORROW NIGHT 1 The Hockey fans of thc Markham :Township Hockey League will have ‘another opportunity of seeing two fast ‘teams in action to-morrow night at the Unionville Arena, when the strong Buttonville team will meet the league leaders Richmond Hill in a league game. This will be a game worth seeing 'and a large crowd of fans is ex- pected, these teams played ten minutes overtime at Richmond Hill to decide the winner and Richmond Hill pulled out on top with a 5 to 3 victory. But- tonville have a real fast team and are out to hand the Richmond Hill “kids” a defeat. So come on fans if you want to see some real fast clean hockey comé' to the Unionville Arena to- morrow night, this game means a lot to Richmond Hill and a victory will give them the top rung of the league. Don’t forget to come and bring your friends. We are sorry to report Mrs. Compt- on on the sick list. Another big surprise happened In the Markham Township League on Tuesday evening, when Buttonville handed the strong Milliken team a 5 to 1 defeat. PARRY SOUND DEFEAT NEW- MARKET JUNIORS 2-0- In the second round of the O. H. A. play-offs Parry Sound Juniors defeat- ed Newmarket at Parry Sound last Friday night by a score of 2-1 and in the return game played at Newmarket on Tuesday night they again pulled out on top by a score of 2-0, which gave them the round 4 to 1. BRADFORD 3 â€"â€" COLDWATER 2 Bradford Intermediate 0. H. A. team defeated Goldwater in- the O. H. A. 1play-offs last night in Bradford by a i3 to 2 score on the game and took the ‘Iound 4 to 3, Bradford Will now meet Walkerton the first game at Bradford to-morrow night. The Ladies Aid of Bethesda Luthern Church met at the home of Mrs. E. Harper on Thursday last and a profit- able meeting iS‘ reported, including fine supper served by the hostess. A RICHMOND HILL AND FALCONS PLAY A.1-1,TIE In a Markham Township League game played at Unionville Tuesday night the Richmond Hill squad» were held a. tie by the tale end Falcons. 'Unionville tufned the tame's on the Buttonville All-Star team last Friday night at Unionville, when they defeatâ€" ed them by a score of 3 to 2. BUTTONVILLE TRIM MILLIKEN BY A SCORE 5 to l MrsfH. Findlay 'spent Wednesday in Toronto. RE THE METROPOLITAN A correspondent of Toronto in The Globe this morning expresses a fine ‘cpinion on the Radial question as foll- owszâ€" Mrs. Martin is visiting her daughter Mrs. 0. Anderson. Rev. H. H. Eaton 10.30 a. m.â€"Primary needs of the Church. 2 p. m.â€"â€"Sunday School 7 p. m.â€"The Intolerance of Jesus Monday evening 8 p. m.â€"Y. P. S. Hagerman United Sunday School 1.30 Rev. H. H. Eaton 1.30 p. m.â€"â€"Sunday School 2.30 p. m.â€"The Kingdoms of the World, becoming Kingdoms of God 7.30 p. m.â€"Y.P.S. Thursday evening 7.30 p. m.â€"Y.P.S. Rev. J. J. Robbins 10.00 a. m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a. m.â€"Morning Prayer Monday evening 8 p. m.â€"A. Y. P. A. UNIONVILLE 3 â€" BUTTON-VILLE 2 To the Editor of The Globe: Will you kindly permit me, in answer to your remarks concerning elimination of de- ficits on radial, to offer scme sugâ€" gestions which may prove useful in considering this_ subject. 1. It does riot seem adwsable to operate buses in competition with you: nwn radial. 2. Radial deficits could be reduced if bus deficits were not added to then-:. 3. Gauge alterations which are not operated should not be charged to 0p- account of Grey Coach Liners 5 be credited to radial. 6. Operating expenses :hou severely curtailed, especially ovc charges which are excessive. 7. Service should be improv faster cars, advertising of Lake cpe, and by bringing service town, as intended. To sum up, the radial reaui n 0. Gauge alterations which operated should not be chargei crating expense‘ 4. Radial officials should nc passengers into busses. 5. Advertisements in radial EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH ST. PHILIPS ANGLICAN 'ement Hockey Notes :ervice and s interests eb. 18 11D athe '1‘0 ’1‘ downâ€" direct rhead Tuesday, February 25â€"Auction sale of dairy cows, young cattle, hogs and sheep, the property of Isaac Hord, lot 5, near con. 3, Markham, three and a half miles east of Thornhill. Sale at 1 p. m. Terms, 6 months credit. No Reserve. ‘ Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. Thursday, February 27â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, grain, etc, the property of Harman Kaake, lot 10, Con. 10, King. Sale at 1 p. m. Terms, 8 months credit. J. T .Saige- on; Auctioneer. Saturday, March lstâ€"Auctlon sale of car load of well broken work horses averaging from 1200 to 1800 lbs. to be sold on the farm of Albert Ellerby, the west half of lot 3, con. 8, Vaughan Terms, 8 months credit, 5 per cent. off face of note for cash. Sale at 1 p. m. J‘ T. Saigeon & Son, auctioneers. Wednesday, February _26-Auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., the property of Wm. Brownlee, Woodâ€" Igridge. Terms, 8 months credit. J. T. 'Saigeon, Auctioneer. Friday, February 28thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., the property of Levi Kaiser, lot 21, con. 7, Vaughan. Sale at 1 p. m. Terms, 8 months. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Monday, March 3rdâ€"Credit auction sale of farm stock, implements, bung-l alow, barn, autos, etc., the property of L {5. H. Tustin, lot 10, con. 2, Nortnl York, East of York Mills. Sale at 1| Tuesday, March 4thâ€"C1'ed1t sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., lot 13, 4th line North York, near Sullivan’s Corner, the property of Ira. Gooderham. Sale at 1 p. m. 8 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Tuesday, March‘4thâ€"Auction sale nj‘ farm stock, implements, grain, etc., the property of John Castator, lot 6, con. 7, Vaughan (Woodbridge). Sale at 1 p. m. Terms, 8 months credit. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Saturday. March lstâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, furniture, (-th lot 22, con. ‘4, Pickering, the pro- petty of Wm. Taylor, Sale at 1 p.m. '6 months' credit. Prentice & Prent- ice, Auctioneers. 0‘ p. m. Terms 8 months credit Prentice & Prentice, auctioneers. Wednesday, March 5thâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain etc., con. 6, North York, just north of Weston, the property of Wm. Bodfish. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 months credit. Plentice and Prentice, Auctioneers. Wednesday, March 5â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, harness, gotatoes, etc., the property of Donald Cameron, west half lot 12, con. 5, King Township. No reserve as Mr. Camer- on is giving 11p farming. Sale at 1 p. m. F. A. Egan, auctioneer. Thursday, March 6thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., the property of Peter Aitcheson, lot 4, con. 6, Vaughan. Sale at 1 p. m. Terms 8 months. J. T. Saigeon, Auct. Thursday, March 6thâ€"Credit sale of highâ€"class farm stock, implements, etc., International Tractor, nearly new, tractor cultivator and equipment, the property of Charles Graham, lot 20, con. 2, Vaughan, Township of Vaughan, on Maple sideroad, west of Richmond Hill. No reserve as Mr. Graham is giving up farming and tak- ing over the Masseyâ€"Harris agency. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Friday, March 7thâ€"Auction sale OI farm stock, implements, grain, etc., the property of J. R. Wilson, lot 20, con. 6, Vaughan. Sale at 1 p. m. Terms, 8 months credit” J. T. Saige- on, Auctioneer. Friday, March 7thâ€"ExtensIve cred- it sale of farm stock, implements, furniture, etc., lot 14, 4tff‘1ine, North York, Downsview, the property of W. Wilson. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mon- ‘hs credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Monday, March 10thâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc., lot 6, con. '7, Markham, the property of Dr. Forsyth. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mon- tbs credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. nile nplen‘ Advertise Your Sale In The Liberal â€" Have Your Bills Printed In Our Office Wedne ent Tuesday, March nthâ€"Credit sale farm stock, implements, furniture, ., lot 32, Danforth Road, Scarboro, property of the late Robt. Craig. e at 1 3’clock. 8 months credit. mtice & Prentice, Auctioneers. nt fW . March 12â€"Farm stock tered Clydeédale mares, milking cows, first class .nd Fordson tmc’cor, the N. G. Maxwell, one half Vlarkham village, on pro- zay. Terms, 3 months mice & Prentice, Aucts. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIQ SALE REGISTER Thursday. March 13thâ€"Cred1t sale of farm stock, implements, e:c., lot 14, rear 4 con., North York, north of Wes- ton, the property of M. Cryderman. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Saturday. March 15thâ€"Extensive credit sale of Dairy Herd, farm stock, implements, furniture, etc., lot 10, con. 9, Markham, estate of the late Ferris Burkholder. Sale at 12 o’clock 8 months credit. Prentice & Prent- ice, Auctioneers. Saturday, March 15thâ€"Auction sale of one hundred acre farm, the proper- ty of the late Wm. Nattress, lot 11, con. 9, Vaughan, at Reid‘s Hotel, Woodbridge. Sale at 1 p. m. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Monday, March Nthâ€"Important credit sale of dairy cattle, farm stock, implements, furniture, etc., lot 32, con. 8, Markham, near Ringwood, the pro- perty of I. P. Brillinger. Sale at 12 o'clock. 8 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Saturday, March 22â€"Auction sale of repossessed cars, all makes and models, will be held at Maple. Cash or terms. J. T. Saigeon, auctioneer. Thursday, March 27thâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc., lot 22 con. 1, North York, east of Yonge 813., ‘he property of J. E. Hallat. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 months credit. Prent- ice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Tuesday, March 18thâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, hay grain, etc., lot 21, con. 1, North York, east of Yonge Street, the property of Harry Smith. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. Wednesday, March 26thâ€"Important credit sale of pure-bred holstein dairy 'herd, farm stock, implements, etc., lot 8, 6th line Markham, Unionville, the property of Mrs. I. A.’ Dyke. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 months credit. Prentâ€" ice and Prentice, Auctioneers. Saturday, March 29thâ€"Important credit sale of careful selected lot of Aâ€"l dairy herd fresh milch cows, cal- ves by side and springers, lot 2, con. ’7, ‘Markham, the property of J. S. Honey. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mon- 1hs credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. | Implements brought record prices at the farm sale of John Kerr, Jr., of the seventh concession of Vaughan on Wednesday. A roller brought $45., a set of harrows $31., and all other implements brought good prices. A team of horses sold for $350. and the cattle and all other stock brought very satisfactory bids. J. T. Saigeon of Maple, was the auctioneer. OF VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT IN THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by pub- lic auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 8th, at the hour of 3.30 o’clock in the afternoon, at the LIBERAL OFFICE, East side of Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario, by JOHN T. SAIGEON Auctioneer, the following valuable property:â€"All and Singular that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and prem- ises situate, lying and being in the village of Richmond Hill, in the Coun- ty of York, and Province of Ontario, situated on the south side of Arnold Street, in the said Village of Rich- mond Hill and consisting of parts of Village Lots, Numbers 34 and 35, be- iug more particularly described as fol- lows:â€"â€"COMMENCING at a point marked by an iron post on the south- ern boundary of Arnold Street which point is the north-east angle of land owned by one Henry Graham; THENâ€" (E in a southerly direction and along the eastern boundary of said Lot one hundred and two feet (102’) to a fenâ€" ce which forms the southern boundary of the northerly part of Lot Number 34; THENCE in an easterly direction and along said fence fifty feet (50’); THENCE 'in a northerly direction and parallel with Yonge Street fifty- eight feet (58’) to the southern boun- dary of Lot Number 35; THENCE in the same direction forty-four feet (44’) to the southerly boundary of Ar- rold Street; THENCE in a westerly direction and along the southerly boundary of Arnold Street fifty feet 1(50') to t e place of beginning. " 0n the said property is said to be ‘erected a modern brick house. The property will be offered 151' :11?) sub- [ject to a reserved bid. purchase price a time of sale and t} days. apply to I 85 Richmx Solicitors DATED of Februa TERMS Mortgage Sale KEEN DEM AND FOR IMPLEMENTS to NAUGHTON & JENKINS mond S ry thel‘ 11a 26 conditio Toronto, lWe Solicit order for Cut Flowers film] da .for all occasions which will be ‘ 3 promptly and cheerfully filled. it the thirty FOR SALEâ€"Delco lighting plant, 32 volt system, Hydro in no further use to owner. Can be bought cheap. Apply E. H. Reesor, Markham Road or W. G. Baldock’s garage. FOR SALEâ€"Quantity of Alfalfa hay and red clover hay. Apply John Kirkland, lot 46, con. 1, Vaughan. FOR SALEâ€"Double barrel shot gun, binoculars and about half box of shells. Price $10.00. Apply box 14, Liberal Oflice. FOR SALEâ€"22 Brown Leghorn pul- lets and 3 males. Mrs. Gilbert, Markham Road. REAL ESTATEâ€"If you have a house or farm for sale, list it with G. YEREX, representative of Will- oughby’s Farm Agency, Phone 116m Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Ford Sedan, good runnâ€" ing condition, new license, will sell cheap, also 5 tube radio set, com-l plete with batteries, tubes and speaker. Bargain $30.00. E. J. Taylor, Elizabeth Street. FOR SALEâ€"Pure-bred baby chicks from heavy layers with records from 225 to 240 eggs, ready every Tues- day starting March 11. S.C.W. Leg- horns $16.00 per hundred. Place your order now to be sure of chicks when needed. W. Wyatt, District Agent, Stop 21 Yonge Street or Langstaff P. O. FOR SALEâ€"Good young Jersey and Durham cow, freshen in March. A. McKay, stop 24, Yonge Street on Yongehurst Road. FOR SALEâ€"Electric Coflield, washing machine, perfect condition, 345., 3 acres wood lake, Muskoka, $80., or trade for Ford car. H. Davenport, Langstaff, 1 mile east of Yonge St. IN THE MATTER of the Estate of ISABELLA JANE KAISER, late of the Village of Thornhill, in the County oerork, Widow, deceased. FOR SALEâ€"A good lot, fruit trees and lot of small fruit, never failing, well, frame house, nine rooms with water in kitchen; also smaller farm house, five rooms, good lot and fruit; trees. Brick house, six rooms and bath, water in kitchen and half acre of land with fruit trees and good chicken pens, 0116 of the high taxes. Ideal home on Yonge St., easy terms. E. H. Sharpless, stop 24 Yonge Street. FOR SALEâ€"Single comb, white leg- horns, booking orders for chicks April, May and June, all chicks are from hens (no.pullets), that have laid extras or better and have provL ed themselves to be good Winter layers. We have some cockerels to sell out of our best hens with years of large egg history behind them, going well over standard weight. If you want size both in eggs and birds we have it. Prices on application. C. W. Gane & Sons, R. R. No. 2, Maple, Ont. NOTICE is hereby‘ given pursuant; to section 56 of the Trustee Act, R. S. 0., 1927, Chapter 150, that all persons lzaving claims or demands against the estate of the said deceased, who died on or about the fifth day of October, 1929, at the Village of Thornhill, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned solicitors for the executors of the estate of the said Isabella Jane Kaiser, on or before the fourth day of March, 1930, their christian and surnames and addresses, with full particulars in writing of their claims. and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securit- ies, if any, held by them, duly verified by statutory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the fourth day of March, 1930, the said executors shall proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased ‘among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall have then been notified. and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim not. ice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. DATED at Toronto this "1361’ says; February, 1930. MERCER, BRADFORD & COMPANY {ohm Dunlop & Son FLORISTS )R SALEâ€"3 Ganders, and 2 geese, 2 ducks and 3 drakes. George Ko- zak, Richmond Hill, box 217. Notice to Creditors “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGuMAKII THE MOST OF IT” RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first ix sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Classified Advs. 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Solicitors for the Executors FOR SALE RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1930 FOR SALEâ€"Five roomed Cottage, one acre land, extra good Hen House, Garage. Sell cheap, easy terms. Apply Box 13,‘ Liberal Office. FOR SALE--Five roomed frame house sunroom, fireplace, hardwood, good cellar, furnace; half acre of land. North side of Mill Road $2500. Cash $1000, balance arranged. J. R. Herrington, Real Estate and In- surance, Phone 87. FOR SALEâ€"Fumed oak player piano, fitted with electric lights, with ben- ch and 100 rolls, in first class con- dition, make offer. Apply phone 184 Richmond Hill. TO RENT â€" Dance and Assembly Hall for dances or gatherings of any kind, roomy and well equipped. $5.00 per night. Apply Elgin Hotel, FOR SALEâ€"Incubator 1000 egg size, turning trays, used one season, will pay for itself in one month, with custom hatching. Wyatt, stop 21, Yonge Street. . TO RENTâ€"House near Yonge Street, electric light, good cellar, good well, garden. Apply Box 59, Liberal Office. TO RENTâ€"Six roomed house, electric light, in good repair. Elizabeth St, Richmond Hill. Apply Liberal Office. T0 RENTâ€"Two well furnished bedâ€" rooms in quiet refined home in Rich- mond Hill, (central), home privileg- es. Apply Box 18, Liberal Office. FOR RENTâ€"Good farm, lot 13, con. 6, Vaughan, 50‘acres. Apply Wesâ€" ley Puterbaugh, R. R. No. 2, Wood- bridge. WANTED--Housework, Willing to help in store, by young person, experiencâ€" ed. Apply box 12, Liberal Office. FOR RENTâ€"Cottage, stop 22, Yonge Street, few minutes from car, small chicken pen, cement basement, well, $4.00 for winter, $5.00 for summer months. Apply box 22, Liberal Ofi'lce. WANTEDâ€"Young girl for dining room and to help with upstair work Apply Richmond Hotel, Richmond WANTEDâ€"To rent small acreage with buildings. Apply Hargrave 0043, Toronto, Ontario. WANTEDâ€"Boarders and roomers. Apply Mrs. W. E. Lunau, Arnold St. WANTEDâ€"Experienced farm hand by the year, good milker and can drive horses, Protestant, non-smok- er. No other need apply. Box 82 Maple, Ontario. ‘ WANTEDâ€"ACCOMMODATION FOR 1 SHRINERS CONVENTION. Resiâ€" i dents of the North Yonge Street district who will be able to rent accommodation for visitors to the BOARDERS WANTEDâ€"Room and \VANTEDâ€"Young geese, fowl, young cockerels, top market price paid. A. G. Robinson, Rumble Ave., Box 174, Phone 190. WANTEDâ€"To rent 100 acre dairy farm. Will buy stock and impleâ€" ments. Substantial cash payment. To take possession April 1st. Box 28, Liberal Office. HAIRDRESSINGâ€"Appointments 2.30 to 9.30. Phone 178, Mrs. Russell, Centre Street West. \‘VANTEDâ€"Washing ahd ironing done] in my own home, first class worli, good drying grounds. Don’t delay. A postcard to Mrs. Geo. Mucklewee, Box 236, Richmond Hill, will be promptly attended to. ‘ FOUND- Elgin Mills. Hill board, ladies or gents, at the Elgin Hotel, se‘ven dollars peg week. Phone Richmond Hill 44-2. will be held in Toronto next June kindly write John H. Dunlap, Rich- mond Hill. SHRINERS’ CONVENTION which ply Ave MISCELLANEOUS LOST and FOUND TO RENT WANTED ‘ire )ntaming Patterson Apply at Li}: mon y. . Apâ€" seview

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