WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT The popple leaves is quivrm the wind is in the west, A nd the robins ’round a hookin‘ to build his self a nes’; The Black bird he’s a flashin’ crimson on his wing What’s the reason? Oh, the reason’s ’cause its spring. ‘ The old man’s got the rheumatiz an’ stiff as he can be; ‘ Why it don’t git settled weather’s mo- ah’n he can see! But when it clears off splendid, then he’s feared the crop’s is lost. And he reckons jest a little wind ‘nd keep a way the frOSt, The kitchen door is open, I can hear Elmiry sing. What’s the reason? Oh, the reason’s ’cause its gittin’ sweeter note to me And I hear the pewees in the cedar tr'ee; think it’s going to storm; Sometimes it’s kind of chilly, then a.â€" gain it comes off warm: An’ jest when it’s the stillest you can hear the bull frogs note, An’ it’ pears as if he wondered how the frost got in his throat. The ducks and geese are riotous an’ strainin’ hard to sing. What’s the reason? Oh, the reasons ’cause it’s gittin’ spring. The air is kind Mr. John Galloway entertained some friends on Monday evening last to a fine oyster supper and euchre follow- ing a sawing bee in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hood, Mr. and Mrs. J as. Muirhead attended the ban- quet held under the auspices of the Young Women‘s Association of Knox Presbyterian Church, Agincourt. Miss Jean Grant, of Toronto, visitâ€" ed friends on Tuesday last. An interesting meeting in connect- ion with the Horticultural Society will be held in the Township Hall on Monâ€" day, March 24th, at 8 p. m. when Mr. I'LJ. Moore w111 give an illustrated lecture and will tell about the “Peace Garden†over which he has been given supervision. Don’t miss this oppor- tunity. Admission free. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown and fam. ily and Mrs. Wagg visited Dr. Arthur Wagg’, Toronto, on Sunday. Mrs. W. Pringle, of Toronto, called on old friends in town on Monday last. MlSS Isabel Ogden of the Bowman- ..ui- 1.1:..1‘ Enhnnl staff spent the THURSDAY, MARE? 20, V Misrsilsabel Ogden of the 130an ville, High Schoo1 staff spent Week-6nd at 1161: home‘hgre. ,LH. ween-mm an up; Anâ€... ...,_ ,V Mrs.- Hendershot. and daughter, Helâ€" en, of Toronto, visited Mrs. D. Coulson over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Milner Were To- ronto visitors over the weekâ€"end. â€"- “ nrr,‘ lulu/u VJDILVAQ V'V) v.._ . Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brbiénlee. of To- ronto, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. Kennedy 09 Syngy 1215}. um _____ ¢n Misses Laura and Dorothy brown spent Saturday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott, Toronâ€" to, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Elliott, of Buttï¬â€™nville. Mr. A. Summerfeldt left on Tues- day for an extended trip to Trenton, New Jersey and other eastern points. Mrs. Jas. Gibson was a Toronto visâ€" itor on Friday last. . Irv , Y7,L1_-_ Miss Marion Hood and Miss Kather-’ ine Howden, of Toronto, spent the‘ Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hood. Miss Stella Cox, Toronto, was the guest of her aunt Mrs. W. M. Smith over the Week-end. The regular monthly meeting of the Buttonville Junior Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Padget on Saturday last. Miss Wallace, De- ~piartment Coach, speaking on “Food Values." Community singing was a special feature. Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Geo. Kelly, J11, were winners of the cooking contest. ’Hostesses, Mrs. spring ENJOY your car without worry about accidents, lawsuits or damages. Let this agency protect you with Hartford Automobile Insurance. Drive with Pleasure! Drive with pleasure! Drive with conï¬dence! Drive with the sense of security which comes with the knowledge of complete protection. Drive clown to thin agency today. R. HERRINGTON o’ soft’nin’ and YOU Telephone 87 Yonge Street Richmond Hill ;e1f a neS’; 9’5 3, flashin’ up the and Dorothy Brown cause its gm,“ entertained some haoliin’ straw Ben King cause 1930 the Sunday School is proving a live or- ganization in connection with Central United Church. Mrs. Ada Hood was the guest or Miss Margaret Gibson, Milliken on Wednesday last. Mrs. Whaley is spending the week in Toronto. Mrs. Crawford visited friends in To- mnto on Wednesday last. ' Miss Jean Harper, Toronto, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Mary Harp- (r, over the Week-end. The ButtonVille Junior Institute en- jayed a pleasant afternoon and even- ing at the home of Miss Cora Hooper on Wednesday last, a quilting and ‘euchre making a fine combination for ‘a goodrtime: _ _ .. .n ,__J ‘LA a. guuu gnu». Mr. W. Elliott, Buttonville had the misfortune to break his right arm while cranking his car on Wednesday last "WDII'. Chas. Gray Was itor on Wednesday41a§t ning‘ last. With everyone wearing a real Irish smile, and a good St. Patâ€" rick’s Day programme presented, a fine time is repo'rted. ‘ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ‘Wilber Latimer on the birth of a Th‘g‘bgsvee‘gétvlilugf’rl-srie'ld a successi’ul dance in the Township Hall on Thursâ€" day evening 1a§t. ‘ « u n .M -..,. †The Y. â€"P. S. of Brown‘s Corners United Church held a succeSSful social evening in th_é_!>p}_1urch on Monday. eveâ€" daughter uaugnbcl . The boys _classes of the United Church were entertained by their tea- chers, Mr. Fred Leaf and Mr. Alfred Dyke on Tuesday evening last. The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. Auxiliary of Central United ,Church was held at the home of the President, Mrs. H. H. Eaton on Thursday after- ‘noon last, and was well attended. Folâ€" flowing the Devotional and business part of the program, the roll call was responded to by a verse of scripture containing the word “Faith.†A helpful bible reading from “Acts†by Mrs. H. Miller, interesting items from the Missionary monthly discussed by the members; a review of the 2nd chapter of the Study Book by Miss Hemingway, and a delightful solo by Mrs. Gormley, “Resurrection Morn" were pleasant items. The meeting was closed, with prayer after which dainty refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. H.H. Eaton and a social hour enjoyed. Miss Lillian Parkinson, Toronto, spent the weekâ€"end at her home here. Mr. W. C. Ellis, Paris, spent the Weekâ€"end in town. . .. ~~ ‘« "J chnâ€"cuu u. uvn Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hawkins and daughter, Lillian have returned home from a pleasant trip to England. ’ Miss Laura Lawton, Toronto. is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Gray. The W.A. of St. Philip’s Anglican Church met at the home of Mrs. H. F; Lea on Wednesday aftemoon last. . lxhtl‘arllgewofl lrlcluding 26 in the iult Bible Class and a collection of .px'oximately_ $1§._()0 on last sabbath o. Padget, Misses Ruth Walker, Hel- Rodick, Mrs. Tim Patterson. 3n Sunday afternoon next an inteâ€" .ting meeting will be held in con- :tion with Central United Church, .en a returned Missionary will ad- ass the Sunday School, in the Church ditorium. Special music will be )vided by the young people’s choir. erybody welcome. 7 With a total atâ€" An interesting feature in connection with the regular A.Y.P.A. meeting last Monday night. was a splendid i1â€" ]ustrated lecture on “Birds†bv Mr. E Dixon‘ Appropriate special mush- lwas contributed by Miss Erma Court. n1 , ,L__ 1 ‘ Luu uuuuuuuu 3711's. McMulIenvaanaâ€"éauéhter Gladys of Toronto, spent the weekâ€"end in town. - . m. ,uL.‘ Luvvu. Mrs. Arthur Harrington, Toronto, visited Mrs. Geo. Harrington last week. .. . . .L ed her aunt Miss Lyma Hormley on Thursday last. Rev. and Mrs. W.H. Fuller called cu friends in town on WEdnesday. MiSS‘M. Sommerville attended the Executive Board meeting of Toronto Presbytegial W.M.S. 9n Friday last. ._ .1 .1..." "Ll-n1- Alcov‘yuuu“ v. .e.-.,.,. , , , , Mrs. Jas. Muirhead and daughter Jean spent Saturday in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Duffield Were Toronto visitors on Wednesday last. Mr. Aubrey Stephenson is attending Jury these days. Dr. and Mrs. A. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. F. Baggs, Mr. and Mrs. Telfer Wagg attended the annual Irish Stew supper and play given in Edgeley Hall on March 17th. . <' A n,.,A“ \Iu A'LuLvAL -. v. Mr. A.L. Brown and Mr. A. Camp- lin visited Mr. Whaley who is in in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on Tues- day last. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Rev. B. H. Eaton 10.30 a. m.â€"â€"â€"Loyaity. 2 p. m.â€"â€"Sunday School 7 p. m.â€"~Joy in Salvation Monday evening 8 p. m.â€"â€"Y. P. S. Bagel-man United Sunday School 1.30 Mrs. D ST. PHILIPS ANGLICAN Rev. J. J. Robbins 10.00 a. m.â€"â€"S\mday School. 7 p. m.â€"â€"Evem’ng Prayer Monday evening 8 p. m.â€"â€"A. Y. P. A. Lenten Service every Thursday during lentâ€"7.30 p. m. Thursday, 7.30 p. m.â€"â€"' “PHONE CITY, HUDSON 8527 RICHMOND HILL 30.3 EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. H. Eaton 1,30 1). mrâ€"Sunday School 7.30 p. m.â€"-Y.P.S. D. MacKay, of Toronto. visit- aunt Miss Lydia Gormley on CARTAGE AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Toronto to Richmond Hill and Intermedipte Points Every Day D. RUMNEY of Brown‘s Corners a Toronto vis- vu- 7ch, Mr. Clarence Beatt: ad- somewhat seriously ill TCh lweeks is now making Sheardown this week. towards re< father, Mr. Miss R01: end at her home m bCal Mrs. W. Ludford and Toronto, Were guests of T.W. Allison oh Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Saturday with Mr. and in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. L. Doner and Mrs. C. Beatty were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Poole, Toronto, over .the week-end. Mr. Claude Wright returned this week after spending six weeks holi- daying on the West India Cruise. Mr. Wright reports a most enjoyable trip. Mr. Abraham Baker, of Gormley, spent a few days this week with his sister Mrs. L. Doner, Centre Street. Miss Lorna Pearson, of Queensville, spent the week-end with Miss Isabel Coulter at, the United Church Parsonâ€" age. The smoker, euchre and bridge undâ€" er the auspices of the Curling Club will be held on Monday evening. April ‘Major and Mrs. A. M. Shook, of To- Ionto, were guests of the Moyle Fam- ily on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chellew, of Headford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charl- es Clarke, Roseview Avenue last Thursday. 7th. Remember the card party under the auspices of the Women’s Institute in the High School Gymnasium on Fri- day evening, March 21st. Come and help the Library Building Fund along. Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell and family visited friends in Toronto on Sunday. A flock of Wild geese were seen fly- ing northward to-day. A sure sign of spring. Cleanlng and Pressing a specialty at Richmond Tailors, Richmond Hill. Goods called for and delivered. Mr. McGrathan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mucklewee. Rev. and Mrs. Henry Harper. Rev. and Mrs. John Locke and Rev. Alfred Black, of Aurora, were among those who called on Rev. N. Wellwood on M’ednesday afternoon. Social and Personal Rev. N. Wellwood Honored Mrs. Lorne geardnwn and mm! n, of Hespley. are visiting Mrs. 1 leardovm’s mother. Mrs. Phinney! THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO \ LINE â€"â€" FIERHELLER A very pretty wedding was solom~ nized at the United Parsonage on Wednesday afternoon, the 12th inst, when Rev. G. E. Coulter united in marriage, Azala Aneita Fierheller, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fierheller, of Richmond Hill to Lewis William Line, only son Of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Line, of Maple, 10nt. The bride looked charming in a brown georgette dress with shoes and stockings to match, while the bridesmaid Minnie Line, only sister of the groom, wore brown crepe-deâ€"chine with shoes and stockings to match. l'fhe groom was supported by Nelson Fierheller, brother of the bride. After the ceremony, dinner was served at‘ the home of the bride’s parents, to the immediate relatives of the bride and groom, after which amid showers of confetti and best wishes, the happy couple left (by motor) for a two weeks visit to Niagara, Buffalo, Cleve- ‘land and other points, the bride travelâ€" ling in a sand canton crepe dress with hat, coat, shoes and stockings to matâ€" ch. After their return they will reside LATE MRS. W. H. LEGGE The village and community were saddened on Sunday morning, March 9th by the news of the death of Mrs. W.H. Legge. Although deceased had suffered from ill health for a long time, the end came suddenly due to} heart failure. Mrs. Legge, who wasi ‘in her 64th year, was born on Yonge Street, near Bond Lake, the younger daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Asa Curtis. She had lived in the Vicinity all her life and was widely knowu and highly respected by a large circle of friends. She was a member of St. John’s Anglican Church, where she had been organist for many years; also a life member of the W .A. of the Angliâ€" can Church and a member of the Williâ€" am Lyon McKenzie King Chapter 1.0. D.E.,,of Toronto. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Percy C. Hill, of Richmond Hill, also two brothers and one sister. The funeral took place from her late residence, “Hillcrest,†Jefferson, on Tuesday. March 11ch and. was conduct- ed by Rev. P.R. Soanes, assisted by ‘Rev. G.S. Despard, rector of St. Lukes Church, Toronto. Many beautiful floral offerings paid silent tribute to the revered memory of the noble life which had closed. Interment took place at St. John’s Cemetery, Oak Ridges. Roby Lotto“ : her home in Sc W. Ludford ar WEDDING overy at the R. Beatty, G OBITUARY arbor Ber M rs A very happy event took place on" Wednesglay afternoon and evening. when Rev. N. Wellwood midst a host of friends and relatives celebrated his eightieth birthday. The Centre Street home W315 made beautiful with a proâ€" fusion of spring flowers and decorâ€" ations and the tables where tea was served during the afternoon and even- ing were tastefully arranged. During the afternoon Mrs. (Rev.) Wellwood, of Toronto, poured tea and in the even- ing Mrs. Rev. Ferguson and Mrs. W_ A. Wright; officiated. Mrs. G. E. Coulter of Richmond Hill, and Mrs. Carruthers, of Toronto, cut, the ice cream. Miss Wright, MiSS Jones, Miss Hunt assisted in serving and Miss Nea1 and Miss Scrivener attended at the door. During the celebration instrument- als and solos were rendered by Mrs. Lesley Locke and Miss Evelyn Well- wood, of Toronto; Rev. Frank and Mrs. Bowes, Mr. Morley Beynon, Mr. A. J. Hume, Mrs. Warren Ramer, Miss ‘Marion Ramer. A pleasing feature of the evening vs as an address and presentation from members and friends of Richmond Hill United Church to which Mr. Wellwood responded in his usual able and happy manner. The following address was read by Mr. R. S. Cooper and the presentation of a substantial purse of lnioney was made by Mr. H. Thomson. ‘i Richmond Hill Rev. N. Wellwood, Richmond Hill, Ont. Dear Mr. Wellwoodâ€"; The members and friends of Rich- mond Hill United Church extend to you their heartiest congratulations on having reached your eightieth birthday and take this opportunity of express- ing their appreciation of the valuable service you constantly render in your visitation of the sick and aged. Indeed your very presence is an inspiration as you move in and out among us. Your message last Sunday morning based on the words “A good hope through grace†was one of comfort and encouragement, and will be to us a wholesome memory throughout the years. I We desire to have some better part in toâ€"day’s celebration, and ask you to accept the gifts we bring as a slight token of the high esteem in which you are held by your many friends. Wishing; you many more happy birthdays. Signed on behalf of our people. J. P. Wilson, H. Thomson, Rea-Stewâ€" ard, Y. B. Tracy, J. Armstrong, R. S. Cooper, Secretary Board of Stewards: W.W.A. Trench; A. E. Plewman, Geo E. Coulter. Speeches were given by Mr. W. W. Trench, Rev. S. Wellwood, of Ohio. and Rev. Harold Weliwood, of Toronto. Mr. Wellwood also received letters and telegrams of congratulations, flowers and other gifts from his numâ€" erous friends in Canada and United States. Mr. Wellwood’s only remaining brot-i her and sister were present, Rev. S ‘ Wellwood, pastor of the Congregation- 51 Church, Cincinnati, Ohio; Mrs. Mil- ne, of Orillia; also his four sonsâ€"Rev iIIaroId Wellwood, FE. Wellwood, both cf Toronto; Dr. Geo. Wellw00d, of Barkerton,‘ Ohio; Dr. Milton Wellwood of Gravenhurst and his only daughter Mrs. Geo. Gee, of Richmond Hill. Sunday morning last, Rev. Wellwood who is a veteran minister of the churâ€" ch, occupied the pulpit of the United ‘Church. He delivered an able and inspirational sermon taking as his text, “A good hope through Grace.†At the service, Mrs. W. H. Mylks on behalf of the Women’s ASsociation presented Rev. Wellwood with a handâ€" some basket of roses and spring flow- ers and the following address: Rev. N. Wellwood, Dear Mr. Wellwoodâ€"; It imparts to us a thrill of pleasure that we are permitted to particigate in the celebration of your eightieth birthday. We are glad that with healâ€" th and vigour you still retain the joy ‘oi living. We trust that many happy years are still in reserve for you. It’s a. long way back to the year eighteen hundred and ninety‘nine. when you first came into our midst as our pastor. Your messages were spoken in sincerity and truth couched in pure prose diction or in poetry than accentuated the truth proclaimed. We heal-nod to appreciate and enjoy the wisdom thus given, and soon discover- ed that the keystone of your every thought word and deed was smcerity and truth. Since you came to reside among us permanently your familiar form upon our streets has become a well loved sight, as you go in and out giving comfort and cheer to the som‘owing and distressed. We welcome the ready sympathy extended where need- ed, the kindly smile so freely bestowâ€" ed, the genial word as generally spok- ‘en, all emanating from an overflowing spirit of gracious goodwill toward hu- manity in general and to us more par- March 19, 1930 ticularly. The Ladies Aid, ofï¬cially ( 'v'omen’s Association, of th Church, of Richmond Hill 6 you heartiest greeting and g es that many happy years In 'v'omen’s Assoc1auon, 01 we uluucu Church, of Richmond Hill extends to you heartiest greeting and good wish- es that many happy years may be ad- ded to your term of life. “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee The Lord- make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, March 16th, 1930. The Liberal joins with the people of the district in extending to Rev. Well- wood sincere congratulations and best wishes for the coming years. and give thee peace.†CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Wish to ackâ€" nowledge the sum of money received} March lst, being the proceeds of the! concert held at Richvale Church, Feb. 13th, for which we wish to thank the W.A. and subscribers for their kindâ€" ;ness to us, which was very acceptable 575 Yonge Street AUTO ACCESSORY REPAIR CO. Automobile Radiators, Fenders. Bodies Authorized United Motors Radiator Service Phone: WAverly 3513 KIngsdale 3836 514-15 Queen Street East PARTS FOR CARS AND TRUCKS ALSO USED TIRES We Buy and Sell Used Proprietor Cars and Trucks F. LE’BLANC McIntosh Granite C0. NATIONAL AUTO WRECKERS 1 1823 Yonge Street Phone HYland 2622 ‘iï¬Ã©cial Whiie They Last MONL'MENTS MINING BROKERS PRIVATE WIRES T0 BRANCH QFFICES < --..\~nn Members Standard Stock and Mining Exchange GKE BUILDING 304 BAY STREET, ELgin Signed on behalf of the Women’ Association > S. S. Savage, President LINDSAY PETERBORO E. G. HURLEY Fencing, Concrete, Drains Limited Savag NDSAY ' H ORILLIA LONDON WINDSOR ERBORO ST. THOMAS HITCHENER BARRhI Write for our Mining News. Free on Request Screen Grid Radio . DONALDSON CONTRACTOR RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. Hall’s Service Toronto Toronto Phone Maple 1064. . G. OKE & CO. nitec Stop 23, Yonge St. ALL KXNDS To old patrons, as well a: give a quicker and better ever. with latest and 1:] went in this vicinity. Lorne Avenue REAL BARGAINS in 1924 McLAUGHLIN, 4 cyliner Sedan. 4 Wheel brakes in A-I condiï¬ma 19227 CHEVROLET SEDAN â€"- Deliv- ery. a real general purpose car 1927 CHEVROLET Pane-Y delivery custom built body, a real buy at Radio and Car Lattery Charging 1925 CHEVROLET TOURING â€" in 3922 DURANT FOURâ€"Touring: good condition, Bargain $ 1925 FORD COUPES 1923 12:2‘4 FORD SEDANS Regular $185.00 a “I Cars in Good Mechanical C and well worth the money, Come In And See Them J. Johnston only livery. CHEVROLET ROADSTER â€"« Small mileage, new top am} cm"- tains, can be converted to a dineâ€" tomplcté with tubes good condition FORD TOURING $285.00 $200.00 $300.00 $275.00 Richmond Hi $125.09 Jrgest new LQYVICG Iain an ‘onditiam $01M $35M $85.39 5111