PHONE CITY, HUDSON 8527 RICHMOND HILL 30-J ACCIDENTSâ€" A‘ND ‘YSET MORE AGOK'ï¬ENTS Supposing something happened to YOU. ‘xWhat provision :have you made for weeks and perhaps months -of medimi attention wiï¬h .nothing -¢oming in? Accident. Insurance re- )lieves ï¬nancial and physical suï¬â€™ering Quebec Cookers Heaters and Furnacettes Richmond Hill 7{ITIEHJ‘RSDAE FEBRUARY 1310a 1930 PAINTS, OILS, LEADS AND VARNISHES HARNESS PARTS WHY WORRY Let us fill your car with dependable Antiâ€"Freeze Mixture. HALL’S 2 315/? \W@E STA TI @N RICHMOND HILL,OIÂ¥W PHONE 153 A *PAIPHER & DECORATOR H. FORSTE’R We are 'the authorized ï¬ealers in this district for the Famous Castrol Cylinder Oil. Exclusive Dealer for Firestone Tires Coal'Oil, Full line of Auto Ac- cessozies, Radio Parts and Reâ€" pairs. Greasing of all kinds a specialty “Be Ready with Reddy Power†Office in the Post Office Block TEL. 118 Richmond Hill VICTORIA SQUME Telephone Stouffvili‘eï¬lld Wall ‘Paper Supplied iflmesired Bhoneâ€"â€"Willowdale N. Mabbetl ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR CARTAGE AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Toronto to Richmond Hill and Intermediate Points Every Day PEERLESS Gas is richrand volatile. This is Reason Number 3 why you should use it regularly, and ‘gain minimum-amount of mile- age per gallon with yum- car. C. N. COOPER A. G. SAVAGE D. RUMNEY meâ€"â€"Willowdale 96W POYN'E‘Z AVENUE LANSlNG, ONT. Jntario Dated at Toronto, this twenty- eighth day of January A. D., 1930. HANORAH MARGARET PHILILE- ‘ MONIA ATKINSON, by Anderson & Bourdon, her solicitors, 2881 Dundas Street, West, Toronto (9), Ontario IIanorah Margaret Phililemonia At- kinson, of the Township of York, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, Married Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next Session thereof for a bill of di- vorce from her husband, Wilfred Viv- ian Atkinson, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, Mate, on the ground of adultery and desertion. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that HAROLD GUYATT, of the said City of Toronto, and County of York, and Province of Ontario, Truck Driver, on the ground of adultery and desertion. Dated at Toronto, this twentyâ€"second day of January A. D., 1930. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Isabella Melville Guyatt, of the townâ€" ship of York, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, married wo- man, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband DATED at Toronto, Province of Onâ€" tario, the 3151: day of January, 1930. Blake, Lash, Anglin & Cassels, Dominion Bank Building, Toronto 2. Solicitors for the applicant NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE IS HEREBY "GIVEN that Llsie Emily Disney, of the City of To- ronto, 'm the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, presently resid- ing at Barrow on Soar, Leicestershire, England, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from 'her husband, Charles Percival Disney, of the said City of Toronto, Bridge Engineer, on the ground of adultery. Canaflian Kennel Club "Incorporated will apply to ‘fhe Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontain at its next Session for legislation Tor the follow- ing‘ purpose, namely: To vest in'ihe sa‘id Canadian Kennel Club Incorporated all ‘the assets of The Canadian Kennel Club. DATED at Toronto this 15th day of January, A. 1)., 1930. KERR, DAVIDSON, PATTERSON & ‘McFARLAN'D. Solicitors “for the Applicants The supper and the Concert» in con- nection with the Diamond Jubilee of the United ‘Churéh ‘Were quite success- ful. On account of the ï¬nclemency‘ 01' the weather ï¬he attendamce was not' so large as 'it o‘therwise would have been, but as it 'Was, over one hundred dollars 'Was realized. '1’: might inimâ€" rest the public to read he names 01" the superintendents of “the church sin- ce it was built, and these are as foll- ows; Rev. C. Fish Hunt, McCallum, A. Brown, Betts, 'M. Fawc'ett, P. Addison, Starr J. Piékering, J. E. Starr, J. Itarkwell, J.’Pearen,’P. CampbeIL Geo. Browne, A. Redford, J. 'W. Stewart, S. W. ‘Dean, W. N. Chantler, P. Jones, J. E. Wilson, H. S. hovering, J. Morgâ€" en, T. 'L‘eggott, R. 'K. Lambert and A. S. Kerr. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE LEGISLATURE NOTICE ’IS HEREBY GIVEN that The members of St. Stephen’s bran- ch of the'W. A., Maple,'have decided to hdld their annual pancake social on Monday, March 3rd, ‘in the Parish Hafl,'beginning at 5 p. m. This pan- cake‘tea'has become quite popular and is loï¬ke‘d forwaniih‘by'mmy. Mr. W. T. Cook had the misfortune to have his wi'ist broken while‘ crank- ing his truck on Thursday last. On Sunday night “the C. G. I. T. and their leaders tobk part in a Vesper Service of worShip in the United Church. The sermon was preached by Rev. A. S. Kerr, and Mrs. H. Bry- an was‘iea‘der in the Vesper Service. This is a worthy society and the girls deserve credit‘ for their work and shou'l'd'have the support of aIll. The monthly meeting of the W0- men’s Institute ‘ was ' held ' last Wednes- day 'at the home of Miss'Walkington. A large number were present and Miss McLennan, of "Weston, District Presi- dent, and ‘Mrs. 'A. L. 'Mc’Ne‘fl, of Vell- ore, ‘Histï¬ct Secretary were visitors. The usual programme was given and refreShments were served. ISABELLA VMELVI'LLE GUYATT By Anderson & Bourdon, her solicitors, 2881 Dundas Street, West, Toronto (9), Ontario MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements & Machinery Telephone Maple 12319 Charles Graham MAPLE AGENT The annual meeting of the FideTis Adult Bible Class of ‘the United Chur- ch of Richmond Hill'was held on Tues- day evening, Janurary 28th, 1930 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George bee. The meeting was npened by the Presi- tdent, Rev. J. A. Ferguson, with sing- ling of a hymn, reading of scripture, :and prayer, 'led “by Rev. Mr. Cau‘lter.;‘ The minutes b'f the last annual meet- ‘ ing, and ’Of spe‘éiél meetings were read by the Secretary, Miss E. Barker and approvefl. Miss‘Barker also gave 'the‘ } report of the “Treasurer. After spending some time in the singing of hymns, refreshments were served by Mrs. Gee and the meeting was brought to a close. Social ‘Committee â€" Mrs. Stalli- brass, converter; Mrs. Hickson, Mrs. Gee, Miss 'Rilla Barker. Devot'ionail Committee â€" Mr. Hick- son, convener; Rev. Mr. Wellwood, Rev. Mr. Ferguson, Rev. Mr. 'Daniél, Mrs. Wilson. Flower Committee â€" Mrs. ‘Gee, con- vener; Miss 'Barker, Rev. Mr. Colilter. Annual Meeting Fideli's .Class Ofï¬cers were then elected for the year as follows: Hon-President, Rev. Mr. Ferguson; Presitien‘t, Mr. "C. P. Wiley; Vice-Pres- ident, Rev. ‘N. ‘Wellwood; Secretaryâ€" Treasurer, 'Miss Edna Barker; Teach- er, Rev. MLBOWes; Assistant teacher, Mr. Gee. Me‘m'brers'hip Committee â€"- 'Mlss Page, convener; Mrs. Jones, Mrs. M'ortstm, Mrs. Comisky. Miss Ander- Some time was then spent in dis- cussing various matters. re‘lating to the welfare of the class. and the meet. ing was then closed with prayer by Rev. Mr. Bowes. son. The 16th annual winter carnival with the first official Western Canâ€" ada Ski tournament will be held at Revelstoke, February 4â€"5. World records have been made on the ski hill at Revelstoke, and leading ski jumpers of the continent will at ad the carnival. . i ,7 I The second annual Sea Music Festival of the Pacific Coast passed into history January 19, when once again capacity houses greeted the final offerings. Outstanding among the features were the two ballad operas, “The Order of Good Cheerâ€, incorporating Frenchâ€"Canadian sea chanteys of the 16th century, and “Bound for the Rio Grandeâ€, a rolâ€" licking sea-song playlet by Captain Frederick Wallace. Each of these was repeated by request on three successive days. The outstanding contributions that the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway has made to the life of the Domin- ion in an industrial and cultural way were emphasized by E. W. Beatty, chairman and president of the road, at a recent address before the Canadlan Industrial Traffic League at Montreal recently. His company, he said‘, had in the past five years, spent over $249,000,000 on capital account alone and durâ€" ing the same period had built over 1,000 miles of branch lines. 1929 with its decrease in earnings, he regarded as an exceptional year not likely to be repeated in subseâ€" quent years. A considerable increase in grain shipments from Saint John has ale ready been established since the new year, over the entire month of December, 1929, General Superin- tendent J. Woodman, of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, states. Bush- els of grain for December export from Saint John totaled 508.357; from January 1 to January 17, total was 651,438. The greatest fireworks display of the year. the "Fete dc Nuit" exhibiâ€" lzon at Quebec, recently, one of the features of the'Wintcr Sports sea- son which lasts until March, conâ€" sisted of a sham attac'; by hun- dreds of snowshoch bearing torches, upon the garrison of the citadel. The heavy explosions of Roman candles, bombs and rockets began the attack, which culminated when the besiaegers were driven back by the garrison, who sent vol- ley after volley of blanks crashing into the night. When the bugles sounded the "Cease Fireâ€, the show was generally voted one of the fin- est in years. (468,) Nine :competitions. including men’s and women’s handicap events. men‘s and women's team matches and mixed foursomes will feature the programme of the sec- ond annual Empress midwlnter golf Rournament‘ to be played over the 'Colwnod course at Victoria. February 17-22. The E. W. Deatty trophy is 'the chief award for the men’s‘ and women's handicap com- petilimns. Miss Connie Wilson, champion fancy skater of North America and Great Britain. will take a slilr part in the. lee Pageant of the Frontenac Winter Sports Club to be staged at Quebec February 1243. She will be sun-ported by the best talent of Quebec and a group of stars from Toronto. including the championâ€" ship ienr of the Toronto Skating Club. ‘- ~01Vtawa will be represented by the 31mm Skating (‘lub and 24 lady skaters from Toronto will per~ form in the “Danse Moderne" numâ€" ber. 8T8 and There THE LIBERRE:, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO FURNITUREâ€"Living room suite. Dining room table and chairs. Side- board. Rocking: chair. 3 Bedroom suites. Half dozen chairs. Couch. Kitchen table. 2 small tables. Cunâ€" board. Kitchen cabinet. Happy Thought Range, with warming shelf Thought Range, with warming: shelf Hapny Thought range, nearly new. Coal o-il stove, 3 burner. Washimr machine and wringerflongoleum rug, 3 x 21/; yards. Linoleum rug 4 x 5 yards. Hanging lamp. \, jâ€"IAY AND GRAINâ€"Quantity of alfalfa h O. A. C. 144 IMPLEMENTSâ€"â€"Binder, M.-H., 7 ft cut, in good repair. Hay rake. Frost and Wood, nearly new. Self rake reaper, McCormick-Deering, new. Mower, McCormick-Deering, new Hay tedder, M.â€"H. Cultivator, Cock- shutt. Seed drill, M.-H. Land roller. Disc, barrow, M.â€"H. Set diamond har- rows. Set harrdws. Fleury wheel plow, No. 12. Wilkinson plow, I.X.L. No. 3. Heavy wagon, Bain. Wagon box. Set springs. Light wagon. Buggy, cutter. Pair bobsleighs. Long sleigh. Set of steel trucks. Flat hay rack. Chatham Fanning Mill. Bulldog seed grader. 36 ft. extens- ion ladder. Bag truck. Hay fork. 8 new doubletrees. 2 sets double- trees. 3 neckyokes. 3 dozen grain bags. 2 crow bars. Large oat bin. 2 oat barrels. 2 binding chains. Scoop shovel. spade. Mail box, etc. HARNESSâ€"Set tug harness, nearly new. Set tug harness. Set single harness. 8 collars. 3 open bridles. 3 horse blankets. Pair oilcloth horse covers. etc. 150 bush 1 Bushel GRADE CATTLEâ€"Hoisteln cow, 4 years, due February 2lst ‘Halfâ€"bred Jersey cow, 3 years, due time of sale. Halfâ€"bred Jersey cow, 3 years old, due March 15th. Jersey heifer, 9 months old. Jersey heifer» 5 months old. Yorkshire pigs and fowl. 1 Brood sow, with litter. Brood sow, due Mgr 15’s., Brood sow, due March 27th. Brood so-w, due March 28th. 10 Store pigs. 75 Barred PIA/mguth Rock fgwl Registered Shorthorn cattleâ€"Toff Bridekirk, No. 204032, roan, born Feb. 15th, 1924, bred by J. A. Watt, Elora Ont, calf by side. Broadhooks Beau- Ty, No. 189130, red, born Mar. 2, 1922, bred Nov. 18th, 1929. Bridekirk Rose No. 228171, red, born Feb. 4, 1927, due tlme of sale. Broadhooks Duchess No. 228172, red, roan, born Feb. 6, 19â€" 27, calf by side. Bridekirk Mildred, No. 240024, roan, born January 2, 1929 Broadhooks Violet, \Io. 240025, red born March 20, 1929. Royal Toff, No 198242. male roan, born March 15, 19- eligible. at 1 p. m. sharp HORSESâ€"Dark grey Percheron mare, rising 4 years. Dark grey Percheron gelding, rising 4 years. Above team are matched. Black Clyde mate, 6 years, Agr. Black Percheron mare, rising 3 years. Will make matched team. Bay Clyde gelding, rising 8 years, H. D. Dark grey Percheron mare, rising 2 years. Grey Percherâ€" on mare. Grey Percheron gelding. Above are matched team. Eprp 42‘ Senior IIIâ€"Harold Sider 75, Beryl Farquharson 75, Reta Sider 42, Orvai Steckley 42, Reginald McMullen 27, Marjorie Hart 18. Junior IIIâ€"Marion Winger 74, Al- ma Farquharson 64, Miriam Heise 62, Grace Baker 25. H Classâ€"Arithmetic and Spelling â€" Velma Brillinger 100, Harold Heise 100, Bruce Empringham 91, Naome Heise 72, Russell Heise 69, Melvin Henderson 57, Gwendoline Johnson 52, Dorofhy Steckley 42, Harry Jones 4U, Lloyd Johnson 38, Hilda Hilts 15, Ruth Stedkley“. REPORT OF S. S. No. 7, MARKHAM Senior IVâ€"Georgraphy â€" Marion He‘ise 100, Ruth Henderson 91, Blanche Henderson 75, Thelma Hart 64, Peter Junior IVâ€"Helen Winger 61, Alfred Kaiser '56, Vera Brillinger 49, Marlo" Baker 48, Alma French 40, Freda Henderson“. Primer â€"â€" Marion Boynton 76, Les- Iie Hart 70, Anna Baker 41, Marie Cdber 40, Andrew Forcon 40. Yvonne Robertson 30. Nashville folk gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Watson, "Thursday night, enjoyed an evening at progressive euchre. Winners at euchre were: Ladies, first, Miss Ethel Card; second, Miss Veddera Houston. Men, first, Alex. Houston; second, A1â€" vin McClusky. I.â€"Lewis Heise 84, Mary Turunen 16, Mun‘el Sider 0, Maurice Farqu‘nar- SHORTHORN CATTLE, HORSES. PIGS and IMPLEMENTS A. J. WITHERSPOON to sell by public auction at Lot 5, Con. 10, Vaughan, two and a half miles west of Woodbridg‘e, on Provin- cial Highway N0. 7, on Wed., March 5th SCHOOL REPORT The undersigned has received mstructm‘ns from Auction Sale Roan heifer; eligible. Red bull, of Registered r8561 550 Bushels seed oats 600 bushels seed bar'ley s. 200 bushels barlev. seed. 2 bushels alfal- aserve as the proprietor If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will asaist us it giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for Call up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Libel-a? Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the farm ily wash. Let us’ help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve differ» ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. We Call In Richmond Hill District TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS g: Lakeside 5280 175 OssinQ Save yourseif at our expense Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station ‘ TORDNM‘NEM The reduction in rates in January -â€" the second reduction within a year -â€" makes long distance tele- phone service cheaper than ever. You can make it cheaper still by taking advantage of special low rates which are offered during CVening hours. From 7.00 p.m. until 8.30 the long distance rate is about twenty-five per cent lower than the day rate. And from 8.30 p.m. until 4.30 a.m. your call will cost you only about half the usual day rate."" Long distance rates'are listed in the directory. If you cannot find the rate you want, ask the Long Distance operator and she will tell you. We want your telephone to be as useful and inexpensive as possible. New haw Rates anti†Sï¬ï¬‚ EADWQE†Rates imam 7 Emma Minimum reduced rates Evening â€" 350 Night -â€" 25c 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto Ail mm PAGE SEVEN