Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 May 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR T. H. TRENCH, President F. GRAHAM, lst Vice-President R. S. COOPER, Secretary W. A. WRIGHT, 2nd Vice-President Junior Farmers Stock Judging Contest Horseshoe Pitching Contest Sat’y, May 24th Hey Ho Come To The F air VICTORIA DAY A long list of Athletic Eventsâ€"Including a Three Mile Race Races for the Kiddies A play “Winnie and The Wise Young Man” will be presented in the Masonic Hall by the Girls’ Auxiliary of St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Admission Adults 35 cents; Children 25 Punch and Judy Show Fair Officially opened at 2 p. m. (daylight saving time) by Hon. G. S. Henry In Charge of R. E. WHITE, Dept. of Agriculture Open to Junior Farmers, under 26 years of age who have not taken a regular course at an Agricultural Col- lege. FIVE CLASSES OF LIVE STOCK WILL BE JUDGED VALUABLE PRIZES FOR LIVESTOCK EXHIBITION HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, SWINE and POULTRY Softball Tournaments Prizes are offered for Highest Aggregate Score of lst $6.00; 2nd $5.00; 3rd $4.00; 4th $3.00; 5th $2 ' Contestants must meet in Arena before 10.30 (daylight saving time,) when Judging is to Commence MORE AMUSEMENTS AND MORE FUN FOR ALL STOUFFVILLE CONCERT BAND IN ATTENDANCE LADIE’S and MEN’S â€" $150. IN PRIZES Make entries with Cecil Harding, Richmond Hill Secretary of Sports Committee Meet Your Friends at the Richmond Hill Fair A BIGGER AND BETTER MID-WAY Games and Attractions for Young and Old RICHMOND HILL A BIGGER AND BETTER STOCK SHOW Agricultural Society ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS 25 CENTS SPRING 15 Minutes will be allowed on each class. REASON WILL BE GIVEN ORALLY In The AGRICULTURAL PARK, RICHMOND HILL Singles and Doubles Tournament $40.00 in Prizes WRITE FOR A PRIZE LIST THE Slst ANNUAL IN THE EVENING THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Send your entries for the Softball tournament to Cecil Harding,‘ Rich- mond Hill, secretary of the Sports Committee. Plan now to attend the Richmond Hill Fair, Saturday, May 24th. NOTEâ€"The Society is holding a tulip show on Wednesday, May 28th. This show will be held in the store of Mr. D. Hill. During the afternoon and early evening, the exhibits will be on view in the large front window of the store. All members are asked to have their exhibits of tulips at the store before four o’clock on the day of the show. Cash prizes will be award- ed at this exhibition and all exhibits will be judged and points will be alloâ€" ted, which will stand to the credit of the winners for the Sweepstakes prize which will be awarded to the highest point Winner for the year 1930, at the close of the last show in September. A meeting will be held in the evening of the Tulip show, at which a speaker will speak on tulips and other bulbs. Everyone is asked to try and be pre- sent. This meeting will be held in Mr. Hill’s store and exhibits will still be present. According to, this publication the total membership as of January 1 was 568,386. The number, it is stated, will be considelfably increased at spring ceremonials and pre;convention initiations. U. S. Has 145 Temples ‘ The greater majority of that num- ber are residents of the United Stat- es, where 145 temples have a memb- ership of 555,559. The other 12,787 are distributed as follows; Canada, 10,306; Canal Zone, 1,021; Hawaii (Honolulu), 927; and Mexico City and district, 533. 1. The others are Mocha Temple, of London, Ont, 2,036; Kamak, of Mon- fretl, 1,217; Khartoum of Winnipeg, 894; Gizeh of Victoria, B.C. 845; Wa Wa, of Regina, 802; Al Azhar, of Cal- gary, 722; Philae of Halifax, 601, and Luxoi‘, of St. John, N. B., 467. Will the members call as soon as possible for their shrubs at the home of Mrs. Alice Endean, Centre Street West. That the attendance at the Shrine convention next month, when the members of the organization and their wives and families pour into Toronto, may well reach all of 250,000 or 300- ,000 people, is borne out by the size of the actual membership as published in “The Crescent,” Shriners’ magazine In Canada there are nine temples, of which Ramases of Toronto is the largest with 2,722 members as of Jan. Plan now to attend the Richmond Hill Fair, Saturday, May 24th. The following list of members have been'recorded since last issue. Mr. A. Wade, Mrs. Haworth, and Miss N. Haworth, Mrs. W. Duncan, Mrs. W. Neill, Mrs. C. P. Wiley, Mrs. McGrath, Mrs. J. Beresford, Mrs. J. McGillvéry, Mrs. J. Burr, Mr. H. Winch, Mr. A. D. Buchanan, Mrs. E. J. Mitchel. Membership Committee â€" Miss 0. Burr, Mrs. A. L. Phipps, Miss M. San- derson, Mrs. A. J. Hume, Miss A. Moyle, Mr. Geo. Gee, Mrs. W. Cook, Mrs. W. D. Atkinson, Mrs. W. A. Trench, Mr. W. A. Wright, Mrs. Geo. Gee, Miss R. Webb. RICHMOND HILL AGRICULTURAL WHEN WILL THE CARS RUN? SOCIETY The question uppermost in the minds CAMPAIGN NOTES of the residents of North Yonge Street The active campaign for memberâ€" these days is “When Will the cars The active campaign for memberâ€" ship ended on Saturday and we are pleased to announce a total member- ship of 152. This is a very substant- ial increase over last year and We now sincerely hope that as many members as possible, both new and old will turn to this campaign. Uourte ment was met on every her though some people didn’t out to our meetings and take an act ive interest in the work of the Society (Anglican) Richmond Hill 4th Sunday after Easter 11 a. m.â€"Ho]y Communion 3 p. m. Sunday School. 7 p. m.â€"Evening Prayer. Preacher, Rev. Professor Horan SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT ST. MARY’S CHURCH TORONTO EXPECTS 300,000 PEOPLE D. FRISBY, (Membership Committee Why not get the maximum efficiency out of your engine for your investâ€" ment? A trial will convince you of the super- ior performance, long-life and service rendered by the DYNAMO TIMER. Put one on and forget it. No oiling nor attention required. Recommended and proven by Ford car and tractor owners everywhere. Satâ€" isfaction for 3 years guaranteed or your money refunded. Price $2.75 E. KLINCK. R. R. 2 Gormley at Victoria Square Phone Stoulfville 4011 Mailed C. O. D. on request. LAWLESS DRIVERS Warnings have been issued by the police several times lately that auto- mobile owners would do well to pay heed to the law and see that they obey traffic regulations and also that their car is in proper working order. The unfortunate part about traffic violations is that they are caused in many cases by cars which are not in proper working condition. For ex- ample a car running with only one headlight is very apt to cause a smashup and does very frequently. It is not possible to tell when meeting a car with only one light which light is out and when the cars are close enough to show that clearly it is too late to avoid an accident. Then too defective brakes are a very frequent cause of trouble. In these days of heavy traffic it is very necessary that lrakes should be working well, in fact they should be pretty well 100 per cent. efficient. Traffic travels fast these days and with four wheel brakes stops fast also so that it behooves the driver to have his car under control. Then, of course, here is the chap who is always in such a hurry that he must cut in and out of fast traffic the fell- ow who runs past traffic signals and who cannot see stop signs and so on. It is against this whole army of law- breakers that the police must take ac- tion if the safety of the average indi- vidual on the road is to be considered. They are checking up now more stringently than ever and as‘a result a lot of drivers are being fined for in- fractions of the law. Iun?” Following the almost unani- mous approval given the byâ€"law on Saturday, May 3rd the people are looking for a speedy settlement of any difficulties which may be in the way of the immediate carrying out of the people’s wishes. The County Council should hold a special session and facilitate in every possible way the carrying out of the expressed will of the people along Yonge Street who voted almost unaniâ€" mously for a car service. The County Council should not daily along until the summer is nearly over before tak- ing any action. “At present Texas tomatoes come into Canada by the carload and are laid down here at 4 and 5 cents a. pound”, stated Mr. Miller. “Look ‘at the price paid here, however â€"-â€" about 60 cents at present. Canadian growers could not hope to compete on a straight tariff rate. The retailer charges any price he wants to.” It was generally understood that in case of a favorable vote the Warden would immediately call a special meeting of the County Council to deal with the matter and clear the way for the operation of the cars. The ques- tion in the North Yonge Street dist- rict to-day is “What or who is holding up the plans?” The special session of the County council has not yet been called although it is understood a re- quest signed by the four municipalitâ€" ies has gone forward to the Warden. NEW TARIFF HELPS TOMATO GROWERS Imposition of a minimum tax of two cents per pound on tomatoes, will result in Canadian production of to- matoes all the year round, according to E. T. Miller, of Miller and Son, wholesale florists. The general tariff remains at 30 per cent, but the proviso that each pound of tomatoes entering Can- ada will be taxed at least two cents. ’ Greenhouse production will thrive under the added protection, Mr. Miller declared. “We wouldn’t hesitate to place several acres under glass with reasonable protection, he said. The Carrville Mill will be closed for a. week or ten days during repairs to the dam. R. J. Bowes, Prop. There is nothing which will justify the County Council or any action of the County Council in standing in the way of the expressed Wishes of a great body of the people most vitally con- cerned. For FORDS and FORDSONS DYNAMO TIMER MILL CLOSED FOR REPAIRS SIX ROOMED HOUSE, electric light, hard and soft water, good sized lot, Church Street, $2500.00, reasonable terms. Apply J. R. Herrington, Real Estate and Insurance, phone 87 G RAY PERCHERON MARE, REGISTERED YEARLING HOL- USED HAND 'POWER Washing Plan now to attend the Richmond Hill Fair, Saturday, May 24th. REAL SNAPâ€"FRANKLIN 1925 STEEL RANGE, Souvenir, waterfront warming closet. Apply Mrs. Hick, Church Street. EATONIA SEWING MACHINE, a1- BUNGALOW, five rooms, half acre of land in Richmond Hill, $1800., good terms. Apply H. McMillan, tele- phone 30-W Richmond Hill. HOUSEâ€"South east corner of Centre and Elizabeth Streets, all modern conveniences, sun room, furnace, barn, large lot, a. snap at $4350. Ap- ply on the premises or to A. J. Hume, Richmond Hill. CEDAR POSTSâ€"35c. to 55c. each; anchor posts 75c to $1.00; telephone poles $2.00 to $4.00; radio fmles 1.50 to $2.50; Hardwood $10.00 per cord delivered. Apply John Donald, El- g'in Mills, Ont. Phone Maple 249. CUSTOM HATCHING, Baby Chicks S.C.W. Leghorns, June and July $15.00 per hundred. W. Abbey, Oxford Street, Elgin Mills, west >of Stop 27-A}, Yonge Street. Butler. “So am I, ma’am. thought you was out.”-â€"College Life. Meet your friends at the Richmond Hill Fair, May 24th. FOR SALfi 0R EXCHANGEâ€"320 MODERN SIX ROOMED FRAME - Representatives of organizations sending in accounts of meetings, elecâ€" tions of officers, etc., are asked to please hand such items in writing. Don’t give long lists of officers, or lengthy accounts of meetings over the telephone. Mistakes are too apt to occur. All such items should be hand- ed in the office not later than Wednes- day. Mistress (discovering butler help- ing himself from cellarette)â€"“Robert I am surprized.” FOR SALE OR OPEN FOR AN DUCK EGGS, from gray ducks, for 1 hatching or eating, 75 cents per doz. N. Fierheller, Richmond Hill, Phone 102-r-6. WE STILL HAVE 3 quantity of good seed Barley and oats on hand, also clover and timothy and field roots seed. At the Elevator, I. D. Ram- er and Son. LOW PRICE FOR QUICK SALEâ€" machine and wringer, also used farm mower. Apply R. Michael, Richmond Hill. STEIN BULL, from a high produc- ing and high testing show cow, and sired by an outstanding bull from a 29 Tb. cow 3.8 milk. Price right. Fred Brusone, Newtonbrook, Ont. years old. A. J. Nichols, lot 21, con. 4, Markham. Phone Stouff- ville 4014. most new, original cost $45.00, will sell for $12.50. Mrs. A. Wright, stop 17-A, Thornhill. CONTRIBUTORS PLEASE NOTE COACH in pé‘rfect condition, priv- ately owned, upholstering like new, good tires, fully equipped through- out. Cash or easy terms. Mr. Henry, Langstaff, Ont, phone Thornhill 51-r-6. OFFERâ€"8 roomed house in Rich- mond ill, hard and soft water, electric light, good garden with all kinds of fruit. Apply W.F. Shep- pard, 46 Balsam Ave., Toronto. acres good prairie land, central, Saskatchewan, bargain price $12.50 per acre. Will exchange for house and lot or 50 acre farm of equal value. Box 90, Liberal Office. BUNGALOW, hardwood floors up- stairs and down, water, electricity, furnace, 3 piece bath, poultry house fruit trees, 124 foot frontage. Phone Richmond Hill 81-J. $2900 two 6 room houses, and 50 ft. lot, on Elizabeth Street, Electric light, hard and soft water, fruit trees, etc. Apply owner L. B. Fin- ch, 586 O§sington Ave., Toronto, Telephone Lombard 3124, or Liberal Office. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGuMAKB THE MOST OF IT” RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first i! sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Classified Advs. MUTUAL EMOTION FOR SALE THURSDAY, MAY 15th, 1930 six QUANTITY OF ALFALFA HAY, two scufflers, 1 Frost & Wood mower. Apply Robt. Harbinson R. R. No. 2, Gormley, phone Richmond Hill 48-03 ALL KINDS OF TRUCKING and hauling done at reasonable prices. Apply John Donald, Elgin Mills, Ont. Phone Maple 249. ORGAN, CHILD’S CRIB, COAL OIL HEATER. Mrs. Burman, Centré Street, West. 50 FOOT LOT on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, close to Yonge St.,. will sell cheap for cash. Apply W. G. Miller, 107 Roselawn Ave., Tor- onto, phone Hudson 2825-J. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK for family of three, fond of children Apply Mrs. Ivan Marks, Richmond Hill, phone 198. WANTEDâ€"Young geese, fowl, young cockerels, top market price paid. A. G. Robinson, Rumble Ave., Box 174, Phone 190. BEES for sale at Thos. Wice, Newton- brook, Stop 12, Yonge Street. SEED GRAIN, O. A. C. 21 Barley, Improved ‘Banner Oats, Goose Wheat, Marquis wheat, Field peas. All kinds of Field and Garden seeds. Open evenings. Stiver Bros., Unionville and Stouffville. SIX LOADS of good chicken manure $1.00 load takes it. Apply Geo. Ellis, Garden Avenue, Stop 20 Yonge Street. WANTEDâ€"A good handy man, mar- ried preferred. Phone Maple 1064. TO RENTâ€"Apartment in Richmond Hill. Apply T. H. Trench. 100 SENATOR DUNLOP 0R GLEN MARY Strawberry plants $1.00, six dollars per thousand, choice plants, Cuthbert raspberry plants, reason- able. Fred Brusone, Newtonbroak, Ontario, phone Willowdale 78-r-5. PASTURE for all kinds of cattle George Kozak, Richmond Hill. PIVE ROOMED FRAMED HOUSE-â€" Good out buildings, 6 acres of land, May Avenue. Apply J. R. Herring- ton, Real Estate and Insurance, Richmond Hill. SIX ROOM HOUSE on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, all conven- iences, garage. Apply Elgin Hol- mes 546 Dupont Street. LAWN MOWERS ground. Apply 3 SIX ROOMED HOUSE, Richmond street, decorated throughout last October, rental $15.00, possession end of May. Also two acres of land for rent on Wright Street, very cheap. Apply A. E. Glass, Rich- , mond‘ Hill. FOUNDâ€"Fountain pen, on Church Street, between Lorne and Centre Streets. Apply Box 71 Liberal Office. FARMS AND VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE And all Classes of Insurance Written at Lowest Possible Rates Tenders will be received at the Clerk’s Office, Richmond Hill, up to 5 o’clock on Friday, May 23rd for the delivery in Richmond Hill at points designated by the Council of 75 or more yards 0% gravel suitable for cement sidewalks. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Clerk’s Office, Richmond Hill Meet your friends at the Richmond Hill Fair, May 24th Plan now to attend the Richmond Hill Fair, Saturday, May 24th. Tenders for Gravel H. Lasher, Yonge Street, Richlfiond Hill. Maple MISCELLANEOUS 5! 8th, 1930. CHARLES H. BYAM, TO RENT WANTED A. J. HUME, Ontario Clerk

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