Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Mar 1930, p. 3

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Item the Toronto Conservatory of Ila-lo. 'Ill “new. A number of pupils in Piano, organ and Theory. 7 - nun-1A! Richmond Hill â€" JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano Tuner 85 Yeats‘ Practical Experience 378' Beresford Ave., West Toronto Lyndhurst 2821 Telephone Glenn's Drug Store, Rich- mondeill, for appointment FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 ‘Night Phone 15 Branch Oflices at THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE HRS. uYLKs WILLIAM BUCK VIOLINIST Will open a studio in Richmond Hill, for further information apply to Adelmo Meleeci, Phone 58-J Willowdale 69 HUdson 3b'l' Stop 5, Yonge Street, Lansing J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited VOL. LII. We are 1 ‘ucgigflon. ikiahy. Fun“ I 1:. All "In at “14 conducted by Ofice Hours: MAPLE Ofiige hours: 9 to 6 ta 8 p. m., and by Ofice: Centre and Ch Richmond Hill DRS. LANGSTAFF North Yonge St. - Richmond Hill DE. BOLPH L. LANGSTAFFâ€" on. hours: 8:10 mm. and 6:8 p.111. DB. LILLIAN 0. LANGSTAFFâ€" - (Diseases of women and children) Oflco hours: 1:3 pm. (An Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By Hour or Contract $1.50 PER YEAR The Liberal is recognized as one of the Newsiest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelvc pages, all home print, it carries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is increasing every weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. DR. CHARLES D_UNNING Telephone_ 12')???: DR. W. SIl (M.O.H. Telepnoue Luau. _< All trucks Insured for Public Liabil- ity, and property damaged. All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Wintertm's 01d Stand ange Street ---.n AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St, K. G. Prentice. Milliken. Tex-mutt)t AHud; 18‘” ».â€"n --l.u n' .v‘ n. U‘Jv.v-.. CARTAGE AND EXPRESS Plowing and Garden Work Sand and Gravel, Concrete Work. OAK RIDGES FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND I EMBALMERs I New v ______ Poyntz Ave.. Lansing Willowdale 140. Office hours: 12-115; 6-7.15 Capitol Bldg., Yonge St. Had. 1133; Rand. 2121. Office hours: 8.30; 2-5; 7.30-9 JOHN R. CAMPBELL WRIGHT & TAYLOR 'l'owubu. uuu- --_. .. V are prog‘ued to conduct sales 01 every pflon. arms and (arm stock sales a Icy. Fume bought and sold on commis- All ulc- nnonded to on a manna m the most Improved memo Telephone {52- Paperhanger and Decorator. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Year’s Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 4 ADELMO MELEOCI BERT HUMPHREY Veterinary Surgeon THORNHILL DR. J. P. VWIESON SAND â€"- GRAVEL From Maple Gravel Pit {NERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. MCDONALD, firofessional And Business Directory STONEHQQ§§ and by appointment BUSINESS Boot MUSICAL Lfiaaéi-nâ€"é iAmbulances a 69 HUdson 3679-W mnwm [.-;;l;ia;\ Coroner) : 8-10 a.m. 12-2 & 6.8 pm 6E6; KIDD : and Shoe Repairer Bio most '. J. REID Phone 100 MAPLE Tuesday & Friday to 11 a. m. .y appointment. Church Streets-y Phone 24. PHONE .3. Thornhill, Dentist Office: Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 13.111. MAPLE MCGUIRE. ‘â€" WTm. Cérok, K. C. F. Gordon Cook, B. A, LLB. Tommo Omce: 816 Federal Building. 8:3 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill Ofiico (Liberal Office) aver) Thursday lorennou. Maple. Thursday Alfie!- noon. 'Woodbridga, Saturday afternoon. Money to loan at Current Rate (AD. 0177 .‘-â€"v v.___ Barristara, Solicitors, Natalia Telephone Adelaide 2108 Olficos: 85 Richmond St. West. TA“! Naughtou Block. Aurora Snlicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Kin . Wllitcliuruh, Markham and Gwilimbury. Walter is. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hill. .. m-:n Mi T. C. NEWMAN BARRISTER SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON Office:â€"â€"A. Mills Showrooms, East side of Yonge Street, Immediately south of Hill’s Garage Phone Richmond Hill 125 \ Money to loan at current rates Toronto Office, 18 Toronto Street, Phone, ELGIN 1887 Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Rooms 503 Northern Ontario Bldg., cor. Adelaide and Bay 8125., Toronto. William Douglas, K.C, Donald Douglas ‘ Wilson N. Robinson Money to loan. CAMPBELL LINE Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. RICHMOND HILL Office over Davies Dry Good Store Maple Every Saturday. MAPLE HOTEL FRIDAY. 1.30 P.M. T0 8 RM. Telephoneâ€"Mapka 3 Manning Arcade, formerly of Wm Cook, Cook & Delany Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public ‘ 1207 Northern Building l ‘330 Bay Street -â€" Toronto l’l‘elephone â€" Adelaide 4140 Telephone 80 MULOCK, MILLIKEN, CLARK ! 8: REDMAN Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building southwest corner of King and Xonge Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K. C. Herb. A. Clark Henry E. Redman W. P. Mulock NAUGHTONV OPTOMETRIST 163-167 YONGE STREET Toronto's able Eyesight Specialist May be consulted about your eyes for glasses at AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE. Richmond Hill, TUESDAY AFTER- NOON; APRIL lst, from 1.30 p. m. to 8 p. m. J. Harry THORNHILL Bank of Commerce Building Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. Hon. W.H. McGuire, Vincent C. MacDonald L.S.B. James A. Boles, B.A. L. Cameron Macnaughton BARRISTER 1711 Star Building, 80 King Street, West, Toronto Phone: Elgin 4879. DOUGLAS, DOUGLAS & ROBINSON WILLIAM COOK & COOK BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC 2135 Yonge Street Toronto. HYLAND 1898 and 1900 MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDAY Standard Bank Building. F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. DR. L. R. BELL Dr. M. J. QUIGLEY Barristers: Sojlritors. Etc Dr. W. Finlay DENTIST Adelaide and Victoria Sta '7 Toronto A THOMAS DELANY HAROLD J. KIRBY Telephone 32 DENTIST nnkins. Res. Phone Hill. 6048‘ Naughmn. Res. E‘qin Mills, Res. Phone 127.2 Oflice Hours MACDONALD 8: BOLES RICHMOND HILL, ONTAREO, THURSDAY, MARCH 27. 1930 ONTARIO Ema .411. and hoflb M). 0178 In order to prevent any more j’ail deliveries, Toronto authorities should adopt Richmond Hill’s policy of leav- ing the door open, Newmarket coiinci] is taking steps to have houses in that town numbered; Richmond Hill council talked of similar action some time ago, But nothing has been heard of it fbr some time. Drop in anywhere in the Nbrth Yonge Street district and you' will fincf the topic of conversation is tranâ€" sportation. Spring is here and it might be a' good time for the council to take up again the question of cleaning the Memorial and having the lettering (.f the names painted. So many towns in Ontario are takfi i'ng' action to curb the running at 131'. ge of dogs during the summer months that local residents are wondering what Richmond Hill council will do in the matter. We regret that due to a delay in the mails our Gormley subscribers were late in receiving their papers last week. The Liberal was issued and mailed at the regular time last Thursday, but through some error they were mislaid in the mail. “When will we have the cars gain 2"” is the popular question. Subscribers who do not receive The Liberaf on scheduled time any week win‘ do use. favor by calling us at on- ce. Prompt reports of non delivery ‘wiIT enable us to more quickly- trace the trouble and in this we ask the co- operation of our readers. London city council has decided not to extend charity to those who have liquor permits. The bread line and booze line should never run parallel; The Oshawa Daily Times saysvthe water in Lake Ontario is at a higher level just now than for many years; The same is true of Lake Simcoe. Legislation to prevent overcrowding in the front seat of an automobile is contained in an amendment to the Highway Traffic Act introduced in} the Provincial Legislature by Hon. iGeo. S. Henry. A penalty is providâ€" ed if a person drives a motor Vehicle with persons or property in the front seat so placed as to interfere with the proper management of control of the vehicle. A charge of negligent driving may be laid against the driver. J. A. Webb has been appointed as night constable and traffic officer- for Bradford. Midland has passed a by-Iaw pmhib- iting loitering on the streets and dogs running at large. Up to the present time the old age pension board of Simcoe County has considered 64 applications. Thirty pensioners have died‘ since their names were placed on the roll and in one in- stance an Orillia man, whose pension was granted last Wednesday, died on Thursday and the board was notified to cancel his name. His wife is also in receipt of a pension. The oldest hen in the world is claim- ed by Ole Stevenson, who owns a ran- ch six miles north of Newman, Calif. Her age is nineteen years and she is still an excellent layer. During 1929 the hen, a Rhode Island Red, laid eggs for seven months without missing a day. There are still a few left hereaboutsl who are a little superstitious and who persist that 13 is an unlucky number, who believe that the weather is ruled by the moon, who believe that if Mar-l ch comes in like a lamb it will go out like a lion, who believes that an early Easter is an early spring, who believe lilhat when the sun crosses the line 't'hat the direction the wind blows from iwill be the prevailing wind for the luext six months, who believe that a lhoar frost will be followed by a thaw,‘ who believe that a sun dog observed "north of the sun will bring colder‘ i“ eather and south, warmer, when it is; a well-known fact that all these signs ;have failed miserably and that the weather man in Toronto has proved 'by records that there is nothing to [may of them regarding weather condi- iticns. Yet there are a few who be- Meaford’s tax rate is 52‘ mills GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS Eime fieve these wr'fl‘ bm Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sawdon were “At Home" to their Maple friends on“ Monday afternoon and to relatives and‘ friends from a distance in the even- ing, the occasion being the celebration of their Golden Wedding Anniversary. ‘Fifty years ago this worthy couple were united’ in matrimony by Rev. Mr. McCallum at Richmond Hill and spent the early part of'the'ir married life at Edgeley and a few years ago moved to Maple. The groomsman and brides- maid, Mr. and” Mrs. Levi Troyer, of Stayner, were present and Mr. Troyer who is a brother of the Bride lighted the fifty candles on the Bride’s cake,‘ and Mr. George S'awdon the Groom's brother-extihgui‘shed' them at the close of the reception. Two children, Mrs. Campbell, of Weston and Mr. Herb Saden, of Schomberg, and six grand- children were present, the latter pre- scnting the grandparents with a bask- er, of fifty daffodils. Another son, Dr. Thos. Sawd'on of' Three Hills, Alta was unable to be present but late in the evening spoke to his mother over the telephone. The rooms were beautifully decorated with tulips, daff- c-(lil's and ferns and'lVfi'ss Mabel Shank received the guests, Mrs. Watt, of Weston, poured tea and was assisted by Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. H. Sawd- on. Mr. and Mrs. Sawdon receiygg many beautiful gifts as well as thg congratulations of air their friendsfif' The funeral of the Tate Samuel Sthg' of Ed'gel'ey, brother of’ Mrs. R. Thomas took place here last Saturday after- noon: A large number of used cars Were Offered for sale by auction on Saturâ€" day, but not many were sold. Mr. W. Woods has sold his house and lot on Keele Street, to his son, M'r. Neil' Wood's; A great treat is promised for Wed-‘ ‘nesd'ay evening, April 2nd, when the Thi'stletown Choral Society of sixty voices, under the’direction of Mr. H. Mi Fletcher will' give a grand concert in the Community Hall. Some years ago Mr. Fletcher conducted classes here and a number of excellent con- certs were g'i'ven. There are a few of these members of those classes left who will be glad to welcome him. There was a good time at the Box Social last Wednesday night. The weekly euchre will be held again next Tuesday- evening. BIRTH ORRâ€"On Monday, March 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr, of the Sixth Con- cession, a daughter. Some of the Newtonbrook young men are bringing high honor to their- community. Mr. Stanley Moore, de- clared some time ago the champion orator of Richmond Hill High School, [received his prize for the same at the Commencement Exercises, held in the school last Saturday night. Mr. Ed'â€" ward Bellsmith has had one of' his- water color paintings accepted by the Ontario Society of Artists and’ it is ‘now in the Toronto Al‘t Gallery. Mr. W.M. (Mossy) Jack, now of London, paid a flying visit to his friends over the week-end. Miss~ Alma Smith entertained thel choir of the United Church in her generous, hospitable manner at her home, last Friday evening. She was assisted by Mrs. Bertram Smith. ‘ 'There was a very large attendance at the auction sale at Mr. Harry Smith’s farm last Tuesday. The dis- i-ersion of his fine thorough-bred stock brought many outside buyers. Excellent prices were obtained by the salesman, Mr. Prentice. The fine team of Clydes, which holds many prize ribbons, was purchased by Mr.‘ David Howard, of Vaughan. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will remove in a few days to their new home at Finch’s Corners. The farm has been rented to Mr. Tutt, of Thornhill, who, with his bride, will take possession next month. A meeting was held in the Newton- .brook United Church on Tuesday eve- lning with regard to the Yonge Street Community outing to Lakeside Park, Dalhousie. There was a large turn- out of representatives of many organ- izations. The date chosen is Wed- nesday, July 30th, and a strong re- presentative committee has been apâ€" . pointed to perfect arrangements. Newtonbrook signs and I presume ai'nvay‘s Maple the her her was ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER‘ 'FIRST-CILASS MILLWORK OF ‘ALL' DESCRIPTIONS SHINGLES ‘ EDGE GR'AIN E. C.’ CEDAR ALL No. 1, 3 x and‘5 x.. There will‘sfiortly be an advance irrth’e ‘price of’Shingles. If you Have-amr roofs needing attention-you win-save money by placing yaur order now. 3'x.$‘4.28 per square $5.70 per 1000 5fX;$4.88 per square $6.50? per 1000 UNIONVIELE OEFLCE PHONE ADEL. 0880 AUTOMOBILE SHEET META-L WORKERS Auto Body, Fender- and Radiator:~ Repairs All Wark Guaranteed 144' SIMCOE STREET TORONTO Auto Parts Repair Co. UNIONVILLE PEANING' MILLS J‘NATIONAL ~ A. K. Harrington Wt' Canada’s gmtmoumtain country this unmet. See the mighty scenery of our Far West. Make Jasper Park Lodge in Jasper National Park your mountain headquarters. Rirle, climb, swimy golf, tennis. motor. #. -A-n-n mim- PAEIFIC COAST Onxo‘the Pacific . . “$500 mile trip from Jasper. . . past towering: Mount Robson . . . flollowing the tur’dulénc Fraser River to Vancouver. Every turn a new thrill . . . everpmilc a vista of spectacular beauty. A 1,600 mile boat Vancouver through the colorful Inside Passage. See glaCiersrthe Klondike, Ska 7. Gorgeous scenery . . . Congenlal fe low . travellerl. Tours maybe made lay-wanna routes. Full infé'rmdon and memdonl from Iny Men: of Canadian ‘ National Rallwnvl. 'An unexcelled printing service I! 31 Job Printing Department. Our plant is equipped to take care of your every requirements in the line of printed matter. “If it’s printing we do it." We assure you‘ that you will find the quality, service and price right. PRINTING SERVICE or ALASKA '3. A. Greenwood PHONE, 2600 No. 39

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